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May, June plot

dude maybe your wife is cheating on you
Hahaha...******* Antifa ******* couldn't ******* fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Them starting a civil war is a laugher. They would get crushed by the common hunter in this country without any need for the boys with the big guns to pop out.

....this break back to reality was brought to you by Mentos the fresh maker...

Antifa is just a tool of the Feds. It is used to justify a riot to distract public attention from a framed case created by the FBI. The violence didn't break out because they failed to frame me in drug case before Nov. 4. Similar things happened in 8/26. Only that's a different tool they used. You should realize how the Feds manipulate the politics in this country.

977. The end of August plot (8/27/2017)

On 8/22, PG&E man came again and replaced the gas meter of my neighborhood. I think it was a cover up job to my allegation in #974 "I saw him checked my neighborhood but my house was the only one he had worked at." Apparently they tried to make the replacement of my gas meter on Aug.3 not so prominent. That later work on my neighbor still doesn't explain why I was the only one had my gas meter replaced on Aug. 3 and other activities done by PG&E in August. (see #975)

On 8/26, the August plot ended. (because new plot developed?)

In framed case, the Feds used to prepare big events to distract public's attention. The distraction for August plot were:

1. Hurricane Harvey.
The storm made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane on Friday. By Aug. 26, it had weakened to a Category 1 storm.

2. Racial riot from Charlottesville.
"Berkeley’s far-right rally ‘called off,’ but residents still plan counter-actions
By Natalie Orenstein Aug. 26, 2017,"

"Leader of Right-Wing Group Cancels Planned San Francisco Rally
by PHIL HELSEL AUG 25 2017,"

If the Feds carry out the framed case, I think big riots would have happened all over the country. Charlottesville event and Hurricane Harvey were propagandized so much by media but now suddenly fade away.
991. The Feds frame the case day after day and night after night (11/15/2017)

In mid July 2017, when I felt the Feds planed to have a search and arrest in the name of "repair the garage door", I dug out the old garage door and replaced the worn out door with that old one. Next day, news said Trump was angry at Jeff Sessions and threatened to fire him. The threat works. The Feds carry out a series operations since. (see: "976. Sessions and garage door (8/21/2017)")

On 8/1, Christoph Ray was confirmed as Chief of FBI.

1. On 8/3, P.G.& E. replaced the gas meter of my house. I allege that's a preparation for a gas explosion. Same day a "Fed express" cart roaring into my lane with high speed, I think it meant they would go on with "repair the garage door" trick by damaging the door with high speeding cart.

Later, I found the Feds also prepared a distraction - A massive shooting deaths event. Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock had booked hotel room (8/2 - 8/5) in Chicago which overviewd the Lollapalooza music festival. (see #985)

2. 9/2 to 9/9, my wife was arranged a Canada tour. I predicted Korea war could be used as a distraction. On 9/3, Kim Jong Un did detonated a hydrogen bomb. (see #979) That proved it was just a puppet show.Not only my prediction has become true. But also there was a quick payment to N. Korea right after the nuke test.

South Korea approves $8 million aid to North Korea, timing to be decided later
Christine Kim SEPTEMBER 20, 2017


I think there was other secret deal between N.Korea and US.

3. 10/2 to 10/18, my wife was arranged another trip to Europe. The distracting event was the Las Vegas shooting. (shooting happened on 10:08 p.m., 10/1. Three hours before my wife's leaving time 0:55 a.m. 10/2)

Since there are unanswered questions in this shooting case, I think the Feds may develop it further to some big case in future.

4. 10/27 and 11/3, twice people were arranged to meet my wife at my door at night, I allege it was attempt to frame a drug case on me.
11/4 was a big protest day called for by Antifa. It was used as a distraction event.

