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May, June plot

You may also have a lot of questions about JFK's death and about mass shooting of Las Vegas last year. Have questions doesn't mean these things didn't happen.

1026. Hot Housing market (6/24/2018)

I am innocent. To eliminate an innocent man by framing him in criminal case takes a lot of money. The Feds(FBI and DEA) used to get the money from real estate business.


The index curve of the median house price of San Francisco represents the course of the persecution of the Feds. The tactic is to refinance the house for more money if the house price keeps going up. e.g. When they bought a house of 300k in 1990
They paid 10% down payment,that's 30k. Then in 2007 when the house price went up to 680k, they could get 380k cash by refinancing. Now it's 1.61 million, they could get another 930k from it. 30k for 1.31 million, what a profit. Any time when the case is over, they leave the debt for bank to take care. The point is to keep the housing market hot while the case is alive.

In the meantime, the housing babble has exploded in 2007. The Feds(FBI and DEA) saved it from collapse by Q.E. done by Federal Reserve. See reference (#945)
To keep the balloon from popping off, they keep the interest as low as possible. Now the media house price of St. Francisco is 1.61 million. That's where my sisters live. San Jose's is higher, that's where I live.


945. The 2017 bubble(2/1/2017)

It was the popping up of the housing bubble that caused the financial tsunami in 2008. The bubble hasn't been cleaned up completely. The real estate loan were lent from banks. No big bank collapsed. They were bailed out by government with tax-payers' money. The banks still held large quantity of foreclosed houses. Then we saw Federal Reserve's Quantitative easy program. That money took over the foreclosed houses for a larger bubble. QE3, where the central bank had spent close to $40 billion per month in mortgage-backed securities. So much money injected into real estate's area, that's why I said there is only one bubble - the 2007 one hasn't been cleaned up and the residue has been extended to a even bigger one - I call it 2017 bubble.

A bubble needs money to keep it to inflating. Federal Reserve had spent nearly four trillion to blow up such a big real estate balloon. It seems they don't want to pour money into that hole any more. So a crook is pushed out to take that responsibility.

I say 2017 bubble because: 1. Federal Reserve said it likely will increase interest twice this year - that will pop up the housing bubble.

2. The unprecedented 2016 election in US that put an unqualified man on president seat. I said something big will happen that nobody (party) want to take the responsibility. (see "902. Trump's job (2) (5/7/2016)")

3. Something big (other then the coming economic crisis) will take place in Europe: War; natural disaster; terror attack.... to distract people from that economic crisis, and drive the money in Europe to US to take over the bubble too. It relates to Russian. I believe Putin is bribed by the Feds to cooperate on this. Trump's Russian love is not a coincidence.

Not your best work to date, but still highly entertaining. If I could give multiple "likes" I would.
1027. Seattle home price and Boeing (7/1/2018)

Several months ago, news said the house price raising rapidly in Seattle area that created homeless problem. Since I know real estate business is a bank where the Feds draw money from, so something would happen there.

Then came the trade negotiation with China and those Airbus accidents. Boeing's factory is in Seattle. If Trump wins a big deal for Boeing, the real estates business will be prosperous too. And it seems the planners foresaw the scene. They have gone into that market already.

San Jose is the nation’s hottest housing market in 2018, Zillow says

The San Jose area’s median home value right now is $1,128,300, making it the nation’s most expensive market, according to Zillow. The median home value in the San Francisco metropolitan area — San Francisco, Marin, San Mateo, Alameda and Contra Costa counties — is $893,100, the second highest in the U.S. The Seattle metro area is third most costly, with a median home value of $463,800.


I live in San Jose, my sisters live in San Francisco. The Feds makes it to bubbles no.1 and No.2. The 3rd one is now Seattle.




1024. Accident to boost Boeing (6/10/2018)

Trump imposes tariffs of 25% for steel and 10% for aluminium On imports from allies. That's obviously a part of his plan to boost US automobile and air plane industry.
It needs a lot of steel to manufacture a car and a lot of aluminium for a plane.

The next step he will do is to impose high tariff on imported car to push up domestic auto industry. What about the air plane?

I noticed the following air incidents.

On 4/17,
Southwest Airlines emergency landing: Banking executive killed after being sucked out of window at 32,000ft

The jet's CFM56-7B engines were made by CFM International, jointly owned by General Electric and Safran Aircraft Engines of France.


I think that's a demonstration to other countries how to create an air incident if they want to justify a change in their plane supplier.

On 5/15
Sichuan Airlines co-pilot nearly sucked out of broken cockpit window, pilot says
May 15, 2018,

All 128 people aboard the Airbus A319 survived the ordeal.


