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May, June plot

1020. Mass slaughter is a method to distract (5/14/2018)

I had alleged the Feds plotted a murder case on 8/3/2017 or so. A news later proves I'm very correct.

"974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)

On 8/3, a P.G.& E engineer truck drove in my lane. A worker changed the gas meter of my house ....... Three months ago P.G.& E had a commercial in TV Chinese channel to apologize for deaths caused by gas leaking explosion six years ago. Now they are in action. It can be an explosion murder or an unreasonable search in the name of gas leaking. "

"976. Sessions and garage door (8/21/2017)

On Aug. 3, a "Fed Express" cart roared into the lane, not for delivery, but turned around to drive out.
Then came the PG&E engineer pick up to replace the gas meter of my house.

I think they have two plans: 1. To create a gas leaking. 2. To damage newly installed garage door to force a replacement. I believe so because two days later, a US Mail cart rushed into the lane too. Both cars rushed in with high speed that caused large noise. That was not the way to move in small lane. As for why changed a mail car later? The "Fed Express" cart is too big and long, not easy to aim the target in a lane. The mail car is smaller and easy to carry out the impact mission."

I also said something would happen on my wife's tour 10/2 to 10/18. That "something" was later found "LasVegas mass slaughter". It took place two hours before my wife's leaving. Shooting started on 22:10 Oct/1. My wife's flight took off on 0:55 Oct/2.

"983.Earthquake, hurricane and defense budget (9/25/2017)

The framed case is going on. My wife said she'll go another trip to Europe from 10/2 to 10/18. So something will happen at that time. ......"

"985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag (10/8/2017)

Las Vegas mass slaughtering was a distraction case done by the Feds(FBI and DEA).

I am the murder target of the Feds(FBI and DEA). ......."

Here is the news proves my allegation is very correct. Stephen Paddock had prepared a mass shooting case for 8/3 too.


booked one room at the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago, shich he was due to check into on August 1, and he booked a second room for check in on August 3, alaw enforcement official told USA Today.

Both rooms had a checkout date of August 6. The Lollapalooza music festival ran August 2-5 and takes place in Grant Park.

Still Winning

Kent State graduate celebrates by strolling campus with her AR-10


Kaitlin Bennett, 22, wanted to make a statement after graduating so she shared pictures of herself on campus with an AR-10 slung over her shoulder and holding a graduation cap emblazoned with the words "come and take it."

"Now that I graduated from @KentState, I can finally arm myself on campus," Bennett, who earned a degree in biology, tweeted Sunday. "I should have been able to do so as a student — especially since 4 unarmed students were shot and killed by the government on this campus."

"I have no apologies for my graduation photos. As a woman, I refuse to be a victim & the second amendment ensures that I don't have to be."


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1021. Trump's job - eliminate Kat Sung (5/21/2018)

Two years ago, in (902. Trump's job) I concluded "The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story."

3/10/2017 Trump Abruptly Ordered 46 Federal Prosecutors to Resign.

5/9, Trump fired FBI Director Comey.(It proves Comey's story "Trump demands "loyal" ".
Trump belongs to the Deep State.)

8/2, Christopher Wray was sworn in as the Director of the FBI. (The deep state need someone to take the responsibility by approving the evil murder cases.)

8/3, I found the Feds started main plot of "gas explosion" and "search by damaged house" intention.

Here are three plots to murder my wife.

(1) 8/31, I warned 9/2 could be action date and would be followed by Korea war to distract. (see #979)

9/1, US bans US citizen travel to N. Korea. (Trump joins the plot)

9/2 - 9/10, my wife left for Canada.

9/3, N. Korea exploded a hydrogen bomb.(used as distraction) It was a planned distraction. N. Korea did their job to the secret deal but Trump did nothing to react. Because the main target - Kat Sung, is still alive.

(2) 10/2 - 10/18 My wife go another trip to Europe.

9/25 I wrote in "(983) So something will happen at that time."
That "something" became "Las Vegas mass shooting". It was used as a distraction. It was a remedial case hurried done for 9/2 case. So there was a lot of flaws in this event.

