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Kavanaugh hearing

I heard that Obummer had been disbarred. He couldn't possibly be nominated a SC justice, could he?

His husband Michael was disbarred for insurance fraud not him. Actually she agreed to turn in her law license in lieu of getting disbarred.
First thing Kavanaugh should do when he gets on the SC is walk up top Ginsburg and say " I bet you were something in 1982 ". Kill the evul *****

'82? Hell, the first time she was felt up was in a Model T.
Michelle aka Michael Obama voices her displeasure over the Kavanaugh confirmation.

The new pledge by the dems.....if we re-take Congress we will oust Kavanaugh. But I wonder who will oust them? I never had a job where it was acceptable to sit around all day and try to get people thrown out of their offices. There must be more to being in Congress?

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The new pledge by the dems.....if we re-take Congress we will oust Kavanaugh. But I wonder who will oust them? I never had a job where it was acceptable to sit around all day and try to get people thrown out of their offices. There must be more to being in Congress?

Sent from my iPad using Steeler Nation mobile app

The issue is the number of votes it takes to impeach isn’t a subjective senate rule... 67 is really hard to get...
The new pledge by the dems.....if we re-take Congress we will oust Kavanaugh. But I wonder who will oust them? I never had a job where it was acceptable to sit around all day and try to get people thrown out of their offices. There must be more to being in Congress?

Sent from my iPad using Steeler Nation mobile app

Well when you're 10 notches past batshit bonkers because you're not in control anymore...you've got time on your hands. They'd have to find a way to crash the entire US economy at this point in time for all of that socialist bs to get sucked up.

They only thrive on despair and coming to the rescue with more government,taxes and class warfare. None of that crap is going to fly right now.
She talks about like it's just 'business as usual'. I guess when you've sold your soul, any and all evil is acceptable. I would like to see her on the stand interrogated on this statement like they interrogated Kavanaugh on his childhood.


Wow. Thanks for sharing, that's astonishing at first glance but then you realize what you're dealing with. They should use that in some sort of ad about the Kavanaugh smear.

Did she say in the very beginning "self-fulfilling prophecy"? Whoa, yeah.
WTF ??? I wake up on Sunday morning, start reading thru the Nation and I see Vidrow, Vinny and ER4P ..all on a currant thread. What a pleasant surprise.

I don't know what happened and I don't care. Jus glad to see y'all alive and well.

She talks about like it's just 'business as usual'. I guess when you've sold your soul, any and all evil is acceptable. I would like to see her on the stand interrogated on this statement like they interrogated Kavanaugh on his childhood.


WOW...the witch has finally come out and admittted what we've been saying for years.

Yep , to the left all evil is acceptable...except conservatism.

That is what is most frightening...they cannot be shamed.
You can put in front of them and prove how clearly wrong they were about an issue, expose their treachery, show them how they have clearly underminined of the rule of law and jurisprudence and none it wouldn't matter to them....because evil finds a way to absolve itself when the aim is to destroy conservatism...the greater evil.

It is horseshit when some suggest "we need to come together"...you cant come together with that. You cant come together with abnormal.
They need to be destroyed.

Oh...and welcome back!
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Nice piece on Breitbart. Winners and Losers of the Kav process.


For a full week after Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh became public, I said nothing. While I have a healthy skepticism of politically-timed accusations, there was no way to know.So I kept my mouth shut and looked at the evidence, because that is what Americans are supposed to do. And after a week, it was not only obvious the evidence was lacking, it was just as obvious the evidence all sided with Kavanaugh.

Ford’s named witnesses all came down on Kavanaugh’s side (either they did not remember the 1982 house party where the alleged assault attempt took place, or flat-out said it didn’t happen). As for Ford’s story, it was equal parts devious and leaky. By “devious” I mean a Kafka-esque web no man could ever extricate himself from — not even with detailed calendars. By “leaky” I mean full of gaping holes. Not just her convenient memory lapses, but endless contradictions, deceptions, and in the case of her so-called fear of flying, outright lies.

