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Maricopa County audit

Republicans outperformed the polls up and down the ballot in the 2020 election, to the surprise even of many Republican political operatives and survey researchers.

Yet another minor detail deranged Trumpists ignore.

You idiot, the overall performance of Republican candidates is a blaring alarm that something is seriously amiss with the Presidential count. Are you too stupid to understand this?

So your theory is that voters hate Republicans, but voted for them in mass numbers, except Trump of course, who they did not vote for, while voting for Republicans, leading to a large increase in Republican house members but 81 million votes for a vegetable who stayed in his basement and ate pudding?

The dumbassery is truly through the roof. :rolleyes:

And yet you find another way, every day, to surpass your prior, daunting, amazing level of stupidity with each post.
You idiot, the overall performance of Republican candidates is a blaring alarm that something is seriously amiss with the Presidential count. Are you too stupid to understand this?

So your theory is that voters hate Republicans, but voted for them in mass numbers, except Trump of course, who they did not vote for, while voting for Republicans, leading to a large increase in Republican house members but 81 million votes for a vegetable who stayed in his basement and ate pudding?

And yet you find another way, every day, to surpass your prior, daunting, amazing level of stupidity with each post.
Yes exactly.

Unprecedented in history for a sitting president to get a larger number of popular votes, gain seats in the house, take EVERY bell weather and lose. But hey 159 million votes cast when there are 133 million registered voters and all those precincts in battleground states with 125% voter turnout is just fuzzy math. F-Curves don’t lie dammit!
I sit across from a guy at work that believes it. I'm sure he's not alone.

I'm sure he's not alone, but he's on the fringe (I believe). I think most people understand that Trump was an anomaly, but not in the way most liberal sheep perceive him to be.

He wasn't supposed to win. Everybody (I mean everybody) assured us that Trump would never be President. Even a former President assured everybody that multiple times. Newsweek pumped out how many "Madam President" prints? They had to get John Podesta on the podium that night to tell everybody they had to go home already and that "we're not done fighting!", while Hildabeast was likely thrashing around in a drunken state on the brink of utter insanity.

Trump completely upset the establishment. Hillary was such a shoo-in people were daring Trump to run just to see him fail miserably. There was no need for election fraud as she had it in the bag. But then:



The guy was harassed, smeared, tarred & feathered like no one I have ever seen in politics as a result. You don't upset the ruling class establishment like that and not pay a price. And a heavy price he certainly paid. All while overseeing a robust economy, securing the border and doing many other things prior empty suits never thought possible, apparently. He had hiccups, and he didn't know when/how to fight the right battles, but he was actually successful when it came to result time. Trump certainly didn't have the personality to win a lot of people over on an "emotional" level as it's sometimes all about feelings for many, but when it came to substance over style, he delivered.

So in conclusion, do we actually think they'd allow that anomaly to ever happen again? Yeah, no. That's why I see someone like DeSantis running in 2024, they can't ever be embarrassed like what Trump did to them, not ever again. Not without all-out Civil War, as has been mentioned multiple times. At least IMHO. Who knows, we're living in a crazy world.

Question for you though: would you rather have him in office instead of that blubbering, corrupt, empty suit idiot that's in there right now? Actually that's a question for all Americans. American tax-payers living in America.
You guys should print this out and tape it on the wall by your monitors. It would bode well for you.

"Our clear finding is that citizens should be confident the results represent the true results of the ballots cast by the people of <enter State here>. The Committee strongly recommends citizens use a critical eye and ear toward those who have pushed demonstrably false theories for their own personal gain."
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I'm sure he's not alone, but he's on the fringe (I believe). I think most people understand that Trump was an anomaly, but not in the way most liberal sheep perceive him to be.

He wasn't supposed to win. Everybody (I mean everybody) assured us that Trump would never be President. Even a former President assured everybody that multiple times. Newsweek pumped out how many "Madam President" prints? They had to get John Podesta on the podium that night to tell everybody they had to go home already and that "we're not done fighting!", while Hildabeast was likely thrashing around in a drunken state on the brink of utter insanity.
Hildabeast before the election results:


Hildabeast after the election results:

So what is the issue with having:

Accurate voter rolls
Voter ID
Tabulating the mail in/drop in ballots before the election.

