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Mueller just dumped on Trump , clear as mud


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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"If we had confidence the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so, we did not"

Basically, insufficient evidence to prove anything. So this tees it up for the Dems to take it to Congress to impeach

Charging Trump with a crime "was not an option" under DOJ guidelines

Mueller is finished, leaving Justice dept, he gone, won't provide any more info that isn't in report, bye bye

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Barr already shut the door on the bullshit obstruction scenarios. There’s nothing there. Let the morons in the house impeach. It will never get through the senate and will make them look like the unhinged idiots that they are.

Mueller the swamp rat also said:

With regard to why he did not make a decision about whether the president obstructed justice, Mueller said charging the president with a crime was "not an option we could consider."

No ****, dumbass, because no crime was committed.
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“We concluded that we would not reach a determination one way or the other about whether the president committed a crime,” Mueller added. “That is the office’s final position.”

"I'm not saying he committed a crime, but I'm not saying he didn't."

What the **** is that? Personally, I wanna see everything. All the evidence gathered, testimony, all of it. I am tired of bureaucrats saying **** like that, and the media "interpreting" what it means. Just release the **** already. I know it is against the law to release some of it, but this nation can't go on like this with this **** hanging over it indefinitely. Something has to give. Let us read it and decide for ourselves. Damn.
I tried my best to make up fake crimes against President Trump, but I failed.

- Robert Mueller

Mueller is part of coup. He had to bail and get out of dodge before all the evidence comes out on Comey, Brennan, Clapper and all the swamp rats.
Mueller just passed the ball to Congress


Mueller made it perfectly clear it’s on Congress to act now. And they should, with no hesitation. Mueller led the horse to the water but can’t make it drink. Both the House & Senate need to uphold their Constitutional duties and begin impeachment hearings into high crimes & misdemeanors.

All Americans should be grateful to Mueller for a fair and thorough investigation and for upholding the rule of law. Now Congress must act on behalf of their constituents and do their jobs.

Above and beyond the cases of obstruction of justice (I believe there are 11 in total) Mueller made it abundantly clear Russia gov/military attacked & influenced the elections to benefit Trump. There was no evidence uncovered that could prove - beyond all doubt - Trump was involved first hand in a conspiracy. Best case scenario is Trump stood by idly like a bumbling fool, grinning like a chesire cat as he openly welcomed and applauded the hostile, profoundly anti-American attack by the Russian government.

None of this is new info, just confirms everything that was laid out in great detail in the report.
Cory Booker just now....

"Muellers statement makes it clear, Congress has a legal and moral obligation to BEGIN IMPEACHMENT proceedings IMMEDIATELY"


I demand entertainment
. Both the House & Senate need to uphold their Constitutional duties and begin impeachment hearings into high crimes & misdemeanors.

And what exactly is the high crime or misdemeanor that was committed? In America you are innocent until proven guilty. There was clearly No Evidence that Trump did anything wrong. You libs will be euphoric and scream for a couple days over this and then reality will set in and you'll realize the hoax is still just a big nothingburger.
President Trump just tweeted "Nothing changes from the Mueller Report. Insufficient evidence therefore, in our country, a person is innocent. Case is closed!*

Mueller made it perfectly clear it’s on Congress to act now. And they should, with no hesitation. Mueller led the horse to the water but can’t make it drink. Both the House & Senate need to uphold their Constitutional duties and begin impeachment hearings into high crimes & misdemeanors.

Here is what is going to happen. There will be no impeachment proceedings. Not until 2021 at the earliest. Why? Because Nancy Pelosi is smart enough to know there is more political hay to be made to be able to just throw around platitudes and accusations. If the house decides to impeach, they lose in the senate and she knows it. So she has to hope for two things.

1) One of these Democrat stiffs beats Trump in 2020.
2) They get the senate back, hold the house. Then they can impeach.

I despise Nancy Pelosi for the things she stands for, but she understands the long game in politics. Tlaib, Booker, Cortex, Omar and all the others screaming for impeachment are just going to be disappointed again. They would be wise to follow the leader. I think it still fails, but if they start impeachment tomorrow, EVERYONE knows it fails.

Gonna have to win at the ballot box to get rid of Trump. Agree or not, that is the reality.
President Trump just tweeted "Nothing changes from the Mueller Report. Insufficient evidence therefore, in our country, a person is innocent. Case is closed!*


That kind of is how our justice system works, isn't it?
And what exactly is the high crime or misdemeanor that was committed?
Multiple counts of obstruction of justice, dereliction of duty, failing to uphold the Constitution and act in good faith, for the benefit of the American people. That would be the place to start.

In America you are innocent until proven guilty.
This isn't a court case. This is a Congressional impeachment hearing, to ascertain wether the President acted in good faith and upheld his sworn duty to faithfully abide by and execute the laws of the land, to handle the office of President in an open and honest manner.