Accuser number two, Deborah Ramirez? Her accusation was even weaker. Again, the named witnesses all backed Kavanaugh, and even the far-left New York Times was forced to report she had been calling around admitting she could not remember who flashed her at a dorm party in 1983.

Accuser number three, Julie Swetnick? Exactly the kind of hot garbage you would expect from a fame-addicted lawyer made famous by a tabloid outlet like CNN.

Like it was for many others, somewhere along the line, everything changed. As the accusations crumbled under the weight of evidence and witness testimony, as Democrats moved the goalposts, as our monstrous media became desperate enough to wave around a high school yearbook like a bloody shirt, this stopped being about politics and the future of the Supreme Court and became about the fate of one man — an innocent man, a wrongfully accused man, a publicly persecuted man — which means it suddenly became the most important thing in the world.

Watching Brett Kavanaugh stripped naked and publicly humiliated by the organized left and media was excruciating. The obscenity of it, the injustice. Even worse was the tightly-knotted ball of fear growing like a fascist cancer in all decent people, as we lived with the intolerable thought that this abomination might succeed, that the single most appalling act of McCarthyism of my lifetime might actually pay off.

I lived through the Clarence Thomas Wars, the Sarah Palin Wars, the public destruction of John McCain and Mitt Romney… This was different. This was murder — the first-degree, cold-blooded murder of a man’s reputation, his young family, and his entire future using the Soviet-style revolutionary tactics of vile lies in pursuit of power.

This was a leftist mob backed by the billions of corporate dollars that flow through CNN, NBC, etc., throwing an innocent man, his wife, and traumatized young daughters into a volcano as a sacrifice to the cause, as a means to appease the hysterics stalking the halls of the Senate screaming, “Witch! WITCH! WIIIIIIITCH!!!!!!!!!”

Democrats and the media were not even interested in convincing us Kavanaugh had done something wrong. Their only goal was to make him so personally toxic, his guilt or innocence no longer mattered. And the only word for that is demonic.

I am not one to lose sleep over politics, and I am certainly not one to admit to such a thing, but this was different — I lost a ton of sleep; I lived with dread, and other than family members, I have never prayed harder for anyone than I did for Judge Kavanaugh: “Please, God, do not forsake this man.”

Here are the winners and losers of the Dreyfus Kavanaugh Affair…


The Rule of Law
As Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told Sean Hannity Friday, we were at the edge of an abyss, an abyss where smears and the dark art of character assassination were about to become legitimized. Yes, I am a bit uneasy that we came so close to going over that abyss, and even more anxious over the fact that not a single Democrat or member of the establishment media had the moral courage to be the Joseph Welch of their time, to point to their own and ask, “Have you no sense of decency?”
But for now we have a reprieve, and maybe even a little hope that the hangover from this crushing loss might awaken the conscience in just one Democrat or just one adult in the media.

Associate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Brett Kavanaugh’s unforgettable testimony in defense of his own character and future was like the last 20 minutes of Rocky III. One man against all the odds, against the indomitable power of the state, the corrupt power of the media, and then he looked both in the eyes and sneered, “You ain’t so bad.”His raw testimony was not only a turning point for Kavanaugh when things looked darkest (in the immediate wake of Ford’s testimony), it was a catharsis for those of us who had spent a week being force-fed bitter lies and injustice. With the previous Sunday night’s triple sucker punch of Ford, Ronan Farrow, and Michael Avenatti, the left pushed all their chips into the middle of the table, certain Kavanaugh would fold.He didn’t. He called their bluff. “You will never get me to quit,” he said … and evil gulped.