On 5/30
China plane makes emergency landing after window cracks
AFP May 30, 2018

The aircraft was an Airbus A321, according to plane tracking website FlightAware.

In April, a woman died after being partially sucked out of a Southwest Airlines flight headed to Dallas from New York when a porthole was shattered mid-flight.


These two incidents took place in two weeks at the time when US and China had trade negotiation. Planes are all from Airbus. The incident style are all similar to Southwest airline style.

We know there are only two main airplane manufacturer in the world - Boeing and Airbus. If Trump want to make Boeing great, he has to bite a big chunk from Airbus. I hope there will be no blood air accident in coming trade negotiation with other countries.
Last edited:
I have not learned a damn thing from any of your posts. Why do you waste your time?

You don't have to be expert to see how big the stock market bubble is. Now it's over 24,000.

1028. Stock market bubble (7/8/2018)

Another big bubble is the stock market. I think it is manipulated by the rich people who rule this country. To maintain the stock in high price until others to take it over, you have to pour money into the market. That's why Trump pushed out "tax reform bill.

Tax cut fuels record $200 billion stock buyback bonanza
by Talib Visram June 5, 2018

American companies announced a record $201.3 billion in stock buybacks and cash takeovers in May.

That was a record number, topping the prior record of $172 billion in 2007, right before the start of the Great Recession.

Howard Silverblatt of S&P Dow Jones Indices said that total buybacks and dividends for the past 12 months could top $1 trillion for the first time ever.


The money returned to companies are used to boost stocks instead be invested to create jobs and boost wages. When a bill was passed, a deal between politicians and rich people has been made already.

The next step is to create crisis in world to push the money flowing into US to take over the bubble.
1029. High pressure with climbing interest rate (7/15/2018)

Recently from #1024 to #1028, I revealed how the Feds manipulate the financial market that created two big bubbles. One is real estate bubble in San Jose and San Francisco area, the other one is the stock market bubble. To keep these two bubbles stay big, they let Federal Reserve to keep the bench mark interest rate as low as near zero. After eight years, Federal Reserve can't stay there any more. It's time to get business back to normal.

As the 10 year treasury rate climbs to near 3%, the housing bubble and stock market bubble are facing popping off. That means the Feds will lose a money machine for my case. As usual, there is a push at the Feds.

Trump: I wish I didn't pick Jeff Sessions
Dylan Stableford,Yahoo News• May 30, 2018


Here is the response of Sessions.

U.S. to hire 311 new prosecutors in push against violent crime, drugs
Reuters Reuters•June 4, 2018

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Monday the Justice Department was beefing up its fight against violent crime, drug use and illegal immigration by assigning 311 new prosecutors to work on the problems, the largest increase in decades.


New recruited team likely will use the old tactic,

Bay Area weather: Triple-digit temperatures possible again this weekend
By MARK GOMEZ June 28, 2018

For the second weekend in a row, temperatures across the Bay Area are expected to soar near the century mark Saturday.

Thankfully, the heat won’t last long.


I think so because that heat does last long until now (another two weeks from 6/27). I am afraid to be framed so dare not go for a shower and the heat won't go away too, seems waiting for my bathing.


984. Trick to plant drug trace on victims (9/30/2017)

In #979, I predicted 9/2 would be action day of the framed case (my wife started her Canada travel) and thereafter there would be a Korea war crisis to distract. Kim Jong-un did detonate a hydrogen bomb to the order, but there was no action on me. What happened?

I think the Feds planed to arrest me on 9/2. The excuse of arrest was "found drug trace on my body".

How could they do that? I found in this way.

8/12, my wife said she would have a tour to Canada. Next day was Sunday, someone dropped a San Jose Mercury News (local newspaper) at my door. Then for consecutive four weeks I received five Mercury News Sunday edition. That was from 8/13 to 9/10. My wife's travel period was from 9/2 to 9/9.

I was a subscriber of San Jose Mercury News. I cancelled the subscription decades ago due to financial reason. I did pick up the first free Sunday paper to read. Then I thought of the harsh situation I am in. I didn't touch the free paper thereafter.

Then there came an unusual heat wave. Here is quote from #980:

"9/1 - 9/4 Unprecedented heat over San Jose area.

September 2, 2017

California’s history-making heat wave set new all-time records for the second day in a row.
I have no air condition in my house. You can imagine in three digit temperature. What's there purpose, i don't know. To force the window open wide so leaked gas can get in? Or let hitter easy in when the door open wide?"

I think the purpose was to push me taking bath so they could collect drug trace from the sewage water they collected. The drug trace might be from polluted news paper or some other sources they deliberately planted.

I hadn't taken bath in these sweating days.


Pictures of free Sunday papers at the door.



