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Just another day in London


Just another day in the USA. We average 93 gun deaths a day. They don't get publicity because they are so commonplace.
England deaths get a lot of publicity because they are so rare.

They don't get publicity because the vast majority of them are black gang members shooting other black gang members with illegally owned guns.
See if you can Google how many white NRA members with legally owned guns illegally shot anybody.

Just another day in the USA. We average 93 gun deaths a day. They don't get publicity because they are so commonplace.
England deaths get a lot of publicity because they are so rare.

You took the high road and resisted the so-played "Gee, I wonder who it could have been that did this?" that I know the majority of this board would have relished in had it been a terror attack.
For one thing, a list of Muslim terrorist attacks since 2015 would be too damn long to read. 30 days is my limit on schnitzengruben.

Yep, indeed. I posted this a few pages ago, and it's worth posting again. This is the list of Islamic Terror attacks in the past 30 days. Can you imagine how long this list would be going back to 2015?

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2017.06.03 Afghanistan Kabul 20 87 Three suicide bombers detonate at a a funeral, killing twenty mourners.
2017.06.03 Pakistan Nawabshah 2 0 Two people are murdered over alleged adultery by the woman's brother-in-law.
2017.06.03 India Lower Munda 2 4 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen members ambush and killed two local security personnel.
2017.06.03 Iraq Zanjili 43 0 Forty-three civilians are massacred by the Islamic State as they attempt to flee the caliphate.
2017.06.03 England London 7 48 Three Muslims shouting "this is for Allah," plow into pedistrians on London Bridge, then proceed to a market, stabbing people until seven others are dead.
2017.06.02 Tunisia Sidi Bouzid 1 0 A young shepherd is kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2017.06.02 Cameroon Kolofata 11 30 Eleven are left dead when Islamists strap two girls with bombs and send them into a refugee camp.
2017.06.01 Iraq Zanjili 7 23 Seven civilians are murdered for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.06.01 Germany Oldenburg 1 0 A father of two is stabbed to death by two Muslims for smoking during Ramadan and refusing to fast.
2017.06.01 Afghanistan Behsud 1 4 A security guard outside an airport is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.06.01 Yemen al-Hazm 6 15 Terrorists set off a bomb at a marketplace that takes six lives.
2017.06.01 Niger Abala 6 0 Armed Jihadists roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun a half-dozen border guards.
2017.05.31 Iraq Sinjar 2 2 An ISIS booby-trap kills two people in their own home.
2017.05.31 Afghanistan Kabul 90 400 The Haqqani network detonates a massive suicide truck bomb during rush that kills over ninety, including many women and children.
2017.05.31 Kenya Mangai 8 0 Eight Kenyans are taken down by al-Qaeda linked bombers.
2017.05.31 Iraq Mosul 34 0 Women and children are among thirty-four civilians executed point-blank for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.05.31 Iraq Hit 3 7 Three Iraqis are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.05.31 Iraq Bab el-Beid 5 0 A child is among three civilians killed in a targeted attack by three suicide bombers.
2017.05.31 Kenya Fafi 1 0 Islamists abduct and murder a teacher.
2017.05.30 Iraq Hit 8 10 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out eight Iraqis.
2017.05.30 Iraq Baqubah 7 6 A bomb blast at a rival mosque is one of two attacks that leave seven dead.
2017.05.30 Iraq Baghdad 7 19 Seven lives are claimed by four Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2017.05.30 Iraq Bay Hassan 3 6 Three guards are killed during an ISIS attack at an oil facility.
2017.05.30 Syria al-Joura 17 40 Three children are among seventeen lives lost when ISIS militants send mortars into a residential area.
2017.05.30 Iraq Shifa 60 0 Twenty-three women are found along with elderly men in grave containing the bodies of sixty Islamic State torture victims.
2017.05.30 Iraq Karrada 17 32 A Sunni suicide bomber targets an ice cream shop in a Shiite area, killing sixteen mostly women and children.
2017.05.30 Iraq Baghdad 14 37 Islamic State terrorists detonate a car bomb on a bridge during rush hour that claims that life of fourteen commuters.