President Donald J. Trump
Simply put, with this, his second Supreme Court Justice, Trump has secured his presidential legacy. The dream of a 5-4 conservative court is as old as I am, and only Trump could have ensured this, because Trump is the only Republican president who would have ever had the courage to not sacrifice Kavanaugh in the hopes of getting someone else approved before the midterm elections. President Trump showed enormous character where no one else would have. Let me repeat that word… Character.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
As agonizing as the suspense of the last 72 hours were, Senate Republicans planned it to perfection….Put all eyes on Susan Collins, put all the media attention on Susan Collins, and then have this moderate, pro-choice, anti-Trump woman use the national spotlight to deliver a devastating closing argument in favor of Kavanaugh’s confirmation. It was a brilliant political move, and she was brilliant, and serious, and informed, and above all… American. That was the most American speech I have ever heard on the Senate floor, a speech based on facts, eternal principles, and basic human decency.
The pressure Collins was under to go the other way, the incentives from the media to be a feminist hero, the threats, the emotional blackmail and bullying… God bless her. If Brett Kavanaugh was Rocky III, Susan Collins was Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Her speech should be taught in every high school in America.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Since no Democrat or member of the media would do it, Graham did. These four minutes and twenty-six seconds of moral clarity funneled through righteous rage asked the question as forcefully and as clearly as anyone ever could: “Have you no decency, sir?” From that point, there was no going back. The truth had been released. From then on, Graham was our happy warrior, our Jiminy Cricket dashing through the halls of Congress, popping up on cable news, and spreading the good news about truth and decency in ways that could no longer be denied. I cannot wait for Graham to become Trump’s next Attorney General.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

Never flinched. Never wavered.

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
When Flake threw the wrench in the confirmation gears last week with his call for an FBI investigation devoted to the sexual assault allegations, the nasty “Flake Flakes” headlines flew. Again, I kept my mouth shut. Some part of me believed he had done the right thing. As symbolic as this investigation would be, sometimes symbolism matters. From the sound of it, Collins probably would have voted “no” without the FBI report. But look at the country… only 37 percent said they wanted Kavanaugh confirmed, but that number jumps to 60 percent if the FBI investigation comes back clean… as it did.
Flake said he believed it was good for the country to wait a week, and he was 100 percent correct. What’s more, that week was of enormous help to further proving Kavanaugh’s innocence because all the new information came out in his favor, and there was a lot of it. This left the monstrous media sputtering about virginity and farting, which again seemed to only piss Susan Collins off all the more.
Had Kavanaugh won confirmation last week, it would have looked rigged and unjust to a lot of people. Jeff Flake was not only right, he did a courageous thing.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
The hero behind the scenes, the man saddled with the paperwork and Avenatti nonsense, and appeasing McCarthy-ite Democrats in the name of Senate decorum. But the FBI backed up the work of his committee’s investigators, and the tireless 84-year-old even found time to compose some of the most satisfying takedowns of the whole sordid affair.

The Republican Party

To paraphrase a former First Lady, for the first time in my life I’m proud of the Republican Party — even some Never Trumpers.

The Federalist Society

They found a man so qualified, only a witch hunt could bring him down. They found a man so decent, the witch hunt failed.

Rachel Mitchell
The Maricopa County sex prosecutor was widely criticized for her cross-examination of Dr. Ford, but she wasn’t there to preen for the cameras or to play Perry Mason. She wanted Ford on record, she asked all the correct and pointed questions, and if you don’t think her devastating, fact-based report didn’t help to sway Susan Collins, you have not been paying attention.

Breitbart News and New Media
Those who wanted facts over hysteria, evidence over innuendo, and truth over emotional blackmail only had one place to turn and that was New Media, specifically online new media. And yeah, I’m going to toot our own horn, because I am also a consumer of news, and as a voracious consumer of Kavanaugh news, it was Breitbart where I always clicked first. Our team did an extraordinary job, not just of documenting the circus and the politics, but in examining the evidence and cutting through the media bullshit. Yay, us.


The Organized Left
When you read about things like the Salem Witch Trials, McCarthyism, and blacklists, you assume we are too well educated, mature, and ashamed of this history to ever repeat it. Well, repeat it we did, and now, after pouring all their hopes, dreams, schemes, hate, rage, integrity, endless hours of work, and piles of money into this cause, these godless ******* lost… and like the vampires they are, the sunlight of decency has them hissing and howling and writhing in a state of complete shock because their own arrogance and provincialism assured them it could never happen.

