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May, June plot

There ought to be at least 10 "likes" for these posts. What's the matter with you *******? You can't find this entertainment anywhere else. Shame on yinz.
It was entertaining at first, but now it is mostly annoying. With this guy, the elevator isn't going to the top floor. Either that, or it is a member of this board ******* with everyone.
Either that, or it is a member of this board ******* with everyone.
That's what I thought at first, but this katsung character (or characters) have shown up on multiple sites. That's not proof positive he's not a member here at SN but seems rather unlikely. My guess is he goes from board to board until he finds a place that let's him stick around. What's amazing he's had these threads running since 2013 or so, yikes. I don't mind his wacky posts, seems like harmless entertainment, for the most part.

Kat Sung - Google+

The Reptilian Resistance Forum: 764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23 ...

Katsung was banned


The Katsung Conspiracy - The Lounge | Off-Topic Chat - Youth Debates

Kat Sung | Politician Reviews
That's what I thought at first, but this katsung character (or characters) have shown up on multiple sites. That's not proof positive he's not a member here at SN but seems rather unlikely. My guess is he goes from board to board until he finds a place that let's him stick around. What's amazing he's had these threads running since 2013 or so, yikes. I don't mind his wacky posts, seems like harmless entertainment, for the most part.

Kat Sung - Google+

The Reptilian Resistance Forum: 764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23 ...

Katsung was banned


The Katsung Conspiracy - The Lounge | Off-Topic Chat - Youth Debates

Kat Sung | Politician Reviews

The reason I think it is a member here is because most anyone knows that if the Feds want you gone, they aren't going to plan elaborate vacations for your wife and send you newspapers. They gonna pull up in a nondescript vehicle, snatch you off the sidewalk and make you disappear. Guy brings a whole new meaning to paranoia.
That's what I thought at first, but this katsung character (or characters) have shown up on multiple sites. That's not proof positive he's not a member here at SN but seems rather unlikely. My guess is he goes from board to board until he finds a place that let's him stick around. What's amazing he's had these threads running since 2013 or so, yikes. I don't mind his wacky posts, seems like harmless entertainment, for the most part.

Kat Sung - Google+

The Reptilian Resistance Forum: 764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23 ...

Katsung was banned


The Katsung Conspiracy - The Lounge | Off-Topic Chat - Youth Debates

Kat Sung | Politician Reviews

Wow. That guy gets around. Reading through those links, his wife is arranged tours A LOT. Maybe she is arranged tours to bang someone else because her husband is bat **** crazy.
The reason I think it is a member here is because most anyone knows that if the Feds want you gone, they aren't going to plan elaborate vacations for your wife and send you newspapers. They gonna pull up in a nondescript vehicle, snatch you off the sidewalk and make you disappear. Guy brings a whole new meaning to paranoia.

For some victims, the Feds may do it in this way, if the victims could disappear quietly. That's why I try to let people know my story.

1017. Another Mafia style murder intimidation (4/24/2018)

After the failure of the murder attempt of September,2017 (The case was signaled by the sixth nuclear test of N. Korea) see #979, 980, 981. The Feds immediately issued a murder signal on my wife. (see #981) In that case they intend to kill by "Lupus Erythematosus"

This time too, after my wife returned from "Late March Taiwan tour", they issued another intimidation.

On 4/10, when I clicked on the IPad, the screen showed the site of "World Journal" though I hadn't chosen it. Then the screen was covered by a whole page English commercial.("World Journal" is a Chinese media) It was advertisement of an insurance company about car accident. Though commercial is common in Internet, it used to be small. I haven't seen such a big one cover the whole page. I think that was an intimidation from the Feds. They will murder by "car accident". I have no drive license and stay at home to avoid any possible plots. It was used to deal with my wife when a foreign tour plot failed.

981. Attempt to murder my wife (9/12/2017)

I have warned Korea war crisis would be created to cover up the framed case of 9/2. N.Korea did detonate a nuke bomb on 9/3. If US reacted with "fire and fury" Trump had promised, my predict would have become true. The procedure was so closely carried out. Only the Feds failed to frame me in any framed case. Then the Feds immediately designed another murder case - to kill my wife.

The Feds used to influence public opinion by TV commercial. on 9/6 and 9/7, an organization had an ad on KTSF26(Chinese) to remind people of "Lupus erythematosus". It was so shortlived(2 days) that I never saw it after 9/7. What I remember of that ad was some people having a parade with banners written "Lupus ..."I even couldn't finish reading the whole banner because the banner was upright, the English was so rare seen. I was confused the first letter was "I" or "L". I knew it was "lupus erythematosus" only by audio Chinese aside.

Decades ago when I was a in HongKong, I knew an acquaintance of my parents - Mrs. Wang. Mrs. Wang was a rich widow. She lived with a close friend - Ms. C. Mrs. Wang had a quick death - died of Lupus erythematosus. Although people knew she had such a disease, nobody expected she'd have a sudden death. The gossip in their social circle was: how much did Ms. C got from Wang's wealth.

