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Mike Rowe for President


Steeler fanatic trying to survive modern society
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Lebanon, OH (Near Kings Island)
I follow him on facebook and am always impressed with his posts. My Wife thinks he is hot go figure.

His latest post seems spot on. I think he would make a great President.

Mike Rowe
2 hrs · Edited ·

Hey Mike

Your constant harping on “work ethic” is growing tiresome. Just because someone’s poor doesn’t mean they’re lazy. The unemployed want to work! And many of those who can’t find work today, didn’t have the benefit of growing up with parents like yours. How can you expect someone with no role model to qualify for one of your scholarships or sign your silly “Sweat Pledge?” Rather than accusing people of not having a work-ethic, why not drop the right-wing propaganda and help them develop one?

Craig P.

Hi Craig, and Happy Sunday!

I’m afraid you’ve overestimated the reach of my foundation, as well as my ability to motivate people I’ve never met. For the record, I don’t believe all poor people are lazy, any more than I believe all rich people are greedy. But I can understand why so many do.

Everyday on the news, liberal pundits and politicians portray the wealthy as greedy, while conservative pundits and politicians portray the poor as lazy. Democrats have become so good at denouncing greed, Republicans now defend it. And Republicans are so good at condemning laziness, Democrats are now denying it even exists. It's a never ending dance that gets more contorted by the day.

A few weeks ago in Georgetown, President Obama accused Fox News of “perpetuating a false narrative” by consistently calling poor people “lazy.” Fox News denied the President’s accusation, claiming to have only criticized policies, not people. Unfortunately for Fox, The Daily Show has apparently gained access to the Internet, and after a ten-second google-search and a few minutes in the edit bay, John Stewart was on the air with a devastating montage of Fox personnel referring to the unemployed as “sponges,” “leeches,” “freeloaders,” and “mooches.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/…/daily-shows-jon-stewart-bu…/

Over the next few days, the echo chamber got very noisy. The Left howled about the bias at Fox and condemned the one-percent, while the Right shrieked about the bias at MSNBC and bemoaned the growing entitlement state. But through all the howling and shrieking, no one said a word about the millions of jobs that American companies are struggling to fill right now. No one talked the fact that most of those jobs don’t require an expensive four-year degree. And no one mentioned the 1.2 trillion dollars of outstanding student loans, or the madness of lending money we don’t have to kids who can’t pay it back, educating them for jobs that no longer exist.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

You wrote that, “people want to work.” In my travels, I’ve met a lot of hard-working individuals, and I’ve been singing their praises for the last 12 years. But I’ve seen nothing that would lead me to agree with your generalization. From what I’ve seen of the species, and what I know of myself, most people - given the choice - would prefer NOT to work. In fact, on Dirty Jobs, I saw Help Wanted signs in every state, even at the height of the recession. Is it possible you see the existence of so many unfilled jobs as a challenge to your basic understanding of what makes people tick?

Last week at a policy conference in Mackinac, I talked to several hiring managers from a few of the largest companies in Michigan. They all told me the same thing - the biggest under reported challenge in finding good help, (aside from the inability to “piss clean,”) is an overwhelming lack of “soft skills.” That’s a polite way of saying that many applicants don’t tuck their shirts in, or pull their pants up, or look you in the eye, or say things like “please” and “thank you.” This is not a Michigan problem - this is a national crisis. We’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skill, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work.

These are the people you’re talking about Craig, and their number grows everyday. I understand you would like me to help them, but how? I’m not a mentor, and my foundation doesn’t do interventions. Do you really want me to stop rewarding individual work ethic, just because I don’t have the resources to assist those who don’t have any? If I’m unable to help everyone, do you really want me to help no one?

My goals are modest, and they’ll remain that way. I don’t focus on groups. I focus on individuals who are eager to do whatever it takes to get started. People willing to retool, retrain, and relocate. That doesn’t mean I have no empathy for those less motivated. It just means I’m more inclined to subsidize the cost of training for those who are. That shouldn’t be a partisan position, but if it is, I guess I’ll just have to live with it.