(3) 3/17 - 3/31 My wife and my brother were arranged a travel to Taiwan.

3/16, A.G. Sessions fired FBI deputy McCabe. (An intimidation or a purge in FBI?)
3/16, Donald Trump signs "Taiwan Travel Act.(again, Trump joins the case)
3/17, my wife's original planed leaving date. Means the case starts.

I predicted something big would happen in this case but nothing took place. I think that's because I had previously made some correct predictions. The Feds try to distract it.

Here is another story that Trump use foreign affair in my case when I noticed he announced to withdraw from "Iran nuclear deal" on 5/8, not original 5/12.

May 8, 2018, 10:45 PM
Trump announces decision to "withdraw" from Iran nuclear deal


The original plan:
Trump Will Scrap Iran Deal On May 12
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-26/trump-will-scrap-iran-deal-may-12-report /quote]

Why did they change the time? On 5/7, Contractor came to my yard and replaced the fence. If the Feds created a case then they need something to distract. That's their routine job. see "1018. Frame a case by "replace fence" (4/30/2018)".

475. The fired Federal Attorney and March plot (3/28/07)

Kevin Ryan was fired (in the name of resignation) at the same time when Neigroponte lost his post of the National intelligence head. They were punished for failure to frame an innocent person in created crime. To cover up Ryan's forced resignation, other Federal Attorney became sacrifice. DOJ fired those whom were thought not loyal to Bush to make Ryan's resignation not so evident.

Most of those fired issued a stiff defense of their conduct except Kevin Ryan. It could prove my allegation that they were sacrifice. Read the following news, you may understand better.

Re: "S. F. prosecutor's firing unchallenged
Howard Mintz
Mercury News March 21, 2007

Despite all the controversy surrounding the firing of eight US attorneys, the release of thousands of pages of internal Justice Department documents shows there has not been much protest over the ouster of San Francisco US Attorney Kevin Ryan,.....

Ryan was among the US attorneys asked to resign in the December purge, but Bush administration critics, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., have not cited his dismissal as being tainted by politics.

Unlike other US attorneys who protested their firings, there are few exchanges involving Ryan in the newly released documents. One Justice Department e-mail quotes Ryan's former chief assistant, Eumi Choi, as saying Ryan was remaining a "company man" after his firing and refusing to take phone calls from Feinstein."

In early 1990s, when I found Feds (FBI, DEA) using radioactive material as tracing tactic which hurt my health, I complained to Federal Attorney's office. I was very innocent then, after failing to complain in some office like D.A.'s office or organization such like ACLU... I went to the Federal Building. I went there several times until an aide told me that "there is no use to come here. We cooperate with FBI." Then I knew they work together.

Did Ryan, as DOJ said, run his office in disarray? No, he did a very aggressive job. From the news "Ryan has beefed up the San Jose branch to 20 lawyers from the usual dozen or so, an unprecedented level.", I knew he arranged almost eight or so Federal Attorney to frame me in case. What have they done?

To plant drug at my house by "free gift". To disguise contractor for "reasonable search". To block the drainage to search the water after I washing the clothes or take a bath. To collect the garbage by a cover up "garbage company". To manipulate my wife to file tax return without my consent. To cut my financial support...... All these were the work done by the attorneys in Ryan's office with the Feds.

One thing you should know is that Ryan was not fired for doing these evil things. He was fired for not evil enough to frame me in a case they created.
We've gotten through a few May/Junes and I keep waiting for one of these plots to start...
i wish katsung would tell us why he/she/ze believes the government is out to erase the ******.
i wish katsung would tell us why he/she/ze believes the government is out to erase the ******.

Obviously because he knows the truth and what's really going on. :rolleyes1:
16 years the Federal government has been plotting. That dates back to 2002, which is a numerical palindrome. Why is the word "palindrome" not a palindrome? I will make a new word meaning "palindrome" - "ispallapsi." There, I did it. Aaaah, a Fed Ex delivery - or is it?? Will the Fed Ex driver turn out to be a black ops wet-work agent? No, just wanted a signature. I tricked him and forged my own signature. Not going to give them my real name. How does Fed Ex box have real name??

