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May, June plot

Using pan showers for months. Collect rainwater in bucket outside. Stand on plastic mat, dump rainwater on head. Effective. Sometimes. Except when birds poop in rainwater. Or no rain. Then bath in bird-poop water or not bath. Results same. Smell like bird poop.

Wife brings in newspaper. Not surprising. Wife also bring in People magazine with David Cassidy on cover. Loved that issue. Wait, is magazine very old? David Cassidy older. Okay, turns out People has Ann Curry on cover. Look a lot like David Cassidy.

NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, DOT, AMWAY all know I love David Cassidy. And Ann Curry. Good guess on their part? Not likely. Suspect wife once again.

Check mail. Life insurance canceled. Wait, no, life insurance increased. Doubled, in fact, to $1000. Now know wife in it for money. BIG money.

NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, DOT, AMWAY, UNICEF, NAACP, WHO, and wife all pushing me to take bath. Band, not health organization. Real bath, not Michael Moore "Mexican bath" in backyard. Must be plot. Know that Pete Townsend a fan of the "Mexican bath." Daltrey? Not so much.

Isotope a good tracer. Not as good as rampant body odor, however. I trick NSA, FBI, NHL, and MLB by not bathing. Stink hides me. Nobody near me now, so can watch pornography on library computers, be left alone. Good thing, since wife won't let me use computer. Or in house. Or on property. Cut off rain bucket, "Mexican bath" strategy. Must be trying to get me traced.

Noticed new moles on my ***. How? *** mirror, of course. Only rookie not use *** mirror. What fool trust *** to FBI, DOA (Dept. of ***), PBC (Psycho Be Crazy), DOT (Dept. of Tmoles)? Only blind fool, obviously. Show *** to librarian, ask her to check moles. Librarian call police. Federal agents, disguised as local law enforcement. Not fool me. Tell them to kiss my *** moles. Throw me in big house. Roommate check *** moles. Repeatedly. Uncomfortably. Wish had brought hand sanitizer. Not for hand, for moles.

Do not trust tap water at big house. Tell warden I get bottled water. Warden tell me to drink from toilet. Hah, idiot not know have been doing so for two days. Roommate sees me drinking from toilet, tell me if I drink like dog, he treat me like dog. So he tickle stomach. Must admit, liked it. (Drinking from toilet, not tummy tickling. Too ticklish.)

Wife visit, try to give me papers. I not trust papers. Could be contaminated. Iodine. Radon. Argon. Fargone. Refuse papers, wife tell me divorce papers, she tired of katsung's crazy. Know wife joking. She pretend to enjoy contact with healthy man with her. Neighbor. Good friend. Always around when wife need him. Have to control laughing at wife, thinking neighbor would destroy friendship for pu##y. Stupid. Me, for touching paper, not wife or neighbor.

Now believe marked with Radon. Or Argon. Or isotope. Or isostupid. Wash hands. No, not in toilet. Wash with own urine. Only way to be sure. Roommate see that, offer to help with bath. Warm. Body temperature. Bit aromatic, but better than bird-poop bath or own urine.

Getting released tomorrow. Transferred to facility for "evaluation." Doctors sure to recognize genius. Will ask for computer access again. Send this message using iPhone stored in anus. Roommate located at some point over the last couple days. Tells me, "Smells like ****, you ****-for-brains, no-good, stinking, ***-licking nobody." Affectionate nickname for katsung. Pretty much everybody in big house have similar nickname. Good to be loved.

So signing off for now. Worried that authorities may confiscate iPhone. Backup plan. Stored Galaxy in anus. Not my anus, in wife's anus. Neighbor spent good 20 minutes making sure in place. She will visit me. Tell me neighbor ready to help retrieve Galaxy. Great neighbor. Until next time.

/s katsung47.5

Lol.....you have way too much free time.
Since we have been through two Mays and Junes since this thread begin, and absolutely nothing has come to pass, don't you think it is time to close this thread? It is not like katsung is a contributor, other than contributing nonsense.

And I want 10 more May and Junes of this fine entertainment. Haters gonna hate, but I’m a big fan. So leave him alone or I’ll show you my freakishly large biceps. :boxing1:
Yeah but he’s successful and you’re not, you jealous socialist ****.

I don't know how you define successful, but I'm prepping for a presentation that will be given to Secretary Esper here soon that will showcase some of our newest technology.

If by success you mean financial success I would like you to know that everytime someone here accuses me of being a board leech ,as a lark I donate $500 to the ACLU.

That was supposed to be an inside joke between myself and a few of the interns here, but I couldn't resist letting you know that.
I don't know how you define successful, but I'm prepping for a presentation that will be given to Secretary Esper here soon that will showcase some of our newest technology.

If by success you mean financial success I would like you to know that everytime someone here accuses me of being a board leech ,as a lark I donate $500 to the ACLU.

That was supposed to be an inside joke between myself and a few of the interns here, but I couldn't resist letting you know that.

Suuuure you do. Leech.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

If by success you mean financial success I would like you to know that everytime someone here accuses me of being a board leech ,as a lark I donate $500 to the ACLU.

Pay the piper, leech.
I don't know how you define successful, but I'm prepping for a presentation that will be given to Secretary Esper here soon that will showcase some of our newest technology.

If by success you mean financial success I would like you to know that everytime someone here accuses me of being a board leech ,as a lark I donate $500 to the ACLU.

That was supposed to be an inside joke between myself and a few of the interns here, but I couldn't resist letting you know that.
you are a board leech.

pls post your donation proof, because I think you are disingenuous too.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
1034. Censorship (8/14/2018)

I have problem to post #1033. In Lunaticoutpost.com, I failed to post it. The page said, "Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."

