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Nationwide dog and pony **** show.

Par for the course. This place is full of the most vile, reprehensible human beings in the entire country.

Or as Trump describes them: " Some very fine people" I just call them CONservatives.

This should not surprise you at all Trog.

Then leave.
Trying to change the subject? Did you say that? What is the thread topic about? Skip back a page. This has been addressed. Get back on topic.

Oh, no. I think this subject and the sentiment expressed need discussed at length, although frankly I’m surprised this entire thread hasn’t been deleted. God forbid some liberal anti-Trump anti-NRA journalist stumble upon this ******* insanity and embarrass all Steelers fans.
Oh, no. I think this subject and the sentiment expressed need discussed at length, although frankly I’m surprised this entire thread hasn’t been deleted. God forbid some liberal anti-Trump anti-NRA journalist stumble upon this ******* insanity and embarrass all Steelers fans.

I think the pro-Trump crowd here are more than happy with this type of vitriol and hateful rhetoric; in fact, they're proud of it, they wear it like a badge of honor. Dont forget, it's what got Trump elected.

And kudos and respect to the few posters who've spoken out against it.
I think the pro-Trump crowd here are more than happy with this type of vitriol and hateful rhetoric; in fact, they're proud of it, they wear it like a badge of honor. Dont forget, it's what got Trump elected.

And what brought Hitler to power.
You underestimate the number of people around the country who are disgusted that gun laws are worshipped like a sacred cow by Trump and the GOP. Look at nationwide polls - your choice of the news source - 70% of Americans support stricter gun laws. The fact the gun lobby has the GOP by the balls is no longer an excuse. I think people are legitimately pissed off. Not sure what 'well funded political machines' have to do with that.

They're marching and protesting demanding change. What needs to change is having stricter gun laws, including:

Ban AR15 and similar assault rifles. Ban large capacity magazines. Introduce universal background checks. Raise purchase age to 21. Have a wait period to purchase. Ban gun show sales. Only licenced and sanctioned gun shops can sell weapons. All guns must be registered and entered into national database.

These seem to me like the most obvious changes.

The 2nd amendment stays intact. Responsible adults can own guns and use them at will - hunting, self-protection, sport shooting, etc.

If you're a law-abiding, sensible adult who owns guns or would like to own a gun, nothing would change in your life. Besides a bit more admin and not being able to carry an AR15. If that's your thing, so what? Not sure anyone needs an AR15 for a legitimate purpose.

I don't see how anyone can be against reforming current gun laws. I don't see any sensible argument for it.

The NRA seems to have brainwashed many into thinking everything that's happening with years of mass shootings has nothing to do with firearms. That people will stage attacks with wooden spoons, potted plants, bricks and sticks et al. That's an argument for handing the crazies and terrorists AR15's and high capacity magazines?

That's why so many people took to the streets, cause they're sick of the NRA and the GOP having a stranglehold on an issue that's affected so many.

Your entire argument is false as an AR-15 is not an assault rifle no matter what you think it looks like.
Oh, no. I think this subject and the sentiment expressed need discussed at length, although frankly I’m surprised this entire thread hasn’t been deleted. God forbid some liberal anti-Trump anti-NRA journalist stumble upon this ******* insanity and embarrass all Steelers fans.

Then start your own thread
Your entire argument is false as an AR-15 is not an assault rifle no matter what you think it looks like.
Call it what you will, I don't give a ****. Ban all weapons with a high-rate of fire, how's that for a start? Sounds like you're perfectly fine with the status quo. Just continue letting kids in schools - and innocents at movie theaters, churches, concerts - get mowed down in cold blood, time and time again.
Oh, no. I think this subject and the sentiment expressed need discussed at length, although frankly I’m surprised this entire thread hasn’t been deleted. God forbid some liberal anti-Trump anti-NRA journalist stumble upon this ******* insanity and embarrass all Steelers fans.

I think the pro-Trump crowd here are more than happy with this type of vitriol and hateful rhetoric; in fact, they're proud of it, they wear it like a badge of honor. Dont forget, it's what got Trump elected.

And kudos and respect to the few posters who've spoken out against it.

of course you two want to have a discussion about this, but certainly didnt want to discuss the BLM crowd and their chant of "Dead Pigs Now!" or whatever it was calling for a war on police. Of course you two want to discuss this now, but have no problems with having children ripped piece by piece from the womb. Of course you want to discuss this, because your argument about gun control is full of **** and you know it.

