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Maricopa County audit

Decaf, you are on this forum posting at 1:30 a.m. HST (Hungarian Standard Time), 3:00 a.m., 4:30 a.m., 12:00 noon, 5:00 p.m., again at midnight. I have literally told you to go to bed because you are spewing memes in the middle of the night, HST.

This is not normal and well beyond creepy. Turns out, I have multiple stalkers on this board. The obsession and infatuation is too much to bear. How sad and pathetic your lives must be, to be this fascinated by some random dude on an internet forum. It's no joke MAGA has turned into a dangerous cult. Surprised the SN servers haven't melted down from the toxicity and pages on end of utter ignorance. Thanks, but no thanks.
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This is not normal and well beyond creepy. Turns out, I have multiple stalkers on this board. The obsession and infatuation is too much to bear. How sad and pathetic your lives must be, to be this fascinated by some random dude on an internet forum. It's no joke MAGA has turned into a dangerous cult. Surprised the SN servers haven't melted down from the toxicity and pages on end of utter ignorance. Thanks, but no thanks.

You're not some random dude on the internet. Many here know you in real life/knew you in real life/were connected to you in real life, before you disconnected with them.

You're someone who personally attacks people here, collectively attacks people here, and works 247 to ensure the people here develop a level of disdain for you.

All that aside, seeing a timestamp and adding 6 or 7 hours to it to figure out Hungaristan time is basic math performed in a nanosecond for a functioning human brain. It takes more effort to read a simple news headline. Noting timestamps is not akin to stalking. Not even close, but you would and do make **** up so...

Finally, the most important person on this board to you is you. Vs worrying about people looking at timestamps and labeling you a freak (I mean you are supposedly married with a family) for posting quite literally at 4:30 AM etc - take some time and research narcissism, and how you can get yours treated.
This is not normal and well beyond creepy. Turns out, I have multiple stalkers on this board. The obsession and infatuation is too much to bear. How sad and pathetic your lives must be, to be this fascinated by some random dude on an internet forum. It's no joke MAGA has turned into a dangerous cult. Surprised the SN servers haven't melted down from the toxicity and pages on end of utter ignorance. Thanks, but no thanks.

(1) I replied to your comment to Steelworth supposedly posting ""morning 'til night." As usual, your claim is factually wrong, but more than that, you apparently have no awareness, at all, and forget that several - me, SW, TSF, Supe, Booted - have noted you were posting at 3:00 a.m., midnight, whatever so your comment to SW was bizarre.

(2) I can add.

(3) This is the 4th (?) time in six weeks you have ranted about being "stalked." Uhh, then stop posting here. Problem solved. You are the wrinkly, ugly old lady with droopy **** who wears revealing clothing and then whines, "Oh, boys, stop looking at me that way," apparently too stupid to realize others are looking at you with horror and disgust while wondering about your mental acuity.
This is not normal and well beyond creepy.

What's not normal and beyond creepy is you taking a half an hour to edit this pretty simple & short post. Your obsession and fascination with trolling this board and it's paying members is really what's pathetic.

You project more than 80's adult film cinema.
(1) I replied to your comment to Steelworth supposedly posting ""morning 'til night." As usual, your claim is factually wrong, but more than that, you apparently have no awareness, at all, and forget that several - me, SW, TSF, Supe, Booted - have noted you were posting at 3:00 a.m., midnight, whatever so your comment to SW was bizarre.

Yeah I didn't get that one either, but whatever, 90% of what that Hungtard posts I take with a grain of salt. I don't think I made a post here after like 5:30pm PST yesterday. But again, no skin off my back. But that weirdo, all hours of the night.

Somebody taking some super-powered stimulants or just days-long benders?
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Tonto Cocaina is a good name for him. Must have crashed...haven't seen him around in a while. But Don't you worry, I'm sure he'll back in rare form when he wakes up from the drag party

Huh, well ain't this some ****?

When Fulton County, Georgia, poll manager Suzi Voyles sorted through a large stack of mail-in ballots last November, she noticed an alarmingly odd pattern of uniformity in the markings for Joseph R. Biden. One after another, the absentee votes contained perfectly filled-in ovals for Biden—except that each of the darkened bubbles featured an identical white void inside them in the shape of a tiny crescent, indicating they’d been marked with toner ink instead of a pen or pencil.

Adding to suspicions, she noticed that all of the ballots were printed on different stock paper than the others she handled as part of a statewide hand recount of the razor-thin Nov. 3 presidential election. And none was folded or creased, as she typically observed in mail-in ballots that had been removed from envelopes.