And what about the gas company? Funny how gas is flammable. Very dangerous. Why don't they provide non-flammable gas? I learned the hard way that "inflammable" does not mean non-flammable. Another trick to kill me - label gas as "inflammable," try to have me light a flame nearby. Not going to work ... a second time.

Mrs. Katsung making dinner. Said she would make me a chit sandwich, or something to that effect. Told me to eat a chit sandwich. Told wife I did not know what she was talking about, and she said, "That's because you don't know chit." Told wife interested in trying to make baby. Wife said she was not in the mood. Funny, because she appears several months pregnant, and I was out of the country for more than 8 months. Wife told me happened when we had phone sex. Reminded her she never answers my calls, and she says, "Oh, right, that was phone sex with another guy." Okay, feel better now.

But wife could be in on plot with the Fed to kill me. Wife tries to outsmart me, and fails. I hid her house keys, so she could not leave. She left, spent night with neighbor. Good looking guy. Blue eyes. I showed her. Don't play brain games with Katsung - I am unarmed and not afraid to prove it.

Enough with this update. Wait, nobody in pool again. Gate was locked last time I checked, but I was able to hop fence. Was arrested and judge issued a restraining order, telling me to stay at least 100 yards away. Surprised, as had elftardPoloLiar as my attorney. Well, advisor, I guess. Told me to tell judge, "Hey, you not real lawyer." Judge advised that yes, when become judge, he give up bar card and no longer actually lawyer. "Hah," I say, "caught you!!" Judge not impressed, pretended he know the law. elftardPoloLiar and I try to explain that he know nothing, and amateur lawyer wanna-bes like us know law. He disagrees, issues restraining order. Buffoon. Certain to be reversed by Supreme Court, as soon as elftardPoloLiar passes bar. Or passes gas. Again.

After bogus trial ruling, arrested as I was standing next to fence near pool. Tried to explain I did not have 100 yard tape measure and going to pace it off. Police not buying it. Why is my window open? That's right, wife had to use window to get in house because I hid key. Why is good-looking neighbor leaving house? Must have helped Mrs. Katsung open window. Mrs. Katsung confirm, says, "Oh, he opened me up all right. Several times." Good to hear.

Will provide monthly May/June report soon, as long as prison lets me use internet. No, not because I am still in jail, but just because I have no internet, and Starbucks told me their "you can stay even if not buying" rule did not apply to me.

/s Katsung
16 years the Federal government has been plotting. That dates back to 2002, which is a numerical palindrome. Why is the word "palindrome" not a palindrome? I will make a new word meaning "palindrome" - "ispallapsi." There, I did it. Aaaah, a Fed Ex delivery - or is it?? Will the Fed Ex driver turn out to be a black ops wet-work agent? No, just wanted a signature. I tricked him and forged my own signature. Not going to give them my real name. How does Fed Ex box have real name??

And what about the gas company? Funny how gas is flammable. Very dangerous. Why don't they provide non-flammable gas? I learned the hard way that "inflammable" does not mean non-flammable. Another trick to kill me - label gas as "inflammable," try to have me light a flame nearby. Not going to work ... a second time.

Mrs. Katsung making dinner. Said she would make me a chit sandwich, or something to that effect. Told me to eat a chit sandwich. Told wife I did not know what she was talking about, and she said, "That's because you don't know chit." Told wife interested in trying to make baby. Wife said she was not in the mood. Funny, because she appears several months pregnant, and I was out of the country for more than 8 months. Wife told me happened when we had phone sex. Reminded her she never answers my calls, and she says, "Oh, right, that was phone sex with another guy." Okay, feel better now.

But wife could be in on plot with the Fed to kill me. Wife tries to outsmart me, and fails. I hid her house keys, so she could not leave. She left, spent night with neighbor. Good looking guy. Blue eyes. I showed her. Don't play brain games with Katsung - I am unarmed and not afraid to prove it.

