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Mueller just dumped on Trump , clear as mud

WTF??? Now you're posting petitions signed by disgruntled Liberal lawyers??? From Medium, no less?? Indy's right, you are now literally grasping at straws.

LOL! You and Indy literally don’t understand the definition of “literally”.
LOL! You and Indy literally don’t understand the definition of “literally”.



They understand how to contribute money to this site, something you can't seem to figure out.
Yup, I misspelled the word 'legalese,' sorry about that. Didn't intend to insult you or your esteemed profession. No I'm not a lawyer, never claimed to be.

When you are proffering your legal opinions as to what the DOJ means by "not exonerated," you are playing wanna-be lawyer.

On the other hand, I'm certain you are an exemplary lawyer of great character, your ethics and morals must be beyond reproach. You're a brilliant legal mind, a constitutional scholar par excellence who loves to throw his weight around quoting penal codes and the fine print of the law.


Tibs said:
Since you take so much joy in calling out and shaming others, why don't you go on a blistering attack against these folks? Their pay grade - and legal expertise - is much higher than mine.

Hundreds of Former Federal Prosecutors Would Indict Donald Trump

Signatories have been vetted to the best of our ability.

Correction: An earlier version of this page erroneously listed Mark Klaassen as a signatory. Mr. Klaassen never signed this letter and was temporarily listed in error.

Tibs, I was able to "sign" the online petition as former Federal prosecutor Michael Mouse.

Nice work, Tibs. You and Mickey Mouse are now on the same side.
LOL! You and Indy literally don’t understand the definition of “literally”.

^^^^When the *** kicking is going so badly, you resort to **** like this^^^^

Grasping at straws refers to a drowning man grabbing any floating object, even a straw, to save himself. It was first used by Thomas More in A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation (1534).

Now before you go all Manbun, which you like to do, remember the definition(s) (plural emphasized) for the word literally:

using the real or original meaning of a word or phrase: They were responsible for literally millions of deaths; We live literally just round the corner from her.

If you translate literally, you translate each word in a text separately, without looking at how the words are used together in a phrase or sentence:
Translations that are done too literally often don't flow well or don't sound natural.

informal - used to emphasize what you are saying: He missed that kick literally by miles; I was literally bowled over by the news.

informal - simply or just: Then you literally cut the sausage down the middle.

In this instance, both he and I are using the informal use of literally to emphasize what we are saying. Your problem here is that you've been too "literal" in your definition of "literally."

Too funny. Almost signature worthy Flogged. Close but no cigar this time.



They understand how to contribute money to this site, something you can't seem to figure out.[/I]

Yeah. It's a shame that people like Justin, new baby daddy and all, have to get creative to support a site that people post 6,821 times to and benefit from and can't contribute to. Remember FreeLoaderlodyte saying he drove a big *** truck requiring 49 or 112 quarts of oil or some ****. Can afford to put gas in that, but can't pop $30 here....
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When you are proffering your legal opinions as to what the DOJ means by "not exonerated," you are playing wanna-be lawyer.
Damn, when you can type up this much horseshit in a single post, you even manage to make a guy like Tim look smart, and that’s no easy task.

I’m playing wanna-be lawyer by having an opinion on the matter? Well then this whole board is full of wanna-be lawyers. You should start a petition to get the board shut down. If only brainiac, mensa candidate lawyers like you can comment on current events, God help us all.
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Damn, when you can type up this much horseshit in a single post, you even manage to make a guy like Tim look smart, and that’s no easy task.

I’m playing wanna-be lawyer by having an opinion on the matter? Well then this whole board is full of wanna-be lawyers. You should start a petition to get the board shut down. If only brainiac, mensa candidate lawyers like you can comment on current events, God help us all.

The butthurt here Steeltime is all your own. Just deal with it and move on.
wah wah wah


Trump Approval Rises as Dems Demand Impeachment

President Trump's approval rating hits highest point in two years.The survey found that 48 percent approve of the job Trump is doing, compared to 52 percent who said they disapprove. That’s up from 45 percent approval in March. The last time the president’s job approval rating reached 48 percent in the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey was in June of 2017.

Trump appears to be getting a lift from the economy, with a record 62 percent approving of his approach to employment and 59 percent approving of his handling of the economy. The Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll online survey of 1,295 registered voters was conducted from May 29 to May 30.

When you are proffering your legal opinions as to what the DOJ means by "not exonerated," you are playing wanna-be lawyer.

I have to quote this again, as it's made me laugh a few times this afternoon. I am 'proffering my legal opinion?' What the **** does that even mean? How can anyone proffer up a legal opinion who's not actually a lawyer? I'm not proffering up 'legal opinions', I'm proffering up my 'non-legal' opinions, as is everyone else on the board who's not a lawyer.

I'm a bit surprised something so rudimentary would slip past you. Surely you're tired and burned out. Long days followed by even longer days, reading hundreds and hundreds of pages of Constitutional law till your eyes drop out. But you sir, put the work in. To make sure you can bring the good people here at SN the latest, cutting-edge legal analysis on why and how the Trump presidency is the greatest thing to ever happen to mankind. And for that, we are all eternally grateful.
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I have to quote this again, as it's made me laugh a few times this afternoon. I am 'proffering my legal opinion?' What the **** does that even mean? How can anyone proffer up a legal opinion who's not actually a lawyer? I'm not proffering up 'legal opinions', I'm proffering up my 'non-legal' opinions, as is everyone else on the board who's not a lawyer.


