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Kavanaugh hearing

I wouldn't mind seeing a tie- then Pence riding in on a white horse to break the deadlock!

That would send the Dems into an epic **** flinging frenzy for sure!

ha ha

I demand entertainment

Personally... I’ve had my fill of entertainment on this process
You forgot Roberts and the ACA.

Kavanaugh is a W. Bush appointee to the federal bench. Suffice to say he may NOT be Antonin Scalia or Clarence Thomas. That said, the look on his face as he looked to the right declaring he may have lost everything he loves after the smear job does not bode well for the dems. As we say down here, never **** where ya eat. And they did.

After seeing how low the Dems will go when all the public can see what they are doing, who knows what the Dems leadership told Roberts behind the scenes. I would not be surprised if Obama and a few of his jackboots had a direct conversation with him on how he should vote and what might happen if he didn't go along with what they said.
After seeing how low the Dems will go when all the public can see what they are doing, who knows what the Dems leadership told Roberts behind the scenes. I would not be surprised if Obama and a few of his jackboots had a direct conversation with him on how he should vote and what might happen if he didn't go along with what they said.

There's much left to be explained of the 44th admin. Fingers crossed we get the answers. I think we will.
The Dem leadership is backing away from this issue.. they overstepped their bounds and know it. The Dems were always going to pick up seats in a midterm... this probably lost them some... the Republicans are more energized and a huge swath of moderates moved away from them due to the due process violations they advocated...
Anyone who thinks Flake is a hard yes is mistaken. This isn’t over.

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I agree.

None of these folks are searching their consciences and trying to decide what is the right thing to do. Every single one of them is studying polls and focus groups and internal data to decide what will best help them advance their aims.

Flake wants to run for president so could be positioning himself as the across the aisle guy...which never works but for some reason many are dumb enough to think actually will one day.

Heidi whats her name is eyeing what she's going to do now that her Senate career is over and she doesn't have to pretend anymore like she's somewhat moderate.

Murkowski and Collins are both worried about losing the womens' vote.

None of them give a rat's behind about Ford or Kavanaugh or the truth of what happened or didn't happen.
I agree.

None of these folks are searching their consciences and trying to decide what is the right thing to do. Every single one of them is studying polls and focus groups and internal data to decide what will best help them advance their aims.

Flake wants to run for president so could be positioning himself as the across the aisle guy...which never works but for some reason many are dumb enough to think actually will one day.

Heidi whats her name is eyeing what she's going to do now that her Senate career is over and she doesn't have to pretend anymore like she's somewhat moderate.

Murkowski and Collins are both worried about losing the womens' vote.

None of them give a rat's behind about Ford or Kavanaugh or the truth of what happened or didn't happen.

None of them give a rat's behind about Ford or Kavanaugh or the truth of what happened or didn't happen.

I hope some of them do, but sadly, you're probably right. And Kavanaugh's hearing performance didn't sour me on him as he seemed sincere (a little too emotional and over-the-top at times) & just showed his humanity IMO. Wouldn't you be pretty upset that your life's work, reputation and family are really never going to be the same (over an allegation that truthfully, was very weak)? And some of the Democrat Senators weren't very good on temperament either, which seems to be the new talking point about why he's not suitable. I'm glad he showed he's human and got emotional and pissed. I didn't know much about him before it but thought he was a little stiff & robotic actually. Was pleased to see he's got some fire. And If he was measured and robotic during the hearing they would have screamed he's a sociopath or something so either way he wasn't winning any of them over.

He penned an Op-Ed in WSJ tonight where he explains himself and admits he made some mistakes during the hearing. His record for 12 years on the D.C. Court of Appeals sure seems pretty measured and consistent, something I think you measure a nominee on, not their temperament in one public lynching, I mean hearing.
None of these folks are searching their consciences and trying to decide what is the right thing to do. Every single one of them is studying polls and focus groups and internal data to decide what will best help them advance their aims.

Murkowski and Collins are both worried about losing the womens' vote.

I agree, its gonna be close

More drama
Got one back!


GOP MT Sen Daines tells Kavanaugh “he has made arrangements to be there to get him across the finish line as needed.” Daines initially said he may miss the Sat confirmation vote. Daines’s vote is essential to get the math to work. Daines’s daughter is getting married in MT Sat
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Geez. I didn't know that Kavanaugh started out many years ago investigating Arkanicide. Now this all makes sense.

Plus, he is Irish. They should investigate that!

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Sleeping giant awakens

The Kavanaugh Hearings Have Women Fired Up … to Vote Republican

The accusations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh are widely perceived to be a boon to Democrats heading into the midterm elections in November. “The women of this country identify with Dr. Ford and will not forget what is happening here,” Neera Tanden, the president of the Center for American Progress, told NBC News. “They are not angry, they are furious, and I expect the largest women’s turnout in a midterm—ever.”

In fact, however, the Kavanaugh spectacle seems to have evaporated the Democrats’ enthusiasm edge, according to a poll conducted Monday by NPR, PBS NewsHour, and Marist.