Enough with this update. Wait, nobody in pool again. Gate was locked last time I checked, but I was able to hop fence. Was arrested and judge issued a restraining order, telling me to stay at least 100 yards away. Surprised, as had elftardPoloLiar as my attorney. Well, advisor, I guess. Told me to tell judge, "Hey, you not real lawyer." Judge advised that yes, when become judge, he give up bar card and no longer actually lawyer. "Hah," I say, "caught you!!" Judge not impressed, pretended he know the law. elftardPoloLiar and I try to explain that he know nothing, and amateur lawyer wanna-bes like us know law. He disagrees, issues restraining order. Buffoon. Certain to be reversed by Supreme Court, as soon as elftardPoloLiar passes bar. Or passes gas. Again.

After bogus trial ruling, arrested as I was standing next to fence near pool. Tried to explain I did not have 100 yard tape measure and going to pace it off. Police not buying it. Why is my window open? That's right, wife had to use window to get in house because I hid key. Why is good-looking neighbor leaving house? Must have helped Mrs. Katsung open window. Mrs. Katsung confirm, says, "Oh, he opened me up all right. Several times." Good to hear.

Will provide monthly May/June report soon, as long as prison lets me use internet. No, not because I am still in jail, but just because I have no internet, and Starbucks told me their "you can stay even if not buying" rule did not apply to me.

/s Katsung

Okay I laughed for a couple minutes straight here.
1021. Trump's job - eliminate Kat Sung (5/21/2018)

Two years ago, in (902. Trump's job) I concluded "The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story."

3/10/2017 Trump Abruptly Ordered 46 Federal Prosecutors to Resign.

5/9, Trump fired FBI Director Comey.(It proves Comey's story "Trump demands "loyal" ".
Trump belongs to the Deep State.)

8/2, Christopher Wray was sworn in as the Director of the FBI. (The deep state need someone to take the responsibility by approving the evil murder cases.)

8/3, I found the Feds started main plot of "gas explosion" and "search by damaged house" intention.

Here are three plots to murder my wife.

(1) 8/31, I warned 9/2 could be action date and would be followed by Korea war to distract. (see #979)

9/1, US bans US citizen travel to N. Korea. (Trump joins the plot)

9/2 - 9/10, my wife left for Canada.

9/3, N. Korea exploded a hydrogen bomb.(used as distraction) It was a planned distraction. N. Korea did their job to the secret deal but Trump did nothing to react. Because the main target - Kat Sung, is still alive.

(2) 10/2 - 10/18 My wife go another trip to Europe.

9/25 I wrote in "(983) So something will happen at that time."
That "something" became "Las Vegas mass shooting". It was used as a distraction. It was a remedial case hurried done for 9/2 case. So there was a lot of flaws in this event.

(3) 3/17 - 3/31 My wife and my brother were arranged a travel to Taiwan.

3/16, A.G. Sessions fired FBI deputy McCabe. (An intimidation or a purge in FBI?)
3/16, Donald Trump signs "Taiwan Travel Act.(again, Trump joins the case)
3/17, my wife's original planed leaving date. Means the case starts.

I predicted something big would happen in this case but nothing took place. I think that's because I had previously made some correct predictions. The Feds try to distract it.

Here is another story that Trump use foreign affair in my case when I noticed he announced to withdraw from "Iran nuclear deal" on 5/8, not original 5/12.

The original plan:
Trump Will Scrap Iran Deal On May 12
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-26/trump-will-scrap-iran-deal-may-12-report /quote]

Why did they change the time? On 5/7, Contractor came to my yard and replaced the fence. If the Feds created a case then they need something to distract. That's their routine job. see "1018. Frame a case by "replace fence" (4/30/2018)".

475. The fired Federal Attorney and March plot (3/28/07)

Kevin Ryan was fired (in the name of resignation) at the same time when Neigroponte lost his post of the National intelligence head. They were punished for failure to frame an innocent person in created crime. To cover up Ryan's forced resignation, other Federal Attorney became sacrifice. DOJ fired those whom were thought not loyal to Bush to make Ryan's resignation not so evident.

