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New Steelers QB Russell Wilson Believes He Will Be The Starter In Pittsburgh: "He's Ultra Confident In His Abilities"

Lol let me cynically explain what the options are here... assuming that no matter what happens it turns out bad for us 🤣

A. Wilson wins the starting role, Pickett demands a trade, and then Wilson continues to stat out but lose, While pickett wins elsewhere

B. Wilson wins the starting role, does ok, then we sign him for too much and too long next year and he ruins us

C. Pickett wins the starting role, Wilson becomes a Tomlin " no hostages" special

D. Wilson gets handed the starting role due to his Vet status and then sucks and we flip back to a ruined Pickett after the hole is too deep to climb out of

E. Wilson narrowly beats out Pickett in camp then immediately gets injured, creating a huge flux that the team never recovers from.

F. Wilson looks like all the rest of our non ben QBs under the tomlin era and Rudolph balls out in Denver or wherever...

G. Wilson starts out great, then hits a wall and we still resign him next year
E & F are my expectations.
Yea yea yea we will see.........With a competent OC and Wilson they "should" be better.....I guess if they get to 11 wins and actually win a playoff game in this day and age that is progress....

Excuse me if I don't fall for the " instant contender" BS anymore.

Everyone acts like this was an earth shattering deal when the Steelers signed him at VET MINIMUM. Denver is paying his salary lmfao.

Never stayed at a Holiday in Express andI would have done that deal.
I do not like the move one bit. I think it sends a horrible message to Kenny who after Canada was fired played well at Cincinnati and at home the first half against the Cardinals.
Don’t set yourselves up for a SB run with this guy like the Broncos thought they were doing when they signed him. I’m not going to do that!
They needed to run with Kenny this season under Arthur Smith and a stronger OL and give him a legitimate chance.
This stinks of Shades once again who continues to screw up everything he touches with QB being his centerpiece.
I'm not a Wilson fan. While owning the worst interception in Super Bowl history, he's a past-his-prime player that they are taking a chance on because of the financial attractiveness of the situation.

To me, this speaks more of Arthur Smith than anything else. He's a big name OC, former head coach..... And he wants a guy who can run his heavy play-action offense. Apparently.... He does not see that ability on the the current roster.

One thing Smith has to like, he's got some high quality RBs and freakishly talented #1 receiver with some maturity issues.

Nonetheless..... The biggest question to me is.... How do we beat the Chiefs?? Until that puzzle is solved.... There won't be any championship run.
One thing for sure Tomlin once more showed his dislike of Mason. No matter if you like the guy or not you do have to say Mason did not deserve the disrespect this organization has given him. His play and players stood up for him got them in the playoffs and made Tomlin you know this outstanding never losing season coach, another winning season. Then throw in Kenny already pissed from end of last year must be thinking I'm done. Kenny did not come through for sure, but you sign Wilson for one year what does that really do except once shake up this team once more. 35 years old Denver was willing to pay what 39 million dollars to send him away, what is it Tomlin and Rooney don't see.
One thing for sure Tomlin once more showed his dislike of Mason. No matter if you like the guy or not you do have to say Mason did not deserve the disrespect this organization has given him. His play and players stood up for him got them in the playoffs and made Tomlin you know this outstanding never losing season coach, another winning season. Then throw in Kenny already pissed from end of last year must be thinking I'm done. Kenny did not come through for sure, but you sign Wilson for one year what does that really do except once shake up this team once more. 35 years old Denver was willing to pay what 39 million dollars to send him away, what is it Tomlin and Rooney don't see.
I'm not a Wilson fan. While owning the worst interception in Super Bowl history, he's a past-his-prime player that they are taking a chance on because of the financial attractiveness of the situation.

To me, this speaks more of Arthur Smith than anything else. He's a big name OC, former head coach..... And he wants a guy who can run his heavy play-action offense. Apparently.... He does not see that ability on the the current roster.

One thing Smith has to like, he's got some high quality RBs and freakishly talented #1 receiver with some maturity issues.

Nonetheless..... The biggest question to me is.... How do we beat the Chiefs?? Until that puzzle is solved.... There won't be any championship run.
Good post..

I would say we are a hell of alot closer to beating them today than yesterday.

Good point about Smith also....people are saying this reeks of Tomlin...I disagree..
I think Smith watched film on Kenny and Mason, and said "YIKES!"
Lol let me cynically explain what the options are here... assuming that no matter what happens it turns out bad for us 🤣

A. Wilson wins the starting role, Pickett demands a trade, and then Wilson continues to stat out but lose, While pickett wins elsewhere

B. Wilson wins the starting role, does ok, then we sign him for too much and too long next year and he ruins us

C. Pickett wins the starting role, Wilson becomes a Tomlin " no hostages" special

D. Wilson gets handed the starting role due to his Vet status and then sucks and we flip back to a ruined Pickett after the hole is too deep to climb out of

E. Wilson narrowly beats out Pickett in camp then immediately gets injured, creating a huge flux that the team never recovers from.

F. Wilson looks like all the rest of our non ben QBs under the tomlin era and Rudolph balls out in Denver or wherever...

G. Wilson starts out great, then hits a wall and we still resign him next year
The problem with hypotheticals is you could also say:

H. Wilson starts and wins the SB. Steelers then sign him for 2 more years for another shot.
Rudy Rudy Rudy.

Wait, …nobody?