2017.05.30 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A man is shot to death at a mosque by suspected terrorists.
2017.05.30 Pakistan Mattani 4 0 Four members of a peace committed are machine-gunned by Islam advocates.
2017.05.29 Iraq Shirqat 1 3 A child is disassembled by Islamic shrapnel at a market.
2017.05.29 Libya Ghat 1 4 Suspected terrorists fire on a family, killing one member.
2017.05.29 Nigeria Nguro 5 0 Five displaced persons are beheaded by Boko Haram.
2017.05.28 Iraq Baqubah 3 16 Three people are killed when a suicide bomber detonates outside a court.
2017.05.28 Afghanistan Shakhil Abad 2 0 A man and his son are shot to death in their home by suspected fundamentalists.
2017.05.28 Iraq Shirqat 5 0 Three children are obliterated along with their parents by an ISIS rocket attack on their home.
2017.05.28 Iraq Mosul 40 0 Islamic State members turn their weapons on women and children fleeing the city, mowing down at least forty.
2017.05.28 Iraq Mosul 12 0 Caliphate members set fire to a hospital and execute a dozen young people inside.
2017.05.28 Somalia Ramo Adey 1 0 A 44-year-old man is buried up to his neck and stoned to death for adultery.
2017.05.28 Philippines Marawi 8 0 Eight employees at a rice mill are murdered by Jihadists for 'having betrayed their faith'.
2017.05.27 Philippines Marawi 19 0 Three women and a child are among nineteen civilians found slain by Islamic extremists near a university.
2017.05.27 Pakistan Kacha Khuh 1 0 An 18-year-old is hacked to death with an axe by her brother for marrying by choice.
2017.05.27 Afghanistan Khost 18 6 A Shahid suicide car bomber slaughters eighteen at a public bus station.
2017.05.27 Afghanistan Qadis 14 17 Mostly civilians are killed during a Taliban attack.
2017.05.27 Afghanistan Charchino 11 0 A group fighting for Islamic law attacks checkpoints, killing at least eleven.
2017.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 Jihadis bomb a market, killing a patron.
2017.05.26 Egypt Minya 29 23 Christians on their way to a monastery make easy pickings for Islamic gunmen, who massacre twenty-eight - including ten children.
2017.05.26 Nigeria Jiwa 1 0 A mob lynches a religious minority for urinating near a mosque.
2017.05.25 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 15 5 Fifteen Afghans are mowed down during a Taliban attack.
2017.05.25 Kenya Liboi 5 4 al-Shabaab claims five more lives with an IED.
2017.05.25 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 Religious radicals fire into a vehicle and kill a father in front of his family.
2017.05.25 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Seven women and three children are executed for refusing sex to Jihadis.
2017.05.25 Egypt Rafah 3 0 An Islamist bomb claims three lives.
2017.05.25 Afghanistan Washir 6 2 A suicide bomber snuffs out six innocent lives.
2017.05.25 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 9 A religious militant fires a shell outside a school that kills one student.
2017.05.25 Cameroon Makary 1 0 Islamists murder an off-duty soldier while he is playing soccer.
2017.05.24 Niger Tillaberi 3 0 Jihadists gun down three innocents.
2017.05.24 Pakistan Ghourgushti 1 0 A man is stoned to death.
2017.05.24 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 0 Islamists strap bombs to three women.
2017.05.24 Indonesia Jakarta 3 10 Two suicide bombers detonate outside a bus terminal, killing three guards.
2017.05.24 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 A polio vaccination supervisor is shot to death by fundamentalists.
2017.05.24 Iraq Mosul 23 0 An ISIS booby-trap takes out a family of twenty-three taking shelter. The victims include pregnant women and children.
2017.05.24 Kenya Mandera 5 2 Five Kenyans are brought down by Islamic bombers.
2017.05.24 Philippines Marawi 9 0 Nine Christians are captured by Islamic militants and shot to death.
2017.05.24 Philippines Malabang 1 0 A local police chief is beheaded by Muslim extremists.
2017.05.24 Kenya Garissa 3 8 The Red Cross reports three dead from an al-Shabaab landmine.
2017.05.24 Somalia Bari 5 12 Five people are exterminated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.05.24 Afghanistan Maiwand 13 8 The Taliban attack a local military base, killing thirteen.
2017.05.23 Iraq Sarjkhana 13 0 Thirteen civilians are executed for attempting to flee the caliphate.
2017.05.23 Mali Aguelhok 2 1 Two UN Peacekeepers are murdered by Muslim extremists.
