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N. Korea again


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Apr 8, 2014
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Under your bed

By Anna Fifield

July 28 at 1:13 PM 

TOKYO — North Korea has taken another step toward achieving its stated goal of being able to send a nuclear weapon to the U.S. mainland, apparently firing another ballistic missile late Friday.

It was not immediately clear whether the missile was capable of reaching the continental United States. But the fact that it flew for 45 minutes and reached a height of some 1,900 miles suggested it had an even longer range than the intercontinental ballistic missile that North Korea launched on July 4, analysts said.

This latest provocation compounds the problem facing the Trump administration and North Korea’s neighbors: how to stop the regime of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un from making progress with its nuclear weapons program.

The Pentagon and South Korea's joint chiefs of staff both said they had detected the launch, which occurred Friday at about 11:11 p.m. North Korea time(10:41 a.m. Eastern time). The late-night launch was unusual as North Korea usually fires missiles soon after dawn.

“I can confirm that we detected a launch of a ballistic missile from North Korea. We are assessing and will have more information soon,” Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said Friday.

North Korea showed off a lot of missiles. What might be their targets? View Graphic 

The missile was launched from Jagang province in northwestern North Korea, near the border with China, South Korea's joint chiefs said. President Moon Jae-in convened an emergency national security meeting.

In Tokyo, chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga said the missile landed within Japan’s exclusive economic zone, and he condemned the latest launch.

“We cannot tolerate North Korea’s repeated provocations like this,” Suga told a news conference convened early Saturday at 1 a.m. Tokyo time. “We have made a strong protest to North Korea and condemned this act in the strongest terms.”

A launch had been anticipated. Not only has Kim Jong Un repeatedly said he wants a nuclear-tipped missile that can reach the United States, but U.S. intelligence agencies in recent days had spotted preparations for another test.

On Wednesday, the day before the anniversary of the end of the 1950-1953 Korean War, North Korea threatened to launch a preemptive nuclear strike against the United States.

“If enemies misunderstand our strategic status and stick to options of staging a preemptive nuclear attack against us, we will launch a nuclear attack on America’s heart as the most relentless punishment without warning or prior notice,” Pak Yong Sik, North Korea’s defense minister, said at a ceremony to mark the conclusion of the Korean War, which ended in an armistice but which Pyongyang claims it won. The occasion is celebrated annually in North Korea as the “Day of Victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War.”

[ North Korea could cross ICBM threshold next year, U.S. officials warn in new assessment ]

In this July 4, 2017, file photo distributed by the North Korean government, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, second from right, inspects the preparation of the launch of a Hwasong-14 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in North Korea's northwest. (AP/AP)

The test comes barely three weeks after North Korea fired its first missile technically capable of reaching the United States, launched as July 4 dawned in Asia.

That missile, which North Korea called the Hwasong-14 (or Mars-14), was fired from Panghyon, a northwestern part of the country not far from the border with China, and flew to an altitude of 1,741 miles — seven times as high as the International Space Station. It landed 577 miles from its launch site, splashing down in the sea between the Korean Peninsula and Japan.

If fired on a trajectory designed to maximize its range, rather than a “lofted” flight path, the missile could have flown 4,970 miles, according to the missile defense project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington-based think-tank. That would put Hawaii and Alaska within reach.

But analysts at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies in California have suggested that the missile was capable of reaching New York City.

Jeffrey Lewis, head of the East Asia program at CNS, said that if this was an ICBM test, it would have been designed to demonstrate that North Korea could hit more of the mainland United States.

“My guess is that they want to show more range,” Lewis said, adding that North Korea was essentially calling the Pentagon’s bluff. “We basically dared them to do this. We said, ‘It’s not really an ICBM until it can hit Alaska,’ and they’re like, ‘okay.’”

[ Kim Jong Un’s rockets are getting an important boost — from China ]

The Kim regime has been testing missiles – and making observable technical progress — at a pace that has alarmed analysts and officials alike. Friday’s firing becomes the 14th ballistic missile launch this year alone, and the tenth that can be deemed a success, according to CNS researchers.

The *Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency has shaved two full years off the consensus forecast for North Korea’s ICBM program, now estimating that North Korea will be able to field a reliable, nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile as early as next year.

