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More cops shot


Shep Smith: “Why would you say such a controversial statement, when it is so offense to blacks.”

Jindal again: “ALL LIVES MATTER”

Smith, all in a huff, just told Jindal that the interview has ended.

Turn OFF Fox ******* news!
Shep is a complete *******. Fox is still number 1 for news but not Shep. He sounds like a left wing loon saying you can't use "all lives matter". That upsets some people. Well, sorry Shep, but "black lives matter" was started under false pretenses and has been calling for the killing of police since its inception. Saying BLM upsets more people than saying the right thing, ALL LIVES MATTER! **** you, Shep!
Dead Baton Rouge suspect identified as a ‘black male' named Gavin Eugene Long of Kansas City

News refuses to show his picture
SNS EmergencyActionAlert! ...social media being scrubbed of all references to his Black Panther Muslim name....it's a full blown blackout clampdown by the Reichstag Justice Dept!

we will now return you to your previous programming
So when a Muslim terrorist attacks and kills, Bammy will not call it "Islamic Terrorism."

When a white officer shoots an unarmed black man - even when justified as in the Michael Brown case - Bomma will have his AG pursue hate crimes, or he will call it racism.

When a group of black men attack and beat a Marine nearly to his death while shouting "Black Lives Matter!", B. Hussein and his AG will NOT label it a hate crime.

When BLM assassins target and shoot white cops, stating point black "I want to Kill White People," Bamster says we can't begin to understand the shooter's motives. Despite the national police request to investigate the shootings in Dallas a hate crime, O and Cankles won't do so.

150,000 people have asked the White House to list BLM as a terrorist organization. Nope. Won't do it. Despite 8 officers assassinated within days in different cities, not to mention countless other shootings at and other attacks of officers across the country.

Today, in speaking after the Baton Rouge cop killings, not once would he call it a hate crime, or say it was racially motivated.

See a trend?


Obama on Baton Rouge: We need to 'temper our words and open our hearts'

The President said a fourth police officer in Baton Rouge remains in critical condition and that the killer's motive was still unknown.

Any fool that steps in this thread and tries to say he's not dividing this country is, well, a fool.

Soon, people are going to start attacking BLM and begin shooting back. Like a referee that can't get a physical game under control, this Oministration refuses to lead and divisions rise. Violence is going to escalate.
SNS sleuthing to the rescue!

Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ On YouTube Channel

Videos on Long’s account show that he was a former Nation of Islam member. He also ranted against “crackers” and made references to Alton Sterling

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/17/b...ckers-on-youtube-channel-video/#ixzz4EiKHdpjs


Just like I perdicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So now you know the reason for the media blackout
blacks should be fed up with blacks killing blacks....that is a bigger issue than the handful killed by cops. Cops kill more whites than blacks....there are videos of those cases, but since it doesn't incite the masses like when the poor "innocent" blacks are killed they do not get national attention. There are bad cops and they must be charged when possible. But in most of the cases that make national news and result in these blm protests, if the "victim" had just ******* listened to the police they would likely be alive today...in jail, but alive.

Whites are killed more because they are the overwhelming majority. That is not the point, even though you cherry picked that topic out of the whole statement lol...Blacks are 13% roughly of the population, but nearly equal death by cops when comparedo to whites..
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Whites are killed more because they are the overwhelming majority. That is not the point, even though you cherry picked that topic out of the whole statement lol...Blacks are 13% roughly of the population, but nearly equal death by cops when comparedo to whites..

There will be more blacks killed by other blacks in Chicago this year than every black killed by police. Where is the outrage?
The shooter was a black dude, but it has nothing to do with race.

Moronic statement.

The fact that it was another BLM supporter and former Nation of Islam member (their track record with regards to white folks speaks for itself) makes it race based. The fact that he has published YouTube videos ranting about crackers makes it racist. The fact that he made references to Alton Sterling tips you off as well.

The only difference between these assassinations in Baton Rouge and Dallas is that the Dallas shooter explicitly said he wanted to kill white people.
There will be more blacks killed by other blacks in Chicago this year than every black killed by police. Where is the outrage?