2017.05.23 Philippines Marawi 3 12 Three security personnel are killed during a violent rampage by Abu Sayyaf.
2017.05.23 Thailand Yala 2 0 Muslim 'insurgents' open fire on a police patrol, killing two members.
2017.05.23 Syria Homs 4 30 Four people are killed when suicide bombers detonate a truck bomb near an airport.
2017.05.23 Afghanistan Maiwand 3 4 Civilians riding a tractor are pulverized by a Taliban bomb blast.
2017.05.22 Afghanistan Nangarhar 4 13 Four civilians are cut to shreds by Taliban bullets.
2017.05.22 Syria Deir Ezzor 7 20 Two children are among seven lives claimed by Islamic State rockets.
2017.05.22 Iraq Hawija 18 0 Eighteen civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.05.22 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 11 9 A attack by religious hardliners leaves eleven dead.
2017.05.22 England Manchester 22 119 Children are among twenty-two young people blown up at a concert by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.05.22 Pakistan Tirah Valley 5 3 Five members of a peace committed are modularized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2017.05.22 Afghanistan Kohistanat 5 0 Five people on their way to a funeral are murdered by Sunni fundamentalists.
2017.05.22 Afghanistan Puli Alam 1 0 The Taliban pick off a man on his way to a rival mosque.
2017.05.22 Iraq Diyala 4 4 Five Islamic State suicide bombers kill four security personnel.
2017.05.21 Iraq Mosul 6 4 A half-dozen Iraqis are disassembled by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.05.21 Iraq Najjar 3 0 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber takes out three others.
2017.05.21 Syria Tal Touqan 14 24 An ISIS suicide bomber blows up fourteen rival Islamists at a meeting place.
2017.05.21 Syria Deir Ezzor 15 63 Children are among fifteen civilians picked apart by Islamic State shrapnel.
2017.05.21 Iraq Mosul 8 9 Two separate ISIS suicide blasts leave eight others dead.
2017.05.21 Afghanistan Shah Joi 20 10 At least twenty local cops lose their lives to a series of Taliban ambushes.
2017.05.20 Iraq Hawija 4 0 Four civilians are brutally executed by caliphate members.
2017.05.20 India Nowgam 2 0 Two border guards are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2017.05.20 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two locals are shot to death by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.
2017.05.20 Syria Jazrat al-Boushams 19 0 Two children and two woman are among nineteen Shiites executed in their village by the Islamic State.
2017.05.20 Afghanistan Gardez 3 31 Five suicide bombers storm a bank, killing three inside.
2017.05.20 Afghanistan Kohat 4 0 Four police officers are machine-gunned point-blank in their vehicle by Jamaat-ul-Ahrar.
2017.05.20 Afghanistan Kabul 2 1 Islamists storm a humanitarian group's guest house, behead the guard and murder a German woman.
2017.05.20 Nigeria Mussa 7 40 Islamic terrorists open fire on villagers, killing at least seven.
2017.05.20 Nigeria Dalori 4 2 Four displaced persons are beheaded by Boko Haram Islamists.
2017.05.20 Pakistan Kohistan 2 0 A young couple is hacked to death on suspicion of sexual activity.
2017.05.19 Syria Maskanah 1 0 A man is tortured and beheaded for being an 'infidel'.
2017.05.19 USA Tampa, FL 2 0 A recent convert shoots two people to death for disrespecting Islam.
2017.05.19 Syria Zuwyinah 22 0 A suicide bomber plows into a formerly liberated town, massacring twenty-two others.
2017.05.19 Iraq Baghdad 19 25 Two suicide blasts leave nineteen Iraqis dead.
2017.05.19 Iraq Sadra 30 32 Thirty pilgrims on a bus are pulled into parts by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.05.19 Libya Suluq 6 11 Six people are blown up by Muslim terrorists while leaving a rival mosque.
2017.05.19 Nigeria Maiduguri 0 4 Three male suicide bombers attack a female hostel.
2017.05.19 Iraq Rumaila 3 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at an oil field, killing three guards.
2017.05.19 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 11 3 Five children and five women are among a family of eleven blown into shreds by Sunni bombers while traveling to a wedding.
2017.05.18 Afghanistan Marko Bazar 5 0 A religious extremist in uniform poisons and then shoots five colleagues…
2017.05.18 Syria Salamiyeh 52 0 A horrible assault by the Islamic State on several Shiite towns leaves over fifty dead, including women and children who were de-limbed and beheaded.
2017.05.18 Iraq Kirkuk 2 15 An ISIS attack on Kurds leaves two dead.
