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No more anchor babies.

If the U.S. turned into a 3rd world shithole Tibs would be just fine with it.
He wants the entire world to be the 3rd world.
I've always felt you were borderline insane. This post did nothing to dissuade me of holding such an opinion.
Hoaxed: The ‘Illegal Alien Mom with Barefoot Kids’ Photo was a Setup

Jesus Spike, are you really that desperate to be spreading alt-right propaganda on this board? Who am I kidding, it's what you do every day.

The entire affair at the border was videotaped, the photos are just snapshots from what can be seen on the video. It's out there, if you look around. What a ****** up thing to do, to suggest this didn't happen or was manipulated in some way. /smh
How a nation handles asylum seekers has to do with its pocketbook and its soul. It takes money to address this problem. Soup kitchens do run out of funds and the homeless go unfed. You Liberals operate believing there is this endless supply of $$ to address these future Democratic voters. We already spend $185Billion annually on ILLEGAL immigrants.

A nation's soul....that is indeed interesting that you bring that up and insert that into this conversation so let's follow Alice down the rabbit hole.

Would you take food from your starving child's mouth to feed an illegal immigrant? How about two illegals? Maybe a family? At what point would you put your family first, or at what point would you let your wife and daughters perish so that you could continue to try to help these immigrants? I'm curious what you'd put first.

The United States has somewhere between 200K-500K homeless people. 11% are US Veterans. 43.1 Million Americans live below the poverty line in the USA. 100Million live in "near poverty." In 2013 1 in 30 children were homeless at some point in the year 2013.

A nation with a "soul" takes care of its own. It's natural that you protect your family first. We do not have infinite resources. We can't employ and feed our own, yet we want to open the doors and swell the 20-30million illegal immigrants rank. Brilliant.

This should affect your soul.




**** those white ************* and their white privilege!
Since nobody asked my solution to the migrant invasion problem, I will tell you

Easy fix, pull up to TJ with a cruise ship, load it up full and take them all to Hawaii to live

The question I have to ask is how do these "asylum seekers" with children expect to support themselves?
I've always felt you were borderline insane. This post did nothing to dissuade me of holding such an opinion.

Exactly what I thought. No answers just deflections and name calling. What else could I think since you want the U.S. to be flooded with immigrants from all over the world and are perfectly fine with free healthcare that would cost TRILLIONS of dollars a year. What else could I think you would want?

The question I have to ask is how do these "asylum seekers" with children expect to support themselves?

They don't expect to. They expect YOU to.
The solution is in front of everyone's eyes. it will cost some money, but a lot we are already spending, anyway.

Close several foreign military bases. Start with every one in Germany.

Build a multi-service military base in every border state, near the border. Populate these bases with medical teams, Seabees, Army/Marine patrol and Airforce reconnaissance troops.

Seebees get training building/maintaining walls and infrastructure, Army/Marine troops get training patrolling the boarder and wiping out tunnels, Israeli style, and the Airforce drone corp get training with aerial reconnaissance.
oh, that cuts down on the cross border Mexican gang crimes, too.

Shoot, go one better, have the Seabees build one long road, walled on both sides, that goes from Mexico to Canada! Trudeau will be happy to take in the asylum seekers.
oh, that cuts down on the cross border Mexican gang crimes, too.

Shoot, go one better, have the Seabees build one long road, walled on both sides, that goes from Mexico to Canada! Trudeau will be happy to take in the asylum seekers.

finally, ark shows that he has some redeeming factor.
I believe the discussion here is about what's happening at the border with this current group of asylum seekers, is it not? Not the fact Trump's policies have triggered a substansive debt increase or that his much-revered economic gains have been mostly smoke & mirrors. How a nation handles legitimate asylum seekers has to do with its soul, not its pocketbook.

Tibs you ignorant slut,

These are not asylum seekers. They are not under imminent threat of death via an oppressive government. They refused asylum offered by Mexico already further reinforcing that fact. They are economic migrants who have been prompted to come now at the behest of the Democrat Party. Before you try to say that isn't the case Project Veritas already has video evidence of officials from the Robert Francis O'Rourke campaign illegally funneling money to them.
just peacefully fleeing the depraved conditions under which they have been ruled, seeking to grab their slice of the american dream. won't you open your arms?

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar..._o6TEJ8bUOvqV xlRyyuB4U11c-UjMGwD3ZC1n2S3EeM
Second migrant caravan storms into Mexico: 'Violent' group from Central America carrying BOMBS and guns defies a huge police presence to cross the border from Guatemala as Trump deploys 5,200 troops

  • The second caravan making their way up through Central America have members armed with explosives
  • Had gasoline bombs made of soft-drink bottles, and improvised PVC tubes to launch fireworks
  • Mexican federal police briefly blocked the migrants from crossing the Suchiate River on Monday
  • But the migrants soon defied the law enforcement presence and broke through into Mexico
  • Many tried to swim or wade across to Mexico, some while carrying children
  • Law enforcement avoided a second day of violence, a day after a confrontation left one migrant dead

The second migrant caravan, believed to be armed with bombs and guns, crossed into Mexico on Monday despite a huge police presence.

Hundreds of migrants following in the footsteps of the first caravan heading to the U.S. border crossed a river from Guatemala.

