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May, June plot

He's got you there.....he never specified which May, June.
Jokes on all of us. May & June aren't months....They're female spies...............Russian, female spies.:eek1:
Intercontinental nuclear torpedo - the new doomsday hotness

Russia reveals giant nuclear torpedo in state TV 'leak'

The "oceanic multi-purpose Status-6 system" is designed to "destroy important economic installations of the enemy in coastal areas and cause guaranteed devastating damage to the country's territory by creating wide areas of radioactive contamination, rendering them unusable for military, economic or other activity for a long time", the document says.


Cobalt warhead?

On the diagram the giant torpedo's range is given as "up to 10,000km" (6,200 miles) and depth of trajectory is "up to 1,000m" (3,300ft).

It would, apparently, be launched by nuclear-powered submarines of the 09852 "Belgorod" and 09851 "Khabarovsk" series.

Rossiiskaya Gazeta called the torpedo a "robotic mini-submarine", travelling at 100 knots (185km/h; 115mph), which would "avoid all acoustic tracking devices and other traps".

1,001. Plant "drug trace" (1/20/2018)

90 percent of U.S. bills carry traces of cocaine

100 percent of bills from a few large urban areas tested positive for cocaine

Money can be contaminated by being put in counting machines with tainted bills
August 17,


Nobody is interested in such a test but the Feds. It also means how easy it is to contaminate the objects with drugs.

My wife has been arranged a Canada tour on Sept. 2, last year. Feds used to project an action with a tour. I predicted Korea war crisis would be used as distraction. That was proved very correct. Kim Jung-un did explode a Hydregen bomb on 9/3. How would the Feds carry on an arrest? Since there was a record setting hot weather on 9/2 and 9/3, I thought the arrest excuse would be "drug trace found in sewage water". I didn't take bath in these hot days.
From August to early September, someone droped free newspaper at my door every Sunday, I thought there was drug powder inside it. It's invisible but could be tested drug positive by instrument. Since then I rarely take a bath and wash clothes.

On 12/31, my sisters came to see me with a tin of French Cookies. It's pakage is strange. Bound by cargoship stripe. I saw many food in tins, Demark cookies; candy tins; moon cakes from China, all sealed by glue tapes. No others like this. I think that could be another attempt to plant drug trace through the hand of my relatives (they were innocent though).


cookie tin

On 1/1/, another sister visited me with a lot of foods and several hundred dollars. Their sudden visits were arranged by the Feds, I think.

On 1/2, Bannon attacks Trump's son "treasonous".

On 1/5, I took a rub bath.

On 1/6, Bannon changes his tone on "treasonous".

984. Trick to plant drug trace on victims

n #979, I predicted 9/2 would be action day of the framed case (my wife started her Canada travel) and thereafter there would be a Korea war crisis to distract. Kim Jong-un did detonate a hydrogen bomb to the order, but there was no action on me. What happened?

I think the Feds planed to arrest me on 9/2. The excuse of arrest was "found drug trace on my body".

How could they do that? I found in this way.

8/12, my wife said she would have a tour to Canada. Next day was Sunday, someone dropped a San Jose Mercury News (local newspaper) at my door. Then for consecutive four weeks I received five Mercury News Sunday edition. That was from 8/13 to 9/10. My wife's travel period was from 9/2 to 9/9.

I was a subscriber of San Jose Mercury News. I cancelled the subscription decades ago due to financial reason. I did pick up the first free Sunday paper to read. Then I thought of the harsh situation I am in. I didn't touch the free paper thereafter.

Then there came an unusual heat wave. Here is quote from #980:

"9/1 - 9/4 Unprecedented heat over San Jose area.

September 2, 2017

California’s history-making heat wave set new all-time records for the second day in a row.
I have no air condition in my house. You can imagine in three digit temperature. What's there purpose, i don't know. To force the window open wide so leaked gas can get in? Or let hitter easy in when the door open wide?"

I think the purpose was to push me taking bath so they could collect drug trace from the sewage water they collected. The drug trace might be from polluted news paper or some other sources they deliberately planted.

I hadn't taken bath in these sweating days.

Now they hurriedly organized another long trip for my wife, 10/2 to 10/18, 16 days. What will take place? If the Feds can arrest people in this way, it's too easy to plant and frame innocent people.

Pictures of free Sunday papers at the door.


