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May, June plot

1023. Large scale poison attack (6/9/2018)

These days, I was heavily attacked by eye poison. When the dose is big, the eye having a piercing pain with a lot of tears. Then there is a hard feeling for the eye. I have to close my eye to rest from time to time. In the past, it was used to be one poisoned food.(e.g. candy) This time it is a large scale attack. At least five different vegetables were poisoned. Other food (like biscuit, cracker) were poisoned too.

My wife eats seperately from me. I think that was requested by the Feds for the convenience of poison. So we had different food. But this time she was affected too. I saw several times she using eyedrops. She became the target too.


969. Poison information for sharing (7/9/2017)


Sometime ago, I frequently felt a bloody smell from stomach after eating something. I abandoned the food and think that probably was a kind of poison eroded the membrane of stomach that caused bleeding. Now this news said it is a blood thinning agent.

One kind of poison is a popularly used by Chinese secret police. The symptom is there is itching in joint after eating the food. I allege it would end with thyroid cancer. I used to find it in Chinese candy and biscuit, Especially in date (fruit) and chestnut. They used to be given us as gift from people who came back from a China tour.

Another poison causes dim vision. I think it is derived from a mouse poison. In a box of "Rat killing bait" I saw the instruction said the bait killing mice by blinding their eyes. The symptom is it came with a lot of tears after eating the food. It used to be mixed in Chocolate as candy. It also can be found in vegetables. I also find it frequently in muffin and cake of a large food wholesale club. Last year my wife had a European tour. She brought back many chocolate, cookie gift box. I found they were all contaminated with that vision poison. I asked why she bought so many she said the "tax free store" was just on sale when she went there. That's the way how the Feds deliver the poison food to their target.

Oh I smell a Steeltime Special coming soon. You're just lobbing softballs at this point.
Holy ****, for a second I thought maybe a poster was just trolling -- until I clicked the link. WOW.
Holy ****, for a second I thought maybe a poster was just trolling -- until I clicked the link. WOW.

Yet he finds time to spend with us.
1023. Large scale poison attack (6/9/2018)

These days, I was heavily attacked by eye poison. When the dose is big, the eye having a piercing pain with a lot of tears. Then there is a hard feeling for the eye. I have to close my eye to rest from time to time. In the past, it was used to be one poisoned food.(e.g. candy) This time it is a large scale attack. At least five different vegetables were poisoned. Other food (like biscuit, cracker) were poisoned too.

My wife eats seperately from me. I think that was requested by the Feds for the convenience of poison. So we had different food. But this time she was affected too. I saw several times she using eyedrops. She became the target too.


969. Poison information for sharing (7/9/2017)


Sometime ago, I frequently felt a bloody smell from stomach after eating something. I abandoned the food and think that probably was a kind of poison eroded the membrane of stomach that caused bleeding. Now this news said it is a blood thinning agent.

One kind of poison is a popularly used by Chinese secret police. The symptom is there is itching in joint after eating the food. I allege it would end with thyroid cancer. I used to find it in Chinese candy and biscuit, Especially in date (fruit) and chestnut. They used to be given us as gift from people who came back from a China tour.

Another poison causes dim vision. I think it is derived from a mouse poison. In a box of "Rat killing bait" I saw the instruction said the bait killing mice by blinding their eyes. The symptom is it came with a lot of tears after eating the food. It used to be mixed in Chocolate as candy. It also can be found in vegetables. I also find it frequently in muffin and cake of a large food wholesale club. Last year my wife had a European tour. She brought back many chocolate, cookie gift box. I found they were all contaminated with that vision poison. I asked why she bought so many she said the "tax free store" was just on sale when she went there. That's the way how the Feds deliver the poison food to their target.


Why am I the only one hitting "like" on his posts? Come on, guys.

I would, but the feds sprayed some type of Klingon cloaking stuff on the like button. It's all I can do moonbeam casserole dry yellow cotton bark liquor dipped in 305 50s. .
Why am I the only one hitting "like" on his posts? Come on, guys.