Most of those fired issued a stiff defense of their conduct except Kevin Ryan. It could prove my allegation that they were sacrifice. Read the following news, you may understand better.

Re: "S. F. prosecutor's firing unchallenged
Howard Mintz
Mercury News March 21, 2007

Despite all the controversy surrounding the firing of eight US attorneys, the release of thousands of pages of internal Justice Department documents shows there has not been much protest over the ouster of San Francisco US Attorney Kevin Ryan,.....

Ryan was among the US attorneys asked to resign in the December purge, but Bush administration critics, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., have not cited his dismissal as being tainted by politics.

Unlike other US attorneys who protested their firings, there are few exchanges involving Ryan in the newly released documents. One Justice Department e-mail quotes Ryan's former chief assistant, Eumi Choi, as saying Ryan was remaining a "company man" after his firing and refusing to take phone calls from Feinstein."

In early 1990s, when I found Feds (FBI, DEA) using radioactive material as tracing tactic which hurt my health, I complained to Federal Attorney's office. I was very innocent then, after failing to complain in some office like D.A.'s office or organization such like ACLU... I went to the Federal Building. I went there several times until an aide told me that "there is no use to come here. We cooperate with FBI." Then I knew they work together.

Did Ryan, as DOJ said, run his office in disarray? No, he did a very aggressive job. From the news "Ryan has beefed up the San Jose branch to 20 lawyers from the usual dozen or so, an unprecedented level.", I knew he arranged almost eight or so Federal Attorney to frame me in case. What have they done?

To plant drug at my house by "free gift". To disguise contractor for "reasonable search". To block the drainage to search the water after I washing the clothes or take a bath. To collect the garbage by a cover up "garbage company". To manipulate my wife to file tax return without my consent. To cut my financial support...... All these were the work done by the attorneys in Ryan's office with the Feds.

One thing you should know is that Ryan was not fired for doing these evil things. He was fired for not evil enough to frame me in a case they created.

The dirty blue bugged the left side of your aorta. You and Mrs K. Those voices are real and with the push of a button no more sassy jean jelly bean romps on the fur cougar. Time is short&sweet but for me? Cheech said the hair piece is on his head and the green gator only walks the dog at 3am.

Time is
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16 years the Federal government has been plotting. That dates back to 2002, which is a numerical palindrome. Why is the word "palindrome" not a palindrome? I will make a new word meaning "palindrome" - "ispallapsi." There, I did it. Aaaah, a Fed Ex delivery - or is it?? Will the Fed Ex driver turn out to be a black ops wet-work agent? No, just wanted a signature. I tricked him and forged my own signature. Not going to give them my real name. How does Fed Ex box have real name??

And what about the gas company? Funny how gas is flammable. Very dangerous. Why don't they provide non-flammable gas? I learned the hard way that "inflammable" does not mean non-flammable. Another trick to kill me - label gas as "inflammable," try to have me light a flame nearby. Not going to work ... a second time.

Mrs. Katsung making dinner. Said she would make me a chit sandwich, or something to that effect. Told me to eat a chit sandwich. Told wife I did not know what she was talking about, and she said, "That's because you don't know chit." Told wife interested in trying to make baby. Wife said she was not in the mood. Funny, because she appears several months pregnant, and I was out of the country for more than 8 months. Wife told me happened when we had phone sex. Reminded her she never answers my calls, and she says, "Oh, right, that was phone sex with another guy." Okay, feel better now.

But wife could be in on plot with the Fed to kill me. Wife tries to outsmart me, and fails. I hid her house keys, so she could not leave. She left, spent night with neighbor. Good looking guy. Blue eyes. I showed her. Don't play brain games with Katsung - I am unarmed and not afraid to prove it.

