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Kavanaugh hearing

The republicans are obviously railroading him through to beat the deadline, but its hard to argue against that since the Democrats are obstructing and delaying for the same reason.... would it be nice to have a thorough investigation of every angle, sure, but when a new random allegation appears every other day that has no real facts to prove or disprove, just hearsay and innuendo, it has to have a cut off point... Ford got to testify... all her angles were run down... it doesn’t add up... chasing CPLs already virtually discredited story or the zillion attempts to prove he drank too much is just obstructionist nonsense....

Yes, but if the Democrats didn't delay the whole reveal of the Ford accusation until the last minute, there would have been no railroading. They could have had the FBI investigation much earlier in the proceedings, and could have avoided exposing her in public the way they did.

As it stands, the Democrats were playing the game to make the Republicans look as bad as possible to the public - trying to embarrass them at every juncture -- and NOW it's railroading. Honestly, they get what they deserve if/when Kavanaugh is confirmed.
The FBI report didnt corroborate or find anything indicating he is a potential rapist, so the vote will he 100-0, right?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 11, states: "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he/she has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense."

That even includes conservative, heterosexual white males.

fairly certain this is the absolute most racist, hateful thing ever posted on the internet, in any forum.
She will lose her Senate seat to a Republican for sure now, fine by me!

RED Wave!

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So any guesses what last minute dramatic reveal the Dems have planned for the next 36 hours?

Those skanky, cesspool dwelling, slimeballs will come up with something, don't worry. I guarantee you they are behind closed doors right now inventing the next bombshell....aka stall tactic.
Anyone who thinks Flake is a hard yes is mistaken. This isn’t over.

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Blah, blah, blah

They re out of Hail Marys
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So any guesses what last minute dramatic reveal the Dems have planned for the next 36 hours?

One of the senators here in Oregon has filed a lawsuit demanding 100,000 pieces of buttwipe that he used while in HS. Now if he can get a judge to halt the confirmation vote until he gets his *** wipes here we go again.

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hahahahaha - it blew up in their faces .....just like I perdicted!

Trump, GOP Get A Big Kavanaugh Bounce

The Democrats' all-out attack on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, which culminated in a blisteringly partisan hearing last Thursday, may have backfired on the party just before the November elections

President Donald Trump's approval ratings made a strong rebound this month, with a four-point gain to 40%, reversing almost the entire loss he suffered the month before.

The Democrats' advantage on the generic ballot question plunged from 11 points last month to just 2 points this month.

Lock it down

Chuck Grassley: 'No hint of misconduct' in FBI report on Brett Kavanaugh

“This investigation found no hint of misconduct and the same is true of the six prior FBI background investigations conducted during Judge Kavanaugh’s 25 years of public service,” Grassley said.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) took to the Senate floor moments later to lavish praise on Kavanaugh and lash out at his critics.

“For goodness’ sake, this is the United States of America. Nobody is supposed to be guilty until proven innocent in this country. Nobody is supposed to be proven innocent in the United States of America,” McConnell said.

“They let the politics of personal destruction run away ahead of the facts,” McConnell said about Democrats.

Manchin and Collins say they need to read more of the FBI Report before making decision

Sen. Manchin, leaving briefing, would not say which way he was leaning. He said he still needed to finish reviewing the report, saying he planned to go back tomorrow between 9a-10a. He said he made it about halfway through the material.

“Heidi made her decision, I’ll make mine.”

Heitkamp can't win either way. She is 12 points down and has no chance of keeping her seat. She might as well vote against him and keep raking in that Dem $$$. Voting yes won't save her.
This is a tough one folks..

I dont really care if he one too many beers as a high schooler and college student, and more than likely got nasty and passed out once or twice..
And I dont think there is enough evidence or proof that he sexually assaulted anyone..

The problem is that he is totally denying these accusations...and I think he is not telling the complete truth...Thats a problem for him...

Also I was not impressed by his behavior and how he handled the most recent hearings. I know he has been through hell and back and his reputation and family has suffered through all this, but he could of communicated his frustrations, anger, and his displeasure with the entire process much better than he did.

He has also portrayed himself as very partisan during his opening outburst....and to me that a problem for someone trying to get chosen for the Supreme Court.
And yes, before you even say it, I would feel the same if the candidate outwardly indicated his political leanings as a liberal or leaning to the left....

This all made for great TV drama,,,

But in my humble opinion...doesn't make for a person that I would want on the highest court in the land.

But Chilly Billy got away with not telling the complete truth under oath...so whose to say...
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He has also portrayed himself as very partisan during his opening outburst....and to me that a problem for someone trying to get chosen for the Supreme Court.

Did you have an objection when Ruth Bader Ginsberg said...

"He is a faker," Ginsburg said about Trump. "He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that."

Paul Ryan's response to her comments:
""Those of us who are in the elected branch of government, who get elected to things, I think that that’s perfectly in the realm," Ryan told moderator Jake Tapper.

"But for someone on the Supreme Court -- who is going to be calling balls and strikes in the future, based upon whatever the next president and Congress does -- that strikes me as inherently biased and out of the realm. I think that’s something that she should not have done because I don’t think that that shows that she intends on being impartial in the future.""

Point is, Kavanaugh's not blazing new territory.

Hats off to him for calling the spade a spade. It was a smear job. Intentional, despicable, and it needed to be called out.
Did you have an objection when Ruth Bader Ginsberg said...

"He is a faker," Ginsburg said about Trump. "He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that."

Paul Ryan's response to her comments:

Point is, Kavanaugh's not blazing new territory.

Hats off to him for calling the spade a spade. It was a smear job. Intentional, despicable, and it needed to be called out.

Save for Kennedy, all these judges swear they aren’t partisan then pretty much vote the party line in decisions... its no secret
What I object to is that any sitting Supreme Court justice comments either way during the confirmation process on a candidate.

So yes... I do object to what Ginsburg stated.
I wouldn't mind seeing a tie- then Pence riding in on a white horse to break the deadlock!

That would send the Dems into an epic **** flinging frenzy for sure!

ha ha

I demand entertainment
Save for Kennedy, all these judges swear they aren’t partisan then pretty much vote the party line in decisions... its no secret

You forgot Roberts and the ACA.

Kavanaugh is a W. Bush appointee to the federal bench. Suffice to say he may NOT be Antonin Scalia or Clarence Thomas. That said, the look on his face as he looked to the right declaring he may have lost everything he loves after the smear job does not bode well for the dems. As we say down here, never **** where ya eat. And they did.
I wouldn't mind seeing a tie- then Pence riding in on a white horse to break the deadlock!

That would send the Dems into an epic **** flinging frenzy for sure!

ha ha

I demand entertainment
