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Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling making racist remarks

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Now that he has a lifetime ban... I wonder is Jay-Z will be penalized for sporting a medallion that promotes a racist group? I'm kidding, hating white people is fine.
maybe it's just me, but seems Sterling may have the right to sue the NBA. What he said was not for public consumption, nor was it meant to be repeated in a public forum. It was a private conversation exchanged between two people in a relationship where one can expect privacy. What he said is irrelevant. The fact that he said this in privacy is relevant. The NBA may have a code of conduct, but Sterling was not hurting anyone with his comment. Offend? yes. Cause undue pain and emotional turmoil? no.
An appeal would go to arbitration and not court, but what are the odds that Sterling wins if he fights?
It gets John Kerry's stupid remarks off the news this week.

The Cube weighs in:

That and the MSM isn't covering things like the DOJ putting pressure on banks to close the accounts of people who work in certain industries and run certain types businesses.


Anything to distract the Mob from real issues or informing and educating the public.

Wait what happened on DWTS last night?
Isn't it odd how fast this was addressed yet we allow the people running this country to go no an on with no accountability.
Charles Barkley calls the NBA a BLACK league yet no word from the NAACP, Jabbar, Sharpton, ESPN talk shoes as Mike & mike, Heard or especially First Take. Anyone surprised here. Both in very bad taste but all the men of color seem to see on and not the other.
We are going to crazy town in this country. Are we really ok with this as a country? It's cool now to secretly record somebody in their own home then publicly release that and try to get them removed from their profession?

Look at the CEO of Firefox who was forced out a few weeks ago because he made a small donation to a political group against gay marriage. And the donation was years ago, back when Obama was still against gay marriage too.

This is getting scary now. It also shows the PC people have no core values aside from furthering their own agenda. They claim to be open minded but they are far from it. Deviate from pre approved PC talking points and you will be destroyed.

They are also fine these days with drones being used on our own citizens, the gov reading emails, the IRS discriminating against tea party groups, Universities stopping free speech on campus, limiting non PC opinions to certain "free speech zones".

I get get it, this guy may be a sleaze, but we need to break this media driven mob justice mentality, or maybe one day it will be decided by somebody else that something you said in your own home is unacceptable.
I don't give a **** about him, or his gold-digging ***** girlfriend or his stupid ******* team. I'm kind of amazed that the whole country is focused on this as the number one story.

Pittsburgh does not have an NBA team, therefore the NBA does not matter to me.

Yep...If they didn't ever play another game of basketball, I wouldn't know or care. Now can we all move along now, let them have their all black league or whatever and just let it go. All we need is more divisiveness when the racial waters are already at flood stage.
I get get it, this guy may be a sleaze, but we need to break this media driven mob justice mentality, or maybe one day it will be decided by somebody else that something you said in your own home is unacceptable.

Salem Witch Trials circa 2014.
We are going to crazy town in this country. Are we really ok with this as a country? It's cool now to secretly record somebody in their own home then publicly release that and try to get them removed from their profession?

Look at the CEO of Firefox who was forced out a few weeks ago because he made a small donation to a political group against gay marriage. And the donation was years ago, back when Obama was still against gay marriage too.

This is getting scary now. It also shows the PC people have no core values aside from furthering their own agenda. They claim to be open minded but they are far from it. Deviate from pre approved PC talking points and you will be destroyed.

They are also fine these days with drones being used on our own citizens, the gov reading emails, the IRS discriminating against tea party groups, Universities stopping free speech on campus, limiting non PC opinions to certain "free speech zones".

I get get it, this guy may be a sleaze, but we need to break this media driven mob justice mentality, or maybe one day it will be decided by somebody else that something you said in your own home is unacceptable.

I'm not comfortable with how the information was obtained, and if it was illegally she should be punished. But now the other owners have heard it and they can't unhear it. This is a league made up mostly of black men, with huge numbers of black fans. This isn't an "un-PC" opinion, it's blatant racism. Do they not have a right to protect their brand? If they let him stay they all go down with him. But as KAJ stated, this should have been done a long time ago, back when he said black people smell and attract vermin.
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Now that he has a lifetime ban... I wonder is Jay-Z will be penalized for sporting a medallion that promotes a racist group? I'm kidding, hating white people is fine.

That's the problem I have. From now on any athlete, manager etc who makes any racial statement in their personnel life better get banned for life. Like magic or all these black reporters piling on with bullshit have never said anything racial. Was he wrong, yes but the punishment doesn't fit what I heard on those tapes.
He's been an *** forever! Owners, players, and the NBA commish all knew it. Could have, should have done something about him years ago. They didn't utter a word. Now they jump all over him. Mark Jackson wanted to coach the Clippers, last year. Now he tells the fans to boycott the game.

