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John McCain Dead at 81

Thats a big reason why he was elected.

Truth. I'll be honest, I was on the fence about Trump but I voted for him because I didn't want to see that POS anywhere near the WH ever again.
Truth. I'll be honest, I was on the fence about Trump but I voted for him because I didn't want to see that POS anywhere near the WH ever again.

same with me. Depending on the alternative I may vote for Trump again. So far no democrats have impressed me what so ever. I would vote for a republican if they shared most of trumps views over Trump, but I do not see any one opposing him and actually winning.
Palin was his downfall ...or he would of been POTUS>

Disagree. He was already known as a Moderate or RINO. After he put Gov. Palin on the ticket his poll numbers went UP. Frankly she was the main reason I voted for him because she was a real Conservative.
Even McCains own mother said that people needed to hold their noses and vote for him over Obummer.
I said early on that you didn't have a ball sack if you didn't vote for Trump. It was an assertive vote, not a hold your nose beatch vote.
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Ben Shapiro made a great point about how Dems love the RINO moderates like McCain until it looks like they might beat the Democrat candidate. Then the “reasonable” Republican is a Racist/Sexist/Bigot/Homopobe when their pope numbers start to come up.
I voted for that traitor over the terrorist, to no avail. Rest In Peace, traitor.

This take is ******* weak AF. You sound like a real soppy ****.

Proud to have voted for him, and proud that he put country first.

McCain was a true American.
This take is ******* weak AF. You sound like a real soppy ****.

Proud to have voted for him, and proud that he put country first.

McCain was a true American.

It’s not a take, it’s a ******* fact. McCain went full libtard once Trump announced his candidacy. He threw America under Obama’s terrorist bus with a smile on his face. I didn’t say I regretted voting for him. I’d do it again given those two ****** choices. Even today he’s a better option than Obama.
I am beginning to think that the McCain Funeral is going to have a Wellstone memorial type impact on the Mid Terms.

I can't help but wonder if the speakers are going to take thinly veiled, yet gratuitous, televised cheap shots at our Commander in Chief. I am certain that if McCain wrote a statement to be read at his funeral, it will contain such language, but it will start with "My Friends". So that makes it honorable and OK.

While lionizing the Senator on all the major networks and on every major news channel, will the speakers be preaching an adherence to cooperation and bipartisanship? A favorite tool used for subjugation to the Deep State. It nullifies wining campaign issues and replaces it with the lobbyist preferred outcome.

Senator McCain had a 33% approval rating among Republicans, 73% among Demoncrats. No doubt a result of his penchant for criticizing the Republican base, calling them names like Wackobirds and Neanderthals and voting against the repeal of Obamacare, an issue he campaigned on.

His fondness for the camera made him the Newsmedias favorite guest on the Sunday Morning News Shows, where he often delivered criticism of his own party and its base.

Who is the Democrat alternative to Senator McCain?
a) There isn't one. Why? And why is no one asking that question?

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Toward the end there, I often found myself asking why McCain didn't just change party affiliations and caucus with the Democrats. His ideology was far more in line with them than Republicans. I don't know anything about him other than his politics, and I really didn't care for that. Doesn't matter anyway. He's passed and hopefully for his soul, his fights are over. Everyone deserves to rest in peace.
Toward the end there, I often found myself asking why McCain didn't just change party affiliations and caucus with the Democrats. His ideology was far more in line with them than Republicans. I don't know anything about him other than his politics, and I really didn't care for that. Doesn't matter anyway. He's passed and hopefully for his soul, his fights are over. Everyone deserves to rest in peace.

That might be true. I always liked him (not a popular sentiment here I know) and even as a dem was ready to vote for him in 2008 since I didn't know much about Obama or his platform at that time. The reason I didn't vote for him was Sarah Palin.
I was indifferent towards him. Seems he did want to do his best for the country, even if that wasnt the best for the country. here's another opinion. The comments include people from Arizona directly impacted by his politics:

Honor The Real McCain, Don’t Hail The Myth


By: C. Kramer August 26, 2018

As the mainstream media scrambles to portray Senator John McCain as a superhero, across Arizona, countless constituents are breathing a sigh of relief. Since the announcement last year that the Senator was terminally ill with an aggressive form of brain cancer, we Arizonans have held our tongues and collective breath.