"the left" says they will continue "day after day and night after night - not stopping - until their DEMAND is met.
Or rather it's the Feds' will to get me. On 11/7 and 11/12, two people visited my wife at night and talking with her at the door. All in Feds' framing style. (see #990)
Antifa is just a tool of the Feds. It is used to justify a riot to distract public attention from a framed case created by the FBI. The violence didn't break out because they failed to frame me in drug case before Nov. 4. Similar things happened in 8/26. Only that's a different tool they used. You should realize how the Feds manipulate the politics in this country.

Bullshit. If anything they're a socialist wannabe commie pinko anarchists kids funded group by Soros. They get paid to act stupid...FBI...hahahhaha...omg. that **** is funny
992. How to pass "Tax Reform" bill? (11/22/2017)

18 months ago, in #902, I wrote, "Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story." From August till now, the Feds work day and night to frame a case on me. Of course, there is another mission for them, to help the ruling class to escape from the coming economic crisis. For this, Trump pushes out a "Tax Reform".

GOP Tax Bill Mostly Benefits The Wealthy, Tax Policy Center Finds

Arthur Delaney,HuffPost• November 6, 2017

WASHINGTON ? The richest 1 percent of Americans would reap 48 percent of the benefits of Republican tax reform legislation, according to a new analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.


US already has a huge debt, that Tax Reform will add more on it. Before the debt mountain collapsing, they try to loot more for themselves in last minute. To get the Bill passing through, we saw Flake and Corker dropped out of the Senate race, then Roy Moore is revealed sex scandal, then Rand Paul was assaulted at Kentucky home by "acquaintance". All these are intimidations to GOP Senate, follow Donald Trump. Vote his way or otherwise, be Corker and Flake, or Rand paul, Roy Moore alike.

GOP Senators Believe Roy Moore's Accusers But Not Donald Trump's

Jennifer Bendery,HuffPost• November 14, 2017

Moore’s scandal has put his party in an incredibly uncomfortable predicament: the more Republicans say the allegations by five women against Moore are proof that he doesn’t belong in the Senate, the more hypocritical they look for ignoring the 16 women who have accused Trump of sexual assault and helping him become president.

So why do Republicans believe Moore’s accusers but not Trump’s? HuffPost spent Tuesday asking GOP senators why the situations are different. Few could offer a convincing argument, instead opting to shrug their shoulders, pivot or abruptly walk away.


That's the way how US government works.
Politicians are whipped to one direction by the Feds.
992. How to pass "Tax Reform" bill? (11/22/2017)

18 months ago, in #902, I wrote, "Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story."

Yet here you are, spreading the truth on a Pittsburgh Steelers message board. You are a brave soul, no doubt.
Quick Kat Sung, turn around! They're right behind you!



993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)

Again, the drug case is framed by the Feds(FBI and DEA) and Chinese secret police.

11/7, China got a payment:

Chinese 'most-wanted' fugitive returns seven years after fleeing to Canada
Reuters Reuters•November 7, 2017

He Jian, a manager in the northern province of Hebei who had fled in September 2010, becomes the 49th on a list of 100 most-wanted individuals to return,


11/8, Donald Trump arrived in China. A secret deal might have been made then.

11/23 was Thanks Giving holiday. My family members used to gather together having a dinner party with friends. About 15 years ago, when I had experienced a murder attempt case, (see #65) I learned the Feds planed to arrest all my acquaintances in holiday meeting, I never attend such party since. So was this Thanks Giving holiday.

While I was alone after supper, I went to computer. The window faces the entrance of the lane. Sitting before the computer, I was alarmed by sharp light from window. It was from a car parking at lane, The lane was narrow. Rarely people would park their car on passage, let alone to ejecting light on other's window. Obviously it was an intimidation. "We are watching you." or "We come to arrest you". It was a provocation. I left it alone. I believe the Feds got an "arrest warrant" on my relatives dinner party. The purpose was nobody would be free so they could perform a "suicide" on target in jail.

Later I learned there was a crash in Chinese stock market that day.

China to trigger WORLD FINANCIAL MELTDOWN: Shanghai stocks tumble to worst low in 18months

By DAVID DAWKINS Thu, Nov 23, 2017

The nation’s top 'blue chip' index stocks suffered their worst fall in 18 months in a collapse which will spark fresh fears of another global financial crisis.