I think my message in #1033 may have correctly revealed their plot, so it was blocked to readers. A search and arrest (framming case) may happen in coming days and more censorship on the way.

I have a web site:

or google my name.
Edit / Delete Edit Post Quick reply to this message Reply Reply With Quote Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message Blog this Post

1035. Taking over Philippines' FBI (8/19/2018)

In July 1999, I was in Hong Kong when my visa to stay would expire and I had to go somewhere. Philippines became a most likely country I'd go. But I had no intention to go Philippine because it is an island country. To access it must via airline. Air accident is a convenient murder method for the Feds. In August there was an explosion took place in headquarters of National Bureau of Investigation of Philippines(Philippines' FBI). I view it as an operation of the Feds to take over the control of Philippines' FBI at the purpose to carry out a murder case when I went there. Of course, I didn't go there. Several months later, I found my worry became truth - I was instructed a way to enter South Philippines by boat and there happened was a new rising Islamic terrorist group.

After 18 years development, the Feds now can have their own agents to take over the power of president, both in US and Philippines. That's why I say Duterte works for the Feds in #1033. And there is a new plot in three nations.


195. Bombing "Philippines FBI" (1/11/2004)

I extended my stay in Hong kong one more month to July, 1999. I searched information about countries of South-east Asia in Library and picked up travel information from the consulate of these countries.

I knew nobody in these countries except Philippines where my wife has many relatives living there. In mid 90s, some of these relatives visited us. I thought it was a routine that Feds checking the relationship of their target. From their angle, I think, Philippines was the country I would go if I would not go to China.

In July 99, two events shocked me. One was the death of Jr. Kennedy. I think Feds were scare of his potential political power and worried the revelation of my story. (see "17. They killed President Kennedy")

The other one was that there was a bombing in headquarters of National Bureau of Investigation of Philippines. Hongkong newspaper said it was an organization equaling to FBI of US. Several people died in this bombing.(7 ?) I immediately realized it was a regime change. Now Feds controlled secret police of Philippines. They used a violent way to get rid of the people which blocked the way of their own candidate because it was urgent. They thought I would go there at that month.

As a matter of fact, Feds were wrong. I had never planned to go to Philippines. I was not familiar with my wife's relatives. And an important reason I wouldn't go there was because Philippines is an island country. The only way I knew at that time to access Philippines was by flight. Air accident is a popular way of assassination for Feds. I tried to avoid air travel if possible. On 7/18/99, I went to Malaysia.

Later when I came back to US in 2000, I learned the deaths of three old neighbours. I think they were murdered at that time. (see "10. The death of old people")

In about same time, there was a Lai Changxing smuggling case broke out in China. In which there was a regime change in high ranking government of Fujiang province, included secret police (Bereau of State Security) After that, the secret police of US and China developed a drug gang there. Then they lured my wife and her brothers (in Philippines) to buy apartments in Fujiang with bargain deal. (see "146. Regime change in Fujian" and 141,142,143,150, 155)

Four years after July 1999, I realize how seriously Feds treated my leaving. They first made D.o.D. bombed Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia to lure me to China. After the failure and felt their crime might be revealed, they activated their resources to have regimes change in high ranking secret police of Philippines and Fujiang, China. They murdered the people whom might be thier trouble if their crime revealed and intended to murder more by creating a drug gang in Fujiang.

Correction to 195. (8/19/2018)

In July 99, One event shocked me. That was the death of Kennedy Jr.(JFK's son) The Feds want to kill me because they had intimidated me,"So what, they even killed President Kennedy."
Another event was the bombing of "Philippines FBI". That took place in August. That indicates they tried to kill me by the hand of Philippines spy system. A shock for me too. Both shocked me to stay in South East Asia to avoid murder attempt from the Feds.

196. Islamic terrorist manipulated by government (1/16/2004)

Five months later, on 12/16/99, I was in city of Surabaya, Java, Indonisia. I stayed in a guesthouse. In the sitting room, there was a young man studying a map. We had a chat. He said he came from US and was going to Phillipines. He told me we could go to Borneo by boat.
Then to the east Sabah, from there there was a ship line connecting Malaysia and south part of Phillipines, Mindanao. "Ta, Ta, Ta." his finger jumped on the table, "you get to Phillipines by boat".

But even there was a ship line to Phillipines, I would not go. The bombing of headquarters of "Phillipines FBI" was still fresh in my mind. It was obvious another guidance from Feds. They invited me to Phillipines. They even recognized that I tried to avoid air travel and instructed me a road by sea. What trap was there in Mindanao ready for me?

Four months later, I got the answer. In April 2000, news reported 21 hostages (10 were western tourists) were held by Islamic militants in southeast Asian seas. That was the start of Abu Sayev rebels and other riots in south part of Phillipines. It happened on the travel line I would take if I had taken the advice to go Phillipine by sea.

Later in TV news, I saw the weapons these Islamic rebels using were not knives, old rifles as I thought before. Their weapons were advanced ones like Stallon used in his movie "Rambo".

My suspicion of Feds manipulating Islamic rebels to commit terrorism got proved by the news of military rebellion in Phillipines. On 7/27/03, a group of military mutineers seized a shopping center in Manila, demanded the government resign.

The soldiers claim that:
Quote, "• Senior military officials, in collusion with the Arroyo regime, carried out last March's bombing of the airport in the southern city of Davao, as well as several other attacks. Thirty-eight people were killed in the bombings. The leader of the mutiny,
Lieutenant Antonio Trillanes, claims to have "hundreds" of witnesses who can testify to the plot.