Oh well. The guy deserves what he gets. But it's comical they wait till now to jump on him.
I'm not comfortable with how the information was obtained, and if it was illegally she should be punished. But now the other owners have heard it and they can't unhear it. This is a league made up mostly of black men, with huge numbers of black fans. This isn't an "un-PC" opinion, it's blatant racism. Do they not have a right to protect their brand? If they let him stay they all go down with him. But as KAJ stated, this should have been done a long time ago, back when he said black people smell and attract vermin.

That's what is fake about this whole thing. This smells like a set up. Everybody knew what this guy was about. It was perfectly fine until last week. Then a tape emerges where this girl seems to be trying to get him to say something and he finally does.

You do not like it and don't want to go to their games, fine. This firestorm is bullshit though. This guy didn't even get a chance to defend himself.

They are patting this commissioner on the back as if he did something courageous. No he didn't. He took the easy road. He took the pre approved media road.

What at would have been courageous is if he said he was sorry for the comments but he's not fining a guy for statement made in his own home and not for the public. If you want to boycott him, go right ahead, but the NBA has rules and we're not going to play the role of thought police.

I have no sympathy for the players either. They knew this guys reputation when they took his money. Their lives are no different today than last week.

Im not not defending this guy. He seems like a sleaze, but this rushed judgement is a bit scary.

Personally, i hope the tape turns out to be edited and this guys end up owning ESPN who had people on air relentlessly calling for people to boycott his business.

We all saw with the Zimmerman case, how just slightly editing out a word or two, changed the whole meaning of his 911 call.
I still don't see how a racist guy can **** a biracial chick.

an ugly biracial chick at that.
I think the reason they didn't do **** before is he wasn't guilty of anything. He settled twice and won the other. So how could they (if they wanted to) punish him back then. Now that said, I'm sure if they "wanted" to they could have done somthing. The major difference is one color... Green. Companies pulling enforcements, fans protesting, and I thjnk if someone wasn't done today the team wouldn't have played.

Dude got what he desires. Period. But I am conflicted. What if I call Coolie a ***. Is someone now going to try and take my home or car because oft views. Crazy forward thinking.
I also wonder what RG thinks of all this! Is the Redskins issue going to boil up more?
What at would have been courageous is if he said he was sorry for the comments but he's not fining a guy for statement made in his own home and not for the public.

Suppose your girlfriend taped you saying your boss is the stupidest ******* ******* you've ever met and posted it on facebook. Should he have to keep employing you, since that was a private conversation? I don't think so. Yes, she's in the wrong for taping you and should be punished and possibly sued, but it's certainly not his fault that he now knows you hate his guts.

Lesson learned...know who you can trust. If you don't want the world to know how you really feel about black people, probably shouldn't confide in the 20 year old gold digging ***** you're banging.

Personally, i hope the tape turns out to be edited and this guys end up owning ESPN who had people on air relentlessly calling for people to boycott his business.

From what I understand, he's admitted it was the real thing.
I think the reason they didn't do **** before is he wasn't guilty of anything. He settled twice and won the other. So how could they (if they wanted to) punish him back then. Now that said, I'm sure if they "wanted" to they could have done somthing. The major difference is one color... Green. Companies pulling enforcements, fans protesting, and I thjnk if someone wasn't done today the team wouldn't have played.

Dude got what he desires. Period. But I am conflicted. What if I call Coolie a ***. Is someone now going to try and take my home or car because oft views. Crazy forward thinking.

but, Coolie is a ***. He also stinks and attracts vermin.
Suppose your girlfriend taped you saying your boss is the stupidest ******* ******* you've ever met and posted it on facebook. Should he have to keep employing you, since that was a private conversation? I don't think so. Yes, she's in the wrong for taping you and should be punished and possibly sued, but it's certainly not his fault that he now knows you hate his guts.

Lesson learned...know who you can trust. If you don't want the world to know how you really feel about black people, probably shouldn't confide in the 20 year old gold digging ***** you're banging.

From what I understand, he's admitted it was the real thing.

A competent boss wouldn't care what i said if i was a good worker. As a matter of fact, a few years ago, i sent a coworker an email complaining about our boss and the dumb things i was being made to do. She did a Reply All by mistake and it went to our boss. Obviously we met about it and it ended up being a positive.

I just think keeping your mouth shut in your own home is not a lesson anyone should have to learn.

Everyone is on board because he made a racist statement, but what happens when the mob thinks you have to go because you voted for the wrong person. or you don't recycle, or whatever.

What i don't understand is why TMZ and ESPN are able to play these illegal recordings. So, it's illegal for me to secretly record somebody because it's an invasion of privacy, but it's totally fine for a 3rd party to broadcast that? Makes no sense.