The broader Shanghai Composite Index lost 2.26 percent to 3352.99 points, its worst day since December.


That was a short, mysterious crash and hadn't influenced world stock market later. I think the Feds had prepared a world financial meltdown to distract the attention on that "drug case arrest and death". Their complicit knew this and took advantage for this inside information. However, the main plot went soured. So it becomes an unique event.

The stock market is a cash box for the intelligence. We knew it from the story of American air line stock in 911 event.

65. Birthday Party on May 3 (5/10/2002)

After the house in San Francisco was burned down, my parents moved to Shanghai, China, live with my uncle. Two months ago(Mar. 2002), the house in Shanghai was said in a development plan and would be dismantled. It motivated my sister to buy a house for them to live. Last month (April), my youngest sister (B's wife) bought a house in Shanghai, within two weeks, another sister bought one, too. I think the deal cost my sisters a lot of money.

On April 28, I learned B would have a big birthday party on May 3. It's Friday. It was unusual. My family union are used to be on Saturdays and Sundays. People won't have to be in a hurry in holiday. Friday is a day fit for plot in jail. Jail won't do any bail work on week ends. So there are two extra days for agents to do 'suicide' job there. I recalled the house deal two weeks ago. Was that a pre-set to transfer victim's would be bail money? ( I am sensitive on this because I had experience, I'll tell the story later) I called B, telling him about my worry. He said he didn't do anything illegal so what I said was impossible, he won't change his decision. He talked a lot of how grateful he was to US because his success in business. My feeling is that he didn't talk to me, he talked to agent who monitored the phone call. We are first generation immigrant. We always use our native language when we talk. This time he spoke in English. I could feel he was in panic. He thinks he is innocent, he may obey everything agent tell him to do. Yet I know a lot of people like him have been killed. What I could do was to post my worry in my thread "64. My brother in law was targeted" (first posted on April 30)

I learned the plot was postponed on May 3, the day of the party held. There was a letter from credit card company that day with a renewal card inside. My wife's Visa card expired on 04/02. So a Renewal card should have been arrived in March. But they held the card until May 3rd when they knew the plan soured.
Next day was week end, my wife would shopping with it, they couldn't hold it anymore. (See my experience of credit card at "34. The lost credit card")
maybe you were meaning may june 2018?
993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)

Again, the drug case is framed by the Feds(FBI and DEA) and Chinese secret police.

11/7, China got a payment:

11/8, Donald Trump arrived in China. A secret deal might have been made then.

11/23 was Thanks Giving holiday. My family members used to gather together having a dinner party with friends. About 15 years ago, when I had experienced a murder attempt case, (see #65) I learned the Feds planed to arrest all my acquaintances in holiday meeting, I never attend such party since. So was this Thanks Giving holiday.

While I was alone after supper, I went to computer. The window faces the entrance of the lane. Sitting before the computer, I was alarmed by sharp light from window. It was from a car parking at lane, The lane was narrow. Rarely people would park their car on passage, let alone to ejecting light on other's window. Obviously it was an intimidation. "We are watching you." or "We come to arrest you". It was a provocation. I left it alone. I believe the Feds got an "arrest warrant" on my relatives dinner party. The purpose was nobody would be free so they could perform a "suicide" on target in jail.

Later I learned there was a crash in Chinese stock market that day.

That was a short, mysterious crash and hadn't influenced world stock market later. I think the Feds had prepared a world financial meltdown to distract the attention on that "drug case arrest and death". Their complicit knew this and took advantage for this inside information. However, the main plot went soured. So it becomes an unique event.

The stock market is a cash box for the intelligence. We knew it from the story of American air line stock in 911 event.