So, change the topic. As expected.
Call it what you will, I don't give a ****. Ban all weapons with a high-rate of fire, how's that for a start? Sounds like you're perfectly fine with the status quo. Just continue letting kids in schools - and innocents at movie theaters, churches, concerts - get mowed down in cold blood, time and time again.

and why don't you dig a little deeper than the surface and see what other common denominators you can find.

btw - good job including the Texas Church shooting in your stupid ******* meme. You do realize that ... and I'll even gander that most of those on the list ... were stopped by good guys with guns. The Texas Church, specifically, was stopped by an NRA trainer using an AR-15. Please, stop embarrassing yourself trying to present yourself as being more caring than others simply because you hate your President. It's old, tired and quite frankly, beneath you.
And what brought Hitler to power.

god damn it, son, you're a dense and daft son of a *****, aren't you?


by Daniel Luban

In a recent interview, the conservative Middle East scholar Bernard Lewis argues that the Arab world is not ready for free and fair elections. This may be surprising coming from the man whose theories about “the roots of Muslim rage” were a major inspiration for the Bush administration’s democracy promotion agenda. Nevertheless, in making his argument Lewis repeats what is supposed to be the argument-clincher against elections — the fact that “Hitler came to power in a free and fair election.”

The only problem is that this frequently-repeated “fact” is simply not true. In the final two free elections before Hitler’s rise to power, in July and November 1932, the Nazis received 38% and 33% of the vote, respectively — a plurality but not enough to bring them into government. In the 1932 presidential election, Hitler lost to Hindenburg by a wide margin.

Hitler came to power not through elections, but because Hindenburg and the circle around Hindenburg ultimately decided to appoint him chancellor in January 1933. This was the result of backroom dealing and power politics, not any kind of popular vote. It is true that after Hitler was already ensconced as chancellor, the Nazis subsequently won the March 1933 elections. But this was in the wake of the Reichstag fire, when the government had passed an emergency law that sharply restricted the activities of left-of-center parties (including the arrest of many Communist leaders). Thus it is difficult to claim that these were “free and fair” elections.

Look, I understand the basic point that Lewis and the rest are trying to make with the Hitler example: elections can sometimes bring nasty people to power. And frankly, I agree with this obvious point. But it would be nice if seemingly well-informed people would stop repeating this bogus “fact” about Hitler, so that we can lay it to rest once and for all.
Call it what you will, I don't give a ****. Ban all weapons with a high-rate of fire, how's that for a start? Sounds like you're perfectly fine with the status quo. Just continue letting kids in schools - and innocents at movie theaters, churches, concerts - get mowed down in cold blood, time and time again.

there HAS to be a compromise. As difficult it is to keep any gun out of the hands from a person that wants to do harm, there should be a regulation to what is available. I see Trump is putting a ban in place of bump stocks and that's a start. He is trying to do something. All of this didn't just start a year ago when his presidency started, so I don't know why he (or Obama) would be getting flack for something that has been around for decades.
I fully get the frustration and the need to protect our children in schools. It's amazing we are at this point in 2018, but people are different today. The value of life has diminished. Mental health, bullying and over use of meds are a few aspects of the underlying problem of not only in schools, but society as whole. Guns are one problem, but its the mentally sick that are the root of the problem that are plotting their next massacre. How do we stop that?
Call it what you will, I don't give a ****. Ban all weapons with a high-rate of fire, how's that for a start? Sounds like you're perfectly fine with the status quo. Just continue letting kids in schools - and innocents at movie theaters, churches, concerts - get mowed down in cold blood, time and time again.

In every case murder is against the law. These people don't follow laws, when will you get that through your thick skull.
The Libs can make all the noise they want but the Parkland shooting actually blows their narrative out of the water. They would like to ban guns and I suppose put our faith in government to protect us but in this case the government was notified about Cruz at every level and failed at every level.
In every case murder is against the law. These people don't follow laws, when will you get that through your thick skull.

Speaking of thick skulls, you may not be aware of this:

Cruz legally purchased a Smith & Wesson M&P 15 rifle in February 2017 from a licensed gun store located about 3 miles (5 kilometers) from the school, law enforcement officials said.

Devin Patrick Kelley's history of domestic abuse barred him from legally buying guns, but he did so anyway because information about his crimes was never entered into a federal database used for background checks. Kelley purchased four guns, including the AR-15-style rifle and handguns found in and near First Baptist Church, from licensed dealers in Texas and Colorado over a four-year span.