I keep liking his posts too, but for whatever reason my username is not showing up. Seriously. Katsung, do you find this odd & what are your thoughts on this strange occurrence?
I keep liking his posts too, but for whatever reason my username is not showing up. Seriously. Katsung, do you find this odd & what are your thoughts on this strange occurrence?

Not surprising. Government spending millions of dollars to isolate me. Recently, I was heavily attacked by eye poison. Specifically, FBI agents tacked a huge picture of Rosie O'Donnell on bedroom ceiling. Massive. Rosie, not picture. Also, hid a picture of Oprah in my refrigerator. Wait, I think I might have done that. When the dose is big, eyes having a piercing pain with a lot of tears. Tears may be due to fact that I lost Oprah picture. Mistaken for slice of cheese, wound up on sandwich, and I ate it. Tasted good. Only way to alleviate sadness over losing Oprah-cheese picture is to close my eye to rest from time to time. Problem is when I go to rest, lie in bed, see Rosie picture and am so unnerved I have to get out of bed.

My wife eats separately from me. I pretend she is doing so because she fears for my safety, but caught her pouring Drano into my milk. She also the one who put Oprah-cheese picture on sandwich. I don't think that was requested by the Feds, since seal team members still visiting, spending time with wife. Strange. Thought that seal team here to help remove Rosie picture, but seal team guy and wife spend time in van. Saw wife using eyedrops. Or at least she told me they were eyedrops, though the container says "spermicide." Wife tells me she is taking shots for kidney infection. Tells me I need same shots, since I likely caught her kidney infection. Tells me to look for "leakage" as sign of kidney infection. Will do.

Sometime ago, I frequently felt a bloody smell from stomach after eating something. Turns out just from Oprah-cheese. Worried about possible blood thinning agent. Counteract with heavy doses of garlic. Farts now smell like dirty deli. Wife tells me cannot take it any more, will be in van. That van's a-rocking, and sign tells me not to knock. Don't and simply open door. Wife and navy seal appear to be grappling. Nude. Fear wife is under assault, so I try to intervene. Seal knocks me out, and I wake up several hours later, looking at Rosie. Huge. No, not picture, knot on head. And Rosie.

Aware of another poison that causes dim vision. I think it is derived from a mouse poison. Look under sink and see box of rat poison. Sprinkle some on kitchen counter. Looks just like the dried protein wife has been sprinkling on my salad to help with my health. Wife does not take dried protein - says only for men who need a boost. Says I need a great big boost, and that she is thrilled to see me get it. Awesome wife. Hope she is not targeted. Wife tells me that she is training to defend herself from further seal attacks by training in nude grappling, usually in van, and with several men. Sometimes two at a time. Men, not van.

Have to go now. Wife continues training. Sounds strenuous. Wife seems to be in pain, crying out and calling for God. Did not think wife religious. May have to interrupt training. Or perhaps continue staring at Rosie picture. Growing on me. Well, something growing on me. Wife says because I am not getting injections for contagious kidney infection. Doctor giving injections just shakes head and says, "Idiot." Do not know why doctor would continue having idiot nurse work for him.
Not surprising. Government spending millions of dollars to isolate me. Recently, I was heavily attacked by eye poison. Specifically, FBI agents tacked a huge picture of Rosie O'Donnell on bedroom ceiling. Massive. Rosie, not picture. Also, hid a picture of Oprah in my refrigerator. Wait, I think I might have done that. When the dose is big, eyes having a piercing pain with a lot of tears. Tears may be due to fact that I lost Oprah picture. Mistaken for slice of cheese, wound up on sandwich, and I ate it. Tasted good. Only way to alleviate sadness over losing Oprah-cheese picture is to close my eye to rest from time to time. Problem is when I go to rest, lie in bed, see Rosie picture and am so unnerved I have to get out of bed.

My wife eats separately from me. I pretend she is doing so because she fears for my safety, but caught her pouring Drano into my milk. She also the one who put Oprah-cheese picture on sandwich. I don't think that was requested by the Feds, since seal team members still visiting, spending time with wife. Strange. Thought that seal team here to help remove Rosie picture, but seal team guy and wife spend time in van. Saw wife using eyedrops. Or at least she told me they were eyedrops, though the container says "spermicide." Wife tells me she is taking shots for kidney infection. Tells me I need same shots, since I likely caught her kidney infection. Tells me to look for "leakage" as sign of kidney infection. Will do.