Oh, and they’re stupid too, just plain dumb. Anyone with a room temperature IQ understood from the beginning, way back in July, just how important Susan Collins was going to be in this confirmation effort. And what did these idiots do? To prove they were bought and paid for, to prove they had no principles whatsoever, they showed up at their first protest with “Stop Kethledge” and “Stop Hardiman” signs. Collins immediately saw through them and, other than contempt, never gave them another thought.

Eager to double down on their indecency, eager to prove they are anti-science conspiracy theorists immune to facts and evidence, still they protest and rage against the “serial rapist” like a horde of crybabies who have nothing left but to wish that everyone else gets hit by a train. And by doing so, they are forcing Democrats to promise they will impeach Kavanaugh if they win in the midterms — which will only ensure this issue doesn’t lose its potency with Republican voters.

Rage on, you simple-minded swarm of spoiled sheep, your tactics not only no longer work — they backfired spectacularly.

Because nothing they held most dear — open borders, gay marriage, abortion, etc. — was able to win at the ballot box, they abused the courts to force their agenda down our throats.
The days of transforming our country through judicial activism are over, and that is a catastrophe for the left.

The Establishment Media
This loss is as devastating to the CNNs, NBCs, NPRs, and Washington Posts as Trump’s presidential victory. Every single one of these liars (who have harbored dozens of their own #MeToo perps for decades) went all-in to destroy an innocent man, and now they have lost the remaining ticketholders of their kabuki theater of objectivity… At long last, even Never Trump sees them for the monsters they truly are. And yes, they are the enemy of the people. Well, decent people.

What’s more, for at least ten days, all of the power of the media — print, online, and broadcast — was targeted at only a handful of senators. Naked, shameless, 24/7 propaganda and appeals to emotion directed at a half dozen people, and still they belly-flopped — primarily because alternative media was just as tireless in putting out the facts.

The establishment media vastly out-funds and out-mans alternative media, but we can still kick their candy ***** because truth and decency are on our side.

Michael Avenatti
Even the far-left Washington Post had to concede that Avenatti parachuting into this debate with a fistful of lies about Kavanaugh being a serial rapist backfired big time. Anyone looking for proof the organized left had constructed a campaign of character assassination against an innocent man could not only look at what Avenatti was up to, but how seriously his confederates in the media took his outrageous claims. CNN built Avenatti, so don’t forget to thank Jeff Zucker.

Lisa Murkowski

The only Republican Senator to vote against Kavanaugh made up her mind while walking in to vote on cloture, and her only explanation was, “He’s not the right man for the court.”

You can do better, Alaska.

Fox News
The opinion line-up was fine, it was the news part of Fox News that disgraced itself with a litany of fake news about Dr. Ford being “credible.” It is not about the politics or the even the fate of the Supreme Court — the fate of a man was on the line, a whole man, and Fox News, of all places, threw him to the wolves by declaring — without a shred of evidence, without hearing his side — that the sexual assault allegations against him “credible.”

That is as un-American as it gets.

Fox News is dead to me.

Never Trump Dead-Enders

David Frum, Jennifer Rubin, Joe Scarborough, Bill Kristol… These are not conservatives outraged over Trump’s this or that, these are hysterics and principle-free egomaniacs.

Cory Booker
The only thing we learned about Spartacus throughout all of this is that he is no Obama. Say what you want about our former president, he was unflappable, intelligent, composed, and nearly impossible to catch off guard.

Booker is a quarter-witted deer in the headlights, and watching Trump eat his lunch in 2020 is going to be GLORIOUS.


Now that decent people know that the left and media are willing to exploit and pervert what had been a just cause into an obscenity against people who are guilty only of holding “incorrect” beliefs, #MeToo will never be what it was, not even close, and that is a shame.

