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Let's move from OK. to Missouri: The Racism Tour


Oct 26, 2014
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Who would have believed after that POS Darren Wilson got away with murder, and left, that there would be more racists in the Ferguson P.D.? Or for that matter the Ferguson City government? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh NO WAY!

Yes to the point that the state of Missouri will run the city's municipal courts as they are so corrupt and racist.


In the aftermath of an explosive and scathing Department of Justice report alleging blatant discrimination, bias and racial stereotyping in the Ferguson, Mo. Police Department, a police official has been fired and two others have been placed on administrative leave, pending an investigation of racist emails, reports NBCNews

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder‘s Justice Department began an investigation of the Ferguson Police Department in the aftermath of the fatal shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown on Aug. 9, 2014. The report released after that investigation was unflinching and mind-bogglingly thorough.

After spending more than 100 days on the ground in Ferguson interviewing city officials, including the mayor, police chief, judges, court clerk and “half of FPD’s sworn officers,” the Feds also combed through “over 35,000 pages of police records as well as thousands of emails” and found rampant bias, discrimination and abuse — not only from the police, but from the Ferguson court system as well.

On page 5 of the 102-page report, the emails are first addressed:

“We have found substantial evidence of racial bias among police and court staff in Ferguson. For example, we discovered emails circulated by police supervisors and court staff that stereotype racial minorities as criminals, including one email that joked about an abortion by an African-American woman being a means of crime control.”

In terms of the specifics, the investigation notes the following a string racist emails on page 72, starting in November 2008:

A November 2008 email stated that President Barack Obama would not be President for very long because “what black man holds a steady job for four years.”

A March 2010 email mocked African Americans through speech and familial stereotypes, using a story involving child support. One line from the email read: “I be so glad that dis be my last child support payment! Month after month, year after year, all dose payments!”

An April 2011 email depicted President Barack Obama as a chimpanzee.

A May 2011 email stated: “An African-American woman in New Orleans was admitted into the hospital for a pregnancy termination. Two weeks later she received a check for $5,000. She phoned the hospital to ask who it was from. The hospital said, ‘Crimestoppers.’”

A June 2011 email described a man seeking to obtain “welfare” for his dogs because they are “mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can’t speak English and have no frigging clue who their Daddies are.”

An October 2011 email included a photo of a bare-chested group of dancing women, apparently in Africa, with the caption, “Michelle Obama’s High School Reunion.”

A December 2011 email included jokes that are based on offensive stereotypes about Muslims.

State Judge Takes Over Ferguson Municipal Courts — The Gravy Train Is Dead


In further fallout from the recently released Department of Justice report into the corrupt and racist court and police system of Ferguson (this verified by comprehensive data), the Missouri Supreme Court announced this evening that a state judge will take over municipal court cases in the St. Louis suburb.

SEE ALSO: Ferguson Mayor Says Race Not An Issue, Bill Introduced To Stop “Policing For Revenue”

The takeover directly speaks to the damning evidence that came from the DOJ report released on Monday, which fingered municipal courts and police who routinely targeted African Americans to increase revenue—often stopping them without probable cause, and then jailing and/or fining them disporportionately, thus violating their constitutional rights.

The New York Times reports

The report described a city that used its police and courts as moneymaking ventures, a place where officers stopped and handcuffed people without probable cause, hurled racial slurs, used stun guns without provocation and treated anyone as suspicious merely for questioning police actions.

Based on the report, the federal government says it’s prepared to sue the city if it doesn’t make drastic changes including revamping its approach to policing, retraining its employees and establishing new oversight

Follow link for full article.

I'm glad my friends at Steelernation remind me every chance they get that the accusations of racism are largely exaggerated in this country.