Sometime ago, I frequently felt a bloody smell from stomach after eating something. Turns out just from Oprah-cheese. Worried about possible blood thinning agent. Counteract with heavy doses of garlic. Farts now smell like dirty deli. Wife tells me cannot take it any more, will be in van. That van's a-rocking, and sign tells me not to knock. Don't and simply open door. Wife and navy seal appear to be grappling. Nude. Fear wife is under assault, so I try to intervene. Seal knocks me out, and I wake up several hours later, looking at Rosie. Huge. No, not picture, knot on head. And Rosie.

Aware of another poison that causes dim vision. I think it is derived from a mouse poison. Look under sink and see box of rat poison. Sprinkle some on kitchen counter. Looks just like the dried protein wife has been sprinkling on my salad to help with my health. Wife does not take dried protein - says only for men who need a boost. Says I need a great big boost, and that she is thrilled to see me get it. Awesome wife. Hope she is not targeted. Wife tells me that she is training to defend herself from further seal attacks by training in nude grappling, usually in van, and with several men. Sometimes two at a time. Men, not van.

Have to go now. Wife continues training. Sounds strenuous. Wife seems to be in pain, crying out and calling for God. Did not think wife religious. May have to interrupt training. Or perhaps continue staring at Rosie picture. Growing on me. Well, something growing on me. Wife says because I am not getting injections for contagious kidney infection. Doctor giving injections just shakes head and says, "Idiot." Do not know why doctor would continue having idiot nurse work for him.

I have to stop reading these at work. Can't. Contain. Laughter.
1024. Accident to boost Boeing (6/10/2018)

Trump imposes tariffs of 25% for steel and 10% for aluminium On imports from allies. That's obviously a part of his plan to boost US automobile and air plane industry.
It needs a lot of steel to manufacture a car and a lot of aluminium for a plane.

The next step he will do is to impose high tariff on imported car to push up domestic auto industry. What about the air plane?

I noticed the following air incidents.

On 4/17,
Southwest Airlines emergency landing: Banking executive killed after being sucked out of window at 32,000ft

The jet's CFM56-7B engines were made by CFM International, jointly owned by General Electric and Safran Aircraft Engines of France.


I think that's a demonstration to other countries how to create an air incident if they want to justify a change in their plane supplier.

On 5/15
Sichuan Airlines co-pilot nearly sucked out of broken cockpit window, pilot says
May 15, 2018,

All 128 people aboard the Airbus A319 survived the ordeal.


On 5/30
China plane makes emergency landing after window cracks
AFP May 30, 2018

The aircraft was an Airbus A321, according to plane tracking website FlightAware.

In April, a woman died after being partially sucked out of a Southwest Airlines flight headed to Dallas from New York when a porthole was shattered mid-flight.


These two incidents took place in two weeks at the time when US and China had trade negotiation. Planes are all from Airbus. The incident style are all similar to Southwest airline style.

We know there are only two main airplane manufacturer in the world - Boeing and Airbus. If Trump want to make Boeing great, he has to bite a big chunk from Airbus. I hope there will be no blood air accident in coming trade negotiation with other countries.
New contractile protein smart drug by the feds uses nano robots to force people into typing blogs of bullshit. Yes Betty knew the Rubble was crumbled yaba dabba doo.
New contractile protein smart drug by the feds uses nano robots to force people into typing blogs of bullshit. Yes Betty knew the Rubble was crumbled yaba dabba doo.

Leave to professionals, Steelr4evr. The two incidents with planes forced to land took place when US and China had trade negotiation. Planes are all from Airbus. The incident style are all similar to Southwest airline style.

Airbus. Liars. Buses not in air, on ground. Now cannot take bus - real bus, not fake airbus - after previously referenced fight with bus driver over bus pass. Or lack of bus pass. If Airbus truly a bus, why operated by pilot rather than bus driver? I notice these things. Also notice bus drivers simply pass me by. Good for me. Lots of walking. Wife say, "Good, you will benefit from exercise, honored husband." Actually said, "Maybe the walking will help you lose a few pounds, fatass," but I know she mean the first thing.