2017.05.18 Syria Deir ez-Zor 3 3 Three residents are pulled into pieces by ISIS shrapnel
2017.05.18 Italy Milan 0 3 A militant Muslim stabs three people at a train station.
2017.05.18 Afghanistan Herat 1 2 Islamists fire on a bus, killing one occupant.
2017.05.18 India Gadoora 1 0 Islamic militants murder a 45-year-old man.
2017.05.18 Iraq Marir 5 8 A wave of Islamic State suicide bombers take out five Iraqis.
2017.05.18 Iraq Tuz Khormato 9 11 Nine people at a market are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.05.18 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 8 Jihadis set off a bomb at a popular market, killing two patrons.
2017.05.18 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 Suspected ISIS bomb a store, killing one passerby.
2017.05.17 Iraq Rawa 4 0 Four civilians are brutally shot to death by Islamic State members.
2017.05.17 Iraq Mosul 16 0 Sixteen civilians are executed for attempting to flee the caliphate.
2017.05.17 Iraq Mosul 2 0 An ISIS bomb planted in a family home disintegrates two occupants.
2017.05.17 Afghanistan Jalalabad 6 16 Five employees and a guard are murdered during a suicide assault on a TV station by Religion of Peace proponents.
2017.05.17 Somalia Wadajir 3 0 An Islamist car bomb takes out three sappers.
2017.05.16 Iraq Madaen 1 2 A bomb blast at a grocery store leaves one dead.
2017.05.16 Iraq Rutba 2 3 Islamic militants open fire on a group of border guards, killing two.
2017.05.16 Nigeria Konduga 2 6 Three female suicide bombers kill two sleeping brothers at a refugee camp.
2017.05.16 Kenya Liboi 4 0 Four are left dead after a family vehicle hits an al-Shabaab IED.
2017.05.16 Saudi Arabia al-Masoura 1 5 Suspected Shiite radicals take out a local cop with an RPG.
2017.05.16 Afghanistan Asad Abad 2 0 The Taliban fire a rocket into a market, killing two patrons.
2017.05.16 Afghanistan Laghman 2 3 Two woman are killed and three children wounded by Sunni shrapnel aerating their home.
2017.05.16 Afghanistan Dar-e-Tapa 2 2 Two children are reduced to pulp by a Taliban IED.
2017.05.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 10 Fundamentalists kill one civilian with a planted bomb.
2017.05.15 Nigeria Taraba 12 0 At least a dozen people are massacred by Muslim terrorists in attacks on five communities.
2017.05.15 Somalia Qasahdhere 0 7 Islamists detonate a bomb at a restaurant.
2017.05.15 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 14 One person is killed by a well-placed ISIS shell into a neighborhood.
2017.05.15 Iraq Haditha 2 4 Two innocents are blown up in their own home by suicide bombers.
2017.05.15 Iran Ahvaz 2 4 Sunni 'separatists' murder two local cops.
2017.05.15 Syria Rukban 6 12 At least six refugees are blown apart by two bombs planted at their camp,
2017.05.15 Syria Daraa 2 0 Two Syrians are beheaded by Jaish Khalid ibn al-Walid
2017.05.15 Kenya Omar Jillo 1 0 Islamists burst into a family home and kill the father.
2017.05.14 Iraq Maliya 7 0 Seven civilians are vaporized by a Sunni rocket.
2017.05.14 Afghanistan Zazi Aryub 4 2 Two civilians and two border guards are leveled by a fundamentalist bomb blast.
2017.05.14 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 3 8 Three Egyptians are killed in two attacks by Islamic militants.
2017.05.14 Afghanistan Mehtralam 6 0 Six children between the ages of 6 and 12 are disassembled by Sunni shrapnel.
2017.05.14 Syria Mayadin 2 0 A man and woman are stoned to death for adultery.
2017.05.14 Iraq Shaanoun 8 0 Eight victims of a suspected ISIS execution are found in a mass grave, including five women.
2017.05.14 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 Two Mujahideen blasts claim four lives.
2017.05.14 Pakistan Walicheena 2 0 A politician and his driver are riddled with bullets by Islamic extremists.
2017.05.14 Mali Aguelhok 2 0 A young couple is put in the ground and stoned for having unmarried sex.
2017.05.13 Nigeria Amarwa 11 0 At least eleven villagers are shot and hacked to death by Islamists.
2017.05.13 Syria Bokamal 2 0 A child is among two people executed by the Islamic State.
2017.05.13 Iraq Mosul 9 3 Suicide bombers murder nine Iraqis.
2017.05.13 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 1 Three suicide bombers detonate at a university, killing a security guard.
2017.05.13 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Suspected Taliban murder two women and a small child with a sticky bomb.
2017.05.12 Kenya Nyeri 2 0 Two laborers are murdered by al-Shabaab…
