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Make America Hate Again - Jesse Smallette edition

I dont know if Trumps father was a Democrat or not. Do you have some proof of that, or did you see it on CNN? Trump used to be a Democrat so I guess there is some chance his father was too. And so what if he was? By your own story you proved that people can change. Why are you so angry about that? I used to work security in an ER. I have seen the looks that black people have given me, so you are not alone. In general I dont see racism at work or in daily life. The media just wants to project that there is, and sometimes it works.

Water under the bridge. Check the link I provided in my post...
There are definitely racist people in the country, but it also goes both ways. I know black families who have disowned their daughter / son because they were dating a white person. My GF is latino and her blood family is highly against her dating me because I am white. There are racists among people of all cultures / races. I think the outrage from the black community is very disproportionate to what is really going on. For example lets say Johnny is 15 and black, holds up a store doesnt obey police orders and gets shot by a white cop. This would make national headlines there would be protests etc etc......Now lets say Johnny gets involved in a gang and gets shot by a rival gang. It may make the local news / paper, but be a blip on the radar. I think black leaders should focus on fixing the communities rather than trying to blame white people for everything.

I am living this right now. Right this minute.

My older son played HS football with this guy. My son was to be the QB but this kid transfers to the school. The transfer finished HS shattering every HS passing record of note, took the team to back to back State Title games. Got himself a D1 scholarship. Through it all, my son and this kid become tremendous friends.

He's black. As are many, many of my kids friends. As is the young man my family mentors who spends 2-3 weekends a month with us.

My son is home from college. Couple weeks ago asks if K (I'll call him K) can stay with us. Says he is flying home from college and didn't want to go to his home. I'm like how long? He's like not sure. I said yes he's welcome for as long as he needs.

K moves in on a Sunday. Turns out he's having issues at home with his dad - still. Hadn't seen his dad, mom, and three siblings since January, but instead of going home, he moves into my house.

In HS his dad didn't want him to have girlfriends. When they found out he had a white GF, dad went nuts. Coaches had to get involved. His dad threatened to move them home to NC. Kicked him out and he stayed with friends. Year or so later, K gets a new girlfriend. She's Hispanic. That was fine. He never said a word...

So K stays with us for the week, grabs all his college stuff on Friday (stayed 5 days), thanks us for everything and left to go home, lying to his parents that he just got off the plane that day.

Sunday my son calls me from his job. Panicked he says "can K come back and stay with us?"
I said "sure but why, what's going on?"
Son: "His dad found out he had a gf. When he found out his gf was white, they were driving on the highway and his dad pulled over, kicked him out and left him on the highway, I'm so f@#$ing mad dad."

K showed up at my house Sunday night. He's here now. May be here all summer.

I told my son a day or so later, K's dad is a racist. Plain and simple. And it goes both ways. And sadly it's affecting his son's life, negatively.

And because of racism, I'm feeding and housing another young man perhaps for the rest of the summer.

Not that I mind, I love having the kids around.

EDIT: my son just walks in. He took K to work. I asked him if things had worked yet between K and his dad. Son says "Well he went by his house yesterday to pick up the rest of his things. His dad said to K 'You know you still have a home here - once you let that girl go.'

No kidding.
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He also could have started a full scale race war in America over a complete lie because he wanted woke points and more money. I hope he goes to jail for a long time.

The media already tells minorities that White people hate them and that most Whites are hateful bigots. So the stage is set because they are stirring up hatred between the races already. All it will take for extreme violent outbreaks across the country is one big firing pin. This very well could have been it if he wasn't such a moron. He should pay big.

Damn ******* straight.

This was a career move for him and undoubtedly people would have died. Just like Ferguson. **** had an albumm coming out too.

You'll get no rebuttal from me. It was a stupid move on his part. Racial tensions, IMO, will never go away until we are all one race - and that will never happen. Even then, jealousy, envy happens within families and the fighting will start all over again.

There's a story in the Bible about it - Cain & Abel...
My wife was pregnant with our son and at the park, in Huntsville/Harvest, AL, with my two little girls (2 & 7). The girls were playing on the swingset while my wife sat in the shade watching. About 20 minutes passed and a young white mother with a little boy approached the swing set and "removed" my 2 year old from the swing and told my eldest daughter to, "take your little black selves to the other side of town and play". This infuriated my wife - and she wobbled over to the lady and said, "if you ever put your hands on my kids again - you gonna need to call the police. As a matter of fact, I'm calling them now because you're harassing my family!!!" No need to tell you who was wrong in this scenario...

Your wife deserves a medal Berm. Plain and simple. If the shoe had been on the other foot and some other parent had put hands on my kid, I'd have ended up in jail. Good for her in how she handled it.

