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Kavanaugh hearing

NBC News@NBCNews

BREAKING: Following dramatic cmte. move that led to FBI review, Sen. Flake says he plans to vote in favor of Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation to the US Supreme Court.
So I think this is how it's shaping up, if Manchin follows the yes vote on cloture with a yes final vote. Then it is a 50-50 tie and Pence will cast the tie breaking vote!

Senate advances Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination to final vote

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senators voted 51-49 Friday morning to end debate on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. But it wasn't certain whether Republicans had the votes they needed to get Kavanaugh over the finish line when the final vote is held, probably Saturday.

Amid allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh and questions over his demeanor and truthfulness at a hearing last week, key Republican senators had not publicly declared how they would ultimately vote on his confirmation. GOP Sen. Susan Collins said right before Friday's vote that she would vote to advance the Kavanaugh nomination Friday but would announce her decision on his confirmation Friday afternoon.

Sens. Jeff Flake of Arizona and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, also Republicans, hadn't publicly announced which way they would ultimately vote as of Friday morning.

Murkowski votes against cloture....Cocaine Mitch should have a nice talk with the senior Senator from Alaska. A vote against Kavanaugh and your remaining 4 years will be on the sideline...appears the Senate might pick up seats and I'm stripping you from all committee chairs and seats.
The RINO Senators might feel better if Kav is not voted in but how are their voters going to feel when the Dems do the same thing to the next nominee? Every one of them will get primaried.
So I think this is how it's shaping up, if Manchin follows the yes vote on cloture with a yes final vote. Then it is a 50-50 tie and Pence will cast the tie breaking vote!
Wow....if it comes down to Manchin. I think he knows his re-election depends on his vote.

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Stole one?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen says he would support Brett Kavanaugh's nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court

"I believed that Judge Kavanaugh initially met this test, and I was prepared to say ‘yes’ to his nomination prior to Dr. Ford’s coming forward. While the subsequent events make it a much closer call, and I am missing key pieces of information that a sitting Senator has, I’m still a ‘yes.’"

Stole one?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen says he would support Brett Kavanaugh's nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court

"I believed that Judge Kavanaugh initially met this test, and I was prepared to say ‘yes’ to his nomination prior to Dr. Ford’s coming forward. While the subsequent events make it a much closer call, and I am missing key pieces of information that a sitting Senator has, I’m still a ‘yes.’"


Dude has no choice but to confirm. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/e...nessee_senate_blackburn_vs_bredesen-6308.html
Stole one?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen says he would support Brett Kavanaugh's nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court

"I believed that Judge Kavanaugh initially met this test, and I was prepared to say ‘yes’ to his nomination prior to Dr. Ford’s coming forward. While the subsequent events make it a much closer call, and I am missing key pieces of information that a sitting Senator has, I’m still a ‘yes.’"


He isn’t a senator... he is trying to win a senate seat from a Republican...

Montana Senator Steve Daines Will Use Private Jet To Make Kavanagh Vote If Needed

HELENA — U.S. Sen. Steve Daines says he'll return to Washington D.C. by private jet on his daughter's wedding day if Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court comes down to the Montana Republican's vote.

Daines said in a statement to The Associated Press Friday that his good friend and colleague, U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte, "has come to save the day" by offering him use of his private jet.

I welcomed the FBI report.
Go Susan Collins! The best explanation of why he should be confirmed that anyone has given yet.

she was extremely thorough in her extremely thorough explanations of the entire explanation and being thorough in doing so.
Yep just got the alert, Manchin's no dummy. Every West Virginian wants Kavanaugh. He's voting YES
I fully expect that with this knowledge that the vote is all but confirmed, the DemocRATs will have one last folly of last minute accusations.

I say we begin predicting what those will be.

My prediction:

An accuser steps forward stating he saw Brett Kavanaugh slap a dwarf at a county fair when they were in 8th grade.

Collins announces YES vote for confirmation


Manchin announces YES vote for confirmation

Game over *******
I fully expect that with this knowledge that the vote is all but confirmed, the DemocRATs will have one last folly of last minute accusations.

I say we begin predicting what those will be.

My prediction:

An accuser steps forward stating he saw Brett Kavanaugh slap a dwarf at a county fair when they were in 8th grade.

No No No he tossed a dwarf. That is is a sport though right? Dwarf tossing?
I fully expect that with this knowledge that the vote is all but confirmed, the DemocRATs will have one last folly of last minute accusations.


I think it will be more threats of violence than mere accusations.

Collins announces YES vote for confirmation


Manchin announces YES vote for confirmation

Game over *******



Trump wins again!

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