1030. Payment of a secret deal (7/22/2018)

Tesla goes big in China with Shanghai plant

Reuters Reuters July 10,2018

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk on Tuesday landed a deal with Chinese authorities to build a new auto plant in Shanghai,


This is a big investment with a size of half million vehicles. It's strange Trump didn't come out to speak something like he said on Harley Davidson and media generally silence on it.

ZTE is officially alive again, as US lifts 'death-penalty' ban
CNET•July 13, 2018


ZTE is high-tech company that China eagerly wants to keep it alive. Trump satisfies its will. Politicians and media are quiet too.

China's biggest bank corruption criminal repatriated from U.S.
Reuters •July 11, 2018

BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese man who embezzled $485 million from his employer in the biggest bank corruption case in China's history was repatriated on Wednesday by U.S.


These were big events took place a week ago. They looked like a concession made by Trump to China in trade negotiation. It is not. The tariffs problem is not resolved. The deport of Chinese most wanted indicates it's a secret deal between the Feds and Chinese secret police. I think they are framing a new drug case.
1031. Basin bath and newspaper (7/29/2018)

In the morning of 7/21/2018, I took out the plastic box which I used as basin for bath.(about 15 gallon size) I also use it to collect water when I water the garden. After watering the garden I put the box in bathroom, planed to bathing at night.

I have taken basin shower for a long time when I found the Feds polluted the running water with radiated material that would cause skin cancer. Last year I found they tried to perform a search and arrest by "finding drug trace" in Sewage water so I had to pour the bathing water into the lane. The way to frame is to contaminate victim by newspaper.
It happened in last September, see #984.

My wife came back in afternoon. To my surprise, she also brought back a newspaper. She rarely did that. It was 10 months away since last time someone dropped free newspaper at my door. The Feds plays that planting trick again. Of course, I didn't touch that plastic paper bag.

I also found that recently there were many junk mail with big envelop. I think they play the same function to plant drug trace on victims.


The Chinese newspaper of 7/21/2018.


984. Trick to plant drug trace on victims (9/30/2017)

In #979, I predicted 9/2 would be action day of the framed case (my wife started her Canada travel) and thereafter there would be a Korea war crisis to distract. Kim Jong-un did detonate a hydrogen bomb to the order, but there was no action on me. What happened?

I think the Feds planed to arrest me on 9/2. The excuse of arrest was "found drug trace on my body".

How could they do that? I found in this way.

8/12, my wife said she would have a tour to Canada. Next day was Sunday, someone dropped a San Jose Mercury News (local newspaper) at my door. Then for consecutive four weeks I received five Mercury News Sunday edition. That was from 8/13 to 9/10. My wife's travel period was from 9/2 to 9/9.

I was a subscriber of San Jose Mercury News. I cancelled the subscription decades ago due to financial reason. I did pick up the first free Sunday paper to read. Then I thought of the harsh situation I am in. I didn't touch the free paper thereafter.

Then there came an unusual heat wave. Here is quote from #980:

"9/1 - 9/4 Unprecedented heat over San Jose area.

September 2, 2017

California’s history-making heat wave set new all-time records for the second day in a row.
I have no air condition in my house. You can imagine in three digit temperature. What's there purpose, i don't know. To force the window open wide so leaked gas can get in? Or let hitter easy in when the door open wide?"

I think the purpose was to push me taking bath so they could collect drug trace from the sewage water they collected. The drug trace might be from polluted news paper or some other sources they deliberately planted.

I hadn't taken bath in these sweating days.


Pictures of free Sunday papers at the door.



309. Isotope, mole, cancer (5/7/05)

If you read my messages from begining, you know that my problem started with isotope money.

Isotope is a good tracer. It is invisible. It can be only detected by special instrument. People are not aware of it even they are traced by isotope. I think it is vastly used by Feds. But isotope also will hurt health. It's radioactive. So there is another usage other than tracing - killing. The victim used to have a cancer. It's a murder disguised in natural disease.

It was about in 2001,(?) when I was shaving one day, I sudenly noticed there were many new moles on my cheek. I used to take a side sleep. Mostly I slept on my right side, there were many moles on my right cheek. There were less moles on my left cheek because I slept less on that side.

The fresh black moles alarmed me. I thought Feds contaminated my pillow with radioactive material which would cause a skin cancer. (I'll use "isotope" for radioactive material hereafter) I changed the pillow and slept with clothes or towel underneath my head which I often washed. It works. Small moles faded away. Big mole, turned into pale black. It's no more the scaring oil-black colour.

Since Feds poisoned the tap water, I used to buy bottled water or got the water from other source such like gas station or rest room of store. But even these water were often found poisoned because I depended on other's drive which always guided me to the market where poisoned water and food were prepared in advance. So I used to test the water to make sure if it was "clean".