In US, when I knew G-man and realized he is a double agent, I also knew Ms.C is G-man's sister. I also found the Feds are money looters. That made Mrs. Wang's death a thoroughly different story to me. Lupus erythemotosus could be a killing tool of the intelligence.

I don't think the short lived commercial of Lupus Erythematosus is a coincidence. The disease is incurable and victims mostly are women. In #979. I wrote," If I were arrested when my wife was absent, nobody would have known that I was in prison. This time my wife travels to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. The Feds could have seven days to do a "suicide" death." The words might touch off the killing motive. If my wife doesn't exist, that's more convenient for them to do a murder case.
For some victims, the Feds may do it in this way, if the victims could disappear quietly. That's why I try to let people know my story
To tell the truth, We're all kinda rooting for the Feds. No hard feelings.
1018. Frame a case by "replace fence" (4/30/2018)

The Feds are eager to finish my case. The plot is coming one after another. On 4/28, some people in neighbor cleaned the residual Ivy on fence.(They cleaned mass Ivy several weeks ago) then a Chinese lady came to my house. She said she was the neighbor that had suggested to share the cost to remove the ivy on our fence. I thought that was a tactic of "unreasonable search" so I wrote "1007. Search attempt by digging the ground (3/2/2018)". This time she came to talk about to share the cost of replacing the fence.
Since I have no income, all deals are done by my wife. She talked with that lady and then signed a check to her. What I cared for was we wouldn't pay for the Ivy remove.My wife said the payee was a fence company and the lady said she paid ivy removal.

When the lady left, my wife said the estimate was 580 and we paid 260. Since there is a third payer, (one fence shared by three houses), I asked "did we pay too much?" My wife burst into rage, "Then you go to argue with them". I could say nothing because that's not my money. Was my wife part in this plot? She has to obey to the Feds anyway.

What caused my suspicion was that lady at first insisted demanding my wife write down the deal on paper for her until my wife wrote her a check. I later think what she needs is my address. I have no doubt what behind her and "Fence company" is the Feds.(FBI and DEA). How can they wrong me in this "fence" case? I think of the address. They need a justification to drive a car to my home, although we have no connection to that fence company, the check gave the address to them.

The Feds had tried to damage my garage door so they could have a search and arrest by disguise garage door contractor, but with no good reason. They planed this plot.

976. Sessions and garage door (8/21/2017)

In 2005, my rolling up garage door was broken up by the car my daughter drove. The Homeowners Association warned to fix it right away. I noticed the Feds drove the contractors from the market away so their men could take over the work for an unreasonable search and arrest. 12 years ago, I wrote,

300. Garage door (3/27/05)

On 3/18, Mercury News reported: "Unlicensed contractors get stung". 59 unlicensed builders were nabbed in an undercover sting operation. Those nabbed by the ruse were given criminal citations that could land them in jail for a maximum of six months, or they could be ordered to pay a $1,000 fine."

That's amazing similar to the event taken place in July 2003. When Feds tried to force me to have a roof contract with them, they created a roofing worker's death to intimidate other uninsured roofers out of the market. So the undercover contractor could get the deal. (see "145. SARS, a big issue(7/20/03)"

To avoid an unreasonable search, I repaired the garage door. It's more then ten years now, the repaired garage door had worn out and had to be replaced. In late May, the Homeowner Association mailed me a notice that there would be a meeting. I knew that was to justify an inspection. The target was the garage door.

In mid June, my wife gave me a weekly magazine - "USCITYPOST"(June 17, 2017) In its "Business Classified", I found four advertisement of "Garage door" contractors. In newspaper commercial, "Garage door" is a rare. That four ads obviously were prepared for me. To avoid being framed by the Feds, I had to do it by myself. I thought of the original one piece garage door which I hadn't abandoned.

The Homeowners Association's meeting date was set on 7/26. I had to replace the garage door at that time. In mid July, I dug out the old one piece door. What surprised me was next day President Trump told media he was going to fire Sessions.

Can Trump fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions? Yes, but it would be unprecedented
Maureen Groppe and Jessica Estepa, USA TODAY July 20, 2017

In an interview with the New York Times, the president on Wednesday slammed Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia investigation, believing that this action led to the appointment of a special counsel.


Trump is unqualified to be president. His victory was out of the support of the Feds.(FBI) Now I believe his main task is to eliminate me - Kat Sung. When they thought it was a certain, they didn't expect I dug out an old door. So Trump was so angry. They quickly plan new plots in rogue's way.

On Aug. 3, a "Fed Express" cart roared into the lane, not for delivery, but turned around to drive out.
Then came the PG&E engineer pick up to replace the gas meter of my house.

