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OK I gotta say it

I know I am in the bastion of all things Trump, but this guy just needs to stop. He needs his twitter account deleted, and he needs to get to the business of the people. I get that he is angry that the media keeps attacking him, but insulting people on twitter is so juvenile. It is getting embarrassing. I understand using social media to get your message directly to the American public, but insulting people and just generally being an *** is not the way to do it. He is never going to accomplish anything meaningful if he keeps taking the media's bait and throwing temper tantrums like a child.

Like President Obama, I had so much hope for President Trump. Looks like both of them are going to let the people down, albeit for far different reasons.

The bottomfeeders of his base love it?
Great. Are you going to address Sarge's post that started this thread?

Why should I? I didn't vote for Trump.

My overall opinion of this is that a) there was indication before the election that this was an issue b) I don't really care about how people think of our country, the press or anything about the fake outrage from liberals based upon ******* tweets and c) this is STILL better than Hillary being president.
He is never going to accomplish anything meaningful.

What a load of steaming HORSESHIT!

maybe you missed a thread - there are HUNDREDS of new accomplishment's done already


What has Trump Winning done?

#1 Beat Hillary like a dog and kept her from destroying America!

#1A Selecting Neil Gorsuch For The Supreme Court!

Canceling TPP

Restarting the exploration of gas and oil drilling and building new pipelines, Dakota and Keystone

Freezing all federal hiring outside of the military

Dismantling Obama’s climate change policies

Enforcing regulatory reform.

Defending Law enforcement.

Mandating for every new regulation to eliminate two.

Rebuilding the military.

Designated Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR as Terrorist Organizations

Single-handedly destroyed both the Bush and Clinton political machines

Saving brillions by getting out of the Paris Climate Ponzi scheme

Hiring 10,000 new border and deportation agents and the ones already there allowed to do their jobs - getting immigration to do their jobs by deporting illegal immigrants

Exposed the lying leftist media as Fake News outlets for the socialist propganda arm of the DNC

Immigration arrests up 38% nationwide under Trump

30,000+ Criminal Aliens Apprehended by ICE in 100 Days

Dozens of MS-13 gang members nabbed in 50 Los Angeles raids

Sanctuary cities lose access to federal grants that require complying with federal immigration law

Trump at NRA convention: 'Eight-year assault' on gun rights is over

Shutting down Obama's BLM loving, hating whitey ideology - Black College Leader: 'So Far, Trump a Step UP From Obama'


President Trump has signed more bills into law than his four predecessors

Compared to his immediate predecessors, Mr. Trump is forging ahead in his bid to better the nation and move forward.

“To date, President Trump has signed 37 bills into law, placing him ahead of the last four administrations,” the two Republican leaders noted

“The Republican-led House has passed 158 bills, making it the most productive in the modern-era,” the pair said in their report, noting that during the equivalent passage of time in the Obama administration, the House passed 131 bills.

The lawmakers had passed 67 bills at this point during the George W. Bush era, 60 during Mr. Clinton’s time in office and 41 during the George H.W. Bush administration. Mr. McCarthy says it’s “record Congressional productivity to date.”



Here's the latest since you are too lazy to go there

House passes Kate’s Law, as part of illegal immigrant crackdown

House Republicans took action Thursday to crack down on illegal immigrants and the cities that shelter them.


One bill passed by the House would deny federal grants to sanctuary cities and another, Kate’s Law, would increase the penalties for deported aliens who try to return to the United States.

Kate's Law, which would increase the penalties for deported aliens who try to return to the United States and caught, passed with a vote of 257 to 157, with one Republican voting no and 24 Democrats voting yes.

Kate's Law is named for Kate Steinle, a San Francisco woman killed by an illegal immigrant who was in the U.S. despite multiple deportations. The two-year anniversary of her death is on Saturday.

I say it's time to declare WAR on Liberals and their quisling supporters!