• The army has fueled terrorism in Mindanao by selling weapons and ammunition to the very rebel forces the young soldiers were sent to fight.

• Members of the military and police helped prisoners convicted of terrorist crimes escape from jail. The "final validation", according to Trillanes, was Fathur Rohman al-Ghozi's July 14 escape from a heavily guarded Manila prison. Al-Ghozi is a notorious bomb-maker with Jemaah Islamiah, which was linked to both the Bali and Marriott attacks."

• The government was on the verge of staging a new string of bombings to justify declaring martial law.


Among the mutineers, some were officials who took part in the battle in southern part of Phillipines against Islamic rebels and had been awarded medals for thier bravery in struggle. When they saw the weapons and ammunitions rebel used were supported by their own government, and that the terrorist bombing were organized by their own government, they rose up to protest.
1034. Censorship (8/14/2018)

I have problem to post #1033. In Lunaticoutpost.com, I failed to post it. The page said, "Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."

I think my message in #1033 may have correctly revealed their plot, so it was blocked to readers. A search and arrest (framming case) may happen in coming days and more censorship on the way.

I have a web site:

or google my name.
Edit / Delete Edit Post Quick reply to this message Reply Reply With Quote Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message Blog this Post

1035. Taking over Philippines' FBI (8/19/2018)

In July 1999, I was in Hong Kong when my visa to stay would expire and I had to go somewhere. Philippines became a most likely country I'd go. But I had no intention to go Philippine because it is an island country. To access it must via airline. Air accident is a convenient murder method for the Feds. In August there was an explosion took place in headquarters of National Bureau of Investigation of Philippines(Philippines' FBI). I view it as an operation of the Feds to take over the control of Philippines' FBI at the purpose to carry out a murder case when I went there. Of course, I didn't go there. Several months later, I found my worry became truth - I was instructed a way to enter South Philippines by boat and there happened was a new rising Islamic terrorist group.

After 18 years development, the Feds now can have their own agents to take over the power of president, both in US and Philippines. That's why I say Duterte works for the Feds in #1033. And there is a new plot in three nations.


195. Bombing "Philippines FBI" (1/11/2004)

I extended my stay in Hong kong one more month to July, 1999. I searched information about countries of South-east Asia in Library and picked up travel information from the consulate of these countries.

I knew nobody in these countries except Philippines where my wife has many relatives living there. In mid 90s, some of these relatives visited us. I thought it was a routine that Feds checking the relationship of their target. From their angle, I think, Philippines was the country I would go if I would not go to China.

In July 99, two events shocked me. One was the death of Jr. Kennedy. I think Feds were scare of his potential political power and worried the revelation of my story. (see "17. They killed President Kennedy")

The other one was that there was a bombing in headquarters of National Bureau of Investigation of Philippines. Hongkong newspaper said it was an organization equaling to FBI of US. Several people died in this bombing.(7 ?) I immediately realized it was a regime change. Now Feds controlled secret police of Philippines. They used a violent way to get rid of the people which blocked the way of their own candidate because it was urgent. They thought I would go there at that month.

As a matter of fact, Feds were wrong. I had never planned to go to Philippines. I was not familiar with my wife's relatives. And an important reason I wouldn't go there was because Philippines is an island country. The only way I knew at that time to access Philippines was by flight. Air accident is a popular way of assassination for Feds. I tried to avoid air travel if possible. On 7/18/99, I went to Malaysia.

Later when I came back to US in 2000, I learned the deaths of three old neighbours. I think they were murdered at that time. (see "10. The death of old people")

In about same time, there was a Lai Changxing smuggling case broke out in China. In which there was a regime change in high ranking government of Fujiang province, included secret police (Bereau of State Security) After that, the secret police of US and China developed a drug gang there. Then they lured my wife and her brothers (in Philippines) to buy apartments in Fujiang with bargain deal. (see "146. Regime change in Fujian" and 141,142,143,150, 155)

Four years after July 1999, I realize how seriously Feds treated my leaving. They first made D.o.D. bombed Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia to lure me to China. After the failure and felt their crime might be revealed, they activated their resources to have regimes change in high ranking secret police of Philippines and Fujiang, China. They murdered the people whom might be thier trouble if their crime revealed and intended to murder more by creating a drug gang in Fujiang.

Correction to 195. (8/19/2018)

In July 99, One event shocked me. That was the death of Kennedy Jr.(JFK's son) The Feds want to kill me because they had intimidated me,"So what, they even killed President Kennedy."
Another event was the bombing of "Philippines FBI". That took place in August. That indicates they tried to kill me by the hand of Philippines spy system. A shock for me too. Both shocked me to stay in South East Asia to avoid murder attempt from the Feds.

196. Islamic terrorist manipulated by government (1/16/2004)

Five months later, on 12/16/99, I was in city of Surabaya, Java, Indonisia. I stayed in a guesthouse. In the sitting room, there was a young man studying a map. We had a chat. He said he came from US and was going to Phillipines. He told me we could go to Borneo by boat.
Then to the east Sabah, from there there was a ship line connecting Malaysia and south part of Phillipines, Mindanao. "Ta, Ta, Ta." his finger jumped on the table, "you get to Phillipines by boat".

But even there was a ship line to Phillipines, I would not go. The bombing of headquarters of "Phillipines FBI" was still fresh in my mind. It was obvious another guidance from Feds. They invited me to Phillipines. They even recognized that I tried to avoid air travel and instructed me a road by sea. What trap was there in Mindanao ready for me?

Four months later, I got the answer. In April 2000, news reported 21 hostages (10 were western tourists) were held by Islamic militants in southeast Asian seas. That was the start of Abu Sayev rebels and other riots in south part of Phillipines. It happened on the travel line I would take if I had taken the advice to go Phillipine by sea.