There are only two main airplane manufacturer in the world - Boeing and Airbus. And Embraer. And Bombardier. And maybe Comac. If Trump want to make Boeing great, he has to bite a big chunk. No, not from my fat ***, but from Airbus. Or Airnotbus, as I call it. I hope there will be no blood air accident. Blood air accident when wife forget pad, long flight, blood start, accident follows. Blood air accident. Ugly. Blood air accident, not me, not wife. Well, maybe me. In coming trade war with other countries, hope we can avoid it. Forgetting pad, not trade war. And blood air accident. Oh, and trade war, I guess, though never see bus used in war. Why not, if bus pilots so powerful can order me off vehicle? Those pilots should be operating air bus and bombing enemy. What could go wrong? Sounds incredible. Bus pilots, not ordering me off vehicle.

How to avoid trade war. Maybe guy from Colorado douse eyes with passenger jet. Show how much hurts. Prove trade war like having passenger jet run into your eyes. Will research further. Wife already told me I should stand on a runway. Smart woman. Apparently saw passenger jet trade war coming, wanted me to be prepared.

Wife traveling. Apparently by bus, as car still in driveway. Curious. Why would wife take bus? Or Airnotbus? She know I have warned about blood air accident. Text wife, ask her if she have pads to avoid blood air accident. She text back, telling me only accident she should avoided occurred 15 years ago. Wonder what happened before wedding to make her say that. Wife and I married 15 years now, and if I find out who caused accident that bothers wife, he is in big trouble. Good looking neighbor not leaving house today. Interesting. He like mowing lawn on Fridays. Ask him if he could help out as my lawn mower broken. He say, "Sure, I love mowing another man's lawn." Good to hear.

Following up on pool closure. Well, forced to clean public pool as part of community service related to arrest for violating restraining order relative to pool. Terrible decision. Mine as to community service, not court decision. Learn I could have served a mere 30 days in lockup and sentence done. Now understand why wife so angry I took community service. Wife say would have been the best 30 days of our marriage. Must be because she would have visited every day and we would have rekindled our love. Or I guess kindled since ...

Never mind. Stupid Starbucks asking me to leave as homeless guy wants to sit at table and use free internet. Tell Starbucks I ordered something. Clerk say, "Ordering a beverage under the name **** Me not appropriate." My name *** Mi. Named after grandmother, who has 12 kids. Wondered why name never called for beverage. Unfair. In native language, my name translate to, "powerful blossom." Stupid Starbucks clerk never met longtime neighbor, *** Yu.

Bad memories from first day in high school together. Teacher ask me name, and I say, "*** Mi." Teacher respond, "**** you?" *** Yu say, "Yes?" Teacher say, "**** you," neighbor say, "Yes?" Teacher very angry, send both to principal. Principal say, "Are you Fook My?" I say, "no, *** Mi." Principal angry, ask neighbor, "What about you?" He respond, "Yes, *** Yu." Suspended for week. No explanation.

Name very helpful when met wife. She say, "What your name, and how much you got?" I say, "*** Mi, $120." She say, "That's enough. Let's go." Knew we destined to be married that day. Very expensive dating wife, but she worth it. Time to go. Starbucks call police. They ask me name. Will let you know how that turns out.
Last edited:
I've lost interest in this whole deal...haha...it happens. The effort and desire is just gone.
I've lost interest in this whole deal...haha...it happens. The effort and desire is just gone.

I don't see how people keep reading katwangchung or whatever the hell his name is ignorant posts. Hell I could get through the first one.
1025. Rice cooker (6/17/2018)

Kellyanne Conway Suggests Trump Might Have Been Spied on Through His Microwave Oven:
by Andy Towle March 13, 2017

Kellyanne Conway suggested in an interview over the weekend that a variety of methods could be used to spy on Donald Trump, including TVs and microwave ovens.


