I think we have an idea of what Tomlin has been trying to do. I think he wants a team that can be a running team one week, a passing team the next and do both well. Be multidimensional, like the Pats were with Brady. The problem is they have never been able to pull it off for one reason or another.I've said this for a few years now. Nothing ever changes with these guys during the season. Nothing. They say it all the time. We're going to stick with what we're doing. We won't alter what we do. I don't see us changing much, just some tweaks. Just terminology like that all the time. I stopped watching the press conference stuff years ago. It's the same song and dance. Just "coach speak".
Cowher was absolutely given a restocked team and he carried that physical we will make you pay for every yard against us. We will run the football.
We don't have anything that resembles Pittsburgh Steeler Football in my opinion.
Following "The Standard" is a nice catch phrase, but they don't have a clue what that's about. That brand of football is what most Steeler fans love. Certainly all of us long time fans.
Going to need some new coaches and probably a new GM to get back what's been lost. That's probably going to take some time. They didn't get this way overnight.
You know this, for the 90s, Cowher setting up his teams that way would get you into the playoffs, to AFCC games or even the SB, but was never quite enough to get over the top. Teams with more refined passing games, or more multidimensional, would beat them. Then he got Ben.
So anyway, I think I have seen what he is trying to do. He has failed. Maybe it is time to try to see if someone else can.