Started from February this year, I started to have cough after meal. It was a sympton that food contanimated with isotope. But I failed to identify the source. Once my wife had the supper at same time with me. She coughed after meal. My wife rarely touched the dish I cooked. The only common food we had was rice. But it was me cooked the rice. The ingredients were rice and water, both verified "clean" beforehand, what happened? I was puzzled.

Soon I solved the problem. A few days later I suddenly found there were many moles on the back of my hands. I was immediately aware of that the tap water was contaminated by isotope. I do the dish wash by hands everyday. (We never use dish-washer) Though I avoid to drink tap water, I wash with it. Both hands soaked in isotope tap water caused a skin cancer sympton - moles. It also explains why we coughed after eating the rice. Though I cooked rice with clean water, I washed it with isotope tap water which contaminated the rice. I wash with tap water to save "clean water".

I abandoned tap water right away. It works, one month later, the black mole on the back of my hands faded away. It reminds me of the radiation clean work by Feds last December. (see "274. Radiation", "275. Radiation 2 ") and Judge's cough which led him into the jail. . (see "298. Intimidate Judge (3/22/05)"
309. Isotope, mole, cancer (5/7/05)

If you read my messages from begining, you know that my problem started with isotope money.

This started in 2005 and they still haven't been able to kill you? Incredible.
Great.... this ******* moron is back. Can't wait for more isotope money and genius government involvement in his wife's impending (for years) death.
um.....so i discovered that this schizo is still keeping this thread alive. . . .

Using pan showers for months. Collect rainwater in bucket outside. Stand on plastic mat, dump rainwater on head. Effective. Sometimes. Except when birds poop in rainwater. Or no rain. Then bath in bird-poop water or not bath. Results same. Smell like bird poop.

Wife brings in newspaper. Not surprising. Wife also bring in People magazine with David Cassidy on cover. Loved that issue. Wait, is magazine very old? David Cassidy older. Okay, turns out People has Ann Curry on cover. Look a lot like David Cassidy.

NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, DOT, AMWAY all know I love David Cassidy. And Ann Curry. Good guess on their part? Not likely. Suspect wife once again.

Check mail. Life insurance canceled. Wait, no, life insurance increased. Doubled, in fact, to $1000. Now know wife in it for money. BIG money.

NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, DOT, AMWAY, UNICEF, NAACP, WHO, and wife all pushing me to take bath. Band, not health organization. Real bath, not Michael Moore "Mexican bath" in backyard. Must be plot. Know that Pete Townsend a fan of the "Mexican bath." Daltrey? Not so much.

Isotope a good tracer. Not as good as rampant body odor, however. I trick NSA, FBI, NHL, and MLB by not bathing. Stink hides me. Nobody near me now, so can watch pornography on library computers, be left alone. Good thing, since wife won't let me use computer. Or in house. Or on property. Cut off rain bucket, "Mexican bath" strategy. Must be trying to get me traced.

Noticed new moles on my ***. How? *** mirror, of course. Only rookie not use *** mirror. What fool trust *** to FBI, DOA (Dept. of ***), PBC (Psycho Be Crazy), DOT (Dept. of Tmoles)? Only blind fool, obviously. Show *** to librarian, ask her to check moles. Librarian call police. Federal agents, disguised as local law enforcement. Not fool me. Tell them to kiss my *** moles. Throw me in big house. Roommate check *** moles. Repeatedly. Uncomfortably. Wish had brought hand sanitizer. Not for hand, for moles.

Do not trust tap water at big house. Tell warden I get bottled water. Warden tell me to drink from toilet. Hah, idiot not know have been doing so for two days. Roommate sees me drinking from toilet, tell me if I drink like dog, he treat me like dog. So he tickle stomach. Must admit, liked it. (Drinking from toilet, not tummy tickling. Too ticklish.)

Wife visit, try to give me papers. I not trust papers. Could be contaminated. Iodine. Radon. Argon. Fargone. Refuse papers, wife tell me divorce papers, she tired of katsung's crazy. Know wife joking. She pretend to enjoy contact with healthy man with her. Neighbor. Good friend. Always around when wife need him. Have to control laughing at wife, thinking neighbor would destroy friendship for pu##y. Stupid. Me, for touching paper, not wife or neighbor.

Now believe marked with Radon. Or Argon. Or isotope. Or isostupid. Wash hands. No, not in toilet. Wash with own urine. Only way to be sure. Roommate see that, offer to help with bath. Warm. Body temperature. Bit aromatic, but better than bird-poop bath or own urine.