Stories like this infuriate me. I don't understand the ignorant hate many people harbor and that incident you describe is just ignorant hatred. She never should have to endure people like that.
It is said that racism is a learned trait and K's dad is not doing him any favors by treating him like this. K has to figure things out on his own and the best place to do it is in college. The further his dad pushes him away, the more resentment he will be experience with his son. Kids are rebellious anyway and to hammer home hateful thoughts is not healthy. I hope everything works out for K and his family. It's great you have taken him in Tim and your family should be commended for that. He needs a stable place to live. It sounds like he has a really promising future ahead of himself.
100% agreed. Thanks, Jitter and I'm sorry to hear about your personal plight w/ the GF's family...

thanks.... she was adopted and her blood family lives far away so they don't bother me. Every once in awhile they will post stupid comments on her facebook, but I don't care what they say. The funny part is all of them have been in and out of jail their whole lives and also have drug/ alcohol problems. I never even had as much as a detention, but according to them im the white devil
Since the thread has evolved into where we are now...

In high school, I went to what was considered the "rich" folks school. My freshman class was 700 students. We were the largest class ever. Short-lived, since the class behind us was larger. Every year, classes got larger. More and more students. Bussing was becoming more and more prevalent as the school district widened where students could go/be bussed from. As such, the racial makeup of the school got more and more diverse. What was 90% white had gone to 80% white by my sophomore year. 75% white by my junior year.

Of course, we were all accepting and loving of each other as teenagers can be.

Just kidding... there was a "race fight" between a lot of the black kids bussed in and some of the rednecks who didnt like the black kids. At that time, I just mixed in with everyone. Black, white, brown...just a skin color and doesn't show mental ability nor the inside of a heart. I had friends on both sides getting into the stupid fight. Cops were called, school administrators went ballistic, some kids were suspended, others expelled. Really tense feeling for awhile.

See, I would spend the weekends and most summers at my grandmother's. She didn't live in a rich part of town. Nor even in what would be considered middle class. My senior year of high school, I went to live with her and went to the school there. Racial make up was about 50% white, 45% black and 5% mexican/other. I made friends with a guy on the basketball team. We sat next to each other in Accounting and helped each other with homework, tests, etc. Steve (you can find him on my Facebook page) was a pure athlete. Went on to secure a D1 scholarship after setting state record in points and rebounds in a single game that year. Steve and I stood next to each other at graduation, arms draped around one another. He called me - and still calls me - his brother.

Oh, Steve's skin is a darker pigment than mine. Much darker, since I'm more of Irish and he's more of African.

Years later, I made friends with a guy who also had much darker skin than me. He and I would hang out, go to clubs, pick up girls and party together. He calls me his brother, too.

My own brother, however, calls me a racist. Yet cannot explain it, other than I voted for Trump. Even when I explained to him why I voted for Trump (which had zero to do with race or sex), I'm still labeled a racist. Relationship is fractured, but I still have my "brothers".
My own brother, however, calls me a racist. Yet cannot explain it, other than I voted for Trump. Even when I explained to him why I voted for Trump (which had zero to do with race or sex), I'm still labeled a racist. Relationship is fractured, but I still have my "brothers".

This is how it is Supe. What I'm doing in real life. What you do in real life. Does. Not. Matter.

We voted for Trump.

We are, therefore, racist and vermin.
There are definitely racist people in the country, but it also goes both ways. I know black families who have disowned their daughter / son because they were dating a white person. My GF is latino and her blood family is highly against her dating me because I am white. There are racists among people of all cultures / races. I think the outrage from the black community is very disproportionate to what is really going on. For example lets say Johnny is 15 and black, holds up a store doesnt obey police orders and gets shot by a white cop. This would make national headlines there would be protests etc etc......Now lets say Johnny gets involved in a gang and gets shot by a rival gang. It may make the local news / paper, but be a blip on the radar. I think black leaders should focus on fixing the communities rather than trying to blame white people for everything.

My issues is with the "racism" word. They don't want their daughter dating a white boy. Ok... does that mean they hate white people? Because that is the definition of racism. Or do they want to keep their culture and heritage? I can't answer that for them. But just because people don't want to interbreed with other races doesn't automatically make them racist. If American Indians interbred they would be extinct in a few decades. It isn't that they don't like other races but they don't want their race to be destroyed.

Again I don't care who marries who. Everyone should be free to marry who they want. But I'm not going to say people are racist if they want to keep their culture and heritage alive and marry within their group.
My issues is with the "racism" word. They don't want their daughter dating a white boy. Ok... does that mean they hate white people? Because that is the definition of racism. Or do they want to keep their culture and heritage? I can't answer that for them. But just because people don't want to interbreed with other races doesn't automatically make them racist. If American Indians interbred they would be extinct in a few decades. It isn't that they don't like other races but they don't want their race to be destroyed.