The aggressive testing schedule has already allowed North Korea to validate its basic designs, putting it within a few months of starting industrial production, the officials said.

The July 4 test, which violates United Nations resolutions against North Korea, was met with the usual rounds of international condemnation, but the world has not found a way to persuade North Korea to stop.

The United States has been leading the charge for more and more sanctions against North Korea, but Russia and China — both veto-wielding permanent members of the U.N. Security Council — have been reluctant to impose painful measures and are instead calling for a “de-escalation plan” to deal with Pyongyang.

The United States won't know anything about North Korea's intentions unless it engages the regime seriously and at length, said Sharon Squassoni, head of the proliferation prevention program at CSIS.

“Kim Jong Un does seem hell-bent on acquiring the capability to reach the United States with nuclear weapons,” she said. “Although some experts judge this means he will never negotiate, it could also mean that he's looking for the capability that forces the United States to the table.”

The Trump administration needs to commit resources and real expertise to reshaping peace and security on the Korean Peninsula, she said.

Kelsey Davenport, director for nonproliferation policy at the Arms Control Association, agreed that sanctions alone will not change North Korea’s behavior.

“A deployed North Korean ICBM is not inevitable, but it will be if policymakers in Washington keep putting the cart before the horse and demanding Pyongyang meet onerous preconditions to begin talks,” she said.

The Trump administration, like the Obama administration before it, has said that North Korea must agree to freeze its weapons program before talks can begin.

“Washington's diplomacy deficit is further compounded by the dangerous illusion that sanctions alone will push North Korea to negotiate,” Davenport said, “when the Trump administration and Congress should be focused on signaling support for talks without conditions.”

Thomas Gibbons-Neff in Washington contributed to this report.
Only a matter of time before one of their rockets ends up landing in NK and blowing up
“If enemies misunderstand our strategic status and stick to options of staging a preemptive nuclear attack against us, we will launch a nuclear attack on America’s heart as the most relentless punishment without warning or prior notice,” Pak Yong Sik, North Korea’s defense minister, said at a ceremony to mark the conclusion of the Korean War, which ended in an armistice but which Pyongyang claims it won. The occasion is celebrated annually in North Korea as the “Day of Victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War.”

Actually we don't give a **** about you but your dictator doesn't like being ignored.

I thought Trump had a solution for this?
I thought Trump had a solution for this?

round up all the die-hard liberals who believe socialism is the way to go.
ship all to NK
Moving out of artillery range before we attack?

U.S. forces in S.Korea moving to new military base to south of capital

SEOUL, July 11 (Xinhua) -- U.S. forces in South Korea started moving to a new military base to the south of capital Seoul to integrate dispersed bases of the U.S. Forces Korea (USFK), according to local media reports.

The Eighth U.S. Army command of the USFK held an opening ceremony early Tuesday for its new headquarters at Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek, 70 km south of Seoul.

It was part of the USFK's relocation plan, under which the USFK headquarters and the Eight U.S. Army in the Yongsan garrison in central Seoul as well as the 2nd Infantry Division to north of Seoul would be moved to their new bases in Pyeongtaek.

The USFK command was scheduled to be moved to the new base by the end of this year. Most of 28,500 U.S. forces stationed here would be moved to Pyeongtaek within this year.

Under the relocation project, 91 U.S. military bases here across the South Korean territory would be relocated into two main bases around Pyeongtaek and in the country's southeastern area.

Just in time for the Olympics


09 FEB - 25 FEB
WAR FOOTING US Air Force unleashes supersonic bombers in ‘North Korea nuke drill’

Senior military sources in Washington have reportedly claimed Pentagon officials have laid out plans to obliterate a nuclear weapons facility operating deep within a mountain range inside the rogue state.

The news comes hours after the US flew two supersonic bombers over the Korean Peninsula in a show of force against North Korea.

The B-1 bombers were escorted by South Korean fighter jets as they performed a low-pass over an air base near the South Korean capital of Seoul before returning to the Andersen Air Force Base in Guam.

The US Air Force said the mission was a response to consecutive ICBM tests by Kim this month.

US tests defense system after North Korea missile launch

(CNN)The United States said it conducted a successful missile defense test in the Pacific Ocean on Sunday amid growing tensions with North Korea.

US Forces tested the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in Alaska by launching a ballistic missile over the Pacific Ocean, according to the US military.

