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John McCain Dead at 81

Wrong, as you always are. I'm not pissed at all. If anything I feel sorry for the miserable, degenerate state of mind you and Trump are in as McCain is laid to rest, with full State and Military honors. The country will always rally around its war heroes and statesmen, and turn against the criminal, petty, lost souls in way over their heads, gasping for their last breath. Pull up a chair close to the tv in your jammies tonight as Trump the mob boss speaks to his herd. Try not to drool too much, maybe wear a bib or something.

I think we all appreciate McCain's military service to the country. You can appreciate that and still not like other things he's done.

Once again, seeing folks like yourself singing his praises and mostly because he sided against Trump is pretty funny. I would love to be able to see what kind of stuff you were saying about him 10 years ago. I'm guessing you weren't stressing his heroics and statesmanship.
Tibs one question how do you have integrity when you leave your small children and wheel chair bound wife to go **** a rich beauty queen ? Then divorce her and marry your mistress. Asking for a friend.
Really, you want to go there? Everyone knows you don't give a rat's *** what McCain did or didn't do as far as his ex-wife, mistress et al. For Christ's sake, look at the moral compass of the man you just elected president. You and Trump are hellbent to demonize McCain because he committed the unthinkable crime, he dared speak out against Trump and voted with his conscience on health care. That's the issue you have with McCain, so give all this rightousness a break, it's not becoming of any Trump supporter.
This is what a true statesman sounds like.

Wait, what? Joe Biden a true statesman? The guy who once said you can't go into a 7-11 without seeing someone with an Indian accent? The guy who once said of Obama "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." The guy Obama basically kept hidden away from the world for 8 years?


Not to mention, living here near Delaware and knowing several people who have met him personally, let's just say if Joe ever runs for president don't be surprised when the #metoo stories start coming out.
Tibs one question how do you have integrity when you leave your small children and wheel chair bound wife to go **** a rich beauty queen ? Then divorce her and marry your mistress. Asking for a friend.

LOL. When I read this, my initial thought was “Wait, Trump had a wife who was in a wheelchair?”
Interesting seeing all the emotions. I guess I just don't hold politicians in too high a light. They are mostly crooks and couldn't give a rats *** about you unless you're a major donor

is rather funny to see the arguing over these rich, elitist politicians. They deserve just enough rope they get to hang themselves and all of them do eventually.
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Tibs, you hated McCain's guts in the summer of 2008. So now he's dead and no longer a "threat," and he is the scion of virtue? Trying to keep this stuff straight.
No, I never hated McCain's guts. I've always thought he was an honorable man. I disagreed markedly with many of his political views, but always respected him as a veteran and a life-long public servant. I also happened to think there was a candidate running against him that was miles ahead on most issues. So for the record, I never hated McCain. Sarah Palin? Now that's a different animal altogether. Even with her it wasn't hate, mostly just disbelief that someone that dazed and confused could make it on the national stage. By far the worse decision McCain ever made. I always thought the mere idea that Sarah Palin could be a heartbeat away from becoming President is what got Obama elected, for whatever it's worth.
LOL. When I read this, my initial thought was “Wait, Trump had a wife who was in a wheelchair?”

let me try to type this slower for you.

becoming POTUS
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Interesting seeing all the emotions. I guess I just don't hold politicians in too high a light. They are mostly crooks and couldn't give a rats *** about you unless you're a major donor

Spot on.
He was definitely the linch pin with respect to America's healthcare. Would healthcare continue to funnel through Washington or would it start heading back to the private sector where economics play a vital role in prices and quality of care. Wouldn't be surprised if the lobbyists pulled a few dump trucks worth of money up to his house, or off shore bank prior to that vote...Yep he was the consummate politician. God bless him..
His deliberate exclusion of Palin was very low class and spiteful in my opinion. His Obummer care vote made a person question his sanity.
McCain leaves Arizona for the very last time.

<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="//www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x6svwkg" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay"></iframe>
His deliberate exclusion of Palin was very low class and spiteful in my opinion. His Obummer care vote made a person question his sanity.

