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Mid-terms 2014

My county and a neighboring county run about 3-to-1 Democrat in registration but Republicans won virtually every seat where they had a candidate and carried the county for the statewides even if the governor lost. In the neighboring county a long-time Democrat state senator was taken out by a Republican lady candidate with no previous political experience.

The latest Gallup on such matters has 42% registered as "independents", most affecting the registration of pubbies. And yet with the 3-1 registered pos the pubbies win. That tells us that while pubbies are moving to independent registration, they're still voting pubbie.

I've been independent for decades. I ALWAYS vote for the pubbie. But I'm not voting "pubbie" - I'm voting against the pos. I think that is a widespread phenomenon. The midterms certainly isn't a pubbie "wave" or anything that could be confused as a wave. Hopefully (but doubtful) the pubbie "brain trust" recognizes that. There is a mandate - "destroy the pos". If they look really closely they might find clues.

Gallup runs an annual poll on the political landscape. It runs 40% conservative / <20% liberal / rest independent. The numbers break the same among the independents. That says that >50% of the respondents identify themselves as conservative. Therin lies the explanation - not party affiliation of voter registrants. And that is among the reasons that the pos is so desperate to get the illegals "legal". They don't have the numbers.

2008 was about "anything anti-Booooosch". And we got a carney man. 2012 was a wholesale theft and we "reelected" the carney man. 2010 and 2014 were the conservative backlashes.

The pubbies could win every election until the end of time if they'd stick to "Contract with America" messages, and deliver the goods. 53% of the electorate is standing there listening for the message. Energize dey *****.
The latest Gallup on such matters has 42% registered as "independents", most affecting the registration of pubbies. And yet with the 3-1 registered pos the pubbies win. That tells us that while pubbies are moving to independent registration, they're still voting pubbie.

I've been independent for decades. I ALWAYS vote for the pubbie. But I'm not voting "pubbie" - I'm voting against the pos. I think that is a widespread phenomenon. The midterms certainly isn't a pubbie "wave" or anything that could be confused as a wave. Hopefully (but doubtful) the pubbie "brain trust" recognizes that. There is a mandate - "destroy the pos". If they look really closely they might find clues.

Gallup runs an annual poll on the political landscape. It runs 40% conservative / <20% liberal / rest independent. The numbers break the same among the independents. That says that >50% of the respondents identify themselves as conservative. Therin lies the explanation - not party affiliation of voter registrants. And that is among the reasons that the pos is so desperate to get the illegals "legal". They don't have the numbers.

2008 was about "anything anti-Booooosch". And we got a carney man. 2012 was a wholesale theft and we "reelected" the carney man. 2010 and 2014 were the conservative backlashes.

The pubbies could win every election until the end of time if they'd stick to "Contract with America" messages, and deliver the goods. 53% of the electorate is standing there listening for the message. Energize dey *****.

Great post...I would like to know or if you can expand how the 2012 election was theft? Not being smartass because I agree with everything else you posted. Thanks.
The Democrats are counting on the Hispanics being the fastest growing voting block. They are wrong. The 65 and over are the fastest growing voting block. .........and they vote conservative.

I think it was Polo or Vis that claimed that conservatives are screwed. Not so fast.
Great post...I would like to know or if you can expand how the 2012 election was theft? Not being smartass because I agree with everything else you posted. Thanks.
A number of precincts ONLY in urban areas (i.e. hardcore Democrat) and ONLY in swing states had a 100% turnout or slightly higher ;) and voted 100% straight-ticket Democrat. ;)
Great post...I would like to know or if you can expand how the 2012 election was theft? Not being smartass because I agree with everything else you posted. Thanks.


Where they control precincts, they control outcome. That there were large numbers of precincts in NE cities that went 100% bho tells the story.

As an anecdote, my better half and her Mother were pubbie observers during the infamous Florida recount in 2000. Our county was controlled by the pos. They were chucking whole boxes of ballots from pubbie precincts as "frauds" because they knew it would be tied up in the courts for years even if the pubbies pursued it. And they still lost by 500 votes. What they learned from that bitter defeat they applied to subsequent thefts.

Believe this. They'll be back in a fury in 16 after the beating they took in 14. One hopes the pubbies are prepared.

A number of precincts ONLY in urban areas (i.e. hardcore Democrat) and ONLY in swing states had a 100% turnout or slightly higher ;) and voted 100% straight-ticket Democrat. ;)

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ron Burgundy again.
That should be a halloween mask. It causes shrinkage.
It made me throw up in my mouth a little.
BTW, the aforementioned state senator elect is a looker. Camera Bartolotta. I've met her. She looks better in person. My state senator is hotter than your Alaska governor. As Ike Taylor would say, "Holey moley!"