Later in TV news, I saw the weapons these Islamic rebels using were not knives, old rifles as I thought before. Their weapons were advanced ones like Stallon used in his movie "Rambo".

My suspicion of Feds manipulating Islamic rebels to commit terrorism got proved by the news of military rebellion in Phillipines. On 7/27/03, a group of military mutineers seized a shopping center in Manila, demanded the government resign.

The soldiers claim that:
Quote, "• Senior military officials, in collusion with the Arroyo regime, carried out last March's bombing of the airport in the southern city of Davao, as well as several other attacks. Thirty-eight people were killed in the bombings. The leader of the mutiny,
Lieutenant Antonio Trillanes, claims to have "hundreds" of witnesses who can testify to the plot.

• The army has fueled terrorism in Mindanao by selling weapons and ammunition to the very rebel forces the young soldiers were sent to fight.

• Members of the military and police helped prisoners convicted of terrorist crimes escape from jail. The "final validation", according to Trillanes, was Fathur Rohman al-Ghozi's July 14 escape from a heavily guarded Manila prison. Al-Ghozi is a notorious bomb-maker with Jemaah Islamiah, which was linked to both the Bali and Marriott attacks."

• The government was on the verge of staging a new string of bombings to justify declaring martial law.


Among the mutineers, some were officials who took part in the battle in southern part of Phillipines against Islamic rebels and had been awarded medals for thier bravery in struggle. When they saw the weapons and ammunitions rebel used were supported by their own government, and that the terrorist bombing were organized by their own government, they rose up to protest.
Now I understand better.

One question:

Which planet are you from?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Steeler Nation mobile app
1034. Censorship (8/14/2018)

I have problem to post #1033. In Lunaticoutpost.com, I failed to post it. The page said, "Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."

I think my message in #1033 may have correctly revealed their plot, so it was blocked to readers. A search and arrest (framming case) may happen in coming days and more censorship on the way.

I have a web site:

or google my name.
Edit / Delete Edit Post Quick reply to this message Reply Reply With Quote Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message Blog this Post

1035. Taking over Philippines' FBI (8/19/2018)

In July 1999, I was in Hong Kong when my visa to stay would expire and I had to go somewhere. Philippines became a most likely country I'd go. But I had no intention to go Philippine because it is an island country. To access it must via airline. Air accident is a convenient murder method for the Feds. In August there was an explosion took place in headquarters of National Bureau of Investigation of Philippines(Philippines' FBI). I view it as an operation of the Feds to take over the control of Philippines' FBI at the purpose to carry out a murder case when I went there. Of course, I didn't go there. Several months later, I found my worry became truth - I was instructed a way to enter South Philippines by boat and there happened was a new rising Islamic terrorist group.

After 18 years development, the Feds now can have their own agents to take over the power of president, both in US and Philippines. That's why I say Duterte works for the Feds in #1033. And there is a new plot in three nations.


195. Bombing "Philippines FBI" (1/11/2004)

I extended my stay in Hong kong one more month to July, 1999. I searched information about countries of South-east Asia in Library and picked up travel information from the consulate of these countries.

I knew nobody in these countries except Philippines where my wife has many relatives living there. In mid 90s, some of these relatives visited us. I thought it was a routine that Feds checking the relationship of their target. From their angle, I think, Philippines was the country I would go if I would not go to China.

In July 99, two events shocked me. One was the death of Jr. Kennedy. I think Feds were scare of his potential political power and worried the revelation of my story. (see "17. They killed President Kennedy")

The other one was that there was a bombing in headquarters of National Bureau of Investigation of Philippines. Hongkong newspaper said it was an organization equaling to FBI of US. Several people died in this bombing.(7 ?) I immediately realized it was a regime change. Now Feds controlled secret police of Philippines. They used a violent way to get rid of the people which blocked the way of their own candidate because it was urgent. They thought I would go there at that month.

As a matter of fact, Feds were wrong. I had never planned to go to Philippines. I was not familiar with my wife's relatives. And an important reason I wouldn't go there was because Philippines is an island country. The only way I knew at that time to access Philippines was by flight. Air accident is a popular way of assassination for Feds. I tried to avoid air travel if possible. On 7/18/99, I went to Malaysia.

Later when I came back to US in 2000, I learned the deaths of three old neighbours. I think they were murdered at that time. (see "10. The death of old people")

In about same time, there was a Lai Changxing smuggling case broke out in China. In which there was a regime change in high ranking government of Fujiang province, included secret police (Bereau of State Security) After that, the secret police of US and China developed a drug gang there. Then they lured my wife and her brothers (in Philippines) to buy apartments in Fujiang with bargain deal. (see "146. Regime change in Fujian" and 141,142,143,150, 155)

Four years after July 1999, I realize how seriously Feds treated my leaving. They first made D.o.D. bombed Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia to lure me to China. After the failure and felt their crime might be revealed, they activated their resources to have regimes change in high ranking secret police of Philippines and Fujiang, China. They murdered the people whom might be thier trouble if their crime revealed and intended to murder more by creating a drug gang in Fujiang.

Correction to 195. (8/19/2018)

In July 99, One event shocked me. That was the death of Kennedy Jr.(JFK's son) The Feds want to kill me because they had intimidated me,"So what, they even killed President Kennedy."
Another event was the bombing of "Philippines FBI". That took place in August. That indicates they tried to kill me by the hand of Philippines spy system. A shock for me too. Both shocked me to stay in South East Asia to avoid murder attempt from the Feds.

