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More cops shot

Obey the law. It really is that simple.

You mean like Philando Castile did? He was stopped over 100 times in like a 7 year span. He had never been in trouble..Republican Tim Scott even recently talked about being harassed by police.
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You mean like Philando Castile did? He was stopped over 100 times in like a 7 year span. He had never been in trouble..Republican Tim Scott even recently talked about being harassed by police.

No. I mean like obey the law.
No. I mean like obey the law.

If that is the way you want to think, do you. Cops are starting to be killed, and it will not stop unless these rogue, and unqualified cops are dealt with..Cops killings will be the new norm in america.

CNN and Don Lemon and their BLM agenda shutdown!

He had never been in trouble.

Minnesota court records show Castile has been found guilty of 31 misdemeanors and petty misdemeanors.

Unproven rumors say he was a Crips gang member.

Lavish - his fiance - had several videos of him and her in her car with her four year old daughter driving while smoking weed and drinking Hennessy.

While the man didn't deserve to die, to say he had never been in trouble is a vast stretch. He was no upstanding citizen.
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If that is the way you want to think, do you. Cops are starting to be killed, and it will not stop unless these rogue, and unqualified cops are dealt with..Cops killings will be the new norm in america.

So if cop killings become the norm in america. Given the current trend it's following, you do know blacks will be blamed right? Not all blacks are bad, just as not all cops are crooked. If this holds up, there is going to be a breaking point. These acts of violence by evil people are giving a bad label and do not represent to what the media associates them to
Cops killings will be the new norm in america.

And soon retaliations will begin against BLM. The more these assassinations take place by BLM against innocent cops, the more we'll see escalations of violence. Violence will beget more violence.

Not the way to go, but the shots have been fired. I don't know how this ends, but before it does, it will go badly for some time.
I foresee an uprising of the KKK again or the neo-nazis and what will happen? If one of those groups posts about killing BLM leaders I bet they will be arrested, but its OK for BLM to call for killing cops. It is a terrible double standard. Cops should be prosecuted fairly, but overall there is not some kind of travesty going on. The thing is if you get pulled over or what not even if its unjustified just cooperate. The cop maybe a dick, but if you cooperate then the chance of getting shot is .00001%. As for how to fix what is going on there is no solution without sensible black leadership. Currently the majority of black leaders seem to find no problem with BLM. Obama (ha!), Ben Carson, athletes, actors, etc etc all need to take a stand to shut down BLM and move to all lives matter. If not it is guaranteed that things are going to just get uglier.
And soon retaliations will begin against BLM. The more these assassinations take place by BLM against innocent cops, the more we'll see escalations of violence. Violence will beget more violence.

Not the way to go, but the shots have been fired. I don't know how this ends, but before it does, it will go badly for some time.

Where did BLM call for the deaths of cops. Just asking..
It has been proven time and time again that poor black communities are harassed by police. Blacks are given much longer prison sentences for the same crimes commited with similar criminal backgrounds as whites. Blacks are also much less likely to get approved for a loan when compared to whites with the same credit worthiness, and income. I am no apologist for any black or white thug. These are the facts. That 80% number you quote is BS IMO..

Poor black communities have higher police presence because they have higher crime rates. There is an asinine theory they the crime rate is only high because cops are there so often, they simply catch black people more often than white people.

If i lived in a high crime area, i would want a large police presence even if it meant that i was personally inconvenienced multiple times with stops. I'd be pissed at getting stopped but my anger would not be for the cops, it would be for the criminals who made it necessary for the cops to have such a presence.

I bet if the police did cut back their patrols to the levels in lower crime areas, you'd have much louder complaints calling out the cops for not doing enough.

Security always takes away a bit of freedom, whether it's airport searches, or even just the frustration of having to create a hard to remember password on a bank account that you always forget and constantly have to reset. I don't blame the bank. I blame the hackers who make it necessary for my password to have letters, numbers, and special symbols.

There will always be the ******* cop who takes it too far, just like there will always be that one ******* boss at work
Whites are killed more because they are the overwhelming majority. That is not the point, even though you cherry picked that topic out of the whole statement lol...Blacks are 13% roughly of the population, but nearly equal death by cops when comparedo to whites..

Same as he cherry picked that, you cherry picked yours. Blacks commit the overwhelming majority of crime in this country even though they are the minority group. So, when you are committing the most crimes, it is common sense to realize you will have more encounters with the police and just as common sense to think that some of those will be bad encounters.

Lemon has no answer, repeatedly claims, "that's a different conversation"

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke lost his patience with CNN’s Don Lemon after the murder of three police officers in Baton Rouge, calling ‘Black Lives Matter’ a “hateful ideology” and demanding to know why the media has failed to focus on the epidemic of black-on-black violence.

Clarke then went for the jugular of ‘Black Lives Matter”.

“My message has been clear from two years ago – this anti-cop sentiment from this hateful ideology called ‘Black Lives Matter’ has fueled this rage against the American police officer – I predicted this two years ago.”

Lemon then suggested that the murders in Baton Rouge had little to do with ‘Black Lives Matter’, but Clarke wasn’t having any of it.

“This anti-police rhetoric sweeping the country has turned out some hateful things inside of people that are now playing themselves out on the American police officer,” he asserted, before slamming BLM for ignoring black on black violence.

“When the tragedies happened in Louisiana and Minnesota, do you know that 21 black people were murdered across the United States – was there any reporting on it?”