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The Democrats are counting on the Hispanics being the fastest growing voting block. They are wrong. The 65 and over are the fastest growing voting block. .........and they vote conservative.

I think it was Polo or Vis that claimed that conservatives are screwed. Not so fast.

Another good reason to get those death panels installed. Chop chop people.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ron Burgundy again.

Yeah this rep system sucks. You should probably hit me just to be sure it works at all.
Don't forget all the illegal votes in '12 cast by immigrants and unregistered welfare recipients who were not required to show ID.
I watched the MSNBC coverage of the election - the meltdown was hilarious!

Yeah this rep system sucks. You should probably hit me just to be sure it works at all.


'You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Rod Farva again.'
It's not over yet

GOP adds another Senate seat as Sullivan wins Alaska

Republican candidate Dan Sullivan defeated Democratic incumbent Sen. Mark Begich in Alaska’s U.S. Senate race Wednesday.

The win gives the GOP eight Senate pickups in the midterm elections. The party is also seeking a ninth seat in Louisiana’s runoff in December.


Gallup: Democrats’ Popularity Hits All-Time Low

The evidence continues to mount that the midterm elections weren’t a fluke, but a wave. Gallup released survey data Tuesday showing the American people overwhelmingly want Republicans to lead the nation’s agenda by a margin of 53 to 36 percent over President Barack Obama. New Gallup data shows just how unpopular Democrats are across the board with the public.

Just 36 percent of Americans view the Democratic Party favorably, an all-time low, down from 51 percent just 2 years ago and 42 percent just last month.

Republicans, conversely, have seen a dramatic turnaround in their favorability. The GOP enjoys a 42 percent favorability rating, up from their all-time low of just 28 percent during last year’s government shutdown. Gallup has President Obama’s approval rating at 41.5 percent.

Former Speaker of the House and Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told Politico, “There was no wave of approval for the Republicans. I wish them congratulations, they won the election, but there was no wave of approval for anybody. There was an ebbing, an ebb tide, for us.” Gallup’s data suggests otherwise.

I seriously think the woman is getting Alzheimer's. Harry Reid too. They're either delusional or they know the Democrat sheep will swallow every word hook line and sinker.

Id almost say that freedom of speech shouldn't apply to the douchetards in the house. Gerrymandering has allowed the most hardcore fucktarded assclowns to have seats there. Pelosi just happens to be queen of the insipid assclownery. Call a spade a spade... the Repubs whooped the Dems *** because just like with Bush's second term, the party failed to accomplish anything worthwhile to the majority of people in this country. She will be out of power before the 2016 elections and 10 years from now no one will remember her name.
I seriously think the woman is getting Alzheimer's. Harry Reid too. They're either delusional or they know the Democrat sheep will swallow every word hook line and sinker.

I heard Moosechelle is in a state of depression.

Depressed Michelle Obama "Holed Up" In Bedroom

WASHINGTON (WNB) - White House sources say a depressed First Lady Michelle Obama has been locked in her bedroom since Tuesday night with a quantity of Ben & Jerry's 'Chunky Monkey' ice cream and several canned hams.

"Barry and Mooch had a big argument and she locked herself in the bedroom. I know she's still in there because I hear her farting," said the source

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Oh yeh...

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Chalk up another one

Democratic Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu defeated

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy has defeated Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu, denying her a fourth term and extending the GOP's domination of the 2014 midterm elections that put Republicans in charge of Capitol Hill for the final two years of President Barack Obama's tenure.

With Cassidy's victory, Republicans will hold 54 seats when the Senate convenes in January, nine more than they have now. Republican victories in two Louisiana House districts Saturday — including the seat Cassidy now holds — ensure at least 246 seats, compared to 188 for Democrats, the largest GOP advantage since the Truman administration after World War II.

Now let's see what they do with the majority. If they scrap Obammacare, pass a budget that actually cuts the deficit and holds the Presidents feet to the fire on immigration it would be great. I don't have much faith in the GOP doing that though.
Now let's see what they do with the majority. If they scrap Obammacare, pass a budget that actually cuts the deficit and holds the Presidents feet to the fire on immigration it would be great. I don't have much faith in the GOP doing that though.

Maybe they will also bottle unicorn farts that cure cancer?
Now let's see what they do with the majority. If they scrap Obammacare, pass a budget that actually cuts the deficit and holds the Presidents feet to the fire on immigration it would be great. I don't have much faith in the GOP doing that though.

They won't do nuthin' 'D'. They still don't have enough votes to stop a veto and the "McCain's Rhino's" votes will be enough to keep the Dems agenda alive.