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May, June plot

Yeah but the feds are just heading the apple crusted spoke nubs. They painted them and set them twice as deep 197.3 feet, you would never know unless Sanders sold one of his payoff houses filled with gold. Walk 72 feet from the corner and look for the shadow on June 26th between 230-300 pm. You can't miss it. Deep 6 Suzanne was the code for the 9th layer of Freds Frankenstein cake. Oh man your goose is cooked,but it's never the end. We've only just begun.
1004. Acoustic weapon again (2/9/2018)

In recent days, When I go sleep, I felt that familiar ground vibration again and the warmth caused by it. Link it with unusual warm weather these days, I originally think it is a tactic the Feds used to force me to take bath so they could claim they found drug trace in sewage water

Warm weather already breaking records across Bay Area

By Sandhya Patel February 03, 2018 03:16PM
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Our abnormally warm weather is breaking records and the warmth is sticking around through the weekend.

ABC7 News meteorologists say most of the Bay Area is 10 to 15 degrees above average in terms of temperatures for this time of year.


Then there was a concentrated earthquake report:

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake rocks Taiwan
Wed February 7, 2018



It is just the style I worried about two weeks ago:

(1,002). Pressure on FBI and earthquake (1/27/2018)

I worry they will create a big earthquake in California and damage the house structure with acoustic weapon in the name of quake to reach the purpose of search and arrest.

The Feds, under high pressure, activated high tech.weapons that altered the weather and caused earthquake. They used to create similar events to cover up a particular one.


1,001. Plant "drug trace" (1/20/2018)

My wife has been arranged a Canada tour on Sept. 2, last year. Feds used to project an action with a tour. I predicted Korea war crisis would be used as distraction. That was proved very correct. Kim Jung-un did explode a Hydrogen bomb on 9/3. How would the Feds carry on an arrest? Since there was a record setting hot weather on 9/2 and 9/3, I thought the arrest excuse would be "drug trace found in sewage water". I didn't take bath in these hot days.

908. Acoustic weapon (6/13/2016)

For more than a decade, I sleep on ground behind iron desk in order to shelter from E.M. wave attack from the Feds whom live in neighborhood. I can feel it if there is any movement of the ground.
"When I go sleep, I felt that familiar ground vibration again and the warmth caused by it. Link it with unusual warm weather these days, I originally think it is a tactic the Feds used to force me to take bath so they could claim they found drug trace in sewage water"

I think you have hit the nail on the head. Beware, I know for certain that the Feds are also making stray raccoons tap dance to trick us into eating Frosted Flakes laced with mind control substances. Switch to Fruit Loops asap.
1004. Acoustic weapon again (2/9/2018)

In recent days, When I go sleep, I felt that familiar ground vibration again and the warmth caused by it. Link it with unusual warm weather these days, I originally think it is a tactic the Feds used to force me to take bath so they could claim they found drug trace in sewage water

Then there was a concentrated earthquake report:

It is just the style I worried about two weeks ago:

The Feds, under high pressure, activated high tech.weapons that altered the weather and caused earthquake. They used to create similar events to cover up a particular one.


1,001. Plant "drug trace" (1/20/2018)

My wife has been arranged a Canada tour on Sept. 2, last year. Feds used to project an action with a tour. I predicted Korea war crisis would be used as distraction. That was proved very correct. Kim Jung-un did explode a Hydrogen bomb on 9/3. How would the Feds carry on an arrest? Since there was a record setting hot weather on 9/2 and 9/3, I thought the arrest excuse would be "drug trace found in sewage water". I didn't take bath in these hot days.

908. Acoustic weapon (6/13/2016)

For more than a decade, I sleep on ground behind iron desk in order to shelter from E.M. wave attack from the Feds whom live in neighborhood. I can feel it if there is any movement of the ground.

Just wait until their new weapon is ready. The dark matter Hellraiser wormhole creator. It send enemies right to hell. It uses transparent gold and diamond prisms with a top secret cut. The box housing is made from a reverse engineered metal from an alien space craft that crashed in New Mexico. It's 10,000 times stronger than steel and will shield from massive gamma radiation created by the device.