PS. The Sweat Pledge wasn’t supposed to be partisan either, but it’s probably annoyed as many people as its inspired. I still sell them for $12, and the money still goes to mikeroweWORKS. You can get one here, even if you’re not applying for a scholarship. http://profoundlydisconnected.com/foundation/poster/

PPS. If you’d like Craig, I’ll autograph one for you!
I have followed Mike Rowe for years, he is the real deal. He tells it like it is, and most people do not want to hear it. We could use a few million more Americans just like him.
Mike Rowe is good people, always like him.
Had this discussion with someone I work with the other day. We were discussing sending our kids to school and I allowed that the advice I had given my son and my daughter was not to go to college unless they were going to study something that translated directly into job skills like Engineering, Computer Science and the Medical Fields. I told both of them that they would be better off getting a VoTech education rather than going to college and getting a degree in Art History or Womyns Studies because people still pay money to folks that know how to do things like HVAC and Auto Repair. The guy I was talking to said he had had the same talk with his kid but he had doubts about weather his kid wanted to do anything that didn't involve sitting at a computer. The discussion turned to how so many people today don't want to get their hands dirty they just want to push around paper in an office and BS with their friends at the water cooler. And I think that it is true about the work ethic we used to have, in many cases even people willing to hit the door in the morning and report to work don't want jobs that require labor they want a position that requires little effort.
All very true.

As a retail manager my biggest challenges were finding drivers with clean driving records and people who could get their butts to work on time or not call off sick on a regular basis. I also routinely had people come in to a job interview with a list prepared of things they refused to do.

In my interview with the owner he asked me what type of things I had done at my last job, I said "I've done everything from scrubbing toilets to selling $10,000 parties." He hired me on the spot. Meanwhile I'm interviewing someone with little work experience who's been unemployed for a year and they're telling me "I don't clean or sweep floors or stay late or work weekends".
That guy is great. I have his Sweat Pledge on the wall in my office.
I'm going to echo everyone's sentiment on Mike Rowe.
It's been hard for me to hire people for entry level service work ever since my company started drug testing. Been kind of up against it lately so I put my economics degree to use and raised prices across the board in order to get rid of some less profitable clients and me and my employees make more money from the ones we have left. If you have more work than you have employees available to service then you are not charging enough. See, I see in real life every day that everyone wants to make more money but real customers don't want to spend real money. Bomma's welfare reform has made it too attractive to simply sit home and collect welfare. I'm in the process of raising my regular customers' regular prices to my target hourly rate and if they don't want to pay, then **** it I'll find someone who will. Had this same conversation today with the owner of an auto shop where I do business and he feels the same way I do.
It's been hard for me to hire people for entry level service work ever since my company started drug testing. Been kind of up against it lately so I put my economics degree to use and raised prices across the board in order to get rid of some less profitable clients and me and my employees make more money from the ones we have left. If you have more work than you have employees available to service then you are not charging enough. See, I see in real life every day that everyone wants to make more money but real customers don't want to spend real money. Bomma's welfare reform has made it too attractive to simply sit home and collect welfare. I'm in the process of raising my regular customers' regular prices to my target hourly rate and if they don't want to pay, then **** it I'll find someone who will. Had this same conversation today with the owner of an auto shop where I do business and he feels the same way I do.

Have you looked into offering a deal on Angie's List or Groupon? You can set the bar high to weed out the bottom feeders.
Burgundy is an evil 1%er.
Have you looked into offering a deal on Angie's List or Groupon? You can set the bar high to weed out the bottom feeders.

Other franchises in my company tried Groupon and it didn't work out well for them since Groupon wants too big a discount and my profit largely depends on repeat business not a huge one-time discount to people who will never call again. I am on Angie's List as an advertising mechanism but that's all. Costs $83.99 a month. I weed out the bottom feeders by not discounting jack ****. When I do put a coupon out it only applies to repeat business. I greatly lowered my stress level by adopting a passive-aggressive approach, take what business comes my way, and adjusting my workload to be commensurate with my income under Obamunism. When anyone has anything to say about it, whether someone in my company or a potential customer who thinks I charge too much, my standard answer is that if you don't like it this company is for sale and you are welcome to write me a check and run it your way. Been openly for sale for three years and no offers yet.
Why not, we could throw in Bobcat Goldthwait as well