Getting released tomorrow. Transferred to facility for "evaluation." Doctors sure to recognize genius. Will ask for computer access again. Send this message using iPhone stored in anus. Roommate located at some point over the last couple days. Tells me, "Smells like ****, you ****-for-brains, no-good, stinking, ***-licking nobody." Affectionate nickname for katsung. Pretty much everybody in big house have similar nickname. Good to be loved.

So signing off for now. Worried that authorities may confiscate iPhone. Backup plan. Stored Galaxy in anus. Not my anus, in wife's anus. Neighbor spent good 20 minutes making sure in place. She will visit me. Tell me neighbor ready to help retrieve Galaxy. Great neighbor. Until next time.

/s katsung47.5

The feds keep coming but China doll in overalls just thwarts all. He will soon be assimilated into the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad.

......the deer is in the headlights and she sounded like homer Simpson...doh
1031. Basin bath and newspaper (7/29/2018)

In the morning of 7/21/2018, I took out the plastic box which I used as basin for bath.(about 15 gallon size) I also use it to collect water when I water the garden. After watering the garden I put the box in bathroom, planed to bathing at night.

I have taken basin shower for a long time when I found the Feds polluted the running water with radiated material that would cause skin cancer. Last year I found they tried to perform a search and arrest by "finding drug trace" in Sewage water so I had to pour the bathing water into the lane. The way to frame is to contaminate victim by newspaper.
It happened in last September, see #984.

My wife came back in afternoon. To my surprise, she also brought back a newspaper. She rarely did that. It was 10 months away since last time someone dropped free newspaper at my door. The Feds plays that planting trick again. Of course, I didn't touch that plastic paper bag.

I also found that recently there were many junk mail with big envelop. I think they play the same function to plant drug trace on victims.


The Chinese newspaper of 7/21/2018.


See "984. Trick to plant drug trace on victims (9/30/2017)" at #1029.

309. Isotope, mole, cancer (5/7/05)

If you read my messages from begining, you know that my problem started with isotope money.

Isotope is a good tracer. It is invisible. It can be only detected by special instrument. People are not aware of it even they are traced by isotope. I think it is vastly used by Feds. But isotope also will hurt health. It's radioactive. So there is another usage other than tracing - killing. The victim used to have a cancer. It's a murder disguised in natural disease.

It was about in 2001,(?) when I was shaving one day, I sudenly noticed there were many new moles on my cheek. I used to take a side sleep. Mostly I slept on my right side, there were many moles on my right cheek. There were less moles on my left cheek because I slept less on that side.

The fresh black moles alarmed me. I thought Feds contaminated my pillow with radioactive material which would cause a skin cancer. (I'll use "isotope" for radioactive material hereafter) I changed the pillow and slept with clothes or towel underneath my head which I often washed. It works. Small moles faded away. Big mole, turned into pale black. It's no more the scaring oil-black colour.

Since Feds poisoned the tap water, I used to buy bottled water or got the water from other source such like gas station or rest room of store. But even these water were often found poisoned because I depended on other's drive which always guided me to the market where poisoned water and food were prepared in advance. So I used to test the water to make sure if it was "clean".

Started from February this year, I started to have cough after meal. It was a sympton that food contanimated with isotope. But I failed to identify the source. Once my wife had the supper at same time with me. She coughed after meal. My wife rarely touched the dish I cooked. The only common food we had was rice. But it was me cooked the rice. The ingredients were rice and water, both verified "clean" beforehand, what happened? I was puzzled.

Soon I solved the problem. A few days later I suddenly found there were many moles on the back of my hands. I was immediately aware of that the tap water was contaminated by isotope. I do the dish wash by hands everyday. (We never use dish-washer) Though I avoid to drink tap water, I wash with it. Both hands soaked in isotope tap water caused a skin cancer sympton - moles. It also explains why we coughed after eating the rice. Though I cooked rice with clean water, I washed it with isotope tap water which contaminated the rice. I wash with tap water to save "clean water".

I abandoned tap water right away. It works, one month later, the black mole on the back of my hands faded away. It reminds me of the radiation clean work by Feds last December. (see "274. Radiation", "275. Radiation 2 ") and Judge's cough which led him into the jail. . (see "298. Intimidate Judge (3/22/05)"

1032. Removal of surveillance car (8/5/2018)


This is the map of the lane I live. My house is at D site. People go outside from D house have to pass through the lane between A and B house and their parking lot. Sometime ago I found owners of A and B each has a vehicle parking deadly at their garage lot(at least more than a year or two, or longer). To my experience, it's a surveillance car equipped with camera or censor. To alarm the outside surveillance station that their targets is leaving so they could track.