Then if someone votes for me by mail or I change my mind after mailing in my ballot, the in person vote trump's the mail in/drop in ballot.

Would be good to know as well if someone voted for me on my behalf.
You guys should print this out and tape it on the wall by your monitors. It would bode well for you.

"Our clear finding is that citizens should be confident the results represent the true results of the ballots cast by the people of <enter State here>. The Committee strongly recommends citizens use a critical eye and ear toward those who have pushed demonstrably false theories for their own personal gain."

People can say whatever they want to. There are quotes about how great Hitler was, how rotten Jews were, how bad capitalism is, and even how smart Tibs is. None of them carry any weight without evidence. The audit of the election is a search for evidence.

Understand now?
Hildabeast before the election results:


Hildabeast after the election results:

I think there should be a mandatory cooling off period before posting a photo or likeness of her.
Hillary today.

*In that movie dude's voice

"At last, a horror movie coming this summer that hasn't had audiences trembling in fear since "The Exorcist"!"

I think there should be a mandatory cooling off period before posting a photo or likeness of her.

My bad then, lol. The practical brain can only handle so much, very true.
So what is the issue with having:

Accurate voter rolls
Voter ID
Tabulating the mail in/drop in ballots before the election.

Then if someone votes for me by mail or I change my mind after mailing in my ballot, the in person vote trump's the mail in/drop in ballot.

Would be good to know as well if someone voted for me on my behalf.
I'd add chain of custody to your list.

“There’s a reason why it’s been harder to get African Americans initially to get vaccinated because they’re used to being experimented on, the Tuskegee Airmen and others,” Biden said. “People have memories. People have long memories.”
Okay, here is where I agree with President potato just a little bit. What the US did to the Tuskegee Airmen (Personal heros of mine) and prisoners in Guatemala with Syphilis is exactly why I'm not rushing out and getting this damn covid vaccine. When I went into the military I had all of my shots updated but on day 4 I stood in a line of many and received 9 shots. What they gave me, I have no idea. When I PCS'ed (Permanent Change of Station) I hand carried my medical records to Langley. I cracked them open thanks to a tea kettle and I found nothing in there regarding any vaccines I was given that day. ZERO. The military is all about documentation to the nth degree and I had zero. SO yeah...I don't trust the US government wanting to give me another shot in the arm with an EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE in which there is no study on its long term effects.
But do you really think it will be proven? I mean, black and white, no ****, no way anyone could deny it kind of proven?
What would that look like to you? Say they found thousands of unmarked ballots in the sealed ballot boxes? Would that prove anything to you?

Say the found fewer ballots in the sealed ballot boxes than were actually recorded as having been voted?

What if they found that hundreds or even thousands of the ballots weren't hand marked, but had been duplicated on a copying machine?

Suppose you found that voter rolls contained thousands, even tens of thousands of ineligible voters?

Suppose a forensic, hand recount showed that the actual vote number from the sealed ballots doesn't remotely resemble the recorded vote total?

How about if it could be demonstrated that as much as 1/4 of all your mail-in ballots have no consistent, documented chain-of-custody? You don't know where they came from, when they arrived, or how or who delivered them.

Cause we're waiting on final results but from what information HAS been released from GA, AZ and PA, all of the above have been discovered in varying degrees in the different states.
Money qoute from former AG William Barr in latest article in The Atlantic.

“My attitude was: It was put-up or shut-up time,” Barr told me. “If there was evidence of fraud, I had no motive to suppress it. But my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bullshit.”
The Kraken will not take kindly to Barr's comments.
Tibs, what is the voting process in Hungary with respect to voter ID? Can anyone just walk up and say I'm István Nagy, I live at 1001 Alsukubin, Budapest and no proof of ID is needed?

Someone can legally do that in VA as of last Summer. All they have to do is say they do not have ID and sign an affidavit stating it's true. If that doesn't give you confidence in your election integrity, I'm not sure what will.
For the 1000X time... IF there is nothing there and it's all BS then what's the harm in doing a full forensic audit with a kinematic component? It harms nothing. If they found nothing then everyone would be happy. But for some unknown reason the dems are not only against full forensic audits but have taking almost every single part of it to court to stop it. Fact is there are hundreds of sworn statements that allude to fraud. They were never even checked. Just do the audits and see what's there.