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Make America Hate Again - Jesse Smallette edition

There are 4 basic races. Let me ask you.... If American Indians were going to be non-existent in 50 years and they didn't want to go extinct would that be racist?

Easy. One question answers all:

1. Is the person asking the question or making the statement white?

If yes, then RACIST.

If no, then NOT RACIST.

Thank you for playing. Oh, and as Mayor Buttplug found out, the gay card does not counteract the white=racist card.
Well, American Indians aren't really American, that whole Bering Strait thing and all, but I get your point.

We all come from the same group of people originally. Then broke into 4 races. Those races are broken down into sub-races (This is a biological term and not to be confused with sub-human). My only point is that people don't really want diversity. They want uniformity. They want everyone to be exactly the same. I don't. I like all people. I don't hate anyone based on anything. But I do think having some homogeneous countries are a good thing. Having American Indians in the U.S. is a good thing. If they were breed out of existence that would be a bad thing. I don't see anything racist about that.

On a different note immigration is destroying the U.S. Look at California. My wife is from there. I've been there many times and have seen it first hand. It isn't the American culture anymore. It's a 3rd world country. This is a cultural issue not a racial issue. I'd be just as pissed if Germans were flooding the country and waving their flags and saying they were taking it for the Fatherland and getting on welfare to pay for the invasion. If we lose the border war the country is gone. The world loses.
On a different note immigration is destroying the U.S. Look at California. My wife is from there. I've been there many times and have seen it first hand. It isn't the American culture anymore. It's a 3rd world country. This is a cultural issue not a racial issue. I'd be just as pissed if Germans were flooding the country and waving their flags and saying they were taking it for the Fatherland and getting on welfare to pay for the invasion. If we lose the border war the country is gone. The world loses.

To be fair, Vader, illegal immigration is destroying America. Legal immigrants must prove a source of financial support, the ability to speak English, knowledge of the Constitution and organization of American government.

Illegals prove none of that, and a massive percentage of illegals are on the dole.


I’m in the process of hiring a business associate from Italy. (Thank you, Trump tax cuts) Our HR guy is looking into the H1B Visa application for him. He’s going come into the country, you know...LEGALLY.. He will eventually become a US citizen the right way. I told him one of the job requirements is to vote for Trump. I was only mostly serious. He won’t be eligible in time anyway.

Like voting legally matters.

I'm not angry anymore - good enough for you??? At the time, since I have to be specific, I was angry - too angry to type. Grown-ups can be transparent and move on. I'm a grown-up.

Sure. We will be careful not to hurt your feelings again. Don't want to make you angry.
How can people immigrate everywhere? Where are they coming from? There are two different issues at work here. First off, Japan already does this. They refuse to let outsiders in. It's already happening. Nobody cares. I'm sorry if you don't know how them being over run with foreigners works. You really think Japan of today would be Japanese if a 100 million Chinese flooded the country?

Look I understand most people don't care about history, culture or heritage any more. People are ok with monochromatic people where everyone is exactly the same. Everyone is a shade of brown. I like real diversity where you have Irish, German, Kenyan, Nipponese ETC... I like different cultures and want to keep them. I don't want everyone to look alike.

If people don't agree with me then fine. Again I don't care who people marry. I would ask why the U.S. has been trying to keep down birth rates in the U.S. while at the same time allowing basically unfettered immigration? Why is it good for us not to have children but great if other countries do?

I'm on the slightly disagree fence.

Read the story about the Tower of Babel.

Lastly, my African-American first cousin is married to a Japanese girl. They live in Japan (been there over 10 years now)...
To be fair, Vader, illegal immigration is destroying America. Legal immigrants must prove a source of financial support, the ability to speak English, knowledge of the Constitution and organization of American government.

Illegals prove none of that, and a massive percentage of illegals are on the dole.



Just "who" qualifies as "NATIVE"???
Do I think selectively breeding human beings in order to preserve a race is racist?

Yes, I do.

Who said anything about selective breeding? Talk about a strawman. I'm say that if individual members of a tribe want to keep their race alive there is nothing wrong with that.
To be fair, Vader, illegal immigration is destroying America. Legal immigrants must prove a source of financial support, the ability to speak English, knowledge of the Constitution and organization of American government.

Illegals prove none of that, and a massive percentage of illegals are on the dole.