65. Birthday Party on May 3 (5/10/2002)

After the house in San Francisco was burned down, my parents moved to Shanghai, China, live with my uncle. Two months ago(Mar. 2002), the house in Shanghai was said in a development plan and would be dismantled. It motivated my sister to buy a house for them to live. Last month (April), my youngest sister (B's wife) bought a house in Shanghai, within two weeks, another sister bought one, too. I think the deal cost my sisters a lot of money.

On April 28, I learned B would have a big birthday party on May 3. It's Friday. It was unusual. My family union are used to be on Saturdays and Sundays. People won't have to be in a hurry in holiday. Friday is a day fit for plot in jail. Jail won't do any bail work on week ends. So there are two extra days for agents to do 'suicide' job there. I recalled the house deal two weeks ago. Was that a pre-set to transfer victim's would be bail money? ( I am sensitive on this because I had experience, I'll tell the story later) I called B, telling him about my worry. He said he didn't do anything illegal so what I said was impossible, he won't change his decision. He talked a lot of how grateful he was to US because his success in business. My feeling is that he didn't talk to me, he talked to agent who monitored the phone call. We are first generation immigrant. We always use our native language when we talk. This time he spoke in English. I could feel he was in panic. He thinks he is innocent, he may obey everything agent tell him to do. Yet I know a lot of people like him have been killed. What I could do was to post my worry in my thread "64. My brother in law was targeted" (first posted on April 30)

I learned the plot was postponed on May 3, the day of the party held. There was a letter from credit card company that day with a renewal card inside. My wife's Visa card expired on 04/02. So a Renewal card should have been arrived in March. But they held the card until May 3rd when they knew the plan soured.
Next day was week end, my wife would shopping with it, they couldn't hold it anymore. (See my experience of credit card at "34. The lost credit card")

Yoddling yelling yoddlers yet ying to yang yearly yip to the yee yes yellow yards yacks yacked up yummy yoke yorkie twice then Barry bumped the rubber baby billows bully bent by bubba backed backward broken Bentley beatles beautifully brokered but baring Barbara's beautiful backside.....the rubber meets the road.
994. "Supersonic weapon" (12/6/2017)

One week ago, I wrote #993, allege the Feds(FBI and DEA) colluding with Chinese secret police, planed a framed drug case on my relatives on Thanks Giving Day. Then I had diarrhea. At first I thought it might be caused by poisoned food. I reduced the variety of dishes to exclude suspicious poisoned food. Two days later, when I noticed the excrement were all in liquid style, I thought of "Super sonic weapon".

About two decades ago, the Feds applied EM wave weapons heavily on me, one was that "supersonic weapon". In a news paper article that introduced "Pentagon high technique weapon", it said the supersonic wave could break up the excrement in human's intestine into liquid. Intestine can't hold the water so people have to release it immediately. "Imagine in battlefield, when commander gives order to charge, the soldiers all have a loose stool and can't stand up."

The story faded away with time. Mainly it's hard to feel the existence of such a weapon. There is no other symptoms that can prove it. I think it is one kind of acoustic weapon. The principle is to use resonance frequency to break the excrement into liquid. People can not tell it from a natural bowel movement if the Feds not overly apply it on victims.

I view it as a punishment of revenge. That's common in Fed's practice. It proves my allegation - the Feds colluded with Chinese secret police are planing a framed drug case on my relatives.

994. "Supersonic weapon" (12/6/2017)

One week ago, I wrote #993, allege the Feds(FBI and DEA) colluding with Chinese secret police, planed a framed drug case on my relatives on Thanks Giving Day. Then I had diarrhea. At first I thought it might be caused by poisoned food. I reduced the variety of dishes to exclude suspicious poisoned food. Two days later, when I noticed the excrement were all in liquid style, I thought of "Super sonic weapon".

About two decades ago, the Feds applied EM wave weapons heavily on me, one was that "supersonic weapon". In a news paper article that introduced "Pentagon high technique weapon", it said the supersonic wave could break up the excrement in human's intestine into liquid. Intestine can't hold the water so people have to release it immediately. "Imagine in battlefield, when commander gives order to charge, the soldiers all have a loose stool and can't stand up."