Lemon then tried to shut down that line of conversation, before Clarke became more irate.

“I’m looking at three dead cops this week and I’m looking at five last week – you’re trying to tell me to keep it down?” he asked Lemon, who responded by demanding more “civility”.

“Don, I wish you had that message of civility toward this hateful ideology, these purveyors of hate,” said Clarke.

Lemon then kept speaking over Clarke before throwing to a commercial break.

Where did BLM call for the deaths of cops. Just asking..

You must be joking? The started with the "pigs in a blanket" bit and just did it in Cleveland again. It's on video. They also did the other chants about killing cops at their rally's. All are on video. They have tweeted about killing cops. They are basically a terrorist group.This is not a small percentage when you have entire crowds chanting to kill cops.

The worst group that I can't believe is allowed to exist is the new black panther party. They put a bounty out on the dude that killed Trayvon in self defense and Obama did nothing. They also talk about killing cops all the time.
If that is the way you want to think, do you. Cops are starting to be killed, and it will not stop unless these rogue, and unqualified cops are dealt with..Cops killings will be the new norm in america.

If cop killing becomes the norm , I don't think things will end well for the 13%. I don't think anyone wants this to happen. But until the black community cares about policing themselves (Chicago for example) and holding there own black males to the same accountability as the cops no one will take them seriously. BLM is just a bunch of racist hypocrites.
These are black panther people, not BLM..

You must not have read the article very well. It is full of BLM supporters..only one guy mentions the black Panthers. However it does not matter what they call themselves it is still scary that people think that way. If white groups were posting these kind of things there would be outrage...One of the cops killed in Baton Rouge was black what does tat say about their nonsense movement.

At least seven officers were injured and at least three of them are feared dead in a shooting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a source with knowledge of the investigation told CNN.

Police received a call of "suspicious person walking down Airline Highway with an assault rifle," the source said. When police arrived, the man opened fire

WTF. You just can't have this. Sooner or later, you'll see the cops either pulling out of trouble neighborhoods or retaliating against his hate like groups disguised as social movements that throw rocks, such as black lives matter.

While the President response was a good one, this time, he really needs to publically call out the " leadership " of these group and tell them specifically to send the same message. Yet he won't.
For those too lazy to click a link..


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WTF. You just can't have this. Sooner or later, you'll see the cops either pulling out of trouble neighborhoods or retaliating against his hate like groups disguised as social movements that throw rocks, such as black lives matter.
or martial law..
You must not have read the article very well. It is full of BLM supporters..only one guy mentions the black Panthers. However it does not matter what they call themselves it is still scary that people think that way. If white groups were posting these kind of things there would be outrage...One of the cops killed in Baton Rouge was black what does tat say about their nonsense movement.

These are just a few *** holes. This is not the platform of BLM as I understand it. I can see the same crap on white supremacy sites. Hell, I see it on blogs every day.
If cop killing becomes the norm , I don't think things will end well for the 13%. I don't think anyone wants this to happen. But until the black community cares about policing themselves (Chicago for example) and holding there own black males to the same accountability as the cops no one will take them seriously. BLM is just a bunch of racist hypocrites.

LOL, Things may not end well for a few thugs, but the 13% of the black population as a whole in America will not be ****** with. I can guarantee you that son. It is clear to me now that most whites see blacks very differently from the blacks I know and see every day. I am telling you now, ain't no one going for no bullshit. Cops can get killed every day (I hope not), and black Americans will be just fine. This ain't 1960 son..
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or martial law..

Martial law is best applied during a disaster where access to food, water, and supplies needs to be equally distributed.

Martial Law in an area of cop killers could be a real problem. Suppose the same nuts try to kill people in the military? Yes-- they are stupid enough to do this. Then you have a real ugly situation.
Where did BLM call for the deaths of cops. Just asking..

I believe this has already been addressed, but allow me to also address it.

Let me start by asking you a question - where did the KKK call for the death of blacks?

https://archive.org/stream/ConstitutionLawsKnightsOfKKK/constitution laws knights of KKK_djvu.txt

We actually have plenty of evidence of BLM calling for the death of cops, either directly or indirectly:



Inside this article, find 4 examples of BLM members calling for the death of cops: http://www.dailywire.com/news/7353/...about-black-lives-matter-amanda-prestigiacomo

At a Black Lives Matter protest held in Portland, Oregon on Sunday, one attendee told fellow protesters to evade the law and murder cops if they feel they have been targeted by an officer for a crime they did not commit: - https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/751236850799374336

Black Lives Matter protesters chant “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon!” at the Minnesota State Fair: VIDEO INSIDE ARTICLE

Black Lives Matter protesters chant “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now!” in response to the death of Eric Garner:

A radio host affiliated with Black Lives Matter agrees with an anonymous caller demanding that white people be a "sacrifice" for alleged racially-motivated police brutality. The caller suggests that after black people murder innocent white people, they should "hang them from a tree, take pictures of it and send it to mother f*ckers.”

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These are just a few *** holes. This is not the platform of BLM as I understand it. I can see the same crap on white supremacy sites. Hell, I see it on blogs every day.

Its more than a few...where are some links of white supremacy groups advocating killing cops....also the whole agenda of black lives matter is baseless as the facts show...more blacks kill whites than vice versa and many more whites are killed by cops than blacks..if they want to do something about unjustified police shootings then fine, but it is not a black vs white issue. BLM is creating much more racial tension. People are using the cop shootings as an excuse for violence.