2017.05.12 Pakistan Mastung 27 37 A massive suicide bomb blast snares over two dozen souls.
2017.05.12 Saudi Arabia Awamiya 2 0 A 2-year-old child is among two innocents cut down by Shiite gunmen.
2017.05.12 Chad Kaiga 9 0 At least nine others are killed during a surprise Boko Haram attack.
2017.05.11 Iraq Sallamiya 64 0 Sixty-four bodies wash up on the shore after snipers open fire on families crossing a river to escape the caliphate.
2017.05.11 Iraq Salahuddin 3 0 A young family of three is obliterated in their own home by Islamic shrapnel.
2017.05.11 Afghanistan Adraskan 7 0 Two women and three children are among a family of seven exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2017.05.11 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Jihadi bombers vaporize two civilians.
2017.05.10 Yemen Duaan 1 6 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills one other person at a checkpoint.
2017.05.10 India Kulgaon 1 0 Hizbul Mujahideen kidnap a 22-year-old man from a wedding and brutally execute him.
2017.05.10 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 2 3 A bomb planted by Sharia activists leaves two dead.
2017.05.10 Egypt Rafah 13 2 Islamic extremists machine-gun thirteen tribesmen point-blank.
2017.05.10 Bangladesh Benipur 1 1 A firefighter is killed by a suicide bomber.
2017.05.10 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 0 A civilian is dismantled by Mujahid shrapnel.
2017.05.10 Nigeria Buruku 4 0 Militant Muslims slaughter four more villagers.
2017.05.09 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A cleric is cut down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.05.09 Afghanistan Arghandab 1 0 A civilian succumbs to Taliban shrapnel.
2017.05.09 Iraq Hawija 40 0 Forty people are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.05.09 Somalia Goofgaduud 17 0 An al-Shabaab attack leaves at least seventeen dead.
2017.05.09 Afghanistan Parwan 9 0 At least eight children and a teacher are sent straight to Allah by a bomb planted in their seminary classroom.
2017.05.09 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A Russian captive is beheaded by Islamic State members.
2017.05.09 Thailand Pattani 1 62 Children are among the casualties of two Muslim bomb blasts at a shopping center.
2017.05.09 Iraq Mosul 5 8 Five people are killed in a series of ISIS attacks.
2017.05.08 Bangladesh Mymensingh 1 0 An Ahmadi imam is hacked to death in his own mosque by three seminary students.
2017.05.08 Somalia Mogadishu 8 25 Islamists stage a suicide bombing and a shooting attack on an Italian coffee café, killing eight patrons.
2017.05.08 Egypt Nasr City 3 0 Suspected fundamentalists open fire on police in a drive-by, killing three.
2017.05.08 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A girl is murdered by her father and brother for unIslamic activity.
2017.05.07 Iraq Mosul 4 9 Four innocents are blown to bits when ISIS members fire a rocket into a grocery store.
2017.05.07 Iraq Wadi Akkab 9 0 Nine Iraqis are laid out by four Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2017.05.07 Iraq Kirkuk 2 3 Two Iraqis are cut down by an Islamic State suicide bomber.
2017.05.07 Mali Almoustrat 7 7 At least seven others are killed in a suicide bombing and rocket attack.
2017.05.07 Nigeria Logo 15 6 Fifteen villagers are massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2017.05.06 India Kulgam 4 0 Three civilians and a cop are laid out by an Islamist drive-by.
2017.05.06 Egypt Rafah 3 0 A father and two sons are found beheaded a few days after being kidnapped by the Islamic State.
2017.05.06 Afghanistan Qala-e Zal 4 0 At least four others are left dead after a massive Taliban attack.
2017.05.06 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 3 A Mujahideen bomb blast cuts down two civilians.
2017.05.06 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A Coptic minority is shot to death by radical Muslims at a barber shop.
2017.05.05 Iraq Haditha 5 8 Eight Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.05.05 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 0 A teenage girl is shot to death by her family for turning down a marriage proposal.
2017.05.05 Chad Kaiga 9 28 Nine border guards are slain by Boko Haram.
2017.05.05 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 Authorities learn of a 17-year-old pushed off a 9th floor balcony by an uncle for being gay.
White male owners or not, guns are still more of a public safety threat than terrorism. What's your point?