Generally, people won't think of they are spied by their kitchenware unless they are illusionist. I don't think Kellyanne Conway is fantastic. Since the Feds used to monitor high ranking politicians by recruited shills. I think she is an agent that monitors the White House. She has been trained with those surveillance instrument so she knows it.

A month or so ago, the rice cooker in my kitchen went out of order. It automatically shut the power off two minutes after starting. I had to re-start it from time to time. Last week my wife said she had it repaired. Since she used to throw the damaged appliances away and now there is rare people to repair rice cooker. I leave that repaired rice cooker alone. What I worry about is not surveillance camera they might put inside. I worry about they might installed microwave instrument that will kill.


711. Appliance trick (3/17/2012)

About 15 years ago, my wife told me a computer company on up stair of her tourist agency was shut down. The computer company had a garage sale on its asset. She bought a refrigerator. Since the "Operation Fire Dragon" just ended, (see 32. "Operation Fire Dragon") and Feds used to monitor the target as close as possible, I thought it was a surveillance team covered up in the name of "computer company". I kept a wary eye on that refrigerator from the Feds and refuse to use it. We had two refrigerators already in the kitchen. I put it in the garage.

Sometime later (a year or so), my wife told me B (my brother in law) wanted to buy that old refrigerator. Why B wanted a refrigerator he didn't need? I thought it was a method Feds taking back a high tech weapon through one of their informant. Before the refrigerator was sent to S.F. I took a test to see if it worked. I connected it to the power. It started with a low humming. I put a tray of water in the ice cabinet. Thirty minutes later I came back and found it stopped work. (no humming was heard) The water was cooler but not iced. It proved what I had worried: the refrigerator emitted EM wave, (in low sensitivity but would hurt health after sometime exposure in radiation). The surveillance team detected it with instrument. It was remote controlled so they switched off the power.

The refrigerator was moved to S.F.. B put it in the porch - he didn't need it. That night someone broke off the low compartment of the refrigerator and took off something inside it. Several days later I went to visit my parents there and saw it with a black opening in the bottom.

A few weeks ago, my wife complained the refrigerator was not cool enough. I thought, same trick came again? It was.

In later February, my wife discarded some appliance such like oven, warming pot. She bought a new oven in bargain price. Lady R.G. (I think R.G. is a guider works for the Feds) told her a site where Cosco have its flawed merchandise sold in low price. Several days later she bought a slow cooker.

In the morning of 3/5, my wife put the chicken in that cooker and switched it on then left home the whole day. My daughter left home the whole day too. I work on computer until I felt sick in the evening. I thought the problem came from that slow cooker and pulled off its plug. Later I told my wife that cooker may be an instrument that emits EM wave. I wouldn't let same thing happen again.
1025. Rice cooker (6/17/2018)

A month or so ago, the rice cooker in my kitchen went out of order. It automatically shut the power off two minutes after starting. I had to re-start it from time to time. Last week my wife said she had it repaired. Since she used to throw the damaged appliances away and now there is rare people to repair rice cooker. I leave that repaired rice cooker alone.

Which one, the device or your wife?

1025. Rice cooker (6/17/2018)

I worry about they might installed microwave instrument that will kill.

Jee-zus, it's in a microwave. Shouldn't it kill more quickly?!?

1025. Rice cooker (6/17/2018)

Sometime later (a year or so), my wife told me B (my brother in law) wanted to buy that old refrigerator. Why B wanted a refrigerator he didn't need?

Says the guy with 3 refrigerators, including one in his garage not running.

1025. Rice cooker (6/17/2018)

The water was cooler but not iced. It proved what I had worried: the refrigerator emitted EM wave, (in low sensitivity but would hurt health after sometime exposure in radiation). The surveillance team detected it with instrument. It was remote controlled so they switched off the power.

So let me see if I understand this reasoning. The ... FBI, NSA, whoever ... put a killer refrigerator in the computer business upstairs to your wife, hoping that someday, somehow, you would get the instrument and they (whoever "they" are) could activate the hidden EM Death Ray and finally, FINALLY, kill you? So when finally, FINALLY, you turn the ******* thing on, they remotely turn it off?

Is that about it?