The feds no longer need sewer water. They just insert tables into air intakes. Bam! Uncle Jethro don't play no banjo when the squirrel gets his nut.
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Lol. No doubt
1005. News proves my opinion is very correct (2/16/2018)

On 1/27 in (1,002) about the text of FBI agents Strzok and Page I wrote:

I think that is done by the real "secret society" of the FBI.

1. Everybody has his own politic view. So do Strzok and Page. Must they have to support Donald Trump? Did they commit any crime in that Trump Russian gate investigation team?

2. It's more like a sting project as the FBI used to do. Strzok and Page could be false flag embedded in that team to sabotage "anti-Trump" plot. They were monitored. Their email were intercepted. As I know the culture of the FBI is anti-Clinton, and Trump is their representative. see #930.

3. The articles is to cut relationship between Trump and the FBI when Trump became notorious that he won the election by the help of Russians.

4. It's another style to apply pressure on the FBI to finish the Kat Sung's case.See #902.
"Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story. That is the core interest of the Feds for which they have paid so much to China. see new secret deal at :"899. April plot (3/29/2016)"."

Four days later, a news article proves my opinion is very correct.

FBI Agent Trump Accused Of 'Treason' Wrote Letter That Helped Get Trump Elected

Paige Lavender,HuffPost• January 31, 2018

WASHINGTON ? FBI agent Peter Strzok helped draft a letter that, in the final days of the 2016 presidential campaign, signaled the re-opening of a probe into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s emails, CNN reported Wednesday.

Strzok is one of the FBI agents whom some Republicans have accused of scheming to undermine President Donald Trump ahead of the 2016 election. He worked on both the Clinton probe as well as the Russia probe when it was in its early stages, and later joined special counsel Robert Mueller’s team.

The letter Strzok helped draft, sent to Congress by then-FBI Director James Comey on Oct. 28 ? days ahead of the 2016 election ? dealt a blow to Clinton, whom Trump repeatedly attacked for using a personal email while serving as secretary of state. Comey penned another letter just before the election saying no new relevant information was found, and stood by the FBI’s prior decision not to recommend charges


The reality is Strzok took part in the operation to re-open the investigation on Hillary ten days before the voting date that helped Trump to win the election.

The reality is Strzok's text with Page are now used by Trump to attack Mueller's team that investing him.
1005. News proves my opinion is very correct (2/16/2018)

On 1/27 in (1,002) about the text of FBI agents Strzok and Page I wrote:

I think that is done by the real "secret society" of the FBI.

1. Everybody has his own politic view. So do Strzok and Page. Must they have to support Donald Trump? Did they commit any crime in that Trump Russian gate investigation team?

2. It's more like a sting project as the FBI used to do. Strzok and Page could be false flag embedded in that team to sabotage "anti-Trump" plot. They were monitored. Their email were intercepted. As I know the culture of the FBI is anti-Clinton, and Trump is their representative. see #930.

3. The articles is to cut relationship between Trump and the FBI when Trump became notorious that he won the election by the help of Russians.

4. It's another style to apply pressure on the FBI to finish the Kat Sung's case.See #902.
"Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story. That is the core interest of the Feds for which they have paid so much to China. see new secret deal at :"899. April plot (3/29/2016)"."

Four days later, a news article proves my opinion is very correct.


The reality is Strzok took part in the operation to re-open the investigation on Hillary ten days before the voting date that helped Trump to win the election.

The reality is Strzok's text with Page are now used by Trump to attack Mueller's team that investing him.

.Everyone might have political views, but some of them ******* suck. All that oppressive iron hand commie **** sucks. You can't even polish that turd to make it shine. Leftist progressive socialist douche cookies are just a slice from that big ole control freak power pie. Over 100 million dead in its wake the last 100 years.......the belt has met the sander said black-n-decker. Buzz saws only buzz when they saw....word.
1006. Finger print that lies (2/23/2018)

I have no drive license and rare go outside, it's my wife who buys the food. About one year ago, she said she would go Cosco and told me to write down the food list I wanted. Since she did the shopping for a long time and knew what to buy, it was unusual that she needed a list. Anyhow I took a junk mail from the table and wrote on the envelope: "milk, bread, muffin, egg, banana, orange juice....".