Guns in and of themselves are no more a saftey threat than a toaster. Quit blaming guns and blame the ******** who use them. This shooting today in Orlando is tragic but it has nothing to do with the conversation about Terror. Not that we should not try to prevent these things but they are still a limited unpredictable sad occurrence versus Terroe which is a planned ongoing threat that can be fought.
Can you imagine what the world would be like today if Liberals had as much influence then as they do now when it was 1939 and 1940?

"Germans are a peaceful loving people. The Japanese are a peaceful, loving people. Just because the Nazi party has banned Jehovah's Witnesses and begun throwing Jews into concentration camps and are finding and killing homosexuals doesn't mean all Germans are Nazis, you stupid xenophobic bigot...

...What? They're rounding up innocent women and children and cooking them in ovens?

Well guess what, guns kill people here in the USA. You're more likely to die from a gun your uncle uses on you than you are to be cooked in an oven you idiot. Radical Germans are NOT a problem, your racist hatred is.

Try hugging a Nazi. They just need some love and jobs."

I wonder how that would have ended up.
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If two people were having an argument and one was armed with a toaster and the other was armed with a gun, who would
you put money on winding up dead?

If someone was killing people in my workplace, I would consider that terrorism, because I would be terrified.
If two people were having an argument and one was armed with a toaster and the other was armed with a gun, who would
you put money on winding up dead?

If someone was killing people in my workplace, I would consider that terrorism, because I would be terrified.

Guns in and of themselves are no more a saftey threat than a toaster. Quit blaming guns and blame the ******** who use them. This shooting today in Orlando is tragic but it has nothing to do with the conversation about Terror. Not that we should not try to prevent these things but they are still a limited unpredictable sad occurrence versus Terroe which is a planned ongoing threat that can be fought.

Gun owners.

The conversation is about infringing upon people's rights in the name of public safety, whether it be profiling muslims and raiding mosques, or banning guns and requiring more stringent background checks. A minority of gun owners use them to commit crimes just like a minority of muslims carry out terror attacks, but there's no way to only infringe upon the rights of some of them.
Gun owners.

The conversation is about infringing upon people's rights in the name of public safety, whether it be profiling muslims and raiding mosques, or banning guns and requiring more stringent background checks. A minority of gun owners use them to commit crimes just like a minority of muslims carry out terror attacks, but there's no way to only infringe upon the rights of some of them.