The medium-range ballistic missile was detected, tracked and intercepted, it said.


What if fat boy Kim gets it right one of these days? O.o

The little nork that could? *epic drum*
Damn wankers
If you were a North Korean citizen, how much would you secretly hate him. He's literally flirting with getting you and everybody else wiped out by one of the various nuclear superpowers in the world because he wants to act like a ******* jackass.
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Two things. Check out the pictures in the Twitter links.

Second - rest assured, should we attack, Trump will be blamed. The Liberal Left will look upon Kim and his people as victims and the Left will sully America once again chanting **** in pink ***** hats like "This is not who we are."


US, allies prepared to use 'overwhelming force' in North Korea, general says

The U.S. and its allies are prepared to use “rapid, lethal and overwhelming force,” if necessary, against North Korea, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Air Forces warned Saturday night.

The statement from Gen. Terrence J. O’Shaughnessy, U.S. Pacific Air Forces commander, came after the militaries of the U.S., South Korea and Japan spent 10 hours conducting bomber-jet drills over the Korean Peninsula.

The training mission was a response to North Korea’s recent ballistic missile launches and nuclear program, and part of the U.S. regular commitment to defending its allies in the Asia-Pacific region, the general’s statement said.

“North Korea remains the most urgent threat to regional stability,” O’Shaughnessy said.

In demonstration of #ironclad commitment to Japan/ROK; U.S. B-1s w/JASDF F-2s, ROK F-15s conduct bilateral missions https://t.co/RYkex4wkfI pic.twitter.com/UlWwzhQRL2

— PACAF (@PACAF) July 30, 2017
“Diplomacy remains the lead,” he said. “However, we have a responsibility to our allies and our nation to showcase our unwavering commitment while planning for the worst-case scenario.

“If called upon,” he added, “we are ready to respond with rapid, lethal and overwhelming force at a time and place of our choosing.”
Literally threaten sanctions on China if they don't fix this.. he will be dead in a few days if its that or a total standstill on china's markets for a while.... i can live with Walmart and the other people abusing Chinas workforce losing some sleep too... hell they might kill him themselves if that threat goes out
They aren't striving for the most accurate missles. They're trying to perfect high altitude reentry. All they need to do is get one to renter the atmosphere and detonate somewhere over us causing an EMP. That is their goal. That would be catastrophic enough. Especially ina highly populated area. West coast maybe?
There is no doubt we could stop this, but at what cost? Sanctions on china won't do anything. They will act like they are doing something then go back to how it was.

NK sanctions are already proving to not work. I think we are pretty much running out of options. I feel bad for the people of NK, but I think our strikes can be precise enough to limit civilian deaths.

I heard their air defense is ancient so we would take that out, tonahawk the launch sites, and then blast the mountain nuke facilities.
Of course if you are a true 'Progressive Liberal' you side with N Korea.........and Hanoi Jill

Jill Stein makes an "impassioned" defense of North Korea and Russia, decrying the "demonization"

Political activist and former Green Party nominee for President, Jill Stein, appeared on MSNBC to provide an impassioned defense for the rogue dictatorship of North Korea and Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Stein referred to the negative characterizations of the brutal Communist regime in North Korea as a way to ‘demonize’ them so the U.S. can implement a regime change.

“The demonization of North Korea is part of the run-up to regime change. she said.” “It’s part of demonizing a government that we then want to exercise regime change on.”

Zinger alert

If Trump wants North Korea gone, he should just buy it and run it like he did his casinos, airline, and university.
Re-Entry Vehicle Failed During North Korea's 2nd ICBM Test


North Korea's recent intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test apparently wasn't a complete success.

The ICBM's re-entry vehicle (RV) — which would protect the missile's nuclear warhead during an operational launch — likely broke apart toward the tail end of Friday's (July 28) test flight, according to missile expert Michael Elleman.

The weather-cam footage shows that, at an altitude of about 12 miles (20 kilometers), the RV got so hot that it began to glow. At 2.5 miles to 3 miles (4 to 5 km) above sea level, "the RV appears to be shedding small radiant objects and is trailed by an incandescent vapor," Elleman, a senior fellow for missile defense at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, wrote yesterday (July 31) on the North Korea analysis site 38 North. "At an altitude of 3 to 4 km [1.9 to 2.5 miles], the RV then dims and quickly disappears."