Again I don't care who marries who. Everyone should be free to marry who they want. But I'm not going to say people are racist if they want to keep their culture and heritage alive and marry within their group.

What is it in the example I listed above? Dad loses his **** when his black son dates a white girl. Dad is ok with son dating a hispanic girl. Dad doesn't insist that his son only date a black girl.

That to me is racist. It's a specific example, I know.
What is it in the example I listed above? Dad loses his **** when his black son dates a white girl. Dad is ok with son dating a hispanic girl. Dad doesn't insist that his son only date a black girl.

That to me is racist. It's a specific example, I know.

Sounds like he doesn't like white people. So that is racists IMHO.
You clowns are all racist. I'm the only one on this freaking forum who is not racist. From now on, you racists need to run your comments by me for approval.
Here is the solution to the race issue: Simply remove white males and pretend they never existed.


I’d been to the Bornstein auditorium of Brigham and Women’s Hospital many times during 40 years on the Harvard Medical School faculty and nine years as its dean. But when I arrived in the early morning several weeks ago to lecture to the hospital’s storied department of medicine, I was startled upon entering the familiar venue.

A year earlier, The Boston Globe reported that the portraits would be removed as part of a diversity initiative, but I hadn’t seen the result. What I experienced was not diversity, but sterility.

The problem? All the scientists depicted in the portraits were white males, and "diversity" (what-the-****-ever that is supposed to mean) demanded that if only white males were included, then nobody is to be included.

Diversity (n): All inclusive, but if you are not diverse, you don't exist.
Diversity (n): All inclusive, but if you are WHITE, you don't exist.

Fixed it for you. Fact is that this isn't going to get any better. I think there was a chance at one point but not anymore. There is too much money in victimization and people don't want to be responsible for their actions. Diversity is a call word for anti-white. Personally I don't care about diversity. I want the best people for the job.

Harvard had a blacks only graduation. This happens all over the country... well unless you are white. Then it's racism. That can't happen in an equal country. It's either equally for all or for some. Eventually the non-equal people will get sick of being unequal.
Water under the bridge. Check the link I provided in my post...

I did check the link. It started off with a Trump KKK blow up doll. It had speculation with no proof of anything. You had to dig pretty deep to find that cheesy site. Hell I can start a site and state that aliens landed in my back yard, and some idiots will believe me. You came here all angry about one incident that happened in the past calling us racists. Are you going to live the rest of your life dwelling on one thing?
I am living this right now. Right this minute.

My older son played HS football with this guy. My son was to be the QB but this kid transfers to the school. The transfer finished HS shattering every HS passing record of note, took the team to back to back State Title games. Got himself a D1 scholarship. Through it all, my son and this kid become tremendous friends.

He's black. As are many, many of my kids friends. As is the young man my family mentors who spends 2-3 weekends a month with us.

My son is home from college. Couple weeks ago asks if K (I'll call him K) can stay with us. Says he is flying home from college and didn't want to go to his home. I'm like how long? He's like not sure. I said yes he's welcome for as long as he needs.

K moves in on a Sunday. Turns out he's having issues at home with his dad - still. Hadn't seen his dad, mom, and three siblings since January, but instead of going home, he moves into my house.

In HS his dad didn't want him to have girlfriends. When they found out he had a white GF, dad went nuts. Coaches had to get involved. His dad threatened to move them home to NC. Kicked him out and he stayed with friends. Year or so later, K gets a new girlfriend. She's Hispanic. That was fine. He never said a word...

So K stays with us for the week, grabs all his college stuff on Friday (stayed 5 days), thanks us for everything and left to go home, lying to his parents that he just got off the plane that day.

Sunday my son calls me from his job. Panicked he says "can K come back and stay with us?"
I said "sure but why, what's going on?"
Son: "His dad found out he had a gf. When he found out his gf was white, they were driving on the highway and his dad pulled over, kicked him out and left him on the highway, I'm so f@#$ing mad dad."

K showed up at my house Sunday night. He's here now. May be here all summer.

I told my son a day or so later, K's dad is a racist. Plain and simple. And it goes both ways. And sadly it's affecting his son's life, negatively.

And because of racism, I'm feeding and housing another young man perhaps for the rest of the summer.

Not that I mind, I love having the kids around.

EDIT: my son just walks in. He took K to work. I asked him if things had worked yet between K and his dad. Son says "Well he went by his house yesterday to pick up the rest of his things. His dad said to K 'You know you still have a home here - once you let that girl go.'

No kidding.

Tim, you've got a place 'upstairs' already prepared good sir!!! It's a pleasure to hear good stories like this!!!
Since the thread has evolved into where we are now...