Oh and that minorities are also racist........ while holding very little power in this country of course.
I have more common sense in a single hair on my balls then your entire family bloodline for the last 1000 years.
Who would have believed after that POS Darren Wilson got away with murder

Even Eric Holder laughs at your first sentence. Repeating a lie over and over again doesn't make it true.
You're a ******* moron. I fart in your general direction.
Police officers are union members and probably Democrats. Therefore all union members and Democrats are racist.
Haha looks like elfi elferton is a bit antsy, whipping up all these tasty threads. I smell insecurity, elfie...you gonna be ok?? Your jimmies a little rustled? Those core "values" of yours gonna keep you aloft?? Ha!
Seriously, why respond to this *******? Ignore it, and it will go away.
Brown's mother's t-shirt printer is going to be working overtime now.
Now the government is reading emails looking for and publishing racist jokes. Apparently the justification being criminal demonstrations based on a police officer doing nothing wrong. This is what happens when you get a couple of "community organizer" activists as president and attorney general of the U.S.
It could be institutional racism. Or it could be a witch hunt since the DOJ couldn't make a criminal case against the cop.
thank god richard pryor is dead or he'd be labeled a racist.
I have more common sense in a single hair on my balls then your entire family bloodline for the last 1000 years.

Flatulence and pubic hairs...yes I can sense the intellectual prowess in your genetics from here.
It could be institutional racism. Or it could be a witch hunt since the DOJ couldn't make a criminal case against the cop.

Or it could be racism, you know Occam's Razor...more likely than conspiracy theories especially when you have hard evidence that no one accused is denying.
Or it could be racism, you know Occam's Razor...more likely than conspiracy theories especially when you have hard evidence that no one accused is denying.
Next stop.....let's target the Easter Bunny for racism. Lift any rock, there is racism.
Paranoia runs deep.
Who would have believed after that POS Darren Wilson got away with murder...


Even your criminal hero is bewildered. He'd have loved nothing more than to pin murder charges on Wilson, and he put ethics aside trying to do so. Yet he couldn't do anything but admit the he and the DO and the media ****** up.

Yet you insist it was murder. Still.

You're a degenerate troll. Nothing more.

Even your criminal hero is bewildered. He'd have loved nothing more than to pin murder charges on Wilson, and he put ethics aside trying to do so. Yet he couldn't do anything but admit the he and the DO and the media ****** up.

Yet you insist it was murder. Still.

You're a degenerate troll. Nothing more.

Yeah....he's not my hero and that decision was politics as usual. Anyone who wants to can see clearly that boy was murdered while surrendering, even the white guys there saw it.

Next stop.....let's target the Easter Bunny for racism. Lift any rock, there is racism.
Paranoia runs deep.

The Easter bunny is pagan, nothing to do with racism. If you want racism, historically you need the monotheistic fantasies.
Yeah....he's not my hero and that decision was politics as usual. Anyone who wants to can see clearly that boy was murdered while surrendering, even the white guys there saw it.

From the Huffington Post that conservative bastion of truth:

3. Brown's hands were up in a surrender posture when shot by Officer Wilson. Here's the DOJ:

"Witnesses who say so cannot be relied upon in a prosecution because they have given accounts that are inconsistent with the physical and forensic evidence or are significantly inconsistent with their own prior statements made throughout the investigation. Certain other witnesses who originally stated Brown had his hands up in surrender recanted their original accounts, admitting that they did not witness the shooting or parts of it, despite what they initially reported either to federal or local law enforcement or to the media."


Now tell me your bullshit again.
From the Huffington Post that conservative bastion of truth:

3. Brown's hands were up in a surrender posture when shot by Officer Wilson. Here's the DOJ:

"Witnesses who say so cannot be relied upon in a prosecution because they have given accounts that are inconsistent with the physical and forensic evidence or are significantly inconsistent with their own prior statements made throughout the investigation. Certain other witnesses who originally stated Brown had his hands up in surrender recanted their original accounts, admitting that they did not witness the shooting or parts of it, despite what they initially reported either to federal or local law enforcement or to the media."


Now tell me your bullshit again.

In the words of your coach" The tape does not lie" That those guys recanted or didn't want to get involved in a **** storm, is irrelevant. The tape DOES NOT LIE.
In the words of your coach" The tape does not lie" That those guys recanted or didn't want to get involved in a **** storm, is irrelevant. The tape DOES NOT LIE.

Nor did Witness #10.

Enough said. Believe the bullshit you want because it fits your agenda. The facts disagree with you.

Well...that's the norm.
Yeah....he's not my hero and that decision was politics as usual. Anyone who wants to can see clearly that boy was murdered while surrendering, even the white guys there saw it.

The "witnesses" lied. They said he was shot in the back. They said he was shot in the head at point blank range. They made up all manner of fanciful stories that were completely contradicted by the forensic evidence. Try educating yourself once in awhile.

You're right, the tape doesn't lie.