Relief came in the form of knowledge: the knowledge that we didn’t have to pretend any more that we had representation in the Senate.

Constituents have been denied real representation in the Senate since before McCain’s cancer announcement. Sen. Jeff Flake, who has paid little attention to the people of Arizona since taking his seat in the Senate, all but checked out as soon as President Donald Trump checked into the White House. McCain at least gave the appearance that he was interested in some of the people in Arizona. Sure, he was only interested in the political class and members of the defense industry, but that was better than nothing.

When constituents watched McCain struggle during a hearing in the Senate, they knew something was just not right. Sen. McCain chalked up his confused performance to lack of sleep, and the media asked no questions. So when he finally admitted that he was ill, at least the public was able to take comfort in knowing the truth.

The public could not take comfort for too long, however, because the Senator refused to relinquish his seat. Despite the fact that rumors and pictures emanated from his Cornville compound that confirmed he was not able to perform his duties, mum was the word.

Anyone who dared question the decency of leaving the people of Arizona without representation was swiftly swatted down. So silence settled over the land.

In the meantime, countless Arizonans continued to struggle with inflated insurance premiums protected by McCain’s infamous “thumbs down” vote on the failing Obamacare marketplace. The National Defense Authorization Act, named after the Senator this year, left the people of Tucson–and the troops on the ground–at risk because whoever was running his office (and Twitter account) failed to protect the A-10. Constituent services, which were never a hallmark of McCain’s tenure, disappeared altogether.

McCain denied us, his constituents, the opportunity to choose his replacement through our democratic process. Our leaders either allowed our opportunity to choose a replacement to slip through their fingers, lacked the courage to demand it and McCain’s resignation, or colluded with his camp to deny us our right.

The McCain family expected us to believe–no, they demanded that we buy–the notion that an 81-year-old man suffering from an aggressive form of brain cancer would be back to work any day. The mainstream media played along, and the rest of us suffered from the nagging notion that they thought we were crazy for ourselves thinking it was crazy that an 81-year-old man suffering from an aggressive form of brain cancer would be back to work any day.

Of course, the truth was that he was never going to return to the Senate. The truth was that no one in a right mind believed he would return to the Senate. The truth was that few people would want to face the certain backlash that would have resulted from speaking the truth.

McCain was as uncivil as any human being could be. He and his clan ran the dirtiest campaigns in Arizona history over, and over, and over again.

Just this weekend, Dr. Kelli Ward supporter, Jonathan Williams, got his first glimpse of the tactics used by what has become known in Arizona as the “McCain Machine.” A simple and short conversation on Facebook between Williams and Ward was blown out of proportion by the mainstream media. The attack on the duo is something Arizonans have grown somewhat accustomed to should they step out of lime or otherwise get in the way of the “McCain Machine”

Let’s face it; if correcting some woman about President Obama’s background is the new measure of civility or decency, we are screwed. If giving a thumbs down to a failing healthcare system while enjoying an exemption from it is heroic, we are doomed.

The Senator endured things that none of us can even imagine. He served his country to the best of his ability and sacrificed much. For that he should be admired and we should be grateful.

Under no circumstances should he be hailed as some super hero, who cared deeply about the masses. He did not care about the masses. You need no other proof as to the accuracy of that statement than the fact that the masses are still without representation.

The masses aren’t mourning McCain’s loss; they are sorting through the propaganda. They are trying to make sense of the media’s myth-making and the real man, who dismissed them as unwashed hobbits.
McCain was the epitome of a RINO establishment swamp dweller who cared more about himself than he did about his constituents in Arizona and the USA as a whole.
McCain was the epitome of a RINO establishment swamp dweller who cared more about himself than he did about his constituents in Arizona and the USA as a whole.

Establishment swamp dweller? He was anything but that. Now you’re just throwing up catch phrases.
Establishment swamp dweller? He was anything but that. Now you’re just throwing up catch phrases.

Do you even know what the "swamp" is? Watch the rally tonight. You might learn something. You need all the learning you can get.
The man is barely cold ..
Let him RIP..
At least wait until he’s in the ground before you demonize the man.