At first, I thought it was a trick the Feds needed my hand writing. Connect to events at that time I realized they needed an envelope with my hand writing on it. In September and November of 2016, my wife had been arranged two foreign trips. It never happened before. I thought the Feds was eager to eliminate me. So I gave my valuables to my wife, include my life insurance paper. There were some cash and gift cards(not much, about several hundred dollars), I put them in an empty junk mail envelope. My wife must have shown these things to her handler, that touched the agents' new plan - to put illegal material (fake money or drug) in junk mail envelope because that's my habit and with my hand writing on it.

In mid 2017, my wife stopped shopping in Cosco for a while. She recovers Cosco shopping recently. But the food I like disappeared. Only two left - egg and milk. I noticed these two also having their package changed. The egg(2 dozen size) now is in a transparent hard plastic box that the cover grip tightly with the bottom, you have to open it with force.

The milk used to be sold two bottles in a carton. There are open holes at the side board, easy to hold by hands. Now the two bottles are packed tightly by transparent plastic films, it becomes a smooth heavy object with no where to handle. You have to grasp it tightly with hands.

I remember a story in "Readers Digest"(Chinese edition, two or three decades ago). I forgot the topic, probably is "Finger print that lies". It is about a staff in a Crime Lab framed a case with victim's finger print. He picked up the victim's finger print by glue tape and stick it on the object to prove that man was guilty.

The new package of egg and milk in Cosco is inconvenient for customer to use but easy to pick up customer's finger print. I think it was particularly re-designed for my case. The purpose is to frame me in a "criminal" case with "hard evidence". I don't know if they have changed packages of egg and milk in all Costco store because it is inconvenient to handle (milk). Our store is in North San Jose, California.
1006. Finger print that lies (2/23/2018)

I have no drive license and rare go outside, it's my wife who buys the food. About one year ago, she said she would go Cosco and told me to write down the food list I wanted. Since she did the shopping for a long time and knew what to buy, it was unusual that she needed a list. Anyhow I took a junk mail from the table and wrote on the envelope: "milk, bread, muffin, egg, banana, orange juice....".

At first, I thought it was a trick the Feds needed my hand writing. Connect to events at that time I realized they needed an envelope with my hand writing on it. In September and November of 2016, my wife had been arranged two foreign trips. It never happened before. I thought the Feds was eager to eliminate me. So I gave my valuables to my wife, include my life insurance paper. There were some cash and gift cards(not much, about several hundred dollars), I put them in an empty junk mail envelope. My wife must have shown these things to her handler, that touched the agents' new plan - to put illegal material (fake money or drug) in junk mail envelope because that's my habit and with my hand writing on it.

In mid 2017, my wife stopped shopping in Cosco for a while. She recovers Cosco shopping recently. But the food I like disappeared. Only two left - egg and milk. I noticed these two also having their package changed. The egg(2 dozen size) now is in a transparent hard plastic box that the cover grip tightly with the bottom, you have to open it with force.

The milk used to be sold two bottles in a carton. There are open holes at the side board, easy to hold by hands. Now the two bottles are packed tightly by transparent plastic films, it becomes a smooth heavy object with no where to handle. You have to grasp it tightly with hands.

I remember a story in "Readers Digest"(Chinese edition, two or three decades ago). I forgot the topic, probably is "Finger print that lies". It is about a staff in a Crime Lab framed a case with victim's finger print. He picked up the victim's finger print by glue tape and stick it on the object to prove that man was guilty.

The new package of egg and milk in Cosco is inconvenient for customer to use but easy to pick up customer's finger print. I think it was particularly re-designed for my case. The purpose is to frame me in a "criminal" case with "hard evidence". I don't know if they have changed packages of egg and milk in all Costco store because it is inconvenient to handle (milk). Our store is in North San Jose, California.

I always shop with these. No finger prints from me.

I always shop with these. No finger prints from me.


Lies! You use those Michael Jackson gloves to do sick acts on yourself!!! Might not be finger prints left, but sure left dna everywhere lol
I always shop with these. No finger prints from me.


