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MAYHEM IN MILWAUKEE: Riots, fires break out after deadly shooting

Not hearing a lot about this part of it -
Video footage shows violent mobs of ‘Black Lives Matter’ rioters targeting white people for brutal beat downs during last night’s unrest in Milwaukee.
The clip shows angry rioters chanting “black power!” before asking “is they white?” as cars slowly drive past.
“Yeah they white!” states someone else, prompting the mob to run towards the vehicle.
“Yeah they white, get their ***!” screams another.
“Hey they beatin’ up every white person!” exclaims another rioter.
“He white – beat his head – *****!” he adds.
The footage appears to show the mob attacking cars and trying to drag out the drivers.
The footage then cuts to an upper floor window before the person shooting the video states, “I think they just beat some white ***** *** for no reason – they bust open the window.”

Another thug with a long arrest record, carrying a stolen gun, shot by police and the black community, instead of thanking police, they riot, burning down their own neighborhoods

Obama's America!

Milwaukee agitators shout ‘black power,’ attack white drivers

“He white! Beat his ****!” the man yelled.

#MilwaukeeLootCrew about to steal this cracker's car

We about to loot white owned businesses #MilwaukeeLootCrew



Milwaukee police say “the victim, 23, was armed with a handgun and shot dead by an officer after fleeing a traffic stop on Milwaukee’s north side Saturday afternoon,” NBC News reports.

The man allegedly had a “lengthy arrest record” and was carrying a semiautomatic handgun that was reported stolen in a burglary

That piece of **** cannot get out of office fast enough.
And they wonder why they can't get a job. Jive > Ebonics.
And they wonder why they can't get a job. Jive > Ebonics.

How he supposed to get his money?


Relatives of a teenaged home invader who was killed by a homeowner while seemingly exiting the home he had broken into are asking observers to consider the mentality of of children “raised in the hood.”

17-year-old Trevon Johnson was shot and killed after the 54-year-old woman homeowner was alerted to his crime via a home surveillance system. After arriving at her home, she witnessed Johnson exiting a window of her house. There was then a confrontation in which Johnson was shot once. Police arrived on the scene within seconds and applied CPR. After being rushed to the hospital, Johnson was pronounced dead.

Seemingly justifying her relative’s commission of burglary, Johnson’s cousin Nautika Harris suggested it was the only way through which he could obtain money.

“You have to understand, you have to look at it from a child's point of view that was raised in the hood. How he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school?" asked Harris.

"I don't care if she have her gun license, her rights, or any of that,” said Harris. “That is way beyond law. Way beyond."
Sherman Park area in Milwaukee is on the better side of bad areas. I have been to and through Sherman Park hundreds of times. Milwaukee is an area that is Racially Divided, been that way for a long time. This sort of event has been brewing for years in Milwaukee, excuse the pun. It really has been though.
That was quick.

The Wisconsin National Guard has been deployed to Milwaukee Sunday in response to violence and protests that erupted there overnight after a man was fatally shot by police.

"I have activated the Wisconsin National Guard to be in a position to aid local law enforcement upon request," Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said in a statement Sunday.

Volunteers spent the morning sweeping and picking up debris — including bricks, bottle and bullet casings — after about 100 protesters clashed with a couple of dozen officers in a predominantly black north Milwaukee neighborhood.

So years of cultivating black Americans as a dependent voting block by the left is turning out to not be a good thing. They can still blame it on "racist" Republicans I guess.Here is an interesting read on where we are headed.


And people wonder why there still is racism in America after 60 years of the war on poverty and trillions of dollars in entitlements. What we get in return is this and I for one am getting sick of it.

The clip shows angry rioters chanting “black power!” before asking “is they white?” as cars slowly drive past.

“Yeah they white!” states someone else, prompting the mob to run towards the vehicle.

The footage then cuts to an upper floor window before the person shooting the video states, “I think they just beat some white ***** *** for no reason – they bust open the window.”

Another clip shows a man trying to justify the violence by claiming that rich people don’t give blacks enough money.

Last night’s chaos will do nothing to change the view that ‘Black Lives Matter’ is a violent, domestic hate group, but despite this recurring theme, the movement has received positive coverage from the mainstream media and has been supported by President Obama himself on numerous occasions.

A country that allows a feral underclass to run unchecked, to attack and beat anyone it doesn’t like, to loot and burn and disrupt political rallies, to block highways and intimidate the citizenry, will not last. It is time to put an end to it. If we still can.

Look at them. They are the muck at the bottom of the national drains, stupid, half-educated at best, without regard for notions of law or democracy. Many couldn’t spell democracy. They need to be stopped, hard.

They do it because they can. They know there won’t be consequences because governments are afraid of them. They sense it and do as they please. They will do so increasingly. They are in charge, and they know it.