A low-flying police helicopter hovered overhead as the migrants waded in large groups through the Suchiate River's murky waters, apparently trying to use the downdraft from its rotors to discourage them.

Guatemala's Noti7 channel reported that one man drowned and aired video of a man dragging a seemingly lifeless body from the river.

Once on the Mexican side the migrants were surrounded and escorted by black-uniformed officers as sirens wailed.

The second group back at the Guatemalan frontier has been more unruly than the first that crossed. Guatemala's Interior Ministry said Guatemalan police officers were injured when the migrant group broke through border barriers on Guatemala's side of the bridge.

Mexico authorities said migrants attacked its agents with rocks, glass bottles and fireworks when they broke through a gate on the Mexican end but were pushed back, and some allegedly carried guns and firebombs.

On Monday, Mexican Interior Secretary Alfonso Navarrete Prida lamented what he called a second 'violent attempt' to storm the border, accusing people of placing the elderly, pregnant women and children at the front, putting them at risk of being crushed.

'Fortunately, that did not happen,' he said.


meanwhile, Tibs Diamond sings, from his walled in home where he makes a good life due to capitalism:

We've been traveling far
Without a home
But not without a star
Only want to be free
We huddle close
Hang on to a dream
On the boats and on the planes
They're coming to America
Never looking back again
They're coming to America
Home, don't it seem so far away
Oh, we're traveling light today
In the eye of the storm
In the eye of the storm
Home, to a new and a shiny place
Make our bed, and we'll say our grace
Freedom's light burning warm
Freedom's light burning warm
Everywhere around the world
They're coming to America
Every time that flag's unfurled
They're coming to America
Got a dream to take them there
They're coming to America
Got a dream they've come to share
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
They're coming to America
Today, today, today, today, today
My country 'tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing
Of thee I sing
Hope this doesn't trigger anybody... just thought it was...well, not really funny, but rather poignant.

meanwhile, Tibs Diamond sings, from his walled in home where he makes a good life due to capitalism:

Why do you insist on being such a wierdo? I don't have a 'walled-in home' and I've lived a good life due to capitalsm much of my life, and I intend on continuing to do so. What any of this has to do with this thread, God only knows.

Kind of funny we are worried about a few thousand refugees, when the real threat in our country is drug use. They estimate that over
10% of the US population over 12 are using drugs. How much lost economic productivity, crime, and healthcare costs do you think
that is costing us?
Good day to you too, sir.

Oh, ok. Good to know Spike's not the only one beholden to extreme far-right, fringe conspiracy groups. Duly noted.

They have it on video. That is incontrovertible evidence not a "fringe conspiracy". You are just as much of a Clown Shoe as you have ever been.

Kind of funny we are worried about a few thousand refugees, when the real threat in our country is drug use. They estimate that over
10% of the US population over 12 are using drugs. How much lost economic productivity, crime, and healthcare costs do you think
that is costing us?

A few thousand refugees? No, a few thousand refugees in this wave just adds to the massive burden of illegal immigrants already here.


Number of illegal immigrants in US may be twice what's reported: Yale-MIT study

The number of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. could be double what the generally accepted estimate is, according to a study released Friday by researchers from Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The U.S. government and most groups put the number of undocumented immigrants at around 11 million to 12 million, but researchers from Yale and MIT give a “conservative” number of 16. 7 million in 2016 and an average of 22 million, according to Yale Insights.

Bloomberg reported the study could validate claims made by President Trump that the real number on undocumented immigrants in the country is as high as 30 million and could offer ammunition for the president and immigration critics to take a harder stance on the issue.

Kind of funny we are worried about a few thousand refugees, when the real threat in our country is drug use. They estimate that over
10% of the US population over 12 are using drugs. How much lost economic productivity, crime, and healthcare costs do you think
that is costing us?

Red Herring of the day right here folks.

How much of that is casual use of alcohol and marijuana?
Why do you insist on being such a wierdo? I don't have a 'walled-in home' and I've lived a good life due to capitalsm much of my life, and I intend on continuing to do so. What any of this has to do with this thread, God only knows.

you seriously do not see the flaw in what you typed versus what you appeal for in the country I still live in?
Asylum seekers are supposed to stop at the first country that offers it. Mexico offered it. Not asylum seekers.
Asylum seekers are supposed to stop at the first country that offers it. Mexico offered it. Not asylum seekers.

This is a completely valid point, one which should be emphasized over such noble suggestions as spraying asylum seekers with machine gun fire or flame throwers.
This is a completely valid point, one which should be emphasized over such noble suggestions as spraying asylum seekers with machine gun fire or flame throwers.

I would suggest nuking them. Oh wait, that is only done to legal gun owners that refuse to give them up.
Kind of funny we are worried about a few thousand refugees

Can you get it through that brain of yours that it's not only about "a few thousand refugees" but the precedent it continues to set for waves and waves of future "migrations"? That we need to enforce our laws currently on the books so we don't become Germany?

And refugees huh, that's funny. Those poor refugees trekked almost a third of a continent all by their lonesome, what a miracle!
This is a completely valid point, one which should be emphasized over such noble suggestions as spraying asylum seekers with machine gun fire or flame throwers.

Tibs you ignorant slut,

I made that point earlier when I called you an ignorant slut.