Yes, we bring in great human beings like Rep. Omar and thousands of Somalis that literally hate the country. She isn't anywhere near alone. I've met hundreds of mexicans in California that are legal. They hate... absolutely hate this country. They hate white people and black people. They want to take back the south west (and even the entire country) for Mexico. Hell they have parades about it.

I'd have a very limited immigration policy. The U.S. doesn't need millions of people legally or illegally flowing into it to satisfy the chamber of commerce and democratic voting blocks.
Who said anything about selective breeding? Talk about a strawman. I'm say that if individual members of a tribe want to keep their race alive there is nothing wrong with that.

Potato potahto.

Native Americans are not even a distinct race, They are descended from numerous different tribes having different ethnic and geographic origins They have varying languages, religions,traditions, cultural dress, etc. Many have European, Mexican, or Asian DNA mixed in already. The idea that the only way to preserve their culture and heritage is to only mate with exact genetic matches is, IMO, racist.
I'm on the slightly disagree fence.

Read the story about the Tower of Babel.

Lastly, my African-American first cousin is married to a Japanese girl. They live in Japan (been there over 10 years now)...

One of my Master's degrees is in systematic theology so I'm familiar with the Tower of Babel. Still all people came from the same family and then broke into races. The tower dealt with languages not races. Also Japan doesn't allow mass migration. They will allow people to come there of course. My father was stationed in Japan. But to become a citizen there are tons of hoops to go through. They won't allow mass migration of any other group.
Potato potahto.

Native Americans are not even a distinct race, They are descended from numerous different tribes having different ethnic and geographic origins They have varying languages, religions,traditions, cultural dress, etc. Many have European, Mexican, or Asian DNA mixed in already. The idea that the only way to preserve their culture and heritage is to only mate with exact genetic matches is, IMO, racist.

I understand about races. I teach biology and genetics. I even said in this thread there are 4 main races. You have a weird understanding of racism. I've seen black woman complain for years about black men marrying white woman. Are they racists? Is the NAACP racists since they only care about black Americans? What about the congressional black caucus? What about the BET network? All racists?

Also we don't know much about Indian DNA because there isn't enough of a base because we have almost no samples from the past. Which is why Warren was tested against Mexican (or South American, I can't remember). So I'm not sure where you got your facts from. I'm sure some of them are mixed now. But many of them still live on reservations and only marry within their group. I know you hate this but they do it. And it should be there right to do so. BTW you also just described Europeans. They are from different tribes.... Germanic tribes. But they are all one race.
Do I think hanging 14 year-olds up by their braids is bad? Yes, I do,

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/SUDDESlCVd3Co" width="480" height="276" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/justin-bieber-zingers-SUDDESlCVd3Co">via GIPHY</a></p>

I'm on the slightly disagree fence.

Read the story about the Tower of Babel.

Lastly, my African-American first cousin is married to a Japanese girl. They live in Japan (been there over 10 years now)...

I'm Irish-English-Portugese-'Merican. send me to Switzerland to see if I can breed the Swiss out of their blonde/blue-eyed women.

**no, you are not allowed to tag along**
Looks like Jussie is being painted into a corner. Good. GOOD. And Kim Foxx, the States Attorney that randomly dismissed all charges, is in hot water as well.

Jussie Smollett’s Google Headache

Lots of things Smollett said privately before and after the most notorious fake attack since The War of the Worlds are about to become public.

If Jussie Smollett had last year pleaded guilty to some minor charge, done 90 days of community service, and paid a substantial fine to reimburse the $130,000 worth of overtime costs rolled up by Chicago police detectives investigating his ludicrous assault claims, he might today be in full rebound mode. Picture it: the tearful, dramatic mea culpa with Robin Roberts. A bold admission — “This is on me” — followed by a deflection of blame to drugs or alcohol or the dark demons of hate we all know are lurking out there, waiting for third-tier television stars to emerge from sandwich shops. A charity concert. A blessing from Al Sharpton. Some light-hearted banter with Stephen Colbert. Then, gradual forgiveness and maybe another TV deal.