Cracking down appears to be beyond the powers of governments whose politicians will temporize, back away, make polite noises, and hope it doesn’t blow on their watch. If we have Hillary, she will do nothing. It is not clear that Trump could change much, though he would try.


The new Brown Shirts. Trump supporter being attacked by the mob. There is a large racial element in the social battleground no matter how much we pretend otherwise.

"Is they white ?".............yeh they white and they be armed.

On noes

Officer doing shooting Is BLACK!

Who will the media blame?
Why is this a story. A ******* POS criminal got killed being a criminal. There was three kids killed in the last week under the age of 7 in Philly from drive by ****. Did that make any news. Not really.
Why is this a story. A ******* POS criminal got killed being a criminal. There was three kids killed in the last week under the age of 7 in Philly from drive by ****. Did that make any news. Not really.

Its a ****** up situation. It appears this was a clean shoot but the anger in the public stems from all the other excessive force cases where police officers got away with breaking the laws. This is what I have warned against and why I harp on police accountability. It gives me no pleasure to say i told you so over this.
Police accountablility. How about civil order amounts the citizens, or accountability for POS in your community causing the grief - while trying to keep those that are good people not to suffer. A thankless job being a man/women in blue. No matter what you do your at fault.

With the riots ....it's just going to make it worse. Channeling my inner wig, police state. How quick was swat and national guard called.
Why is this a story. A ******* POS criminal got killed being a criminal. There was three kids killed in the last week under the age of 7 in Philly from drive by ****. Did that make any news. Not really.

Only if law enforcement shoots a criminal it's a story. Pretty sad to see communities act in violence. I say send in the national guard to bash some heads in
It gives me no pleasure to say i told you so over this.

I'm not sure I recall you warning that a black cop shooting an armed, black suspect would lead to the usual thievery and rioting.

These are not protests; this is a bunch of spoiled, self-centered, punk-*** thugs doing what they do best - breaking the law, assaulting taxpayers and stealing ****.
I like the BLACK police chief who said fix the ghettos, not the police.
I'm not sure I recall you warning that a black cop shooting an armed, black suspect would lead to the usual thievery and rioting.

These are not protests; this is a bunch of spoiled, self-centered, punk-*** thugs doing what they do best - breaking the law, assaulting taxpayers and stealing ****.

What I predicted was that the system would breakdown if we didn't start holding LEOs to the rule of law. What's happening in the black community will eventually get around to white people as well. People will be evermore mistrustful of police officers if we keep letting them get away with all the "Isolated incidents" of corruption and brutality.
What I predicted was that the system would breakdown if we didn't start holding LEOs to the rule of law. What's happening in the black community will eventually get around to white people as well. People will be evermore mistrustful of police officers if we keep letting them get away with all the "Isolated incidents" of corruption and brutality.

Diamond and Silk weigh in.

IMO, to even consider the notion that police work is the on the same stress level as pushing a broom in a janitorial role is senseless. The pure fact that police see and experience **** that the vast majority of us do not lends me the idea that when I'm communicating with police to not be a dick. These ******* most likely have little to no desire to pull your dumb *** over due to speeding or a busted tail light. Sure, there are some who get a hard-on to **** with "the little guy", but I'd have to guess that the majority know that if you have a busted tail light that you most likely can't afford a ticket on top of that - even if it is a safety issue. And, no, you do not have to talk to the cops, but why be inconsiderate? Those guys really don't give a **** if you're just driving around ... unless you're in a drug/prostitute area. Check your white privilege. Don't be a dick. Don't commit crime. You'll be ok.
IMO, Don't be a dick. Don't commit crime. You'll be ok.

That pretty much says most of it, but you also must give statements to the proper news media.

Video: Reporting In Milwaukee, CNN Spins 'Burn Down The Suburbs' Into A 'Call For Peace'!

On CNN.com, under the subhead, “Residents try to heal,” the article read:

Smith's sister Sherelle Smith condemned the violence, saying the community needs the businesses affected. "Don't bring that violence here," Neal, his other sister, said while sobbing.

That was all CNN reported. Again on CNN Newsroom this morning, correspondent Ana Cabrera reported that Sherelle Smith* was “calling for peace,” before playing just a few seconds of Smith’s words that left out the most damning part.'
Read more at http://politicsandfinance.blogspot....-milwaukee-cnn-spins.html#GvHtIvPqiwaX92el.99


What's the update in Milwaukee? I haven't even bothered to follow this rioting bs this time. Too much violence this summer
I don't think there is an update. Cooler heads must of prevailed.
I guess the "protesters" determined that burning down their neighborhood, contrary to all academic research, does not contribute to a better quality of life.