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Jussie Smollette to go to trial

Nobody should be surprised that Smollette committed a hate crime. The data for the first three months of 2021, for example, show that 90% of those arrested for hate crimes in New York are black or Latino.

California State University San Bernadino’s extremism research center published its latest report on hate crimes allegations, but it did not include the race or ethnicity of offenders.

However, a researcher on the project said that the primary suspected perpetrators in New York, which drove the increase in hate crimes, are black or Latino.

“The 2020 anti-Asian hate crime numbers in New York with respect to perpetrators are roughly in line with the overall arrestee/suspect ratios for 2020,” Professor Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism, told The College Fix via email.

He said the breakdown for crime in the city is “about 80% Black and Latino for all crime, and around 90% for hate crime.”

More evidence of the scourge of wHyTe sO0pReMaSeE
Lots of people are out that late. If your drunk, high or whatever and not thinking clearly then it's plausible even in a polar vortex. Maybe he just had the munchies? How many rich people do stupid crap all the time. I came home from a bar one time and started cooking a nice steak at like 2:30am. I think it was Roger Stone who said foreign subs came to the harbor and dropped off ballets and he had proof! Your trying to tell me some people would believe that but not that someone got beat up in the middle of a cold night? I'm not defending Jussie and i find it humorous that people got egg in their face for defending him, but like i said it would have been the same thing on the repub side if the story was flipped

Yeah, no. You're morphing away from your argument a tad (not wildly). You said "I can not blame the people that defended Jussie at first." Pretty sure that comment is why you got so many replies. Then you poured gas on the fire by saying it would have happened if the political tables were turned.

Why do we care? Because we have seen too often what happens when people, especially our leaders, jump to conclusions before having any facts and making things political:
  • Obama claiming Michael Brown was a victim - riots ensued, and Hands Up Don't Shoot became a movement.
  • Biden claiming Rittenhouse was a vigilante white supremacist.
  • CNN and others instantly blaming Nick Sandmann.
  • Point to any of dozens of mass shootings where the media said "looks like the work of white supremacy but we don't have the facts yet" only to find out the shooter was black or named Muhammad Snack Bar and the story goes *POOF*
Without facts, the media and celebrities rushed to judgement. They all have a platform with countless millions of followers that sadly follow them and form their thoughts based on what they say.

Finally, I would say, you absolutely CAN blame people that defended Jussie at first. I full force blame them for being idiots and prejudcial. Idiots, because - as has been pointed out - every sane human realized there was a much higher likelihood this story was bullshit than true. A noose? Bleach? Wearing MAGA hats? Sixteen degrees, you walked to get a sammich? It smelled badly. Sorry you fell for it.

Regarding being prejudicial, see above. When Obama was, he literally drove riots. CNN's prejudicial position led to Sandmann having a seat on their board. Biden saying Rittenhouse was a white supremacist led to countless thousands or millions who still believe a bad guy got off easy.

Media, leaders, idiots on Twitter need to wait before declaring what they think happened, happened.
I can't recall anyone defending the chick that carved "Obama" into her own forehead. Someone probably did. I don't remember it though.

Chicago to sue Jussie for $130,000​

Embattled actor Jussie Smollett is set to face a $130,000 lawsuit from the City of Chicago — and more legal trouble from the brothers he hired to attack him.

Nobody should be surprised that Smollette committed a hate crime. The data for the first three months of 2021, for example, show that 90% of those arrested for hate crimes in New York are black or Latino.

More evidence of the scourge of wHyTe sO0pReMaSeE
We've become a nation where citing factual, statistical data will label you as raysis. How did this happen? Granted the black and Hispanic communities struggle overall to overcome social and economic hardships, but you can't deny what segment of the population commits the most crime. As long as this country (the media) continues to label them as victims, their lives will not improve.
Like this is surprising, a Tiborat loving Unca George appointed DA - but she needs to be fired immediately:

So the lesson children is you can be a racist, commit a hate crime,make authorities spend wasted time on it and get off essentially free if your a dim celebrity

So the lesson children is you can be a racist, commit a hate crime, make authorities spend wasted time on it and get off essentially free if your a dim celebrity

Evidence that this country isn't inherently racist anymore, but elitist. I like how "Academy Award nominee Alfre Woodard" had to issue a statement on his behalf. Because you know, being nominated for an Academy Award makes what he did less awful and gets him more leniency in a court of law. #JusticeForJuicy
Not that it will happen, but I hope he goes to a hard school, bend ag the knees, jailhouse. Someone will get to him.
I hope so too. I hope he can't walk for a week after they're done with him. Little ***** thinks he's Teflon -- he needs a serious wake-up call.
Meh for what he did I wasn’t expecting more than six months… i mean murderers average like 13 years in prison… violent assults average 2 years… almost everything else AVERAGES 6 months to a year and a half… its very much a broken system that just locks guys up for a little bit then kicks them out
I think most of us knew immediately on hearing the details it was a hoax. Anyone who bought that story is a bit mentally deficient. As much as the libs and media would love it to be true, there are no raving Trump fans running around putting nooses on people’s necks in downtown Chicago. Also why target Jussie Smollett, someone who the vast majority of people didn’t know from Adam. Jussie is not too bright himself or he would have staged a “hate crime” that had at least a shred of credibility .
I think most of us knew immediately on hearing the details it was a hoax. Anyone who bought that story is a bit mentally deficient. As much as the libs and media would love it to be true, there are no raving Trump fans running around putting nooses on people’s necks in downtown Chicago. Also why target Jussie Smollett, someone who the vast majority of people didn’t know from Adam. Jussie is not too bright himself or he would have staged a “hate crime” that had at least a shred of credibility .

My fave part of the story....black cops show up at his apartment. Walk in the door, within 30 seconds smell a rat. Why? His Subway sandwich is sitting there on the coffee table, still perfectly wrapped. Cops go hmmm....guy goes out at 2AM to get a sub in 13 degree weather, he's assaulted, nearly killed.....sandwich is undisturbed AND he still has it...when you know, most would have left it behind in tatters on the sidewalk.

They knew instantly something was wrong with the whole thing.
Everyone talks about this guy being out walking for a sandwich in -16 degree blizzard. Who the hell believed two guys were out at that same time walking around carrying bottles of bleach and a noose?
Only 150 days? Oh, I forgot, he is friends with Kamala Harris and Obama. He will be out in 30 days for good behavior.
Everyone talks about this guy being out walking for a sandwich in -16 degree blizzard. Who the hell believed two guys were out at that same time walking around carrying bottles of bleach and a noose?
Just hoping to run into a gay, black actor who happened to go out for a sandwich at 2:00 a.m.
Cruel: Jussie Smollett Will Be Forced To Share A Jail Cell With His Attacker
December 9th, 2021 - BabylonBee.com



CHICAGO, IL—People are protesting in the streets today after human rights groups revealed Jussie Smollett will be forced to share a jail cell with his racist attackers.
"This is an outrage!" said Reverend Jesse Jackson. "Not only was Mr. Smollett attacked by hateful racist bigots who want to tear our country apart, but now he has to share a jail cell with them? This is cruel and unusual punishment. This is the kind of thing that happens in our white supremacist country. Send me money!"
Criminal justice watchdogs also revealed that in addition to sharing a cell with his attackers, he will have to share his toothbrush, his bunk bed, and clothes. They expressed worry that this may lead to Jussie Smollet suffering further racist and homophobic attacks from other attackers named Jussie Smollett while in prison.
When asked for comment, Jussie Smollet angrily yelled "This is MAGA country!" before punching himself in the face.
They should throw a Obama and Cumala in jail with him.