Actually there is outrage. You are just not in the area..Some of these cops are killing people, and get off Scott free. The thugs in Chicago go to jail..
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Actually there is outrage. You are just not in the area..

Or the media isn't interested in telling us.
****, now I'm sounding like the guy who owns my favorite bar. And I thought I was paranoid. He makes wig sound absolutely sane by comparison.
Whites are killed more because they are the overwhelming majority. That is not the point, even though you cherry picked that topic out of the whole statement lol...Blacks are 13% roughly of the population, but nearly equal death by cops when comparedo to whites..

and you also cherry picked....more blacks are killed by blacks than by cops.....way more.....an innocent bystander was killed in a drive by aimed at three teens he happened to be walking past.....when will the protest be held for this?
Shep is a complete *******. Fox is still number 1 for news but not Shep. He sounds like a left wing loon saying you can't use "all lives matter". That upsets some people. Well, sorry Shep, but "black lives matter" was started under false pretenses and has been calling for the killing of police since its inception. Saying BLM upsets more people than saying the right thing, ALL LIVES MATTER! **** you, Shep!

I cant stand Shepturd. Dont know why Fox puts him on every time there is a big news story. His over the top dramatization is pathetic.

Just report the news you idiot.
Whites are killed more because they are the overwhelming majority. That is not the point, even though you cherry picked that topic out of the whole statement lol...Blacks are 13% roughly of the population, but nearly equal death by cops when comparedo to whites..

Because blacks commit 80% of all crimes.
I cant stand Shepturd. Dont know why Fox puts him on every time there is a big news story. His over the top dramatization is pathetic.

Just report the news you idiot.

He's a queer tranny who is struggling with his identity. Look at how much makeup he wears. It's not normal. He got busted for pissing in public.
Actually there is outrage. You are just not in the area..Some of these cops are killing people, and get off Scott free. The thugs in Chicago go to jail..

Bullshit. Show me the headlines. They never catch the thugs that kill the other thugs. You know snitches get stitches. Quit policing the inner city and the problem fixes itself.
Because blacks commit 80% of all crimes.

It has been proven time and time again that poor black communities are harassed by police. Blacks are given much longer prison sentences for the same crimes commited with similar criminal backgrounds as whites. Blacks are also much less likely to get approved for a loan when compared to whites with the same credit worthiness, and income. I am no apologist for any black or white thug. These are the facts. That 80% number you quote is BS IMO..
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Bullshit. Show me the headlines. They never catch the thugs that kill the other thugs. You know snitches get stitches. Quit policing the inner city and the problem fixes itself.

If the thugs were caught they would go to jail. These cops are on video. No one needs to catch them. The evidence is right there..
It has been proven time and time again that poor black communities are harassed by police. Blacks are given much longer prison sentences for the same crimes commited with similar criminal backgrounds as whites. Blacks are also much less likely to get approved for a loan when compared to whites with the same credit worthiness, and income. I am no apologist for any black or white thug. These are the facts. That 80% number you quote is BS IMO..

Stop committing the vast, vast majority of the crimes and you will not be harrassed. I've never been harrassed.
Stop committing the vast, vast majority of the crimes and you will not be harrassed. I've never been harrassed.

I don't believe blacks commit as many crimes as reported. I just gave you the the climate for blacks in the United States. It has always been that way. Your reply is "Stop committing all the crimes". So knowing everything that I have explained to you, you still wanna take the 80% crime number at face value. Dirty cops harassing blacks has been going on since slavery. It has never stopped. The only difference now is that everyone has video on their phones. You are living in another world. Go talk to some white people who are raising adopted black kids. It is very clear to me that you stick to your own kind. Maybe that is what explains your ignorance on the subject..
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I don't believe blacks commit as many crimes as reported. I just gave you the the climate for blacks in the United States. It has always been that way. Your reply is "Stop committing all the crimes". So knowing everything that I have explained to you, you still wanna take the 80% crime number at face value. Dirty cops harassing blacks has been going on since slavery. It has never stopped. The only difference now is that everyone has video on their phones. You are living in another world. Go talk to some white people who are raising adopted black kids. It is very clear to me that you stick to your own kind. Maybe that is what explains your ignorance on the subject..

Obey the law. It really is that simple.