Ahh, yes. This lad reminds me of a previous squire I had, Alfred of the nearby Newman Estate. Alfred was a bit daft and even moreso after my quarterhorse Chaucer kicked him in the head and then violated him whilst unconscious. What a good laugh I had when I found them! One day whilst hunting grouse in the nearby meadow, Alfred shambled up to me and begged I release him from servitude. He claimed to have a standing job offer to model on the cover of some silly comedic parchments that were being produced monthly by some fellow in the nearby village. "Are you MAD?!" I exclaimed. Alas, I had to let Alfred go and follow his dream. I do hope he did well.
Ye Black Knight Hath Spoken!
This HAS TO BE the funniest post since Dave's diarrhea story!!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!