The good far outweighs the bad, but this was some obnoxious low class **** from the President of the United States.
I love it. I think it's great. It's about time someone hits back at those mf'ers.

Exactly - these ******* go sliming every ******* day of the week, **** talking non-stop for hours and hours, and NOW they get the conniptions when they get smashed back in the face?

**** EM!

**** ALL THEIR ******!

Fight back!

This isn't the Jeb/Cruz/McCain ***** party!

(Sarah Huckabee) Sanders: President Fights Fire With Fire

“Look, I don’t think that the president’s ever been someone who gets attacked and doesn’t push back. There have been an outrageous number of personal attacks, not just to him but to frankly everyone around him. People on that show have personally attacked me many times, this is a president who fights fire with fire,” Sanders said on Fox News. “And certainly will not be allowed to be bullied by liberal media or liberal elites within the media or Hollywood or anywhere else.”

When asked whether this type of personal attack was necessary, Sanders said what’s “necessary is to push back against unnecessary attacks on the President both personally” and claimed there have been “outrageous attacks” “day in and day out” on “Morning Joe” against her and Trump.

“I have seen far worse things come out of that show. Again, directed not just at the President, but everyone around him, personal attacks, mean, hateful attacks. Again this President is not going to sit back and not push back and fight fire with fire and that’s exactly what he did today,” she said.



Thanks for making my point on who's calling for violence. Hope Tim will be by soon to call you out on this, given how sensitive he is to such open and direct threats.

You mean like your Bernie REVOLUTION?


and gives us his stuff!
******* LO ******* L

******* let me know the next time that the MSM gives Trump any credit for a goddamned thing. the ****** is attacked by the left, by some in the right and the MSM on a daily goddamned basis. his ******* steak. his two scoops of ice cream. good god.

Are you ******* kidding me? Let me know when you're explaining why a three old is reacting to his older siblings teasing and tormenting him and NOT the ******* POTUS.

If you don't want to tolerate being unfairly criticized, POTUS is the very last job you want. Trump might have to deal with Kim starting WWiII, but he can't handle what Morning Joe has to say about him? Yeah, I think there's good reason to be concerned.
more important news in case you missed it

Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams pleads guilty in his federal corruption

The move came after weeks of damaging testimony against Williams, a two-term Democrat who didn't run for re-election this year.

Seth Williams resigned as Philadelphia’s district attorney and was led out of court in handcuffs Thursday after abruptly ending his trial on federal bribery charges with a guilty plea.

Williams, who saw embarrassing details about his messy personal life and financial struggles dragged out into open court during the nearly two-week trial, pleaded guilty to one count related to accepting a bribe from Bucks County businessman Mohammad Ali.

Two wealthy businessmen testified that they had showered the district attorney with gifts of all-expenses-paid travel, luxury goods and even cash in anticipation of the legal favors they might need from him.

While the 28 remaining counts against Williams were dismissed, he “admits that he committed all of the conduct in those 29 counts,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Zauzmer said.


As part of the deal, Williams agreed to resign and acknowledged that he faced up to five years in prison when he is sentenced on Oct. 24.

more important news in case you missed it
Ah, the old bait 'n switch. Anything to distract from what a ******* ******* the President is.
Sarge, did you miss Trump's veteran reform? How can you possibly say that is not an accomplishment, especially after Obama **** all over our vets for 8 years?
His policies are fine, but i would certainly expect more class from the POTUS. If i was president i wouldn't care what some media hacks say. I would be focusing on getting votes for the health care bill and what not. He preaches unity, but yet keeps throwing liberals constant bones for hate.
Trump gets attacked, rightfully so, for his behavior, his policies, his deceits and his lies. Thank God there's still a free press that can cut through all the bs and report the facts. Message to Trump > If you don't want to be called out for being a complete ****-up, don't be a complete ****-up.