196. Islamic terrorist manipulated by government (1/16/2004)

Five months later, on 12/16/99, I was in city of Surabaya, Java, Indonisia. I stayed in a guesthouse. In the sitting room, there was a young man studying a map. We had a chat. He said he came from US and was going to Phillipines. He told me we could go to Borneo by boat.
Then to the east Sabah, from there there was a ship line connecting Malaysia and south part of Phillipines, Mindanao. "Ta, Ta, Ta." his finger jumped on the table, "you get to Phillipines by boat".

But even there was a ship line to Phillipines, I would not go. The bombing of headquarters of "Phillipines FBI" was still fresh in my mind. It was obvious another guidance from Feds. They invited me to Phillipines. They even recognized that I tried to avoid air travel and instructed me a road by sea. What trap was there in Mindanao ready for me?

Four months later, I got the answer. In April 2000, news reported 21 hostages (10 were western tourists) were held by Islamic militants in southeast Asian seas. That was the start of Abu Sayev rebels and other riots in south part of Phillipines. It happened on the travel line I would take if I had taken the advice to go Phillipine by sea.

Later in TV news, I saw the weapons these Islamic rebels using were not knives, old rifles as I thought before. Their weapons were advanced ones like Stallon used in his movie "Rambo".

My suspicion of Feds manipulating Islamic rebels to commit terrorism got proved by the news of military rebellion in Phillipines. On 7/27/03, a group of military mutineers seized a shopping center in Manila, demanded the government resign.

The soldiers claim that:
Quote, "• Senior military officials, in collusion with the Arroyo regime, carried out last March's bombing of the airport in the southern city of Davao, as well as several other attacks. Thirty-eight people were killed in the bombings. The leader of the mutiny,
Lieutenant Antonio Trillanes, claims to have "hundreds" of witnesses who can testify to the plot.

• The army has fueled terrorism in Mindanao by selling weapons and ammunition to the very rebel forces the young soldiers were sent to fight.

• Members of the military and police helped prisoners convicted of terrorist crimes escape from jail. The "final validation", according to Trillanes, was Fathur Rohman al-Ghozi's July 14 escape from a heavily guarded Manila prison. Al-Ghozi is a notorious bomb-maker with Jemaah Islamiah, which was linked to both the Bali and Marriott attacks."

• The government was on the verge of staging a new string of bombings to justify declaring martial law.


Among the mutineers, some were officials who took part in the battle in southern part of Phillipines against Islamic rebels and had been awarded medals for thier bravery in struggle. When they saw the weapons and ammunitions rebel used were supported by their own government, and that the terrorist bombing were organized by their own government, they rose up to protest.

I'm Batman.
1034. Censorship (8/14/2018)

I have problem to post #1033. In Lunaticoutpost.com, I failed to post it. The page said, "Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."

I think my message in #1033 may have correctly revealed their plot, so it was blocked to readers. A search and arrest (framming case) may happen in coming days and more censorship on the way.

I have a web site:

or google my name.
Edit / Delete Edit Post Quick reply to this message Reply Reply With Quote Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message Blog this Post

1035. Taking over Philippines' FBI (8/19/2018)

In July 1999, I was in Hong Kong when my visa to stay would expire and I had to go somewhere. Philippines became a most likely country I'd go. But I had no intention to go Philippine because it is an island country. To access it must via airline. Air accident is a convenient murder method for the Feds. In August there was an explosion took place in headquarters of National Bureau of Investigation of Philippines(Philippines' FBI). I view it as an operation of the Feds to take over the control of Philippines' FBI at the purpose to carry out a murder case when I went there. Of course, I didn't go there. Several months later, I found my worry became truth - I was instructed a way to enter South Philippines by boat and there happened was a new rising Islamic terrorist group.

After 18 years development, the Feds now can have their own agents to take over the power of president, both in US and Philippines. That's why I say Duterte works for the Feds in #1033. And there is a new plot in three nations.


195. Bombing "Philippines FBI" (1/11/2004)

I extended my stay in Hong kong one more month to July, 1999. I searched information about countries of South-east Asia in Library and picked up travel information from the consulate of these countries.

I knew nobody in these countries except Philippines where my wife has many relatives living there. In mid 90s, some of these relatives visited us. I thought it was a routine that Feds checking the relationship of their target. From their angle, I think, Philippines was the country I would go if I would not go to China.

In July 99, two events shocked me. One was the death of Jr. Kennedy. I think Feds were scare of his potential political power and worried the revelation of my story. (see "17. They killed President Kennedy")

The other one was that there was a bombing in headquarters of National Bureau of Investigation of Philippines. Hongkong newspaper said it was an organization equaling to FBI of US. Several people died in this bombing.(7 ?) I immediately realized it was a regime change. Now Feds controlled secret police of Philippines. They used a violent way to get rid of the people which blocked the way of their own candidate because it was urgent. They thought I would go there at that month.

As a matter of fact, Feds were wrong. I had never planned to go to Philippines. I was not familiar with my wife's relatives. And an important reason I wouldn't go there was because Philippines is an island country. The only way I knew at that time to access Philippines was by flight. Air accident is a popular way of assassination for Feds. I tried to avoid air travel if possible. On 7/18/99, I went to Malaysia.

Later when I came back to US in 2000, I learned the deaths of three old neighbours. I think they were murdered at that time. (see "10. The death of old people")

In about same time, there was a Lai Changxing smuggling case broke out in China. In which there was a regime change in high ranking government of Fujiang province, included secret police (Bereau of State Security) After that, the secret police of US and China developed a drug gang there. Then they lured my wife and her brothers (in Philippines) to buy apartments in Fujiang with bargain deal. (see "146. Regime change in Fujian" and 141,142,143,150, 155)

Four years after July 1999, I realize how seriously Feds treated my leaving. They first made D.o.D. bombed Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia to lure me to China. After the failure and felt their crime might be revealed, they activated their resources to have regimes change in high ranking secret police of Philippines and Fujiang, China. They murdered the people whom might be thier trouble if their crime revealed and intended to murder more by creating a drug gang in Fujiang.