In short, the Biden votes looked like they’d been duplicated by a copying machine.

“All of them were strangely pristine,” said Voyles, who said she’d never seen anything like it in her 20 years monitoring elections in Fulton County, which includes much of Atlanta.

She wasn’t alone. At least three other poll workers observed the same thing in stacks of absentee ballots for Biden processed by the county, and they have joined Voyles in swearing under penalty of perjury that they looked fake....
The void she and other auditors witnessed in the exact same spot of the oval filled in on 107 ballots for Biden “was alarming to us,” Voyles said in an RCI interview. “Every single bubble was precisely alike. I had never seen that before in 20 years” of election monitoring.

But when she and other recount workers raised concerns with county election officials, “we were told not to worry about it,” she said. “They seemed uninterested in the [integrity of the] ballots.”

After Voyles later blew the whistle in affidavits and state election hearings, she was fired as a poll manager by the Fulton County Department of Elections. “I got the boot for speaking the truth,” she told RCI.
  • Robin Hall, a certified Fulton County recount observer, also testified she witnessed a number of boxes of absentee ballots marked “100 percent for Biden” that appeared to be “perfectly filled out as if they were pre-printed with the presidential candidate selected.” She stated: “They did not look like a person had filled this out at home. All of them looked alike.
  • Judy Aube also worked at the World Congress Center on Nov. 14 where she observed the same thing: “suspicious batches” of mail-in ballots for Biden whose markings appeared identical, as if they had been duplicated by a machine and not filled out by a voter at home.
  • Barbara Hartman, another election official auditor, also doubted the authenticity of absentee ballots she handled that she said were never folded, as would normally be the case for ballots returned in an envelope by mail or dropped in a box. “The absentee ballots looked as though they had just come from a fresh stack,” she swore in her affidavit. “I could not observe any creases in the ballots and [it] did not seem like they were folded and put into envelopes or mailed out.” Also, “The majority of the mail-in ballots that I reviewed contained suspicious black perfectly bubbled markings for Biden,” Hartman stated, adding that “they looked as if they were stamped.”
The veteran poll watchers found no plausible explanation for the anomalies other than possible fraud.


Cue Decaf to break out the Cumala cackle, call me a conspiracy nut. Like that fake "escaped from a lab in China" conspiracy. Hoo-boy, embarrassing ever to have fallen for that one.

Unlike the amazing "Russia collusion" claims. No conspiracy there, just a situation where Trump, Pence, Pompeo and about 130 million Russians all managed to destroy the evidence, that's all.
And predictably, Georgia "election officials" move instantly to delay any kind of recount while simultaneously making every effort to corrupt the ballots.

**** already. Can we start sending some ************* to jail? At what point does ANYBODY in some kind of authority start taking **** seriously?
I have said this before and I will continue to say this. There will be massive election fraud found in these audits. The courts will however do nothing because the judges all want plausible deniability to say they did not interfere in the election. This is because there is no way that Xiden can be removed from office without Civil War, strife and bloodshed. But this is our fault because we saw a coup d’état was happening election night and we did nothing about it. Nobody fired a single shot. That’s on us.
I have said this before and I will continue to say this. There will be massive election fraud found in these audits. The courts will however do nothing because the judges all want plausible deniability to say they did not interfere in the election. This is because there is no way that Xiden can be removed from office without Civil War, strife and bloodshed. But this is our fault because we saw a coup d’état was happening election night and we did nothing about it. Nobody fired a single shot. That’s on us.

No war needed. This is an opportunity to destroy that party and cut that cancer out of the republic for good.

We could purge them out of every significant public office in the country.

Dementia Joe would pretty much be resolved to crossword puzzles and watching golf for the rest of his term.
That would be different than his current day ... how?

You are correct..haha. I'm not sure who is actually running that **** show. I could see Barry sending over his weekly itinerary of what he wants done

It isn't knee pads, she's busy making action cookies of herself sucking dick. Got to keep the press happy.
So if Xiden won fair and square wouldn’t it be in their interest to let the audit prove it? If Merrick Garlandhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...source=Gab&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons interferes in this audit we know with 100% certainty that the election was stolen and it will be time for the people to break out their rifles.
Problem being they won the WH, so the outcome of the audit will have no positive benefit for them. If they are proven correct, Mr. Potato head is still POTUS, if fraud is found, it will have consequences for them. Most of the media and half of the population want this to go away simply because of ideology, which trumps truth and honesty. And I'd wager that even if shenanigans are uncovered, it won't gain any traction in the media and will be cast off as having no basis.