Yep, there is. The worldwide Muslim community has warranted a situation where an infringement of their rights is necessary in the name of public safety. They have waged a global war against Western Civilization. You Libs refuse to recognize they have declared war against us and continue to be funded, sponsored and plan their battles.

This guy with a gun today could have driven a truck through the parking lot, made a slow cooker bomb, a fertilizer bomb or used a gun. The weapon isn't the enemy. In addition, he's not part of a funded, sponsored organization at war with Western Civilization.

Shovel, 747.

Thank God Britain is prepared to start infringing upon their rights - banning burkas, denouncing citizenship, profiling, and targeting Muslims.

As our Muslim population increases, with 8% of them justifying killing innocents in the name of Islam, we will get there soon enough. Sadly, we're fighting a war against radical Islam and the Left that wants these types of disasters and casualties and we'll have to suffer much more bloodshed before we wake up.
London attack: 130 imams condemn attackers and refuse to perform funeral prayer for them

A group of 130 imams and religious leaders have refused to perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer for the London Bridge attackers.

The leaders said they would not carry out the ritual that is normally performed for every Muslim, regardless of their actions.

In a statement on social media, the group said: “Consequently, and in light of other such ethical principles which are quintessential to Islam, we will not perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer over the perpetrators and we also urge fellow imams and religious authorities to withdraw such a privilege.The statement added: “This is because such indefensible actions are completely at odds with the lofty teachings of Islam.”
London terror attack: Suspect 'thrown out of mosque'

One of the terror suspects killed by police during the London attacks was reportedly thrown out of his mosque after he interrupted a sermon to say that voting in the general election was “un-Islamic”.

The suspect, who has not yet been publicly named but whose identity neighbours believe they know after his East London flat was raided, is understood to have been attending the Jabir Bin Zayd mosque in Barking.

“When we got outside the room, he said you don’t have any authority over me, only God has authority because this is a house of God. I said that might be true, but I am in charge.”He added that the suspect did not appear to be well schooled in Islam.

“He seemed an uneducated person. He seemed to have no knowledge of religion.”

He added that following the outburst, the suspect was banned from the mosque and had not been seen there since.
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London terror attack: Suspect 'thrown out of mosque for claim that voting is un-Islamic'

I wonder if these Imams were letting Scotland Yard and other British agencies know about these radicals in their congregations, and the authorities let them slip through the cracks? I suspect it was simply that these mosques aren't reporting their own after they recognize worshipers as loose cannons.
oh, good. the radical muslim situation is resolved.
let them in.
I heard a great analysis on the news last night by a commentator about England. They are unique in the sense that for decades they had to battle the IRA. Now, they are battling Islamic terror. The host said they went after the IRA. Literally turned it into a war and had the IRA members quaking in their shoes until the movement was essentially snuffed out. They would be doing the same with Islamic terror, but the politically correct culture has prevented them from showing the same resolve against yet another terror force plaguing their country.

Thank you Liberals.
Well they COULD be Amish...

Two London attackers named by police


Scotland Yard said Khuram Butt, 27, from Barking, east London. was known to police and MI5 but there was no intelligence to suggest an attack. The other attacker was named as Rachid Redouane, 30, from Barking.

The pair and one other man were shot dead by police after killing seven people and injuring 48.

They drove their hired van into pedestrians on London Bridge before stabbing people in the area around Borough Market.

Thank God (the country that already infringes upon the rights of its citizens to own and carry guns) is prepared to start infringing upon (Muslim) rights - banning burkas, denouncing citizenship, profiling, and targeting Muslims.

Fixed it for ya...

I'm quite certain that the fact that the terrorist were armed with knives and not automatic rifles, lessened the number killed and injured as well as made the police's job easier.
i'm just relieved this is all over.
Fixed it for ya...

I'm quite certain that the fact that the terrorist were armed with knives and not automatic rifles, lessened the number killed and injured as well as made the police's job easier.

LMAO, see Nice, France. Truck. 84 dead.

You fucknuts and your obsession with guns.