Last edited:
Soon paper tigers will reap the rewards twice given over 5 projects zoned and defeated yet again. Foolish they know what's coming they have help on the inside and the outside. It's all about who had the most money and dirt. Can't stop it now or it all crumbles. The high ups know and there's nothing that can be done about it. It's legit to the naked eye to the believers of false greatness. It's fools gold and so many buy it. The feds know. Year after year they stand way on the outside of statistics and smile. The greed will be their undoing. 60,s,70,s,80,s,90,s. They all fell and diminished no matter how great.
Sometime when I **** it takes two sheets to be good. Other times, I need to call the neighborhood to see if they have extra
Sometime when I **** it takes two sheets to be good. Other times, I need to call the neighborhood to see if they have extra

sometimes I judge my ***** on how many pages I get in my current book I am reading..... Sunday I had a 4 pager.
Katsung, you lost me. You cut out a paper decades ago due to financial reasons? man I had you built up to be some type of James Bond/Austin powers type of dude. now you are a regular scmuck like the rest of us.
So they manufactured a heat wave to force you to take rub bath, to collect water samples, to frame you.....Got it. Thank god you live in California with the rest of the fruits and nuts.
Katsung, are you even a Steeler fan?

The feds won't let him. If he even says Steeler It's actually code for broken arrow and he will need to be extracted to a safe zone. I think it's a cave near some ruins deep in South America.
speaking of WWIII

WW3 Preparations: Amidst Drought North Korean Officials Raid Homes And Farms To Feed Army

North Korean officials are ransacking homes and raiding farms in order to feed their starving army. Not only has the drought taken its toll on the nation, but this newest harsh seizure of food is causing internal clashes between the civilians and the army.

Soldiers for the communist regime had already been given long periods of leave in order to try to find food and make money to purchase food. However, it hasn’t been enough. Collective farms are suffering due to drought and poor harvests, leading officials to ransack farms and homes in order to find any stored food or money that might benefit the army, Daily NK reports.

While North Korean citizens are used to officials searching for food and asking for bribes, their use of increasingly brutal tactics to feed a starving army has led to reported clashes between troops and citizens. Farms in the country have not been able to meet quotas, and in response, officials are giving them new assignments.

“We are suffering because collective farms in our region did not have a good harvest last year and so we were unable to fulfill the mandatory quota for military provisions. All individuals who weren’t able to meet the demands have been receiving additional assignments since the very beginning of January,” a source in South Hamgyong Province reported to Daily NK. “This year, we have to postpone our farm work due to this ‘extremely urgent’ task of gathering food for the military,” the source said.

In the past, individuals were allowed to take leave from farm work to obtain money for fertilizer or farm equipment. But this year, any money is being used to procure food and other items for military use


Katsung, are you even a Steeler fan?
Just Google any part of his ramblings and it pops up everywhere. Either he is just c & ping it here to be an idiot or he is the original author of these ramblings and posting it everywhere he can. Either way...WTF?

And his youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/sung47sung
(1,002). Pressure on FBI and earthquake (1/27/2018)

Recently, there are some articles in internet criticize the FBI.

The Sinking of the FBI

By William F. Marshall January 24, 2018

It's increasingly clear that the FBI is taking on water at an accelerating rate as new revelations come, fast and furious, in the political scandals engulfing Washington.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/01/the_sinking_of_the_fbi.html#ixzz559MXyQkF
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Carr: Scandal-ridden FBI must be abolished

'Secret Society' is one controversy too far to tolerate

Boston Herald, bostonherald.com Wednesday, January 24, 2018


I think that is done by the real "secret society" of the FBI.

1. Everybody has his own politic view. So do Strzok and Page. Must they have to support Donald Trump? Did they commit any crime in that Trump Russian gate investigation team?

2. It's more like a sting project as the FBI used to do. Strzok and Page could be false flag embedded in that team to sabotage "anti-Trump" plot. They were monitored. Their email were intercepted. As I know the culture of the FBI is anti-Clinton, and Trump is their representative. see #930.

3. The articles is to cut relationship between Trump and the FBI when Trump became notorious that he won the election by the help of Russians.

4. It's another style to apply pressure on the FBI to finish the Kat Sung's case.See #902.
"Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story. That is the core interest of the Feds for which they have paid so much to China. see new secret deal at :"899. April plot (3/29/2016)"."

I notice at same time, the media also massively report the earthquake news.