Enough with this update. Wait, nobody in pool again. Gate was locked last time I checked, but I was able to hop fence. Was arrested and judge issued a restraining order, telling me to stay at least 100 yards away. Surprised, as had elftardPoloLiar as my attorney. Well, advisor, I guess. Told me to tell judge, "Hey, you not real lawyer." Judge advised that yes, when become judge, he give up bar card and no longer actually lawyer. "Hah," I say, "caught you!!" Judge not impressed, pretended he know the law. elftardPoloLiar and I try to explain that he know nothing, and amateur lawyer wanna-bes like us know law. He disagrees, issues restraining order. Buffoon. Certain to be reversed by Supreme Court, as soon as elftardPoloLiar passes bar. Or passes gas. Again.

After bogus trial ruling, arrested as I was standing next to fence near pool. Tried to explain I did not have 100 yard tape measure and going to pace it off. Police not buying it. Why is my window open? That's right, wife had to use window to get in house because I hid key. Why is good-looking neighbor leaving house? Must have helped Mrs. Katsung open window. Mrs. Katsung confirm, says, "Oh, he opened me up all right. Several times." Good to hear.

Will provide monthly May/June report soon, as long as prison lets me use internet. No, not because I am still in jail, but just because I have no internet, and Starbucks told me their "you can stay even if not buying" rule did not apply to me.

/s Katsung
That is how SN.com is great.

One post makes the membership worthwhile, only possible because the great unwashed ( literally in this case) get to participate. For free because Buff is a socialist.

How ******* great is that? From the ether, comedy gold!

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
Katsung47 getting boring....... you were the **** last year. this year not so much. Trump sucks yawn feds after the wife but never gets her yawn. come up with some better **** please. aliens maybe? maybe octopus assassins from outerspace could be after the wife or something
1022. Secret deal with N. Korea (5/27/2018)

I had accurately predicted the plot of Sept/2,2017.

On 8/31/2017, I wrote, "979. September 2nd is action date (8/31/2017)" I said,

"What will be big event used to distract public's attention? I think it is war in Korea Peninsula."

9/1/2017, US bans US citizen travel to N. Korea. (Trump joins the plot)
9/2 - 9/10, my wife left for Canada.
9/3, N. Korea exploded a hydrogen bomb. It was a planned distraction.

N. Korea did its job to the secret deal but Trump did nothing to react. Because the main target - Kat Sung, is still alive. Anyway, N.Korea wouldn't do it for nothing, here is how it got its payment - oil.

Three months later, a large scale oil smuggling to N.Korea took place on the sea.

But foreign media have reported a Hong Kong cargo ship and Russian tankers had transferred refined oil to North Korean ships at sea.


Trump Rebuked China for North Korea’s Oil Smuggling. It’s More Complicated.


Last month, the United States tried to persuade other members of the United Nations Security Council to blacklist 10 ships that it said were involved in smuggling oil and coal. In addition to the Lighthouse Winmore, this list, obtained by The New York Times, included four North Korean-flagged vessels, as well as ships linked to South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China.


Who's behind it? Watch the last sentence who could push S.Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China to offend a sanction against N.Korea?

When Trump told world he would return Kim with "fire and fury", it was just a stage show. When Kim and Trump will meet on 6/12, a deal has been made already under table.

Big events happen in June will attract public's attention. Not only US - N.Korea summit, but also US China trade negotiation. The Feds won't miss this chance, I think, they may frame a case to arrest and murder early next month.


979. September 2nd is action date (8/31/2017)

Why the Feds abandoned the planed "Hurricane Harvey" and "Charlottesville racial riot"? Because they focus on murdering Kat Sung. 9/2 plan is a one they think can certainly killing me.

In murder case, They used to perform action on Friday. Jail won't release detainee on bail in week- ends. So the Feds have two days(Saturday and Sunday) to do the killing. I have no income, I have no available working phone. If I were arrested when my wife was absent, nobody would have known that I was in prison. This time my wife travels to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. The Feds could have seven days to do a "suicide" death.

What will be big event used to distract public's attention? I think it is war in Korea Peninsula.