As I've said, Liberals will be the death of us. We are at war with Islam and their enablers, the Left.
Tim, stop.
breathe. in. then out.

it's over man. it's all over. peace, sunshine and unicorns riding rainbows from here on out, son.

Tim, stop.
breathe. in. then out.

it's over man. it's all over. peace, sunshine and unicorns riding rainbows from here on out, son.


Thank God these finally worked, I've been seeing them on Prius cars everywhere.

LMAO, see Nice, France. Truck. 84 dead.

You fucknuts and your obsession with guns.

LOL! Completely lost on you and your praise of them is the irony that England has very strict gun laws and restrictions.

Are you really, that clueless?
I just wonder, 20 years from now, how many people will that 0.17 degree temp rise kill versus ISIS.

It's around 400,000 a year now, projected to be 600,00 by 2030.

Terrorism of all stripes is nothing compared to AGW.
LOL! Completely lost on you and your praise of them is the irony that England has very strict gun laws and restrictions.

Are you really, that clueless?

Lost on me? Gun Control had no impact at all on these terrorist acts. I'll destroy that in a moment. Now...your obtuse *** has tried to equate white men with guns with a global Jihad against the West. The first point you've been obliterated on. Next, you try to portray the London terrorist attacks somehow as a moral victory because they didn't have guns? Are you kidding me?? Then again, I'm not surprised, you're memorialized as the guy that found a little boy being killed by an illegal immigrant funny. Not at all surprised on your take. It's never about the victims for your lot, just protecting this PC culture you help to choke us with. After the *** kicking you got on "white guys with assault weapons" you shifted to all gun deaths...got your *** kicked there because all gun deaths and homicides by gun are two vastly different numbers. Yet you continue with guns are the problem, not Islam. Despite terrorists commonly using knives, trucks, and bombs to kill en masse. So only terrorist deaths by gun matter to you? LMAO, you're a sick individual bro.


Back to your next *** kicking - alluding to gun control in England as somehow minimizing the damage of these terrorist attacks. Fact: Gun control has failed in England. Do you read the news?


The United Kingdom is often held up as evidence of the effectiveness of gun control. After all, since 1920, the UK has experienced increasingly restrictive gun control, leading up to an almost-total ban on handguns, and even many shotguns.

And yet, the homicide rate increased for years after gun confiscation was put into effect:


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1223193/Culture-violence-Gun-crime-goes-89-decade.html - from 1998-2008, gun crime rose by 89%

There are a thousand articles out there and ten times that many facts showing gun control as an utter failure in England.

Had these terrorists wanted to use guns, they could have. Guns are available in the UK. Terrorists aren't law abiding citizens are they? They are available in England as evidenced by the facts. The fact that they chose not to use guns has nothing at all to do with gun control.

Once again, the problem is Islam. Nothing more, nothing less. It teaches its followers to kill. A fact you simply want to ignore, because, well...Liberal. As I stated earlier, the UK has a successful history of dealing with terrorists - i.e., the IRA. They weren't stifled by Liberals preventing them from stopping those thugs.

As has been stated and is the case - we are at war with radical Islam and the Left that protects them. Which is exactly what you've been doing throughout this whole thread.
It's around 400,000 a year now, projected to be 600,00 by 2030.

Terrorism of all stripes is nothing compared to AGW.


The polar caps will be gone by 2014 too! And the Ice Age is coming! AGW!!!

The polar caps will be gone by 2014 too! And the Ice Age is coming! AGW!!!

If you don't understand the polar caps melting paired with ocean rise, take a walk in downtown Miami during King tide and see their floods being fought by their $300M pumping system.

This is even more interesting when you take into account how insurance companies are rating downtown Miami, and how they write insurance policies now with severely increased rates for these flood areas and the surrounding communities. These are the guys that understand sea level rise, otherwise, their insurance companies would be bankrupt paying policies in areas that shouldn't flood (according to science deniers).

This is fiscal conservatism 101. Follow the money, see what the trends are, insurance companies are correctly projecting the trend. I.E. sea level is rising.

And I've never seen a projection saying the caps would be gone by 2014.