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Maricopa County audit

why are they using these bulky machines and not jumping into the future and using say iPads with scanners?
If it wasn't so serious, I would be laughing at the Dims in NYC. Oh, you counted 135,000 sample ballots, unpossible!

The hypocrisy runs deep.
Hypocrisy wins elections. That's all that matters
he election for the next mayor of New York City is in a state of confusion after the city's board of elections released a new tally late Tuesday in the Democratic primary, then abruptly removed the tabulations citing a "discrepancy" due to counting thousands of test ballots.

The board said the sample ballot images were used to test its ranked-choice voting software, according to The New York Times.

"The Board of Elections conducts rigorous and mandatory pre-qualified testing for every election. It has determined that ballot images used for testing were not cleared from the Election Management System," the group tweeted. "It included both test and election night results producing approximately 135,000 additional records."

Additional "records"? Oh, you mean "135,000 fake votes that should not have been counted," right?


This was the city's first try in implementing a ranked-choice system, a voting system that allows voters to list up to five candidates in their preferential order. This allows voters to still vote for preferred candidates if their first choice is eliminated.

The previous vote tabulations had shown that Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams' lead had narrowed, resulting in him question the election.

"We have asked the board of elections to explain such a massive increase and other irregularities before we comment on the Ranked Choice Voting projection,’ Adams said.

Wait, a (D)imbo candidate had questions when hundreds of thousands of ballots miraculously appeared in the middle of the night and changed the vote? Noooo ...


No worries. Tiborat will be here momentarily to assure us that the election was 100% free of fraud or vote manipulation or any indicia of questionable vote tabulation.

Unbiased America

43m ·

by Kevin Ryan
The Supreme Court has ruled 6-3 to uphold two election security laws in Arizona in a big win for GOP states looking to pass new election legislation.
Democrats were hoping the court would strike down the Arizona laws, strengthening their ability to challenge the dozens of states passing new election integrity measures in the wake of the contentious 2020 results.
Today’s ruling instead said that Arizona did not violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965 when it passed a law in 2016 allowing only voters, their family members, or their caregivers to collect and deliver a completed ballot. Democrats have been pushing to legalize so-called “ballot harvesting” nationwide, which would allow anyone to turn in another person’s ballot.
“Democrats said minority voters are more likely to need help turning in their ballots,” according to NBC News. The Supreme Court disagreed.
The court today also upheld Arizona policy requiring election officials to throw out ballots cast in the wrong precincts. The state said the out-of-precinct rule was intended to prevent fraudulent multiple voting. Democrats again claimed that the rule made it harder for minorities to successfully turn in their ballot.
Today’s ruling overturns a decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Developing story…
SOURCE: https://www.nbcnews.com/.../supreme-court-upholds...
Hey fellas, how's the audit going? Still slaving away at the recount and verification?

Just checked, it's July 1st, 2021. That's 270 days since the election. Please let us know if Joe Biden is really our President, or if we should be holding out hope that former guy will be reinstated.

Thank you on behalf of a nation on the edge of their seats, waiting to see what's going on in *Maricopa County* with bated breath.
Hey fellas, how's the audit going? Still slaving away at the recount and verification?

Because you are stupid and lazy, you count on others to do the work, after which you ***** and whine like a spoiled 2-year old, but without the intellect.

In other words, you're a (D)imbo.

The tabulation is done. The Arizona Secretary of State, an imbecile career politician known as Katie Hobbs, refused to oversee the audit and, true to her (D)imbo roots, then whined about how the audit was being conducted. Turns out, of course, her whining was unfounded and political bullshittery.

The auditing firm said that due to delays by Dominion, interference by Hobbs, court battles the auditing comany won (repeatedly) against Hobbs and the (D)imbos, the process was delayed by at least four weeks. The auditing company expects to issue a detailed report with its findings, backed up by facts, in the next few weeks.

You must be very concerned. If I were a slavering bootlicking nitwit (D)imbo, so would I. Thank all that is holy I'm not - quite the opposite.

Just checked, it's July 1st, 2021. That's 270 days since the election. Please let us know if Joe Biden is really our President,

No, he's a dementia-ridden joke wandering around a cafe totally lost. Want to know how "Presidential" that diaper-wearing pudding-eater is?


Jill Biden is "prepping for the G7." Not Joe Biden. Also, Jill Biden - who received exactly the same number of votes for President as I did - is not a "United States government official." If you are too stupid to see that a dementia-ridden, confused, weird old man is not the President, then you have simply upped your level of stupidity.

And that is saying a lot.

Thank you on behalf of a nation on the edge of their seats, waiting to see what's going on in *Maricopa County* with bated breath.

Protests in D.C. January 6, no guns, no insurrection, the horrible crime of trespassing? Tiborat's response:


Audit to see if the vote was fraudulent in a key state, vote totals not accurate, votes without required background and chain of custody? Tiborat's response:

In related news....Dems are pissed

The Supreme Court upheld Arizona voting rules that restrict ballot harvesting and the submission of provisional ballots outside of one’s home precinct, following a challenge from the Democratic National Committee.