The Matriarchy

I am not arguing The Patriarchy is perfect, but we have just spent 18 days living inside The Matriarchy only to discover it is a circle of hell built on a foundation of nightmares — of shrill injustice led by mindless mobs cheered on by brown-nosers like Jake Tapper who conceal their bullying behind “virtue” as they proclaim we’ve “heard enough from men.”

Overall, I cannot think of a worse three weeks for those who wish to put an end to the stereotype about women being spiteful, driven by emotion, and lacking in reason.

The industry with a whole lot more #MeToo perps than stars is now so universally despised, their thoughtless rants and snobbish peacocking actually do more to help Trump’s cause than any super PAC ever could. We now welcome their unhinged ravings, their mean-spiritedness, their willingness to spoil every good time by strutting in with a soapbox. Which brings me to…

Alyssa Milano

Who’s the boss now, cupcake?
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Here is some deep thinking by one of our justices on SCOTUS -

Townhall tipsheet Beth Baumann

Justice Kagan is Concerned About the Supreme Court's 'Legitimacy' if Kavanaugh is Confirmed
Beth Baumann
Beth Baumann
Posted: Oct 06, 2018 12:05 PM
Justice Kagan is Concerned About the Supreme Court's 'Legitimacy' if Kavanaugh is Confirmed

During a talk at Princeton University on Friday, Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan expressed deep concern over the legitimacy of the Court after Justice Anthony Kennedy retired. Kagan is concerned that the "middle position" — also known as the unpredictable vote – is now gone and Kennedy could be replaced with someone (Judge Brett Kavanaugh) whose views fall more on the conservative spectrum.

Kagan explained that Kennedy and Sandra Day O'Connor did something important for the Court: they made it look "impartial and neutral and fair."

"Part of the Court's strength and part of the Court's legitimacy depends on people not seeing the Court in the way that people see the other governing structures of this country now," Kagan explained. "In other words, people thinking of the Court as not politically divided in the same ways. It's not an extension of politics, but instead somehow above the fray."

Kagan believes it's important for the Court to uphold that integrity, especially because we live in a deeply divided political climate.

"In the last, really 30 years, starting with Justice O'Connor and continuing with Justice Kennedy, there has been a person who found the center or people couldn't predict in that sort of way. That enabled the court to look as though it was not owned by one side or another and was indeed impartial and neutral and fair," Kagan said. "It's not so clear going forward. That sort of middle position, you know, it's not so clear whether we'll have it."

So it's fine that she has a strong partisan voting record, but if Kavanaugh appears predictable, it tarnishes the legitimacy of the Court. What a moron.

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It is horseshit when some suggest "we need to come together"...you cant come together with that. You cant come together with abnormal.
They need to be destroyed.

Joe Sighting.jpg

la la la.jpg

Absolutely spot on. The real face of the socialists has been revealed. And it ain't pretty. The midterms should reveal more so grab your popcorn and your sidearm.
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Here is some deep thinking by one of our justices on SCOTUS -

So it's fine that she has a strong partisan voting record, but if Kavanaugh appears predictable, it tarnishes the legitimacy of the Court. What a moron.


Why can't we have ALL of our judges non-partisan, and use the Constitution as the basis for all decisions? It has been the liberal Democrats that use the courts to legislate. It only goes without saying that they are more threatened by a Republican appointed judge. What the Dems need to learn to do is pass legislation that appeals to the majority.
Now the dems are saying Avenatti hurt their case. I guess all accusers should be heard unless represented by Avenatti?
Why can't we have ALL of our judges non-partisan, and use the Constitution as the basis for all decisions?

You mean that paper that was written like a long time ago by a bunch of imperialist, bigoted, white guys? Why in the world would we want to use that? I mean those guys don't even have any likes on Facebook! Obviously they aren't all that important.
WTF ??? I wake up on Sunday morning, start reading thru the Nation and I see Vidrow, Vinny and ER4P ..all on a currant thread. What a pleasant surprise.

I don't know what happened and I don't care. Jus glad to see y'all alive and well.


This old heart is still pumping..I had to post with all those lefty tears streaming everywhere.
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