About two weeks ago, my wife gave me a letter, said, "It's a mistake. You go and give the letter to A neighbor." The letter came from Home Owner Association. It said they found an inoperative car on our site. It violated the rule so we must remove it. The picture showed it was Vehicle A. It was a mistake shouldn't made by Home Owners Association. Consider they are the tool of the FBI, I think the Feds is framing new plot. I didn't go to neighbor A, worrying that could be a trap.

Seeing I was indifferent to the letter, my wife took it back. On 8/1, Vehicle A was towed away. The Feds had planed to damage my garage door last August. From the map of lane, you can see how Vehicle A becomes an obstacle of a roaring in car to impact the garage door. In reality, the Feds parked Vehicle A to the center as near as possible to ensure the best efficiency of censor. Make a right turn difficult to do.


976. Sessions and garage door (8/21/2017)

In 2005, my rolling up garage door was broken up by the car my daughter drove. The Homeowners Association warned to fix it right away. I noticed the Feds drove the contractors from the market away so their men could take over the work for an unreasonable search and arrest. 12 years ago, I wrote,

300. Garage door (3/27/05)

On 3/18, Mercury News reported: "Unlicensed contractors get stung". 59 unlicensed builders were nabbed in an undercover sting operation. Those nabbed by the ruse were given criminal citations that could land them in jail for a maximum of six months, or they could be ordered to pay a $1,000 fine."

That's amazing similar to the event taken place in July 2003. When Feds tried to force me to have a roof contract with them, they created a roofing worker's death to intimidate other uninsured roofers out of the market. So the undercover contractor could get the deal. (see "145. SARS, a big issue(7/20/03)"

To avoid an unreasonable search, I repaired the garage door. It's more then ten years now, the repaired garage door had worn out and had to be replaced. In late May, the Homeowner Association mailed me a notice that there would be a meeting. I knew that was to justify an inspection. The target was the garage door.

In mid June, my wife gave me a weekly magazine - "USCITYPOST"(June 17, 2017) In its "Business Classified", I found four advertisement of "Garage door" contractors. In newspaper commercial, "Garage door" is a rare. That four ads obviously were prepared for me. To avoid being framed by the Feds, I had to do it by myself. I thought of the original one piece garage door which I hadn't abandoned.

The Homeowners Association's meeting date was set on 7/26. I had to replace the garage door at that time. In mid July, I dug out the old one piece door. What surprised me was next day President Trump told media he was going to fire Sessions.

Can Trump fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions? Yes, but it would be unprecedented
Maureen Groppe and Jessica Estepa, USA TODAY July 20, 2017

In an interview with the New York Times, the president on Wednesday slammed Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia investigation, believing that this action led to the appointment of a special counsel.


Trump is unqualified to be president. His victory was out of the support of the Feds.(FBI) Now I believe his main task is to eliminate me - Kat Sung. When they thought it was a certain, they didn't expect I dug out an old door. So Trump was so angry. They quickly plan new plots in rogue's way.

On Aug. 3, a "Fed Express" cart roared into the lane, not for delivery, but turned around to drive out.
Then came the PG&E engineer pick up to replace the gas meter of my house.

I think they have two plans: 1. To create a gas leaking. 2. To damage newly installed garage door to force a replacement. I believe so because two days later, a US Mail cart rushed into the lane too. Both cars rushed in with high speed that caused large noise. That was not the way to move in small lane. As for why changed a mail car later? The "Fed Express" cart is too big and long, not easy to aim the target in a lane. The mail car is smaller and easy to carry out the impact mission.
By God, I think you’ve nailed it! You cracked the code. They are all after you!! Quick, turn around! Ignore strange noises from katsung Wife in bedroom. Save self!
1031. Basin bath and newspaper (7/29/2018)

In the morning of 7/21/2018, I took out the plastic box which I used as basin for bath.(about 15 gallon size) I also use it to collect water when I water the garden. After watering the garden I put the box in bathroom, planed to bathing at night.

I have taken basin shower for a long time when I found the Feds polluted the running water with radiated material that would cause skin cancer. Last year I found they tried to perform a search and arrest by "finding drug trace" in Sewage water so I had to pour the bathing water into the lane. The way to frame is to contaminate victim by newspaper.
It happened in last September, see #984.

My wife came back in afternoon. To my surprise, she also brought back a newspaper. She rarely did that. It was 10 months away since last time someone dropped free newspaper at my door. The Feds plays that planting trick again. Of course, I didn't touch that plastic paper bag.

I also found that recently there were many junk mail with big envelop. I think they play the same function to plant drug trace on victims.


The Chinese newspaper of 7/21/2018.


See "984. Trick to plant drug trace on victims (9/30/2017)" at #1029.

309. Isotope, mole, cancer (5/7/05)

If you read my messages from begining, you know that my problem started with isotope money.