LAS VEGAS: OCT. 1, 2017. 58 DEAD
Stephen Paddock amassed the bulk of his arsenal over the span of a year, culminating with a purchase three days before he holed up in the Mandalay Bay hotel and opened fire on a country music festival below. Paddock purchased 33 of the 49 weapons found in the hotel room and at his homes between October 2016 and Sept. 28, 2017, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. None of the purchases drew scrutiny because the 64-year-old Paddock passed all background checks. His gradual accumulation of weapons went undetected because federal law does not require licensed gun dealers to alert the government about rifle purchases.

Omar Mateen purchased an AR-15-style rifle, a Sig Sauer MCX, and a handgun on separate days about a week before the attack from a licensed dealer near his home in Fort Pierce, Florida. The 29-year-old passed a background check and had two security licenses, one of which allowed him to be armed while on duty.

Syed Farook and his wife used weapons that the FBI said were legally purchased by his neighbor, Enrique Marquez, from a licensed dealer in 2011 and 2012.

Christopher Harper-Mercer and his family members legally purchased the handguns and rifle he used in the Umpqua Community College shooting from a federally licensed gun dealer, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

A drug arrest should have prevented Dylann Roof from purchasing the pistol authorities said he used at Emanuel AME Church, but a record-keeping error and background check delay allowed the transaction to go through. The FBI said a background check examiner never saw the arrest report because the wrong arresting agency was listed in state criminal history records. After three days, the gun dealer was legally permitted to complete the transaction.

Adam Lanza used his mother's weapons, including a .223-caliber semi-automatic rifle, in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Lanza's mother, whom he fatally shot before going to the school, also purchased the ammunition, investigators said.

James Holmes was receiving psychiatric treatment when he passed required federal background checks and legally purchased the weapons he used in his movie theater assault. As in the Parkland and Navy Yard cases, treatment alone did not prevent him from buying guns.

It's time to ban rapid-fire assault weapons (brown ones, black ones, camo ones....) & high capacity magazines and overhaul, reform and implement stricter gun control laws immediately. It will not solve all the issues of gun violence. There is no magic wand that will resolve this overnight. But if it makes even a small dent and makes it harder to carry out these types of attacks and helps save lives, it's well worth it, in my view.
This Libtard bullshit is sickening. They get all ginned up about "guns" every time a Democrat starts shooting up a safe zone but turn their eyes away from the mass murders paid for by our tax money. If you are concerned about innocent lives, why not target the inner city killings and Planned Parenthood mills too ?

This Libtard bullshit is sickening. They get all ginned up about "guns" every time a Democrat starts shooting up a safe zone but turn their eyes away from the mass murders paid for by our tax money. If you are concerned about innocent lives, why not target the inner city killings and Planned Parenthood mills too ?

The hypocrisy is deafening.
assault weapon is a made up term. They are either fully automatic or not. Full auto is what military uses and you can NOT walk into a gun shop and buy full auto.

Semi auto just means that you have to pull the trigger each time to fire. The evil AR15 fires at the same rate as most handguns.

This is the proof that this crusade to ban "assault weapons" is just a scam. The libs love to claim they have no problem with people owning handguns and hunting weapons, but the AR15 has the same rate of fire as hanguns and hunting weapons. The AR15 is used for hunting.

What they declare "assault weapons" are just cosmetic. You can buy a rifle that has the traditional wood stock and looks just like grandpa's old rifle and it has the same rate of fire as the AR15. The AR15 is just made to look like a military weapon, but it's not.

By this same logic, anybody driving a Hummer is driving an "assault vehicle". It's just missing a mounted .50 cal machine gun on the top
Speaking of thick skulls, you may not be aware of this:

It's time to ban rapid-fire assault weapons (brown ones, black ones, camo ones....) & high capacity magazines and overhaul, reform and implement stricter gun control laws immediately. It will not solve all the issues of gun violence. There is no magic wand that will resolve this overnight. But if it makes even a small dent and makes it harder to carry out these types of attacks and helps save lives, it's well worth it, in my view.

And I say we plant a **** ton of dandelions. It makes sinusitis happen. No one is doing **** with a sinus infection. If it makes a single dent, it’s worth it, right?
I wonder what percentage of that crowd even knows the name of the shooter at Parkland.
Oh. Wait.

Libs are terrified of modern guns, and want to return to the days of wood stocks.

In a way, they want to “Make America Great Again”.
Clearly government background checks are not working, so we need a bigger government background check system. Sound familiar?