The story faded away with time. Mainly it's hard to feel the existence of such a weapon. There is no other symptoms that can prove it. I think it is one kind of acoustic weapon. The principle is to use resonance frequency to break the excrement into liquid. People can not tell it from a natural bowel movement if the Feds not overly apply it on victims.

I view it as a punishment of revenge. That's common in Fed's practice. It proves my allegation - the Feds colluded with Chinese secret police are planing a framed drug case on my relatives.


Bubba Gump shrimp was a cover for the hydrophoil twin caserol pepto matrix. It soothes, it coats,but really what lies deep in that pink mint liquid? Mind control. Oh yeah. Deeper than a super sonic silver pladium super conductive capacitor ink. Can't go any deeper or I'd have to kill you. That's how it is at club wormhole. Sooner or later you got to hang em high or they'll take you down low. Put your shin guards on because aloe won't help. All of the EMP won't help you. This short don't circuit so don't even jerk it.
Plot #187

The government has secretly implanted computer chips in all circumcised males in this country. This allows the government to trigger sexual "feelings" and see/record all masturbation sessions by all circumcised men in this country.

So whatever you do Katsung, don't MASTURBATE. You are letting the government in to record everything about you. Just stop!
I thought I'd put this here since it involves the Rothchilds.


Rothschild: Donald Trump is threatening to destroy the New World Order
December 03, 2017

The Rothschilds have used their globalist media mouthpiece to declare that Donald Trump is threatening to destroy the New World Order, for good.Globalism propaganda tool and Rothschild family-owned publication, The Economist has branded the US President a “present danger” to the “New World Order,” and stated that the “internationalists” that formed it are “spinning in their graves.
“The Economist names Trump is the biggest threat to the “liberal” New World Order above other legitimate threats such as jihadism and terrorism, Communist Chinese expansion, and North Korean hostility.”

Perhaps the greatest danger at present is the incumbency of an American president who despises international norms, who disparages free trade and who continually flirts with abandoning America’s essential role in maintaining the global legal order,” writes The Economist.
Infowars reports: The globalist outlet refers to a book titled “The Internationalists,” to explain the origins of the “liberal international order” as a move to “make the waging of aggressive war illegal,” which is why it must be “defended like never before.”
“The rules-based international order that emerged from the wreckage of the second world war was a huge improvement on any preceding era,” states the article. “Yet liberal internationalism is now under attack from many sides. Donald Trump’s America First doctrine explicitly repudiates it.”The Economist describes how the Trump administration views the world stage, citing a piece written by two of Trump’s advisors in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.

“The world is not a ‘global community’ but an arena where nations, non-governmental actors, and businesses engage and compete for advantage,”
H.R. McMaster and Gary Cohn wrote. “We bring to this forum unmatched military, political, economic, cultural and moral strength. Rather than deny this elemental nature of international affairs, we embrace it.”

The Economist then makes the strange assertion that, despite being directly responsible for numerous wars and destabilizing coup attempts around the world, the New World Order is “better than any of the alternatives.”
“Of course, there are still plenty of wars,” it states. “In some ways, the New World Order, which has helped make international wars so much less imaginable, has inadvertently made possible more ‘intranational’ wars.”
“Fragile and fractious countries that would previously have feared being conquered by more powerful neighbors can now fall prey to civil wars or brutal insurgencies without bad actors fearing loss of the national territory they seek to control.”Non-state groups, such as Islamic State (a misnomer), can take and hold, at least for a while, territory from dysfunctional governments.”Well-meaning but ill-conceived wars to change odious regimes have sometimes gone badly wrong.”The magazine concludes by saying that the NWO architects of the past “must be spinning in their graves” considering how far Trump has already come and that he must be removed from office to preserve the New World Order.
Did the Rothschilds, acting thru the Feds, cause the issue in Katsung's swimming pool?

Are they the real reason that Katsung has diarrhea ?
Or just loose stool?