Isotope is a good tracer. It is invisible. It can be only detected by special instrument. People are not aware of it even they are traced by isotope. I think it is vastly used by Feds. But isotope also will hurt health. It's radioactive. So there is another usage other than tracing - killing. The victim used to have a cancer. It's a murder disguised in natural disease.

It was about in 2001,(?) when I was shaving one day, I sudenly noticed there were many new moles on my cheek. I used to take a side sleep. Mostly I slept on my right side, there were many moles on my right cheek. There were less moles on my left cheek because I slept less on that side.

The fresh black moles alarmed me. I thought Feds contaminated my pillow with radioactive material which would cause a skin cancer. (I'll use "isotope" for radioactive material hereafter) I changed the pillow and slept with clothes or towel underneath my head which I often washed. It works. Small moles faded away. Big mole, turned into pale black. It's no more the scaring oil-black colour.

Since Feds poisoned the tap water, I used to buy bottled water or got the water from other source such like gas station or rest room of store. But even these water were often found poisoned because I depended on other's drive which always guided me to the market where poisoned water and food were prepared in advance. So I used to test the water to make sure if it was "clean".

Started from February this year, I started to have cough after meal. It was a sympton that food contanimated with isotope. But I failed to identify the source. Once my wife had the supper at same time with me. She coughed after meal. My wife rarely touched the dish I cooked. The only common food we had was rice. But it was me cooked the rice. The ingredients were rice and water, both verified "clean" beforehand, what happened? I was puzzled.

Soon I solved the problem. A few days later I suddenly found there were many moles on the back of my hands. I was immediately aware of that the tap water was contaminated by isotope. I do the dish wash by hands everyday. (We never use dish-washer) Though I avoid to drink tap water, I wash with it. Both hands soaked in isotope tap water caused a skin cancer sympton - moles. It also explains why we coughed after eating the rice. Though I cooked rice with clean water, I washed it with isotope tap water which contaminated the rice. I wash with tap water to save "clean water".

I abandoned tap water right away. It works, one month later, the black mole on the back of my hands faded away. It reminds me of the radiation clean work by Feds last December. (see "274. Radiation", "275. Radiation 2 ") and Judge's cough which led him into the jail. . (see "298. Intimidate Judge (3/22/05)"

1032. Removal of surveillance car (8/5/2018)


This is the map of the lane I live. My house is at D site. People go outside from D house have to pass through the lane between A and B house and their parking lot. Sometime ago I found owners of A and B each has a vehicle parking deadly at their garage lot(at least more than a year or two, or longer). To my experience, it's a surveillance car equipped with camera or censor. To alarm the outside surveillance station that their targets is leaving so they could track.

About two weeks ago, my wife gave me a letter, said, "It's a mistake. You go and give the letter to A neighbor." The letter came from Home Owner Association. It said they found an inoperative car on our site. It violated the rule so we must remove it. The picture showed it was Vehicle A. It was a mistake shouldn't made by Home Owners Association. Consider they are the tool of the FBI, I think the Feds is framing new plot. I didn't go to neighbor A, worrying that could be a trap.

Seeing I was indifferent to the letter, my wife took it back. On 8/1, Vehicle A was towed away. The Feds had planed to damage my garage door last August. From the map of lane, you can see how Vehicle A becomes an obstacle of a roaring in car to impact the garage door. In reality, the Feds parked Vehicle A to the center as near as possible to ensure the best efficiency of censor. Make a right turn difficult to do.


976. Sessions and garage door (8/21/2017)

In 2005, my rolling up garage door was broken up by the car my daughter drove. The Homeowners Association warned to fix it right away. I noticed the Feds drove the contractors from the market away so their men could take over the work for an unreasonable search and arrest. 12 years ago, I wrote,

To avoid an unreasonable search, I repaired the garage door. It's more then ten years now, the repaired garage door had worn out and had to be replaced. In late May, the Homeowner Association mailed me a notice that there would be a meeting. I knew that was to justify an inspection. The target was the garage door.

In mid June, my wife gave me a weekly magazine - "USCITYPOST"(June 17, 2017) In its "Business Classified", I found four advertisement of "Garage door" contractors. In newspaper commercial, "Garage door" is a rare. That four ads obviously were prepared for me. To avoid being framed by the Feds, I had to do it by myself. I thought of the original one piece garage door which I hadn't abandoned.

The Homeowners Association's meeting date was set on 7/26. I had to replace the garage door at that time. In mid July, I dug out the old one piece door. What surprised me was next day President Trump told media he was going to fire Sessions.