In high school, I went to what was considered the "rich" folks school. My freshman class was 700 students. We were the largest class ever. Short-lived, since the class behind us was larger. Every year, classes got larger. More and more students. Bussing was becoming more and more prevalent as the school district widened where students could go/be bussed from. As such, the racial makeup of the school got more and more diverse. What was 90% white had gone to 80% white by my sophomore year. 75% white by my junior year.

Of course, we were all accepting and loving of each other as teenagers can be.

Just kidding... there was a "race fight" between a lot of the black kids bussed in and some of the rednecks who didnt like the black kids. At that time, I just mixed in with everyone. Black, white, brown...just a skin color and doesn't show mental ability nor the inside of a heart. I had friends on both sides getting into the stupid fight. Cops were called, school administrators went ballistic, some kids were suspended, others expelled. Really tense feeling for awhile.

See, I would spend the weekends and most summers at my grandmother's. She didn't live in a rich part of town. Nor even in what would be considered middle class. My senior year of high school, I went to live with her and went to the school there. Racial make up was about 50% white, 45% black and 5% mexican/other. I made friends with a guy on the basketball team. We sat next to each other in Accounting and helped each other with homework, tests, etc. Steve (you can find him on my Facebook page) was a pure athlete. Went on to secure a D1 scholarship after setting state record in points and rebounds in a single game that year. Steve and I stood next to each other at graduation, arms draped around one another. He called me - and still calls me - his brother.

Oh, Steve's skin is a darker pigment than mine. Much darker, since I'm more of Irish and he's more of African.

Years later, I made friends with a guy who also had much darker skin than me. He and I would hang out, go to clubs, pick up girls and party together. He calls me his brother, too.

My own brother, however, calls me a racist. Yet cannot explain it, other than I voted for Trump. Even when I explained to him why I voted for Trump (which had zero to do with race or sex), I'm still labeled a racist. Relationship is fractured, but I still have my "brothers".

Itch, I call you "brother"!!! You know you're my family forever!!!
My issues is with the "racism" word. They don't want their daughter dating a white boy. Ok... does that mean they hate white people? Because that is the definition of racism. Or do they want to keep their culture and heritage? I can't answer that for them. But just because people don't want to interbreed with other races doesn't automatically make them racist. If American Indians interbred they would be extinct in a few decades. It isn't that they don't like other races but they don't want their race to be destroyed.

Again I don't care who marries who. Everyone should be free to marry who they want. But I'm not going to say people are racist if they want to keep their culture and heritage alive and marry within their group.
Very interesting perspective, Vader - very interesting indeed!
I did check the link. It started off with a Trump KKK blow up doll. It had speculation with no proof of anything. You had to dig pretty deep to find that cheesy site. Hell I can start a site and state that aliens landed in my back yard, and some idiots will believe me. You came here all angry about one incident that happened in the past calling us racists. Are you going to live the rest of your life dwelling on one thing?

Let it go. I have.
My issues is with the "racism" word. They don't want their daughter dating a white boy. Ok... does that mean they hate white people? Because that is the definition of racism. Or do they want to keep their culture and heritage? I can't answer that for them. But just because people don't want to interbreed with other races doesn't automatically make them racist. If American Indians interbred they would be extinct in a few decades. It isn't that they don't like other races but they don't want their race to be destroyed.

Again I don't care who marries who. Everyone should be free to marry who they want. But I'm not going to say people are racist if they want to keep their culture and heritage alive and marry within their group.

Sorry I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. Saying someone's race will be "extinct" if they "interbreed" is reminiscent of Nazi philosophy. Rejecting human beings in order to keep your race "pure" is practically the definition of racism. Culture and heritage have nothing to do with DNA. Very few people in this country or elsewhere are "purebred" anything.
I said earlier in this thread that Smollett needs to be punished very harshly.

If we really want to stop crimes then we need to also stop false accusations. The penalty for raping someone is severe and serious. The penalty for falsely accusing someone of rape needs to be just as severe because those are the "stakes" involved.

What would the penalty be if this report was true? What would the liberal witch hunt demand as fair punishment?

That is the same punishment that should be on the table for Smollett and with the same vigor and demand for justice.
Very interesting perspective, Vader - very interesting indeed!

Let it go. I have.

No you haven't. You are the one that came in here declaring how angry you are. You said that you are so angry that you couldn't type any more.
Sorry I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. Saying someone's race will be "extinct" if they "interbreed" is reminiscent of Nazi philosophy. Rejecting human beings in order to keep your race "pure" is practically the definition of racism. Culture and heritage have nothing to do with DNA. Very few people in this country or elsewhere are "purebred" anything.

You moral outrage is impressive, but that doesn't change the facts that heritage is all about DNA, and of course a race can be bred out of existence. No amount of quotes or Nazi references will change that.