Correction to 195. (8/19/2018)

In July 99, One event shocked me. That was the death of Kennedy Jr.(JFK's son) The Feds want to kill me because they had intimidated me,"So what, they even killed President Kennedy."
Another event was the bombing of "Philippines FBI". That took place in August. That indicates they tried to kill me by the hand of Philippines spy system. A shock for me too. Both shocked me to stay in South East Asia to avoid murder attempt from the Feds.

196. Islamic terrorist manipulated by government (1/16/2004)

Five months later, on 12/16/99, I was in city of Surabaya, Java, Indonisia. I stayed in a guesthouse. In the sitting room, there was a young man studying a map. We had a chat. He said he came from US and was going to Phillipines. He told me we could go to Borneo by boat.
Then to the east Sabah, from there there was a ship line connecting Malaysia and south part of Phillipines, Mindanao. "Ta, Ta, Ta." his finger jumped on the table, "you get to Phillipines by boat".

But even there was a ship line to Phillipines, I would not go. The bombing of headquarters of "Phillipines FBI" was still fresh in my mind. It was obvious another guidance from Feds. They invited me to Phillipines. They even recognized that I tried to avoid air travel and instructed me a road by sea. What trap was there in Mindanao ready for me?

Four months later, I got the answer. In April 2000, news reported 21 hostages (10 were western tourists) were held by Islamic militants in southeast Asian seas. That was the start of Abu Sayev rebels and other riots in south part of Phillipines. It happened on the travel line I would take if I had taken the advice to go Phillipine by sea.

Later in TV news, I saw the weapons these Islamic rebels using were not knives, old rifles as I thought before. Their weapons were advanced ones like Stallon used in his movie "Rambo".

My suspicion of Feds manipulating Islamic rebels to commit terrorism got proved by the news of military rebellion in Phillipines. On 7/27/03, a group of military mutineers seized a shopping center in Manila, demanded the government resign.

The soldiers claim that:
Quote, "• Senior military officials, in collusion with the Arroyo regime, carried out last March's bombing of the airport in the southern city of Davao, as well as several other attacks. Thirty-eight people were killed in the bombings. The leader of the mutiny,
Lieutenant Antonio Trillanes, claims to have "hundreds" of witnesses who can testify to the plot.

• The army has fueled terrorism in Mindanao by selling weapons and ammunition to the very rebel forces the young soldiers were sent to fight.

• Members of the military and police helped prisoners convicted of terrorist crimes escape from jail. The "final validation", according to Trillanes, was Fathur Rohman al-Ghozi's July 14 escape from a heavily guarded Manila prison. Al-Ghozi is a notorious bomb-maker with Jemaah Islamiah, which was linked to both the Bali and Marriott attacks."

• The government was on the verge of staging a new string of bombings to justify declaring martial law.


Among the mutineers, some were officials who took part in the battle in southern part of Phillipines against Islamic rebels and had been awarded medals for thier bravery in struggle. When they saw the weapons and ammunitions rebel used were supported by their own government, and that the terrorist bombing were organized by their own government, they rose up to protest.

August 23 2018
Estimated time is 8:17pm MTN

Unsure if it's safe to post.
So I ask yinz all on SteelerNation to stay afoot.

In the meantime signing off

I'm Batman
1036. I'pad (8/26/2018)

Eight years ago, I bought a notebook computer "Acer". It was harassed so much that I couldn't went internet with it so I abandoned it. Then my wife had a "specialist" to fix it. The specialist download some program so we could watch Chinese film in iternet. Soon something happened that made me think it was a trap set up by the Feds, I abandoned it again. See #657.

Now I use a computer abandoned by my wife's company. My wife has an i'pad used as her communication tool. I often use that i'pad to read news for its quick reaction.

Yesterday, my daughter came with an used i'pad. She transferred the information from original one to the new one. That means I can have an i'pad for myself.

The long time downloading reminds me of Acer's story. Could it be another trap? The Feds allow me to have i'pad of my own. They must have planted something illegal at that i'pad. What I worried is the Feds have planed a drug case to arrest as many people as possible and try to link me to the case by i'pad.


657. Internet control and computer plant (12/16/2010)

On Dec. 7, I wrote "655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)". Later that day, I learned that Assange turned himself in to the British police. I think that was a swift reaction to my analysis. When Assange's real face was exposed, it was unnecessary to maintain the puppet show. Anyhow, his mission is done. The Internet censorship law- COICA, will go through the House next month even he is absent. WikiLeaks established in 2007. The high tide is in recent days. Feds finally consume Julian Assange in my case. On 12/4, they set up a link between Assange and I by answering my post with his name. Then when I correctly revealed his role is a false flag on 12/7, they ended his hide and seek game earlier than planned.


This time the possible accusation the Feds apply on me might be "access the secret site". I worry that Feds had planted some secret in my computer. I bought a note-book one year ago. I seldom use it because it was heavily harassed by the Feds. The telephone line was blocked; wireless didn't work; even the software Microsoft Word didn't work. Three months ago, my wife suddenly became active on computer with the excuse that she wanted to watch the movie from the Internet. Then came an AT&T technician who found problem in outside station. So the line was opened. Then my wife asked a computer specialist work on my note-book. He downloaded some program into my note-book. So I could go Internet at home and write, store articles with Microsoft Word Pad.