Had an appointment with Dr. Jellyfinger yesterday. All is well.
Why am I the only one hitting "like" for katsung's posts. You lame ******* get hours of entertainment out of it, so the least you could do is hit with some karma or something. Ungrateful little *****.
1007. Search attempt by digging the ground (3/2/2018)

A neighbor shares a fence with me between our back yards. He planted ivy at his side. I have different green plants at my side. For decades I have to cut the overgrown ivy that crept to my yard. It is limited to that fence.

Several weeks ago, in font yard, I found new ivy. It's a new kind. The back yard one is green leaf. This one's leaf has white spots. It never happened before. I naturally thought it was done by the Feds. What is it for?

In early February, there was a letter from "Cornerstone property management". It said the fence needs a replacement. "The Ivy needs to be removed before the replacement of the fence. We'd like to work with you in order to split the cost of the work."

Apparently the Feds want to dig my yard to have a search. There is an evil purpose in the name of clean Ivy. I won't consent to remove Ivy on my yard in case there is a planting plot.

On 3/1, the residence cross street had a yard work. They used to have Ivy (the leaf with white spots) in their front yard. It seemed they have a thorough clean. The dug out plant root piles up high on the street. It reminds me of another attempt to dig ground. Like this one they activated neighbor (agents) and other resources to create a project.

975. How to justify a gas leaking plot (8/15/2017)

On 8/3, P.G.& E. changed gas meter without any reason. I allege it was an operation of the Feds for a "gas leaking plot". (see #974)

On 8/6, In TV news, I learned a news:

Mother, Child Injured After Tree Branch Falls on Picnic
A mother and her 2-year-old child were injured when a tree branch fell onto a company picnic held at Menlo College.

Aug. 7, 2017


I noticed this news because I have alleged the Feds had created such incident by acoustic weapon(resonance). see "922. Cover up operation for Acoustic weapon (9/8/2016)"

Next afternoon (8/7), my neighbor drove in lane. Came with him there were several children. They were toddlers, similar to child of that news. I was then aware of that news was made for me. As I have said that the Feds moved residents away from community. What left are agents and informants. I have never seen these toddlers before. It's a tool of their operation.

The news and the scene next day meant "your neighbor have children, move your tree for their safety". I have tree in front yard. It's private land however.

Then another news in TV revealed their true purpose.


In honor of National Safe Digging Day on Friday, August 11, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is asking all Californians to help prevent damage to gas pipelines and other underground utilities. With a free call to 811 or submission on 811express.com at least two working days ahead of any digging projects, homeowners, renters and contractors can ensure their outdoor project is safe to start.


The tree is near that gas meter. If I move the tree and dig the ground, it will give the Feds an excuse that the work caused the damage of underground gas pipeline. That's how the Feds to justify a gas leaking plot.
Katsung....... You started out here like a rock star. I hate to say it but you are becoming more like a bit player in Waynes World. come on man entertain us!!!
"There is an evil purpose in the name of clean Ivy" lol good
1008. Manipulating legislative (3/9/2018)

My wife, my brother and his wife will have a travel to China and Taiwan in late March. Of course, I think it is arranged by the Feds(FBI and DEA), and a framed case will happen at that time.

They will leave on 3/17. My wife will be back on 3/31. My brother and his wife will stay longer in China. Something big will take place during their travel. I also noticed a coincidence. Their leaving date is signaled by "Taiwan Travel Act" effects one day before.

Unless vetoed, Taiwan Travel Act to take effect by March 16
March 6, 2018

Washington, March 5 (CNA) /The Taiwan Travel Act, which promotes meetings and visits between high-ranking American and Taiwanese government officials, is expected to take effect by March 16 unless it is vetoed by U.S. president Donald Trump.


Last year when my wife was arranged a tour there also was a travel rule went effect one day before her leaving. I wrote in "979. September 2nd is action date (8/31/2017)"

US bans travel to North Korea beginning September 1, says Americans should leave
Thomson Reuters YEGANEH TORBATI Aug 3rd 2017 6:01AM


And in "980. Korea war crisis used as distract (9/6/2017)",

"9/1, US bans US citizen travel to N. Korea.