Canada... And clutch is something you can't coach into a player. Other things that people are complaining about with Kenny can be...which is prob why we have a new QB coach.

But her, we got a cheap old QB, all is saved. They mishandled Mason, they mishandled Mitch, now they are repeating the process with Kenny.
I do not like the move one bit. I think it sends a horrible message to Kenny who after Canada was fired played well at Cincinnati and at home the first half against the Cardinals.
Don’t set yourselves up for a SB run with this guy like the Broncos thought they were doing when they signed him. I’m not going to do that!
They needed to run with Kenny this season under Arthur Smith and a stronger OL and give him a legitimate chance.
This stinks of Shades once again who continues to screw up everything he touches with QB being his centerpiece.
He can win it in pre-season. If can't beat Wilson he ain't it
Now that the Fields market has tanked, I would have much rather gotten him for a 3rd (what the pundits are now saying he can be had for.) since you are blowing up KP's chances of staying on the team with the new OC passed his rookie contract. Fields is young and has by no means hit his peak or his ceiling. Wilson is on the last legs of his career.
Damn ---tough crowd..

We just signed a very capable legit NFL caliper QB for absolute peanuts and people are bitching?!?

This immediately makes the Pittsburgh Steelers relevant in the league again.
I’d wager 95% of people with eyeballs would wager Payton is a more accomplished offensive mind than Tomlin

Did Russ make the Donkeys instantly relevant going 8-9

I’ll view him with very tempered expectations and see what an aging vet minimum guy can offer and not put the Steelers as even a fringe contender just yet

Appreciate your optimism but many aren’t there just yet and are gonna take a lot of proving it to before drinking the kool aid
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Kenny Pickett. He played TWENTY FIVE GAMES. I never ONCE saw ANYTHING even remotely special in him. Errant passes galore. Hang a left into the opposing teams tackle every other play. Kenny had count them. 25 games

25 games and he squandered them.
And Mason, and Mitch, and old Ben.

Kenny Pickett. He played TWENTY FIVE GAMES. I never ONCE saw ANYTHING even remotely special in him. Errant passes galore. Hang a left into the opposing teams tackle every other play. Kenny had count them. 25 games

25 games and he squandered them.

I don't know why this is so hard to understand. He had Canada, Mr don't use the middle of the field, only throw horizontal passes, as his OC for all but 1.5 of those games. He had a pretty pathetic offensive line for pass protection, an inconstant rushing game, but everything is his fault. Mason didn't come in and run the same system he did for 23.5 games, he ran the system he ran for 1.5 games.

Everyone wants that all pro season immediately, but no one wants to coach it up...including our amazing, never losing season HC.

Does Kenny have warts? Yup, but he's also not a top 5 pick. He needs a quality QB coach and OC. But what they have done is neutered him. After preaching all of season they have confidence in him, and they are angered by the criticism of him, they jump on the pile and signed Wilson. We have become the browns, broncos, colts, etc.
He can win it in pre-season. If can't beat Wilson he ain't it
You honestly think shades will give Kenny a fair shot against Wilson? I don’t!
Bringing him in to start not backup. They think this is their big chance to win a SB and as I mentioned in another post, they’re panicking because the defense is aging quickly.

Kenny Pickett. He played TWENTY FIVE GAMES. I never ONCE saw ANYTHING even remotely special in him. Errant passes galore. Hang a left into the opposing teams tackle every other play. Kenny had count them. 25 games

25 games and he squandered them.
Some QB's take longer than others. Kenny had a **** ton of playing time at Pitt with 49 games total and worked with the great Mark Whipple and Frank Cignetti as his QB coaches. Sure, Covid shortened one of his seasons but 49 games is a serious amount of reps and Kenny didn't really come along until his last season with the panthers. The NFL is a whole different monster though. 25 games is scratching the surface with Kenny. He may need another 25 to get things rolling for him. Unfortunately, the NFL is a win now league and the Steelers don't have the time to invest in this experiment.

Kenny Pickett. He played TWENTY FIVE GAMES. I never ONCE saw ANYTHING even remotely special in him. Errant passes galore. Hang a left into the opposing teams tackle every other play. Kenny had count them. 25 games

25 games and he squandered them.
I couldn't agree more, I've never seen a QB been given so many excuses. I don't care if the local Jr. High coach is calling plays, a Franchise QB is going to make plays that shows why he's going to be a franchise guy, instead he constantly showed why he wasn't that guy, missing open guys, never stepping up in the pocket, instead trying to spin out to his left into pressure. That's the one thing Mason did so much better, was he actually stepped up in the pocket.
His biggest accomplishment that everyone points to is his 4th qtr come backs vs LV and Balt, but what the don't mention is that up until those final drives, our offense with him at QB had 6 points and 9 points in almost 4 qts of football.
Who cares about Bradshaw, that was a totally different ERA, this is the passing era everything is gear toward offenses.
Ben's first game he came in he threw 2 INT's , but he also went right down the field on the road vs the feared Baltimore defense made plays, threw 2 TD's and you could see in his first 2.5 qtrs he was going to be the guy.