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Member of Congress and Aide shot this morning

A Bernie Sanders guy. Nice . All of the hate ,assassination threats, plays and cut off heads. You're reaping what you plant in the masses. Division and hate.
Current gun control enabled both the perpetrator and victim to have guns. BETTER gun control would prevent the perpetrator from having one in the first place. You can argue against the ability to effectively control guns, but the idea of better gun control is not without merit.

You mean like the raging success that is Chicago? How stupid can you be if you think violating ANOTHER gun law would stop criminals?
DC is a gun free zone, right? Yeah, I know this was in VA, but the majority of the Congress lives in DC, right? So they wouldn't carry- unless it's OK to cross into DC with a gun.
All I know is that the democrat politicians are out there trying to whip up a frenzy with their constituents. The ones we have here in Oregon are having town hall meetings a preaching their hate about once a month now. Before you'd hardly ever see them. That one senator (Wyden) that had the exchange yesterday with Sessions wasn't even listening to him he was just ranting and raving. Especially when he said something to Sessions and Sessions said something back and then Wyden said he was waiting for his answer. Then Sessions said what is your question? And Wyden said why did you sign the memo recommending Comey get fired when at the same time you recused yourself from the Russian investigation. Sessions told him, again, the reason he recommended the firing was of Comey's handling of the Clinton investigation. Duh [video]https://www.facebook.com/LibertyWriters/videos/vb.433261566868387/685392121655329/?type=2&theater&notif_t=like&notif_id=1497473695228745[/video]
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Was Wyden the one with the Elmer Fudd accent?
#Resist #Mot my President

Soros funding AntiFa and other left anarchist groups is the root of this.
Was Wyden the one with the Elmer Fudd accent?

I don't know if it's Fuddled or not. He's the tall, goofy looking twit. His exchange with Sessions is in my above post at the end of my comments.
Gee, the left normalizes, even praises violence against republicans - these "demonstrations", mainstream entertainers saying and doing previously unheard of things towards the sitting president, a PUBLICLY FUNDED THEATER COMPANY essentially killed Trump in effigy in their latest production... Big shock that these goofy lefties would take the next step. More to come, I'm sure, because I am hearing no talk of throttling back the rhetoric.
Oh, STFU. See: Alex Jones - Comet Pizza

You are coming unglued. Check yourself...before you wreck yourself, and all that.

And the left has become a religious cult and a dark, disturbing place, wrought with violence?

Kathy and Donald's severed head
Berkeley Riots (plural)
Trump Rallies across the country and Soros-funded demonstrators
Snoop Dog's Assasination of Trump on Video
Violent protesters on campuses nationwide destroying property
BLM assassination of police officers
Baltimore Riots
Shakespeare in the Park simulation of Trump Assassination
DC Riots after the election and the ensuing 200+ felonies issued
Madonna wanting to blow up the White House

****, that was off the top of my head at 1AM after getting home from a business trip with no research.

You really wanna try to deny that the Left isn't a violent religion today? Hell I could do research and fill 14 pages if you'd like.

A Liberal today picked up a gun...and if it weren't for 2 heroic cops, would have killed up to or over a dozen GOP lawmakers in his assassination attempt. A Liberal attempted assassinations today. Does this not move the needle for you on where we all are? Where Liberals are? Maybe not...you laugh at kids being killed by illegal aliens. I'm speaking to the wrong audience, obviously.

When was the last time someone from the Right attempted an assassination of a political figure?

This powder keg is getting pretty close to blowing.
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To add to what Tim has said look at the language of the left. Resist, privilege, Bash the Fash, Republicans want you to die. It's coming from the top of Neo-Socialist leadership in the DNC and it's designed to whip up the malcontents in the DNC base. It's supposed to provoke action that intimidates conservatives. But conservatives are resolved to fight now, we'd rather die on our feet than live on our knees.
They are going to keep running that play. http://nypost.com/2017/06/14/julius-caesar-to-continue-despite-mounting-controversy/

I'm trying to imagine how long that play would last if it were Obama instead of Trump being assassinated. Then what would happen if a wacky right winger shot at a bunch of democrats.

The tolerance for this behavior is surreal. In a really bad way.

Of course they are. Gotta keep the plebs whipped up. They want violence against conservatives. This is the new strategy until further notice. They control the MSM so they are hoping to get a situation where there is an attack by a mob of their minions that is met with gunfire from the intended victim so they can point and say "see how violent the right is?"
reading those comments is why Trump was elected, but they are too stupid to keep their mouths shut. They are everything that they claim Trump and Congress to be. It's laughable and very sad.
I can't link it, but there's a good article on Brietbart on how this putzy little ball of hate had the same views as mainstream libtards.
keep in mind... violence was perfectly fine and even encouraged when BLM was doing this.


Sanders Of Supporter And Alleged Shooter: 'Violence Of Any Kind Is Unacceptable'

June 14, 20172:43 PM ET

Sen. Bernie Sanders, who led a progressive, left-wing populist effort that very nearly won him the Democratic presidential nomination, condemned the shooting Wednesday at a congressional baseball practice — and acknowledged the suspect was apparently a supporter of his campaign.

"I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign," the Vermont independent said in brief remarks on the Senate floor. "I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be — violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society, and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs counter to our most deeply held American values."

He continued, wishing for the speedy recovery of Republican Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise, congressional staffers and Capitol Police Officers who were shot. Scalise and others were practicing in a quiet Washington suburb for Thursday's Congressional Baseball Game that pits Democrats against Republicans.

The alleged shooter — identified by two federal law enforcement sources as James Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Ill. — is dead. He was strongly anti-Trump, according to various reports.

Trump responded to the incident, calling for calm: "We may have our differences, but we do well in times like these to remember that everyone who serves in our nation's capital is here because, above all, they love our country."

Rhetoric during the 2016 presidential campaign, though, was hyperbolic on both extremes. There was notable online harassment from so-called "Bernie Bros," and Trump himself got Secret Service attention when he said this at a rally about Hillary Clinton: "If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don't know."

There was even a man who went to a pizzeria in Washington and fired shots inside because he believed a completely fabricated story about a child-sex ring. (The conspiracy theorist, Trump-supporting radio host who promulgated the story eventually apologized and admitted it was fake.) And in early June, a man shouted anti-Muslim hate speech at two women on a train and stabbed three bystanders, killing two of them.

Politicians are often able to move on from the rhetoric. To them, the words are just part of the game. But the broader concern has always been their effect on vulnerable or unstable people.

The timeline for politics creeping in after these tragedies has been shortened to almost immediately after. So, perhaps it's not surprising it already is.

At a news conference this morning with Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe, he brought up background checks and closing gun-show loopholes (before anything was publicly known about the shooter). McAuliffe is in a state with some of the most lax gun regulations in the country.

It always happens — after Newtown, Conn.; after Aurora, Colo.; after former Rep. Gabby Giffords was shot at a constituent event.

President Obama defended doing so after Newtown: "Are we really prepared to say that we're powerless in the face of such carnage, that the politics are too hard?"
It's perhaps not surprising that this is where we are as a society. Social media and campaigns have pitted people against each other, painting them with broad brushes that result in pictures that are caricatures barely resembling real life.

(Just check out how people are already responding to the fact that this was a Sanders supporter.)

Get ready — this is only the beginning.
The Elfpig 21 and Tibtard must still be busy celebrating this glorious event.
The Elfpig 21 and Tibtard must still be busy celebrating this glorious event.

I doubt it. I bet they are somewhere stewing and fuming that this ******* didn't go after Trump.