Trump is unqualified to be president. His victory was out of the support of the Feds.(FBI) Now I believe his main task is to eliminate me - Kat Sung. When they thought it was a certain, they didn't expect I dug out an old door. So Trump was so angry. They quickly plan new plots in rogue's way.

On Aug. 3, a "Fed Express" cart roared into the lane, not for delivery, but turned around to drive out.
Then came the PG&E engineer pick up to replace the gas meter of my house.

I think they have two plans: 1. To create a gas leaking. 2. To damage newly installed garage door to force a replacement. I believe so because two days later, a US Mail cart rushed into the lane too. Both cars rushed in with high speed that caused large noise. That was not the way to move in small lane. As for why changed a mail car later? The "Fed Express" cart is too big and long, not easy to aim the target in a lane. The mail car is smaller and easy to carry out the impact mission.

One of your best works to date! All you other MFers need to hit the like button.
1033. An international plot (8/12/2018)

In early July, US quietly made some concession to China. I think that is the payment for a framed case. See "1030. Payment of a secret deal".

It also accordant to my allegation that the Feds would do a mass slaughter to eliminate my family and relatives and people who know the story. My wife has a lot of relatives in Philippines. It seems they will be murdered too.

Philippines is a country under the control of the Feds. (I'll talk about it later). When the Feds(FBI and DEA) rigged the 2016 election to have their candidate Trump to grab the president power, they also have their agent Duterte to grab the power of Philippines president. Duterte is known as "Philippines' Trump" who rules Philippines ruthlessly and killed a lot of people in the name of "drug war".

The following two assassinations took place in early July, synchronized with the early July plot. The purpose is to justify a big slaughter by government in the name of "revenge for the dead Mayors". I think.

Antonio Halili Assassinated: Philippine City Mayor Gunned Down
Monday, 02 July 2018


Philippines mayor Ferdinand Bote killed in second assassination in just two days
Posted 3 Jul 2018


Reference: (1030 and 933)

1030. Payment of a secret deal (7/22/2018)

Tesla goes big in China with Shanghai plant

Reuters Reuters July 10,2018

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk on Tuesday landed a deal with Chinese authorities to build a new auto plant in Shanghai,


This is a big investment with a size of half million vehicles. It's strange Trump didn't come out to speak something like he said on Harley Davidson and media generally silence on it.

ZTE is officially alive again, as US lifts 'death-penalty' ban
CNET•July 13, 2018


ZTE is high-tech company that China eagerly wants to keep it alive. Trump satisfies its will. Politicians and media are quiet too.

China's biggest bank corruption criminal repatriated from U.S.
Reuters •July 11, 2018

BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese man who embezzled $485 million from his employer in the biggest bank corruption case in China's history was repatriated on Wednesday by U.S.


These were big events took place a week ago. They looked like a concession made by Trump to China in trade negotiation. It is not. The tariffs problem is not resolved. The deport of Chinese most wanted indicates it's a secret deal between the Feds and Chinese secret police. I think they are framing a new drug case.

933. Big drug case in China, Philippines and USA (11/12/2016)

16 years ago, Bush was escorted to the president seat by the Feds. The big event was 9/11 attack. The secret deal was between Chinese secret police and the Feds.(FBI and DEA) In deal, China was to smuggle drugs to US to frame a case on Kat Sung. The payment was to hosting 2008 Olypic Game and the membership of WTO.

This month, they escorted Trump to the president seat. A new secret deal has been made. It still is to create a drug case, but the victims will be much more. My relatives and other people who know my story will be killed in this created case.

My wife is arranged a trip to China and Philippines from 11/13 to 11/21. The Feds used to frame a case when victims are in travel. The drug case will take place in these two countries and in US too.

The case will be operated under the name of Interpol. For this purpose, a Chinese police officer has been selected president of Interpol.

New Chinese Interpol chief sparks rights concerns

AFP Yulius Martoni November 10, 2016

Nusa Dua (Indonesia) (AFP) - A Chinese security official was elected president of Interpol Thursday for the first time, sparking criticism from activists who say Beijing uses the agency to track down dissidents abroad.


US intelligence infiltrates all kinds of organizations. 16 years ago, they satisfied Chinese demand by the approval of the commission of Olympic Game and the WTO. This time, for the same purpose, they sent a Chinese police officer to the seat of Interpol president.
Since we have been through two Mays and Junes since this thread begin, and absolutely nothing has come to pass, don't you think it is time to close this thread? It is not like katsung is a contributor, other than contributing nonsense.
Since we have been through two Mays and Junes since this thread begin, and absolutely nothing has come to pass, don't you think it is time to close this thread? It is not like katsung is a contributor, other than contributing nonsense.

Steeler fan is going to send you some hate mail for that. I think Kat’s severe paranoia is kind of entertaining.