9/2, my wife left for Canada. I warned 9/2 might be action day and followed with war on Korea.

9/3, N. Korea exploded a hydrogen bomb. N. Korea did their job to the secret deal but Trump did nothing to react. Because the main target - Kat Sung, is still alive."

These two events prove "eliminating Kat Sung" is a very serious case for the Feds(FBI and DEA). They had a starting signal for each project when it relates to foreign countries. It also proves what I said, that US is ruled by the Feds. They could easily get legislative rule to help their project. That's why Trump brags "I'm unbeatable" and threatens Hillary Clinton "You'd be in jail" in president election campaign.
Sandpiper left the dirt eggplant loose for various reasons. He held Cats who Sung stupid ******* songs twice ,three, two tails too tall to tell a tale tale heart so she said. Just look and you'll see fly like a bird in a tree. Eat your sweet potatoes cause Ben sold his whirlwind maker for 10 pecodans. It's a foreign currency in the 8th star system 4th galaxy on the left of the eternal star.

Sonic got his hedgehog mojo and he scored.

.....the wind is in the willow and the call is in the wild.
They will leave on 3/17.

Not only is that St. Patrick’s Day, it is also the day after Wolfgang Van Halen’s birthday. Clearly you and your entire family will be going to prison very soon and for a very long time. Look behind you!
1009. Something big will happen this March (3/14/2018)

The elimination of Kat Sung's plot moves up. On 3/12, I was once blocked to post #1008. They don't want people to know my prediction. Then my wife suddenly changed her leaving date from 3/17 to 3/14.

The purpose to arrange travel for my relatives is part of elimination plot. It is easy to create incidents in tour to kill or easy to plant drugs to frame a case on victims in their tour.

The distraction events will be big. It could be:

1. War. Likely in Mid-east, Syria or Iran. The firing of Rex Tillerson may relate to it.

2. Economic disaster. There could be a collapse in stock market and financial area and currency market in late March.

3. Natural disaster. Especially earthquake.

In February, the Feds attack my house with acoustic weapon. I felt unusual warmth. It's winter time so is hard to be noticed unless you keep alert at it. What I worried is at that time, there was cracking sound of house structure everyday. I think the Feds were damaging the wooden structure of the house by resonance so when there is an earthquake, there could be a house damage with which they can carry on a search. There were many attempts recently: by cleaning Ivy in garden; moving trees; utility under ground pipes; attempt to damage garage door.....

Powerful 7.2-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Mexico

Carla Herreria,HuffPost• February 17, 2018

It's eye-catching in Taiwan where my wife will go:

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake rocks Taiwan
Wed February 7, 2018

Last edited:
Dude you smoke some good ****, it's Ides of March. Right this minute. You don't have any guns perchance?
1009. Something big will happen this March (3/14/2018)

The elimination of Kat Sung's plot moves up. On 3/12, I was once blocked to post #1008. They don't want people to know my prediction. Then my wife suddenly changed her leaving date from 3/17 to 3/14.

The purpose to arrange travel for my relatives is part of elimination plot. It is easy to create incidents in tour to kill or easy to plant drugs to frame a case on victims in their tour.

The distraction events will be big. It could be:

1. War. Likely in Mid-east, Syria or Iran. The firing of Rex Tillerson may relate to it.

2. Economic disaster. There could be a collapse in stock market and financial area and currency market in late March.

3. Natural disaster. Especially earthquake.

In February, the Feds attack my house with acoustic weapon. I felt unusual warmth. It's winter time so is hard to be noticed unless you keep alert at it. What I worried is at that time, there was cracking sound of house structure everyday. I think the Feds were damaging the wooden structure of the house by resonance so when there is an earthquake, there could be a house damage with which they can carry on a search. There were many attempts recently: by cleaning Ivy in garden; moving trees; utility under ground pipes; attempt to damage garage door.....

It's eye-catching in Taiwan where my wife will go:

b5hhWnb8EjkbcR..67EhgbaWxzcAc9Tcg33CnjlHu32InladN.mnjGmi..vcfYcs2fObv3U!....1134. evooIv5c3Sxd4Wbi8AnIcTn54Ipk7Nvf3vtG!