What Smollett did instead looks increasingly stupid. He admitted nothing and even doubled down on his fantasy tale of a late-night attack by men supposedly roaming the streets with a noose and a bottle of bleach. He was handed the opportunity by the office of State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, which dropped charges without demanding a guilty plea because he had supposedly already been punished enough, by secretly serving a few hours’ community service and forfeiting a bond of which he paid a mere $10,000. But if he was the victim of a crime, why should he forfeit one dollar or agree to one hour of community service? Worse: The real criminals are still out there!

Led by the then-mayor and the then–CPD superintendent, outrage about Smollett’s lies caused the appointment of a special prosecutor, Dan Webb. So the story lives on. Smollett has not been nailed, and Chicago wants him nailed. He will get nailed. The postman always rings twice.

Webb has won the right to comb through Smollett’s emails, the Chicago Tribune reported last week. Smollett is not exactly a meticulous master criminal. The day the story broke, January 29, he was already telling different versions of his tall tale to the press and the police (who, if I know anything about police, therefore grokked that he was lying on the very first day).

A Chicago judge approved the special prosecutor’s request for search warrants to obtain from both Smollett and his manager “not just emails but also drafted and deleted messages; any files in their Google Drive cloud storage services; any Google Voice texts, calls and contacts; search and web browsing history; and location data.” Ouch. There is no chance that all of this information will back up Smollett’s made-for-TV claims about men roaming around looking for gay television actors to beat up while chanting MAGA slogans.

The search warrant was granted way back on December 6, and since the judge ordered Google and its “representatives, agents and employees” not to disclose his order to turn over the records because it might “jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation,” Smollett presumably had no idea his records were even being seized until the Tribune report ran on January 8.

So lots of things Smollett said privately before and after the most notorious fake attack by nonexistent evildoers since The War of the Worlds radio show are about to become public. Smollett’s career appears to be on pause. His income must be minimal after Fox fired him from Empire. His legal bills are piling up. Oh, and Dave Chappelle openly mocked him and rechristened him “Juicy Smollée.” Will the humiliation never end?

Smollett is not the only one on the hook. Foxx, Smollett’s apparent ally who let him skate, seems to be feeling the heat and has retained outside legal counsel. Foxx hired a lawyer to represent her personal interests and also brought in a former chief judge to respond to Webb’s inquiries about the state’s attorney’s office. This latter problem is costing taxpayers a significant amount: the lawyer is being paid (at a rate of $250 to $375 an hour) with public funds. Foxx is running for reelection but faces three Democratic opponents in a March primary.

Seems like it won’t be long before Special Prosecutor Webb uncovers what really happened with the case. The good news for Smollett, who in November of 2018 posed on Instagram in a shirt emblazoned with the word TRUTH in gigantic letters, is that he will at last be freed from his lies. After being forced to confess, he can get to work on rebuilding. Let the fake-apology tour begin!
Juicy news indeed...

In his news release, Webb said he concluded that prosecuting Smollett was “in the interest of justice” for a number of reasons, including the extensive details of Smollett's false account as well as the resources that the police department threw at the investigation.

When the first indictment against Smollett was returned, Webb wrote, the state’s attorney’s office had concluded that the evidence in the case was "strong.” But the office failed to offer any new evidence to explain why authorities dropped the charges just a few weeks later, Webb said.

I liken this to an outer ring on a dart board. Add to it the 4 resignations from (Mueller) lawyers on the Roger Stone case yesterday, and the withdrawal of Jessie Liu from consideration for Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Crimes at Treasury Dept., and you start to see a slow but methodical draining of DC corruption.

Don't forget your hat Juicy, cold out there lol.

Juicy news indeed...

I liken this to an outer ring on a dart board. Add to it the 4 resignations from (Mueller) lawyers on the Roger Stone case yesterday, and the withdrawal of Jessie Liu from consideration for Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Crimes at Treasury Dept., and you start to see a slow but methodical draining of DC corruption.

Don't forget your hat Juicy, cold out there lol.


Agreed. The fact that they originally had so much evidence and then just dropped the charges reeked at the time of executive privilege of some sort. Why? If I had done this, I'd be in the slammer pronto.

Kim Foxx dropped the case despite overwhelming evidence. Despite the PD having invested so much time and effort into the case. Likely Foxx was forced or told to do so. But regardless, the whole thing smelled. Clearly, an injustice was happening.

Thankfully, it's finally being investigated. Hopefully those complicit go the way of the rest of the swamp rats fleeing the swamp.