US bans travel to North Korea beginning September 1, says Americans should leave
Thomson Reuters
YEGANEH TORBATI Aug 3rd 2017 6:01AM


Same day on Aug.3rd, there was a "Fed Ex" cart roaring into my lane, then came a PG&E pick up to replace the gas meter of my house. That assures me the Feds decide to carry out unreasonable search and arrest by damaging my garage door or perform a "gas leaking" trick. See "974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)" From the timing, the announcement of Korea travel ban(Aug. 3rd) was accordance to harassing show off in my lane. Also be noticed that the N.Korea travel ban(9/1) is a day before my wife's Canada travel(9/2).
do you have an hobbies?
Katsung #314 much better than Katsung #320.
Katsung burn baby! Then drive off cliff hold Thelma hand up in air. Katsung wife never ask about business, only one time. Go ahead, make Katsung day. Sometime nothing is real cool hand. Milk was bad choice for Katsung. Katsung need bigger boat. Might as well jump.
Katsung #314 much better than Katsung #320.

Your wisdom shows through in this pithy comment, Steelworth. Wife tell me she is still pithed at me. Good, maybe? 9/2, wife left for Canada. Bob Canada, neighbor I mentioned earlier. 9/11, wife leaves for Denver ... Robert Denver, former neighbor. So proud that wife keeps in close contact with neighbors. Wife tells me, "You don't know how close, Kat's Dung." Her way of pronouncing. Very intimate.

9/19 - Fed Ex damages gas meter. Wife tells me that Fed Ex driver trying to work it off at our house. Cannot tell how, as no housekeeping done, bedroom a mess, and bedroom smells ... gamey. Yet wife assures me he is working off debt, and willing to do overtime. Good to hear.

Fast forward to May, 2018. Believe wife playing me as to Bob Canada, Robert Denver, Bill Indianapolis, Handy Dandy Phoenix, Lickem-Hard Montana, and Furious Orgasm Tempe. I know another guy named FO Tempe, wife introduced several years back. How many FO Tempe's do we think are out there?? Wife says not sure, but she is willing to find out.

Feel better about situation. Still not sure how wife pregnant when I was gone for 8 months. Wife says due to pool, claims "water very hard." I've heard of that. Stiff hammocks, hard water = pregnant wife. Usually with husband around, but life mysterious.

Back to dodging seal team trying to kill me. Wife inexplicably seems to have a sexy seal outfit. Says she is "willing to take them all on, every last one of them." Brave woman. Very brave. Tell wife I am checking gas in car, when in fact I flee. Wife texted me, says, "Seal Team here, very angry. I will let them take it out on me." Very brave woman.
Your wisdom shows through in this pithy comment, Steelworth. Wife tell me she is still pithed at me. Good, maybe? 9/2, wife left for Canada. Bob Canada, neighbor I mentioned earlier. 9/11, wife leaves for Denver ... Robert Denver, former neighbor. So proud that wife keeps in close contact with neighbors. Wife tells me, "You don't know how close, Kat's Dung." Her way of pronouncing. Very intimate.

9/19 - Fed Ex damages gas meter. Wife tells me that Fed Ex driver trying to work it off at our house. Cannot tell how, as no housekeeping done, bedroom a mess, and bedroom smells ... gamey. Yet wife assures me he is working off debt, and willing to do overtime. Good to hear.

Fast forward to May, 2018. Believe wife playing me as to Bob Canada, Robert Denver, Bill Indianapolis, Handy Dandy Phoenix, Lickem-Hard Montana, and Furious Orgasm Tempe. I know another guy named FO Tempe, wife introduced several years back. How many FO Tempe's do we think are out there?? Wife says not sure, but she is willing to find out.

Feel better about situation. Still not sure how wife pregnant when I was gone for 8 months. Wife says due to pool, claims "water very hard." I've heard of that. Stiff hammocks, hard water = pregnant wife. Usually with husband around, but life mysterious.

Back to dodging seal team trying to kill me. Wife inexplicably seems to have a sexy seal outfit. Says she is "willing to take them all on, every last one of them." Brave woman. Very brave. Tell wife I am checking gas in car, when in fact I flee. Wife texted me, says, "Seal Team here, very angry. I will let them take it out on me." Very brave woman.

Ok, this made me laugh.