Alaska earthquake today: Tsunami heads for Alaska amid mass evacuations as rest of west coast given all clear

Harriet Agerholm,The Independent• January 23, 2018

5.8 earthquake strikes off Northern California coast. No tsunami threat

Hailey Branson-Potts By HAILEY BRANSON-POTTS JAN 25, 2018

I worry they will create a big earthquake in California and damage the house structure with acoustic weapon in the name of quake to reach the purpose of search and arrest.

(930). FBI activate a coup (11/6/2016)

I had such information from internet:

Cone of silence

According to an FBI source, Comey had over a hundred letters of resignation sitting on his desk. When he walked through the halls, agents would turn their back and look the other way. Then he reopened the case, and "the entire building broke out in cheers".


BREAKING: Comey mandates All FBI Agents Report to D.C. Offices; Prep for Raids, Possible Arrests in Clinton Probes
Posted on November 4, 2016


Apparently, Comey under the pressure of FBI officials to re-open investigation on Clinton's email case. That's an open interference in election. The purpose is to help their candidate - Trump to grab the power seat of president. I think the FBI has big plan in next year.

From my point of view, it's no other than a coup. In dictatorship, the officials activate army to take over control. In US, they activate themselves - secret police.
(1,002). Pressure on FBI and earthquake (1/27/2018)

Recently, there are some articles in internet criticize the FBI.

I think that is done by the real "secret society" of the FBI.

1. Everybody has his own politic view. So do Strzok and Page. Must they have to support Donald Trump? Did they commit any crime in that Trump Russian gate investigation team?

2. It's more like a sting project as the FBI used to do. Strzok and Page could be false flag embedded in that team to sabotage "anti-Trump" plot. They were monitored. Their email were intercepted. As I know the culture of the FBI is anti-Clinton, and Trump is their representative. see #930.

3. The articles is to cut relationship between Trump and the FBI when Trump became notorious that he won the election by the help of Russians.

4. It's another style to apply pressure on the FBI to finish the Kat Sung's case.See #902.
"Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story. That is the core interest of the Feds for which they have paid so much to China. see new secret deal at :"899. April plot (3/29/2016)"."

I notice at same time, the media also massively report the earthquake news.

I worry they will create a big earthquake in California and damage the house structure with acoustic weapon in the name of quake to reach the purpose of search and arrest.

(930). FBI activate a coup (11/6/2016)

I had such information from internet:

Apparently, Comey under the pressure of FBI officials to re-open investigation on Clinton's email case. That's an open interference in election. The purpose is to help their candidate - Trump to grab the power seat of president. I think the FBI has big plan in next year.

From my point of view, it's no other than a coup. In dictatorship, the officials activate army to take over control. In US, they activate themselves - secret police.

They're coming for you Kat Nip!
Beware the Norks in skirts, that's what I say




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1,003. Intimidation to create fake evidence (2/3/2018)

It is clear the comic drama is a continuation of the plot to elimination of Kat Sung. First Trump fired Comey, When there is no progress in the attempt murder case of Kat Sung, they force McCabe to leave.

They create a "Russia-probe memo" case to cut the relationship between Trump and the FBI when Trump's treason becomes clear. (Trump may be impeached as a distraction to that framed case) They create the crisis to apply pressure on the FBI. As a matter of fact, Trump is a candidate of the "Deep State" of the Feds to whip their terror force.

FBI deputy director leaving post ahead of planned retirement

Eric Tucker and Sadie Gurman, Associated Press• January 29

WASHINGTON (AP) -- FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a frequent target of President Donald Trump's criticism who led the bureau for months last year following the firing of James Comey, is leaving his position ahead of a previously planned retirement this spring, people familiar with the decision said Monday.


In mid-January, I encounter a message in internet.

FBI More Corrupt Than Previously Known; CSI is a LIE
January 12, 2018 By Robert Gehl

The Justice Department and FBI have formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000.

Of 28 examiners with the FBI Laboratory’s microscopic hair comparison unit, 26 overstated forensic matches in ways that favored prosecutors in more than 95 percent of the 268 trials reviewed so far, according to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) and the Innocence Project, which are assisting the government with the country’s largest post-conviction review of questioned forensic evidence.

The cases include those of 32 defendants sentenced to death. Of those, 14 have been executed or died in prison, the groups said under an agreement with the government to release results after the review of the first 200 convictions.


I think that's an intimidation from the Feds. They will create fake evidence to frame me in a criminal case.