Tibs said:
I'm a bit surprised something so rudimentary would slip past you. Surely you're tired and burned out. Long days followed by even longer days, reading hundreds and hundreds of pages of Constitutional law till your eyes drop out. But you sir, put the work in. To make sure you can bring the good people here at SN the latest, cutting-edge legal analysis on why and how the Trump presidency is the greatest thing ever to happen to mankind. And for that, we are all eternally grateful.

Tibs resuming treatment:

Fitting response from a brilliant legal mind.

Like Trump, you too seem to be another stable genius. Good luck to you man, hope it all works out.
I just love it. Mad Maxime is all “Peach-mint! Peach-mint! Peach fortify! Peach fortify!” The Left is totally deranged.

If you read this post in Mad Maxine’s voice, it’s hilarious.
Yup, I misspelled the word 'legalese,' sorry about that.

but let Ben Carson mis-state something and the Left jumps up his *** with steel toed jackboots while calling AOC a bona fide genius.
Can't have it both ways, Tibsy.
but let Ben Carson mis-state something and the Left jumps up his *** with steel toed jackboots while calling AOC a bona fide genius.
Can't have it both ways, Tibsy.

Isn’t it amazing that they call successful billionaire businessman Trump and brilliant brain surgeon Carson “stupid?” How can they look in the mirror and think that they, themselves, are worth a squirt of piss? Only the extremely insecure fucktards with an inferiority complex and TDS can trash those two men and think they are correct about it.
Isn’t it amazing that they call successful billionaire businessman Trump and brilliant brain surgeon Carson “stupid?” How can they look in the mirror and think that they, themselves, are worth a squirt of piss? Only the extremely insecure fucktards with an inferiority complex and TDS can trash those two men and think they are correct about it.

It is amazing. I heard some pundit say that Trump was afraid of Pelosi's intellect. Pretty sure Trump thinks she's senile.
It is amazing. I heard some pundit say that Trump was afraid of Pelosi's intellect. Pretty sure Trump thinks she's senile.

Yeah, well the next time some flaming Liberal fool calls Dr. Carson (a TRUE American Patriot) stupid....you can hand them this:


After graduating with honors from his high school, he attended Yale University, where he earned a degree in psychology.

From Yale, he went to the Medical School of the University of Michigan, where his interest shifted from psychiatry to neurosurgery. His excellent hand-eye coordination and three-dimensional reasoning skills made him a superior surgeon. After medical school he became a neurosurgery resident at the world-famous Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. At age 32, he became the hospital’s Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, a position he would hold for the next 29 years.

In 1987, Dr. Carson made medical history with an operation to separate a pair of Siamese twins. The Binder twins were born joined at the back of the head. Operations to separate twins joined in this way had always failed, resulting in the death of one or both of the infants. Carson agreed to undertake the operation. A 70-member surgical team, led by Dr. Carson, worked for 22 hours. At the end, the twins were successfully separated and can now survive independently.

Dr. Carson’s other surgical innovations have included the first intra-uterine procedure to relieve pressure on the brain of a hydrocephalic fetal twin, and a hemispherectomy, in which an infant suffering from uncontrollable seizures has half of its brain removed. This stops the seizures, and the remaining half of the brain actually compensates for the missing hemisphere.

In addition to his medical practice, Dr. Carson has long been in constant demand as a public speaker, and devotes much of his time to meeting with groups of young people. In 2008, President George W. Bush awarded Dr. Carson the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor.

In addition he's written numerous books.


What a downright stupid man.
Steeltime and the Trump base continues to spin this as some sort of run-of-the-mill criminal case involving average citizen Joe Shmoe. Everyone knows the President has extraordinary constitutional protections while in office. It is perfectly clear Mueller, under the aegis of the DOJ, could not have charged Trump with any crime. Regardless, the President is held to a higher standard, that of his oath to uphold the Constitution and the office of presidency.

The Trump-Russia case is actually quite simple:

1. He knew about Russian interference.
2. He encouraged Russian interference.
3. He lied, lied, lied, lied, and lied.
4. He directed everyone else to lie.
5. He obstructed justice.

You’re either okay with this behavior, or you’re not. I’m not. Trump should resign or be impeached.
Fixed it for you.

The Obama-Russia case is actually quite simple:

1. He knew about Russian interference.
2. He encouraged Russian interference.
3. He lied, lied, lied, lied, and lied.
4. He directed everyone else to lie.
5. He obstructed justice.

You’re either okay with this behavior, or you’re not. I’m not.
On point, LOL

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin share a very tender moment.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrumpResignNOW?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TrumpResignNOW</a> <a href="https://t.co/9CZzyhWzWB">pic.twitter.com/9CZzyhWzWB</a></p>— Paul Lee Ticks (@PaulLeeTicks) <a href="https://twitter.com/PaulLeeTicks/status/1134165828436234240?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 30, 2019</a></blockquote>
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