In July Democrats were likelier, by 10 percentage points, to say the November elections were “very important.” That gap has now narrowed to a statistical tie. “The result of the hearings, at least in the short run, is the Republican base was awakened”

CNN Joe Manchin (D-WV)... still undecided

the last key

He'll wait till the very last minute for every one else to lay their cards on the table, hoping he won't be the one seen to seal the deal

McConnell Doesn't Have the Votes for Kavanaugh Yet

“Republicans do not have the votes as of dawn Friday morning, according to people with direct knowledge.”

“McConnell is heading into the day that could clinch one of, if not the, cornerstone achievements of his career — tilting the court’s makeup firmly to the conservative side — and he doesn’t currently have the votes. He and his top deputies are optimistic, no question. But it’s not there yet.”

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) agreed, according to Reuters: “As of now I don’t really know and I don’t know if anybody else does.”

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The Kavanaugh Hearings Have Women Fired Up … to Vote Republican

The accusations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh are widely perceived to be a boon to Democrats heading into the midterm elections in November. “The women of this country identify with Dr. Ford and will not forget what is happening here,” Neera Tanden, the president of the Center for American Progress, told NBC News. “They are not angry, they are furious, and I expect the largest women’s turnout in a midterm—ever.”

In fact, however, the Kavanaugh spectacle seems to have evaporated the Democrats’ enthusiasm edge, according to a poll conducted Monday by NPR, PBS NewsHour, and Marist.

In July Democrats were likelier, by 10 percentage points, to say the November elections were “very important.” That gap has now narrowed to a statistical tie. “The result of the hearings, at least in the short run, is the Republican base was awakened”

I suspect rational-thinking women in the U.S. still subscribe to a sense of fairness and believe in right & wrong. Most of the women in the U.S. are NOT femi-nazis, hating on men just because they're.... men. Reasonable women know that at any time, an accusation could be lodged against their husbands, sons, fathers, brothers, uncles, etc. And if we've arrived at the point where one is guilty until proven innocent, well, then, were royally F'd as a honorable nation.

I'm also certain that reasonable women would want a fair, diligent, comprehensive investigation done if they were the victims of sexual assault, one that leads to an indictment, prosecution, and conviction of the ACTUAL perpetrator, not some innocent dude railroaded by the system, all while the perp is free to roam and do likewise to other women, maybe even someone they know.
Personally... I’ve had my fill of entertainment on this process

ha ha

This is just a procedural vote, not the final vote for confirmation, have to pass this step to go forward....the drama will only go higher

The 30 hours of debate are going to be awesome. Irrational liberal meltdowns, everywhere....
Sasse To Vote Yes On Kavanaugh

“I’m voting for confirmation because of the evidence and Judge Kavanaugh’s qualifications. After spending more than 150 hours doing my homework, I completed my reading of the FBI’s seventh background investigation this morning. This broken and politicized process has further undermined public trust. Washington embarrassed itself for the last month, but it is clear that most Americans are yearning for more than tribal blood feuds.”



Clan war!
The 30 hours of debate are going to be awesome. Irrational liberal meltdowns, everywhere....

yes, the screamers will be out

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad. Don’t fall for it! Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs. Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love!
The Dem leadership is backing away from this issue.. they overstepped their bounds and know it. The Dems were always going to pick up seats in a midterm... this probably lost them some... the Republicans are more energized and a huge swath of moderates moved away from them due to the due process violations they advocated...

Makes sense to me

CBC News Alerts@CBCAlerts

Susan Collins, one of the key Republican senators, expected to say 'Yes' for procedural vote on Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh: CNN
None of them give a rat's behind about Ford or Kavanaugh or the truth of what happened or didn't happen.
Which I've come to conclude has been nothing but a sideshow.... a distraction... a bamboozling perpetrated by powers-that-be in order to obfuscate what's really in play here...

To the left, Kavanaugh poses a threat to their tactic of choice over the last 20 years or so, and that is to legislate from the bench. Their immoral, socialist, big government plans have never had any chance of being passed into law by via legitimate legislation, and they know that. So, plan B has always been to appoint judges/justices who will make laws out of thin air, laws that will forward their illicit, obscene agendas. And let's not forget what could be down the pike should Kav sit on the bench... and that is a possible review of Roe v Wade. "But, but.. muh abortions!!"

To the right, and especially the establishment/neocons, Kavanaugh's record on the 4th and 5th amendments, if he still holds to those ideals, suits their agendas very well. I'm willing to give Kav the benefit of the doubt, but correct me if I'm wrong as I didn't watch the entire circus that was the hearing last week, but did any senator question him on his role as GWB's Associate WH Counsel in drafting the Patriot Act? How about his views on warrantless surveillance/spying or search of U.S. citizens, and other privacy issues? Has Kav ever amended those views?

I happen to believe BOTH sides, the Left and the Right, hold the 4th Amendment in contempt. Big government/big brother is always hungry for more power. The more freedom/power that lies in the hands of the people, the weaker the powers-that-be get. And we can't have that, now can we?
Murkowski votes against cloture....Cocaine Mitch should have a nice talk with the senior Senator from Alaska. A vote against Kavanaugh and your remaining 4 years will be on the sideline...appears the Senate might pick up seats and I'm stripping you from all committee chairs and seats.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
yes, the screamers will be out

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad. Don’t fall for it! Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs. Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love!