There was clearly No Evidence that Trump did anything wrong.
An utter lie crammed down your throat by Trump and Barr. You clearly have not read the Mueller report, nor are you familiar with its findings. Or just playing dumb, in which case you're doing a fantastic job.
And the fog slowly begins to lift....

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Even Fox News:<br><br>This was not, as the President says time and time again, “no collusion, no obstruction.” <a href="https://t.co/SPwhFTLMmk">pic.twitter.com/SPwhFTLMmk</a></p>— Future Majority (@future_majority) <a href="https://twitter.com/future_majority/status/1133769808326135809?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 29, 2019</a></blockquote>
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I hope they do it. Can't wait to watch them drag this out even longer trying to prove obstruction that didn't happen. The Senate will not convict and it will be another huge waste of time and money. They'll get crushed in 2020.
None of this is new info, just confirms everything that was laid out in great detail in the report.

and that's why he is closing the book on the investigation

"I would not provide information beyond that which is already public...in ANY appearance before congress"

It's a wrap, Case Closed
Trump should pardon himself and everyone that Mueller indicted. Mueller just proved that this was nothing more than a partisan coup attempt. The transparent release of the classified documents will confirm the hoax as well. I think that's the real reason for the press conference today. The left is out of their damn minds.
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Trump should pardon himself and everyone that Mueller indicted.
Yeah, that's the ticket. Cover up obstruction of justice with even more obstruction of justice. Certainly well within the realm of possiblities with Trump, it's his m.o. > lies on top of lies on top of lies.

Mueller just proved that this was nothing more than a partisan coup attempt.
Since Mueller is a life-long Republican, you must mean a coup by the GOP. Interesting take.
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Yep, nice statement that keeps the facts in perspective. So fun watching the libtards lose their ****. Dance morons, dance!

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders also restated Meuller’s conclusion in a statement to reporters:

The Special Counsel has completed the investigation, closed his office, and has closed the case. Mr. Mueller explicitly said that he has nothing to add beyond the report, and therefore, does not plan to testify before Congress. The report was clear—there was no collusion, no conspiracy—and the Department of Justice confirmed there was no obstruction. Special Counsel Mueller also stated that Attorney General Barr acted in good faith in his handling of the report. After two years, the Special Counsel is moving on with his life, and everyone else should do the same
Mueller just passed the ball to Congress



Mueller made it perfectly clear it’s on Congress to act now. And they should, with no hesitation. Mueller led the horse to the water but can’t make it drink. Both the House & Senate need to uphold their Constitutional duties and begin impeachment hearings into high crimes & misdemeanors.

All Americans should be grateful to Mueller for a fair and thorough investigation and for upholding the rule of law. Now Congress must act on behalf of their constituents and do their jobs.

Above and beyond the cases of obstruction of justice (I believe there are 11 in total) Mueller made it abundantly clear Russia gov/military attacked & influenced the elections to benefit Trump. There was no evidence uncovered that could prove - beyond all doubt - Trump was involved first hand in a conspiracy. Best case scenario is Trump stood by idly like a bumbling fool, grinning like a chesire cat as he openly welcomed and applauded the hostile, profoundly anti-American attack by the Russian government.

None of this is new info, just confirms everything that was laid out in great detail in the report.

Cory Booker just now....

"Muellers statement makes it clear, Congress has a legal and moral obligation to BEGIN IMPEACHMENT proceedings IMMEDIATELY"


I demand entertainment

And what exactly is the high crime or misdemeanor that was committed? In America you are innocent until proven guilty. There was clearly No Evidence that Trump did anything wrong. You libs will be euphoric and scream for a couple days over this and then reality will set in and you'll realize the hoax is still just a big nothingburger.

I hope they do impeach. Run on Impeachment, Higher Taxes and Gun Control. Solid winning strategery.
Impeach him for what? If he had of obstructed justice he would of fired Mueller and his report. And it's pretty clear he didn't collude. And because he doesn't want his tax returns spread out all over DC for everyone to see? You would think that after 2 1/2 years the liberals would have been satisfied, they lost the ******* election. Now let's get back to helping this country out. Get back to what you were elected to do.
After two years, the Special Counsel is moving on with his life, and everyone else should do the same.


Sarah Sanders is about as unmoored from reality as her boss is.
Yeah, that's the ticket. Cover up obstruction of justice with even more obstruction of justice. Certainly well within the realm of possiblities with Trump, it's his m.o. > lies on top of lies on top of lies.

Since Mueller is a life-long Republican, you must mean a coup by the GOP. Interesting take.

Well, you seem to think being a RINO actually matters? It was an attempted coup by the inbedded beaurocrats and swamp-like creatures of both parties because they are pissed that someone that is not like them was able to get into office.