If the RV had remained intact, the glow would have remained visible until the vehicle passed behind some mountains between it and the camera, Elleman added. So the RV apparently disintegrated a few miles above Earth's surface — not coincidentally, just when it was experiencing "maximum stressing loads," he wrote.

"If this assessment accurately reflects reality, North Korea's engineers have yet to master re-entry technologies, and more work remains before [leader] Kim Jong-un has an ICBM capable of striking the American mainland,"

That's the good news for the United States, South Korea and Japan, all of which nuclear-armed North Korea has repeatedly threatened to destroy. But there's bad news, too: The Hwasong-14 has demonstrated worrying range on both of its flights to date. (The first launch of the ICBM occurred on July 4.)

Indeed, in its current form, the missile may be able to hit major cities on the U.S. West Coast, Elleman said yesterday during a conference call with reporters organized by the U.S.-Korea Institute (USKI) at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies.

"It's kind of a question that can't be answered with any real fidelity, but I think, assuming a 500-kilogram [1,100 lbs.] bomb, which gives you about a total of 700 kilograms [1,540 lbs.] — 150 kilograms [330 lbs.] for the re-entry vehicle itself — San Francisco, Los Angeles [and] Seattle would be threatened," Elleman said. "Possibly San Diego. Salt Lake City may be out of its range."

Putting warheads atop ICBMs requires miniaturizing the bombs. If North Korea has not already mastered this technology, they'll likely do so soon, according to American intelligence officials. Indeed, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency recently predicted that the rogue nation will have a reliable nuclear-armed ICBM system by sometime next year.

F.E. Warren AFB tests Minuteman III missile with launch from Vandenberg


A team of Air Force Global Strike Command Airmen from the 90th Missile Wing at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with a single test reentry vehicle Aug. 2, 2017 at 2:10 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time from Vandenberg AFB, California.

While not a response to recent North Korean actions, the test demonstrated the U.S.’ nuclear enterprise is safe, secure, effective and ready to deter, detect and defend against attacks on the U.S. and its allies.

The ICBM's reentry vehicle, which contained a telemetry package used for operational testing, traveled approximately 4,200 miles to the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. These test launches verify the accuracy and reliability of the ICBM weapon system, providing valuable data to ensure a continued safe, secure and effective nuclear deterrent.

“This operational test launch highlights the commitment and outstanding professionalism of the 90th Missile Wing, the 576th Flight Test Squadron and our mission partners in the 30th Space Wing,” said Col. Dave Kelley, the 576th FLTS commander. “These test launches require the highest-degree of technical competence and commitment at every level and provide critical data necessary to validate the reliability, accuracy and performance of the ICBM force.”

When my brother was stationed their he took me back as far as he could to the of site. Watched a large satellite rocket go off. **** was incredible
Take the Norks out with a nuke. They'll never know what hit them. They'll just think their own **** blew up and blame it on us anyway.
Send in the Japs with some sneak attack nukes in suitcases to take him out
Take the Norks out with a nuke. They'll never know what hit them. They'll just think their own **** blew up and blame it on us anyway.

A lot of innocent people would get hurt, who have nothing to do with North Korea or the regime there.


What would happen if Trump NUKED North Korea? How many people would perish?

AS TENSIONS between the US and North Korea escalate, the chances of nuclear war appear more alarming than ever before.

<section class="text-description">But what would happen if Donald Trump dropped the mother of all nuclear bomb on Kim Jong-un's hermit nation?

America’s largest tested nuclear weapon, Castle Bravo, equates to 15 megatons of radioactive mayhem.

If Kim Jong-un’s posturing backfires and president Trump launches the warhead at Pyongyang, it is estimated that a staggering 2,354,690 people would perish.

A further 616,070 would be injured and almost four million others would be affected by radiation poisoning.

</section><section class="text-description">Such global landmarks as the Kim Il-sung Stadium of Ideals and the imposing Arch of Triumph would crumble.

The fireball of the initial blast would have a radius of 43.2km and thermal radiation would spread for 293km downwind.

This would either cover all of South Korea, the width of Japan and potentially down to Shanghai in China.
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Oh I know, that's the problem, SK gets fallout too, plus Japan, then Godzilla and Mothra come out of the sea again.