Trump gets attacked because he is a Republican that beat the liberal favorite clinton.....President Obama was a complete **** up and the media loved him....because he was a liberal black man....

but no worries.....you are safe behind your country's walls
**** EM!

**** ALL THEIR ******!

Fight back!

This isn't the Jeb/Cruz/McCain ***** party!


Quit sugarcoating it and tell us how you really feel.
GWB ate their **** with a smile, and they continued to **** on him for 8 ******* years. So why not try a different approach?

Did it make me cringe? Yes.

Did she deserve the reciprocation of disrespect? Yes.

Fake news, fake face. Fake fake fake fake fake.

I wish there were another way to expose the media for being dishonest and full of ****, but if this is what it takes then I'm ok with it.

However much of an embarrassment this nonsense may be, his policies make him worth it. Love the new conservative S.C. Justice who is begging to hear a 2nd Amendment case, so he can remind everyone what the Constitution says. Love the travel ban that makes people prove they're worthy of entering the country, we owe them nothing. And I love that he counter-punches the lying media, even if I wish it were more dignified, I'm just happy to see it.
My take:

Donald, you are the POTUS. Yes, lying shitbags deserve a verbal punch in the face but not from you, and not on freaking twitter.

Shut down the tweets, get to work, and ignore the losing *******.
Agree 100%. With respect to getting to work, he has been working harder than any president in memory. Two Hour Marathon Paul Ryan and Mitch Turning into an Old Lady McConnell can't ******* take a piss if they think Schumer will object. It's as if the dems controlled both houses.
GWB ate their **** with a smile, and they continued to **** on him for 8 ******* years. So why not try a different approach?

I wish there were another way to expose the media for being dishonest and full of ****, but if this is what it takes then I'm ok with it.

**** the "conservatives" that would eat their liberal **** sandwiches and smile - limpdicks of the GOPe like McCain and Rubio and Jeb! got flattened by Trump - and their followers here are still crying over it too - then can go suck Hillary's tit with the rest of the LOSERS!

WE don't need you, we don't WANT you!

Trump Drives Schoolmarms Of Political Press Crazy

Oh, the mad genius of Donald Trump!

On the cusp of one of the biggest victories of his administration, cracking down on illegal aliens who commit vicious crimes inside our country, President Trump took to Twitter.

“I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”

The only thing missing from this electronic presidential address was the Marine Band playing “Hail to the Chief.”

She was bleeding badly. Face-lift. Low I.Q. Psycho Joe.

It is all so delicious. Mercilessly inventive. Joyously vicious. Like an entire season of pro wrestling drama, all sewn up into two little Twitter messages.

Of course, the puritanical schoolmarms of the political press went absolutely bonkers over Mr. Trump’s broadside of their fellow travelers. They scolded him that his Twitter missives were beneath the office of the president.

Really, you mean like molesting an intern in the Oval Office? “Presidential” like that?

But the funny thing about it is that nobody actually disproved anything that Mr. Trump alleged. Just like Russia and obstruction of justice and everything else, there is not one single shred of evidence that Mr. Trump is not 100 percent in the right.




Shut down the tweets, get to work, and ignore the losing *******.

Trump is doing exactly as promised


House passes Kate’s Law, as part of illegal immigrant crackdown

The House on Thursday passed two immigration bills that would penalize illegal immigrants who commit crimes and local jurisdictions that refuse to work with federal authorities to deport them.

The second measure, "No Sanctuary for Criminals Act," would cut federal grants to states and “sanctuary cities” that refuse to cooperate with law enforcement carrying out immigration enforcement activities.




How bothered are you by President Trump’s tweet about Mika Brzezinski?

44%Not bothered at all
43%Very bothered
9%Somewhat bothered
4%Somewhat not bothered

586,628 votes


Say it again, Sam!



4 more years!

4 more years!

4 more years!

Hit them again, harder! harder!

Donald Trump and his supporters running against Hillary Clinton for the rest of eternity. LOL