Sometime later, I found that new Microsoft office software having strange character. It kept pop up when I didn't use it. Have you ever seen the Word Pad actively invite you to use it? It also started to request my name if I want to use it. I suspect someone was controlling my computer remotely. They might covertly collect my material through spy software downloaded by that specialist or even input some "confidential material" into my computer without my awareness. My wife never watches a movie from the Internet until now. What she did three months ago, was an action instructed by the Feds. They set up a trap in computer for me. I allege.

To eliminate my suspicion, the computer specialist my wife invited was S.Y.. He was my neighbor 15 years ago.
That was 1995, when I returned from Shanghai, I found my next door neighbor changed. Two families shared a four bed-room house. One family was a couple named Y with a son. The other one was a single mom with a daughter. My wife also had a new colleague: G-man who had a girl. (see 643. Foreign agents or foreign support groups? (8/12/2010) )
The three children were at similar age to my daughter.

My daughter had had three playmates before 1995, they lived cross street or several buildings away. They were all moved away at that time. Instead, Feds found three new playmates for my daughter. From them, I learned that when Feds put one under surveillance, they even get the child included.(my daughter was 6 then) And how close it was? Two families were in next door. One worked as my wife's colleague.

C.Y. was a Chef. He never worked long in any restaurant. Sometimes one week in this one, sometimes a month in that, he changed his employer all the time. When Mrs. Y said her husband had almost worked for every restaurant of the Bay Area, I interpreted it as: the Feds had investigated all restaurants in Bay Area.

S.Y. was a boy then. Last time I saw him, he was still a pupil. Now he is a young man. It seems the Feds have cultivated him as a computer "specialist".

Eight years ago, I bought a notebook computer "Acer." I signed up with Tinder. Wife helped me with profile. Advertised that I was young at heart, and liked kids. Cute kids only. Thereafter, I was harassed so much that I couldn't go on the internet with it so I abandoned it. Dropped in neighbors garbage can. Saw wife's torn panties in garbage can. Sweet wife ... making sure not to fill our garbage can with her torn panties, and what appeared to be plenty of DNA. Suspect FBI trying to trap me with neighbor's DNA courtesy of wife.

Then my wife had a "specialist" to fix computer. The specialist download some program so we could watch Chinese film in iternet. Like Chinese films. Lots of Chinese girls. Chinese girls fun to watch. But soon something happened that made me think it was a trap set up by the Feds. Chinese girls appear to be Japanese. Maybe Korean. No, not Korean. But definitely maybe Japanese. Or Chinese. Or Siamese. Siamese *****. Cat, I mean. I abandoned it again. *****, I mean. Previously abandoned after wife told me no longer able to use funhouse. See #657.

Now I use a computer abandoned by my wife's company. Well, not abandoned, but left unguarded. Okay, maybe not abandoned, and maybe not unguarded, but portable enough I could take home. Company ticked about missing computer, threaten wife with termination. Wife say she will calm boss, using her magic *****. Stuffed cat, she means. I think. My wife has an i'pad used as her communication tool. I often use that i'pad to read news for its quick reaction. However, I have very slow reaction, which is why wife catch me using her Ipad to watch more Chinese, Japanese, and Siamese girls on internet. Girls have some amazing *****. Cats, I mean.

Yesterday, my daughter came with a used i'pad. And a used condom. Did not know Apple sell used condoms. Have to remember, for next time I need used condom. That, or neighbor's trash can once again, as used condoms often next to wife's tattered panties. She transferred from original one to the new one. Daughter, transferred condom contents to new condom, I mean. That means I can have an i'pad for myself. Except Ipad not working, and not hooked up to interwebz.

The long time downloading movies reminds me of Acer's story. How long could it take to download "Chinese ******* Galore"? Cat videos typically download very fast. Could it be another trap? The Feds allow me to have i'pad of my own, allow me to download "Chinese ******* Galore," and now have me strapped to computer, waiting for download to finish. Saw previews of movie ... not what I expected. Finished download. Of me, not movie. Computer messy. Going to give back to daughter. They must have planted something illegal in that i'pad. I know I planted something very messy on the Ipad. What I worried is the Feds have planed a drug case to arrest as many people as possible and try to link me to the case by i'pad. And DNA evidence. From next door neighbor's trash can, not Ipad. Admit I may have enjoyed wife's old panties a bit too much. What a mess. Computer, not trash can. Well, and trash can.

On Dec. 7, I wrote "655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)". Later that day, I learned that Assange turned himself in to the British police. I think that was a swift reaction to my analysis. Not sure how FBI and British police know of my analysis, since Ipad still ... sticky. Seamen. Pirates movies. Enjoyed watching Pirates movies, deposited joy on keyboard. The high tide is in recent days. Know because snacking on Tide pods. Not good. Disgusting, dangerous. Chinese ***** movies, not Tide pods. Nothing to do with cat videos.

Feds finally consume Julian Assange in my case. On 12/4, they set up a link between Assange and I by answering my post with his name. Then when I correctly revealed his role is a false flag on 12/7, they ended his hide and seek game earlier than planned. Had not even said "Olly, olly, oxen free!" when end game. Assange pretends to be gay, is really not. False ***. Very unfair. Hide-and-seek game, not false ***.

Three months ago, my wife suddenly became active on computer with the excuse that she wanted to watch the movie from the Internet. She stumble upon my cat-videos-not-cat-video collection. Says needs to show cat videos to neighbor. Try to explain not really cat videos, but she leave anyway. Then came an AT&T technician who found problem in station. Meaning, in wife's panties. Turns out he is guy tearing up wife's panties. Told him to needed to fill hole. In computer security. AT&T technician promise he "fill hole all day long." No explanation as to why he spend no time with my computer.