In a 6-3 decision on Tuesday, the court ruled that neither the policy requiring provisional ballots to be completely disregarded if submitted at the wrong precinct nor the law making it a felony to submit another person’s ballot (with limited exceptions) violate Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. The decision overturned a ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

"[N]either Arizona’s out-of-precinct rule nor its ballot-collection law violates §2 of the VRA," Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the court’s opinion, in which he was joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

Unbiased America

43m ·

by Kevin Ryan
The Supreme Court has ruled 6-3 to uphold two election security laws in Arizona in a big win for GOP states looking to pass new election legislation.
Democrats were hoping the court would strike down the Arizona laws, strengthening their ability to challenge the dozens of states passing new election integrity measures in the wake of the contentious 2020 results.
Today’s ruling instead said that Arizona did not violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965 when it passed a law in 2016 allowing only voters, their family members, or their caregivers to collect and deliver a completed ballot. Democrats have been pushing to legalize so-called “ballot harvesting” nationwide, which would allow anyone to turn in another person’s ballot.
“Democrats said minority voters are more likely to need help turning in their ballots,” according to NBC News. The Supreme Court disagreed.
The court today also upheld Arizona policy requiring election officials to throw out ballots cast in the wrong precincts. The state said the out-of-precinct rule was intended to prevent fraudulent multiple voting. Democrats again claimed that the rule made it harder for minorities to successfully turn in their ballot.
Today’s ruling overturns a decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Developing story…
SOURCE: https://www.nbcnews.com/.../supreme-court-upholds...
Funny how strengthening voter security is headlined as "restrictive" by the socialist media.
Why the **** is Jill Biden doing anything? Nobody elected or appointed her to do ******* ****. Nobody actually elected her ******* brain dead husband either.
Why the **** is Jill Biden doing anything? Nobody elected or appointed her to do ******* ****. Nobody actually elected her ******* brain dead husband either.

Because President Potato is riddled with dementia. The White House is scared to death every time he speaks. He's essentially a figure head.
Because President Potato is riddled with dementia. The White House is scared to death every time he speaks. He's essentially a figure head.

Come on, man! If President Potato was suffering dementia and unable to engage in complex reasoning, there'd be signs like him wandering around lost until "Dr." Jill grabs him, mood swings with sudden anger at innocuous questions, weird mumbling and ranting, bizarre whispering to reporters, an inability to express a thought, confusion, odd non-sequiturs, an inability to recognize people he has known for 40 years.

Things like that.

Unbiased America

43m ·

by Kevin Ryan
The Supreme Court has ruled 6-3 to uphold two election security laws in Arizona in a big win for GOP states looking to pass new election legislation.
Democrats were hoping the court would strike down the Arizona laws, strengthening their ability to challenge the dozens of states passing new election integrity measures in the wake of the contentious 2020 results.
Today’s ruling instead said that Arizona did not violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965 when it passed a law in 2016 allowing only voters, their family members, or their caregivers to collect and deliver a completed ballot. Democrats have been pushing to legalize so-called “ballot harvesting” nationwide, which would allow anyone to turn in another person’s ballot.
“Democrats said minority voters are more likely to need help turning in their ballots,” according to NBC News. The Supreme Court disagreed.
The court today also upheld Arizona policy requiring election officials to throw out ballots cast in the wrong precincts. The state said the out-of-precinct rule was intended to prevent fraudulent multiple voting. Democrats again claimed that the rule made it harder for minorities to successfully turn in their ballot.
Today’s ruling overturns a decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Developing story…
SOURCE: https://www.nbcnews.com/.../supreme-court-upholds...
I'm a little confused by the parts in this article that I've bolded. Why do democrats think minority voters are more likely to need help with turning their ballots, or that not casting it in the wrong precinct would make it harder for them? Are minorities less capable than the majority of finding their way to a polling station in their own precinct and instead are likely to get lost and end up in a different precinct? Are they less capable of completing a ballot? Or do the democrats still subscribe to the philiosophy that minorities are incapable of doing things for themselves without the assistance of whitey?
I'm a little confused by the parts in this article that I've bolded. Why do democrats think minority voters are more likely to need help with turning their ballots, or that not casting it in the wrong precinct would make it harder for them? Are minorities less capable than the majority of finding their way to a polling station in their own precinct and instead are likely to get lost and end up in a different precinct? Are they less capable of completing a ballot? Or do the democrats still subscribe to the philiosophy that minorities are incapable of doing things for themselves without the assistance of whitey?
According to Dems, minorities are stupid idiots. Helpless and unable to do anything without help. They don't know about computers or automobiles. They are incapable of using proper grammar. They can't attain education , employment or housing without help. Just think of the average minority as a 3 year old toddler.And if you disagree with any of this, you are a RaYsiCT
According to Dems, minorities are stupid idiots. Helpless and unable to do anything without help. They don't know about computers or automobiles. They are incapable of using proper grammar. They can't attain education , employment or housing without help. Just think of the average minority as a 3 year old toddler.And if you disagree with any of this, you are a RaYsiCT

In other words they think very lowly of them. They also want to keep the lanes open for cheating.

If you can't get an ID to prove who you are and your legitimacy to vote, you shouldn't be voting to decide the fate of the country.

We need an id for damn near everything in life. So the demoncrats are full of **** when it comes down to voting. They know it too.
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Hey fellas, it's the 3rd of July. Any idea what the outcome of the 2020 election was, from back in November of last year? Real eager to find out the results of that. Just wanted to check here, since I've been out of the country for a bit & you guys are *well* ahead of the curve on all things American politics.

I'm still thinking the Magnificent Omnipresent King Donald John Trump won handily and he'll be reinstated soon as the head of the monarchy. And if he's not, we're gonna grab our guns & our ammo and have an 'ol fashioned throw-down with the Communist libtard Dems, a full on Civil War. We'll settle this one way or another. We all know the stinking elections don't work no more.
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Hey fellas, it's the 3rd of July. Any idea what the outcome of the 2020 election was, from back in November of last year? Real eager to find out the results of that. Just wanted to check here, since I've been out of the country for a bit & you guys are *well* ahead of the curve on all things American politics.

I'm still thinking the Magnificent Omnipresent King Donald John Trump won handily and he'll be reinstated soon as the head of the monarchy. And if he's not, we're gonna grab our guns & our ammo and have an 'ol fashioned throw-down with the Communist libtard Dems, a full on Civil War. We'll settle this one way or another. We all know the stinking elections don't work no more.