1025. Rice cooker (6/17/2018)

In later February, my wife discarded some appliance such like oven, warming pot. She bought a new oven in bargain price. Lady R.G. (I think R.G. is a guider works for the Feds) told her a site where Cosco have its flawed merchandise sold in low price. Several days later she bought a slow cooker.

In the morning of 3/5, my wife put the chicken in that cooker and switched it on then left home the whole day. My daughter left home the whole day too. I work on computer until I felt sick in the evening. I thought the problem came from that slow cooker and pulled off its plug. Later I told my wife that cooker may be an instrument that emits EM wave. I wouldn't let same thing happen again.

So again, I need to see if I have this locked and loaded. Some nefarious government agency or agencies, with incredible resources, put killer crock pots in Costco, waited for these devices to be put on the clearance rack, wait for your wife to buy one, wait for your wife to cook a chicken with the killer device ... only to be foiled by an off switch?? How about making the thing battery powered, emitting that killer EM wave (that apparently does not actually kill anybody, but what the hell), and not reliant on external power??

You need a new rice cooker. And a better story. Making fun of you this way is easy, I admit, but I am about at the end of my faux-Katsung phase.

Okay, maybe one more, when I have the time and interest.
You may also have a lot of questions about JFK's death and about mass shooting of Las Vegas last year. Have questions doesn't mean these things didn't happen.

1026. Hot Housing market (6/24/2018)

I am innocent. To eliminate an innocent man by framing him in criminal case takes a lot of money. The Feds(FBI and DEA) used to get the money from real estate business.


The index curve of the median house price of San Francisco represents the course of the persecution of the Feds. The tactic is to refinance the house for more money if the house price keeps going up. e.g. When they bought a house of 300k in 1990
They paid 10% down payment,that's 30k. Then in 2007 when the house price went up to 680k, they could get 380k cash by refinancing. Now it's 1.61 million, they could get another 930k from it. 30k for 1.31 million, what a profit. Any time when the case is over, they leave the debt for bank to take care. The point is to keep the housing market hot while the case is alive.

In the meantime, the housing babble has exploded in 2007. The Feds(FBI and DEA) saved it from collapse by Q.E. done by Federal Reserve. See reference (#945)
To keep the balloon from popping off, they keep the interest as low as possible. Now the media house price of St. Francisco is 1.61 million. That's where my sisters live. San Jose's is higher, that's where I live.

San Francisco’s median house price climbs to $1.61 million

That’s nearly double the average from just five years ago
By Adam Brinklow Apr 5, 2018,



945. The 2017 bubble(2/1/2017)

It was the popping up of the housing bubble that caused the financial tsunami in 2008. The bubble hasn't been cleaned up completely. The real estate loan were lent from banks. No big bank collapsed. They were bailed out by government with tax-payers' money. The banks still held large quantity of foreclosed houses. Then we saw Federal Reserve's Quantitative easy program. That money took over the foreclosed houses for a larger bubble. QE3, where the central bank had spent close to $40 billion per month in mortgage-backed securities. So much money injected into real estate's area, that's why I said there is only one bubble - the 2007 one hasn't been cleaned up and the residue has been extended to a even bigger one - I call it 2017 bubble.

A bubble needs money to keep it to inflating. Federal Reserve had spent nearly four trillion to blow up such a big real estate balloon. It seems they don't want to pour money into that hole any more. So a crook is pushed out to take that responsibility.

I say 2017 bubble because: 1. Federal Reserve said it likely will increase interest twice this year - that will pop up the housing bubble.

2. The unprecedented 2016 election in US that put an unqualified man on president seat. I said something big will happen that nobody (party) want to take the responsibility. (see "902. Trump's job (2) (5/7/2016)")

3. Something big (other then the coming economic crisis) will take place in Europe: War; natural disaster; terror attack.... to distract people from that economic crisis, and drive the money in Europe to US to take over the bubble too. It relates to Russian. I believe Putin is bribed by the Feds to cooperate on this. Trump's Russian love is not a coincidence.
Maybe the plot is next June?

Maybe it's just Auntie May & Cousin June plotting to make a peach pie that's so good it should be illegal? Elfie has been waiting for Peach Pie for a loooong time now.