Yes, that was pretty ****** of him to exclude Palin. I do have to wonder though....was his mental state already declining when he made that vote? Meaning- maybe he already had the cancer but didn't know it...and maybe his mind was in decline then.
I see the media is still fanning the flames...LOL


Is it just me, or is anyone else starting to tire of the John McCain nuthugging? Enough already. 24/7 where's Waldo coverage of the body, as it moves around the country. Televise the funeral, and be done with it.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app
Is it just me, or is anyone else starting to tire of the John McCain nuthugging? Enough already. 24/7 where's Waldo coverage of the body, as it moves around the country. Televise the funeral, and be done with it.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app

I haven't been watching. Reading about it here is more than enough.
Is it just me, or is anyone else starting to tire of the John McCain nuthugging? Enough already. 24/7 where's Waldo coverage of the body, as it moves around the country. Televise the funeral, and be done with it.

But he didn't like President Trump, so there is never enough coverage.

I haven't been watching. Reading about it here is more than enough.

Is it just me, or is anyone else starting to tire of the John McCain nuthugging? Enough already. 24/7 where's Waldo coverage of the body, as it moves around the country. Televise the funeral, and be done with it.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Steeler Nation mobile app

No, its not just you. The coverage has been way too much. Same with all the media tributes to him.
Is it just me, or is anyone else starting to tire of the John McCain nuthugging? Enough already. 24/7 where's Waldo coverage of the body, as it moves around the country. Televise the funeral, and be done with it.
I haven't been watching. Reading about it here is more than enough.
I change the channel immediately.
No, its not just you. The coverage has been way too much. Same with all the media tributes to him.

Jesus, listen to yourselves. Never seen people so inconvenienced by the death of a long-time Senator and former Presidential nominee. What in the world has happened to conservatives? What happened to patriotism? It's like the world is upside down.

Don't fret, you only have another 24 hours or so to suffer through the memorial at the Capital tmrw and the offical State funeral where two former Presidents will be giving eulogies. Finally, McCain will be buried at the Naval Academy in Annapolis to full military honors. Then - whew - you can all get on with your lives unimpeded by this circus.
I haven't been inconvenienced at all. Haven't watched any of the coverage except a little last night before the rally, He's dead and gone to me, I really don't give a ****. The liberal media circle jerk is pretty funny though.
Jesus, listen to yourselves. Never seen people so inconvenienced by the death of a long-time Senator and former Presidential nominee. What in the world has happened to conservatives? What happened to patriotism? It's like the world is upside down.

Don't fret, you only have another 24 hours or so to suffer through the memorial at the Capital tmrw and the offical State funeral where two former Presidents will be giving eulogies. Finally, McCain will be buried at the Naval Academy in Annapolis to full military honors. Then - whew - you can all get on with your lives unimpeded by this circus.

Military honors for a guy who, in just 20 hours of combat managed to crash three (almost four) planes, got 134 sailors killed through his incompetence, got captured, and was used for PR by the enemy.
As a change of pace and a break from all the annoying McCain coverage, maybe you guys can watch Aretha Franklin's funeral, happening now. But be warned - trigger alert - this also is a non-Trump sanctioned event that may rub you the wrong way. So click the link at your own risk.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fnewshour%2Fvideos%2F302707343840154%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="465" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
Jesus, listen to yourselves. Never seen people so inconvenienced by the death of a long-time Senator and former Presidential nominee. What in the world has happened to conservatives? What happened to patriotism? It's like the world is upside down.

Don't fret, you only have another 24 hours or so to suffer through the memorial at the Capital tmrw and the offical State funeral where two former Presidents will be giving eulogies. Finally, McCain will be buried at the Naval Academy in Annapolis to full military honors. Then - whew - you can all get on with your lives unimpeded by this circus.

Oh get over yourself. There's no need to go home and watch it when we have you here virtue signalling about it every 40 seconds. I can come here in the morning and know everything that happened. Unlike you apparently, when I am at home, I disconnect myself from the nonsense. I don't sit and watch cable news or surf the net fretting over inconsequential bullshit. And McCain's death is inconsequential in that it has no effect on my life, good bad or indifferent. You can grovel over him if you want. To me, he was a man. Not a deity.

If he hadn't thumbed his nose at Trump you wouldn't give a **** about him and if he had supported Trump, you'd be bashing him like everyone else.
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