Sometime later, I found that new Microsoft office software having strange character. It kept pop up when I didn't use it. Seems to advertise more cat videos. At least, that's what appears, as endless promise of *****. App started to request my name if I want to use it. I suspect someone was controlling my computer remotely. At least, that is what I tell wife when she catches me again watching cat-videos-that-not-cat-videos. Tell wife need new keyboard, she ask why. Embarrassed to tell her why. Too many cat videos.

My wife never watches a movie from the Internet until now. When she did, was action instructed by the Feds. They set up a trap in computer for me. I too smart to fall for trap, tell wife to use my account to watch more cat videos. She say neighbor needed to help explain plot to her, so she take computer next door. Peek in window, see neighbor pouring baby oil on wife. Did not even know wife had rash. Might explain why she tell me I needed to take injections for her kidney infection.

Keeping alert for more traps. Dug holes in front yard, covered with plastic, then covered plastic with lawn trimmings. Invisible. Now watching a lot of cat videos. Broken leg. Me, not cats. Traps too good. Wife say she getting tips from neighbor on caring for leg edema. Well, tell me she working with neighbor on his swollen member, but I know that she mean. Will provide next update after computer fixed. Keyboard issue remains. Stay tuned.
1037. Stolen victim's signature (9/2/2018)

My wife and I have a joint account in Wells Fargo Bank. About a decade ago, my wife opened a bank account of her own so that joint account was neglected. The account is maintained with certain amount of deposit because there is a safe box under its name. Anyhow, there was statement from bank every month.

Last September 2, my wife was arranged a travel. I think there was a plot to murder her and me. The significant event was N.Korea detonated a hydrogen bomb (as distraction)
(see #980, 981, 984). I also found the Feds had planted drug powder in newspaper to justify search and arrest.

When they could plant drug trace in newspaper, it's easy to plant powder in letter t. Thus I seldom touch those junk mails and utility mails.

In later July, my wife reminded me there was a wrongly addressed letter from Home Owners' Association to me. (see "1032. Removal of surveillance car (8/5/2018)") So I started to check the pile of unopened letters.

I found Wells Fargo Bank stopped mailing their monthly statement since March. That never happened before. Feds plotted a murder case in March (from 3/14 to 3/30) See "1012. Murder attempt on my wife three days later (3/27/2018)" The Feds used to kill their targets and loot their wealth, I told my wife to check what happened.

She went to Wells Fargo on 8/11, Saturday. They said the statements were held because the account was inactive and promised to print some checks for her next week.

That night near seven o'clock, someone knocked at the door. My wife said it's a salesman
from a company named "SFE"(Energy California, Inc.) It offers a three years plan program that customer pays a fixed monthly rate on natural gas to avoid tiered pricing. My wife has signed the agreement.

I view it as an intimidation from the Feds. A response to our inquiry on bank statements. It's a way to get the signature from the victim so they could loot their wealth by fake document with stolen signature. A dead victim can't verify her signature. I think so because the salesman came on Saturday night. Same day my wife visited Wells Fargo Bank. That "SFE" has no formal address. It is: P.O.BOX 967, BUFFALO, NY 14240-0967. I think it is a company run by the Feds. The main purpose is to get victims' signature.

25 years ago, I had a feeling that the Feds would have murdered me in September. So I quit the business. One month later, I found my worry was very true. The Feds create an event to get my new credit card. Since then I realize the Feds are mob like bands.


34. The lost Credit Card

I had a Visa card. About in September 1993, Visa card company said they would transfer my Visa card into GM Mastercard. I wonder why they did so and thought they might sold business to another company.

In Oct. 15, Visa card company gave me a letter, said that as one of select customers, they were sending me a Mastercard to replace Visa card. Usually this was a notice and customers would receive the card in a week or so. I didn't pay much attention on this because at that time, I felt pressure on my business. Newspaper said Mrs. Chen's drug case would be sentenced next week. Berryessa Flea Market announced there would be a Festival next week. There would be music, and free beer. I've been in Berryessa for nearly 10 years. It was the first time experience. Free beer reminded me of free entertainment of Disneyland for FBI agent. It seemed that they would close the drug case and had a celebration. I knew I was much more a target than any real criminals because I knew too much dark side of Federal law enforcement agency. I didn't know what they would do but expected there would be a violent end. So I abandoned my business that week.

In Nov. 24, GM Card co. mailed me a letter, reminding me they had sent me the card, and emphasized with bold letter that:" If you have not received your new card(s), please call our Lost/Stolen Dept. at......." The same sentence was put in an eye-catching box at the top of the letter. I called that number. Staff said they would cancel the lost card and mail me new one. Right next day, I received the letter contained new Mastercard. "What an efficiency!" I admired while calling Card company to confirm of receipt. To my surprise, I was interrogated by the staff for sometime. Then they told me the card number I confirmed was reported lost yesterday and should be the card due in my hands one month ago. I immediately realized someone surveying on my mail had held the credit card. They only released it when touched off by report lost phone call. That's why I got the lost mail next day to the phone call. The promised new card arrived nine days later.

Since then I was aware they even developed a system to steal from people. Everything was well planed in advance, they even could get a credit card of full amount from victim which the dead man could never verify. It may also explain why they are so easily kill innocent people: they can always 'profit' from it, either by credit card, cash or their collections. And it is the safest loot, no one will complain. All victims are dead people.
Thanks for sharing! I was missing my "fix." This is awesome. And its good to document this stuff publicly so that if anything happens you'll be covered. Mega kudos.