I mean those lazy, crazy Rothschilds could be sitting in Southern France, enjoying a nice Bourdeaux with their cheeseburgers, when the teenagers get out the EM box, start giggling until Papa Rothschild smiles and says "Oui": the kids hit the Greasy Button and WHAM, an electronic pulse goes around the whirled and Katsung is ******** his pants, again.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
995. Mayor's death (12/12/2017)

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee died suddenly today.

S.F. Mayor Ed Lee’s family history includes heart attack

By TRACY SEIPEL Bay Area News Group PUBLISHED: December 12, 2017 at 9:55 am

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee’s death early Tuesday morning after suffering an apparent heart attack echoes a family history of heart disease.
Coronary heart disease accounts for 1 in 7 deaths in America, killing more than 360,000 people a year.

The average age at the first heart attack is 65.3 years for males and 71.8 years for females.

Lee, who suffered a heart attack while shopping for groceries Monday night, was 65.


That news is more of a defense paper to justify Ed Lee's death is a natural decease. I allege it was a murder done by the Feds.(FBI and DEA)

Recently the Feds intensify their framed case on my family members and me. I think they planed an arrest on Thanks Giving Day family party. see "993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)" The party place is my sister's house in San Francisco. My relatives used to meet there on holidays. To perform a big arrest, s.F.P.D. would involved. Since it's a framed case, and a big one, they just eliminate every element of obstruction. Ed Lee obviously does not belong to that criminal group.

This is holiday season: Christmas Day, New Year's day are coming. So the Feds are working relentlessly for it.

The heart attack is a skilled murder weapon for the Feds.

802. Heart attack and E.M. wave (12/2/2013)

Twenty years ago, I suffered microwave attack. The Feds installed the killing machine in the car. After two hours radiation of low dose microwave, the blood cell died and solidify into blood clots. (see #5. Microwave killing) When the clot moves to the heart, there is a heart attack; when it moves to the lung, the lung collapsed; when it moves to the brain, there will be a stroke. The process from radiation to heart attack takes about three hours.

After twenty years development, the Feds have improved their killing technique. It took two hours radiation to kill two decades ago. Now it takes only a few seconds.

About two months ago, I went to Save Mart to shopping food by bicycle. In entrance way to Parking lot, there parked a strange vehicle. At first glance, I thought it was a fire tracker because it was in red color. But it was in a strange shape with some silver pipes to make it more like an antique car. What caught my notice was that part of parking lot which was nearby that red strange trucker was circled by stripe. It looked like they had just painted the white parking line on the ground. About three hours later, I felt a breast pain which I experienced twenty years ago. I immediately thought of that strange car and emptied nearby parking lot. I allege the strange car generates killing E.M. wave. Since the Feds bought nearly all houses in the area, the customers used to be scarce. Mostly they are informants. Still they divided a safety area. Of course, there was no people at the scene.

What alarmed me was the killing application lasted only a few seconds. I passed by that strange vehicle by riding a bicycle. They must have found the most lethal frequency of E.M. wave. I had no particular feeling when I passed that killing field. Just one thing remains the same ?it takes about three hours for blood cell to solidify to clot after the radiation.

The new experience convinced me two murder attempts.

1. Former President of China - Jiang Zemin was almost died of a heart attack.

.Jiang Zemin death rumours spark China web crackdown

7 July 2011

Rumours that 84-year-old Jiang Zemin was dead or dying resurfaced after he failed to appear at a key Communist Party event on Friday.


2. Former President of North Korea, Kim Jong-il died of heart attack.
Did Kim Jong-il die in his bed rather than on his train?

Rumour surrounds the North Korean leader's death as South Korean intelligence experts question the official statement

Tania Branigan in Beijing guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 21 December 2011


I think the Feds have delivered their new killing technique to their collaborator Chinese secret police. Be noticed the time of two rumours taking place.

When they could shorten the killing to a few seconds, to make a “natural death?of a president is no longer a difficulty.