I think they have two plans: 1. To create a gas leaking. 2. To damage newly installed garage door to force a replacement. I believe so because two days later, a US Mail cart rushed into the lane too. Both cars rushed in with high speed that caused large noise. That was not the way to move in small lane. As for why changed a mail car later? The "Fed Express" cart is too big and long, not easy to aim the target in a lane. The mail car is smaller and easy to carry out the impact mission.
I am dying......Trump was elected to eliminate Katsung. Oh my sides hurt. I needed that little pick me up this morning.
Uncle Fester stole the bubba Gump shrimp and filtered it with gummy bear magic dust. If not for the invading heads of cabbage Eddie would have eight balled the entire thing. The shock the feds must have had with catnip flagrantly attacking with construction paper martial arts or papercut fu. ***** amazing. The headless horseman used it when his sword got dull. True story. It's getting close to summer the cyclonic weather machine has targeted the layer of katsung. The 850 mph winds are locked in with focused energy. The eagle has seen the fury and it's name is bunny rabbit. Elmer is locked,loaded and ready to get that wabbit.

The count down is on...
1019. McCabe a sacrifice (5/7/2018)

The Feds planned Taiwan travel to murder my wife and my brother and his wife. To push the executive body to accomplish the mission, they intimidated the FBI by firing its deputy McCabe.

3/16, A.G. Sessions fires FBI deputy McCabe.
3/16, Donald Trump signs "Taiwan Travel Act.
3/17, my wife's original planed leaving date for her Taiwan travel.

On 3/31, my wife went back home. The March murder mission went soured under my constant revelation. New plot starts. So we see new extortion. McCabe seems to be a sacrifice. He was fired, now he faces prosecution.

Justice Dept. watchdog sends McCabe findings to federal prosecutors for possible charges
By Pamela Brown and Laura Jarrett, CNN April 19, 2018

Washington (CNN)The Justice Department's inspector general referred its findings on former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to the US attorney's office in Washington for possible criminal charges associated with lying to internal investigators, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Didn't Katsung show up here around the time that the Mueller inveztigation began?

Sent from my SM-G950U using Steeler Nation mobile app
Katsung, how is your wife?

Sent from my [device_name] using Steeler Nation mobile app

I was convinced she'd been assassinated. I read that one incoherent post from Katsung (well, they all are) and was sure she was gonna get whacked. I just figured she was dead, you know, because Katsung predicts EVERYTHING. He usually starts his threads with "As I predict..." [orange price tumbles due to government making volcano erupt in Hawaii]

Anyway, I didn't sleep for weeks, worried to death about Mrs. Shanghai Katsung

Then he writes this above.

What caused my suspicion was that lady at first insisted demanding my wife write down the deal on paper for her until my wife wrote her a check. I later think what she needs is my address. I have no doubt what behind her and "Fence company" is the Feds.(FBI and DEA). How can they wrong me in this "fence" case? I think of the address. They need a justification to drive a car to my home, although we have no connection to that fence company, the check gave the address to them.


SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE STATES SHE LIVES!!!!!!!

I didn't sleep for weeks, but my prayers were answered. She was saved! She is alive and writing checks for Ivy removal from their walls.

But now I'm even more scared, see. That damned Ivy. They are using the Ivy as a means of getting to him and his wife secretly without them knowing! They are going to get right into his house!!!

So, they know where katsung lives enough to get someone one there to get a check, then why do they need the check for the address?
So, they know where katsung lives enough to get someone one there to get a check, then why do they need the check for the address?

My method of payment is always 24k gold bars. I'm not sure how they can stay so clandestine and away from the feds with that paper trail. Even his internet must run through 20 stealth proxy servers.I guess they're just that good.
1019. McCabe a sacrifice (5/7/2018)

The Feds planned Taiwan travel to murder my wife and my brother and his wife. To push the executive body to accomplish the mission, they intimidated the FBI by firing its deputy McCabe.

3/16, A.G. Sessions fires FBI deputy McCabe.
3/16, Donald Trump signs "Taiwan Travel Act.
3/17, my wife's original planed leaving date for her Taiwan travel.

On 3/31, my wife went back home. The March murder mission went soured under my constant revelation. New plot starts. So we see new extortion. McCabe seems to be a sacrifice. He was fired, now he faces prosecution.

Yes,but the sun shines on half the barbeque pit at 310 pm. It shows the direct path needed to track the traveler toward a tempura mountain rotting with rejected rodent entrails from sitting on the cusp of next door Kelly's dirty deeds done dirt cheap. Oh no that grandma don't sow,so don't even bother airing Harry's dirt *** laundry over the loudspeaker. We know what's going on before you do. It's the secret frequency sent over a thimble full of dark matter. **** just got real. Those big tubes are good for something...bounce bounce bounce and split. Just wait until they weaponize that ****. It will make it rain the pain right into the depths of your soul.

When your hair turns blue you'll know what to do.

..kiss your *** goodbye