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OK I gotta say it

Donald Trump and his supporters running against Hillary Clinton for the rest of eternity. LOL

She's got a shelf life like radioactivity Tibsy, might as well get used to it.


Vanity Fair suggested this month that Hillary Clinton fade away after Jim Comey testified that Obama's AG Loretta Lynch tried to publicly downgrade the FBI probe of the e-mail scandal. It never ends. To bring Hillary to life the moment she was born, the doctor slapped her with a subpoena.


Hillary Clinton took questions from a tech panel onstage in California Tuesday. She blamed her loss on the Russians, Comey, misogyny, Fox News, Facebook and the DNC. Hillary won't pull into her own driveway if she sees a lot of cars parked out front, fearing that it's an intervention.


You lie too. She's been so crooked for so long that will reflexively not tell the truth about anything. She couldn't give you an honest answer if you asked her what she had for lunch.
You lie too. She's been so crooked for so long that will reflexively not tell the truth about anything. She couldn't give you an honest answer if you asked her what she had for lunch.

I'm ashamed to admit it because I was raised better but I actually loath the sight of that women. I can't find anything redeemable about her at all.
I finally saw "THE TWEET." Could he have phrased it better? Yes. But it wasn't an attack on Mika's appearance- it was alluding to how much she and Joe wanted to be at Mar A Lago for face time with Trump. Mika wasn't healed from her operation, yet was DYING to go to Florida. THAT is what he meant.

Going after a woman's appearance is still considered "wrong" in this day and age. But women go after men all the time. Don't dish it out if you can't take it. I have a liberal friend who gives a daily "Trump color and hand size" update on Facebook. Is that ok? What's good for the goose.....

That being said- I applaud Trump for not sitting back and letting media bash him. I do wish he would tone stuff down, but then he wouldn't be Trump. It's a weird line to toe.
I finally saw "THE TWEET." Could he have phrased it better? Yes. But it wasn't an attack on Mika's appearance- it was alluding to how much she and Joe wanted to be at Mar A Lago for face time with Trump. Mika wasn't healed from her operation, yet was DYING to go to Florida. THAT is what he meant.

OK, that's a bunch of nonsense that not even Huckabee is arguing. What did Trump really mean when he called them "crazy" and "psycho"? Never mind that, it is what it is. Who cares if it was crude and offensive, what you should be concerned with is that the POTUS is so preoccupied and enraged by such things that he resorts to that kind of behavior. Do you think it's lost on Putin or Kim that Trump is so easily provoked and impulsive? How is that not of great concern to you?
Those two commie **** nuts hammer and berate Trump and his family every day for hours. He finally slaps them with an awesome tweet that dismisses them as desperate and unhinged, which they clearly are. It was great. This is entertaining stuff. Trump is not afraid to get in the mud and punch back. I really hope he keeps it up. And Putin is probably thinking "Wow, this guy doesn't take **** from anybody."
OK, that's a bunch of nonsense that not even Huckabee is arguing. What did Trump really mean when he called them "crazy" and "psycho"? Never mind that, it is what it is. Who cares if it was crude and offensive, what you should be concerned with is that the POTUS is so preoccupied and enraged by such things that he resorts to that kind of behavior. Do you think it's lost on Putin or Kim that Trump is so easily provoked and impulsive? How is that not of great concern to you?

It's not. What is of concern to me is working 2 jobs, paying my rent, and putting food on my table. You know, the concerns of the average American. Trump's style and tweets are an afterthought to me. I see them and just get on with my life. I don't waste my time getting pissed off or offended at everything Trump says or does. At least we know what he really thinks.
Ana Navarro is one of the few Republicans who still has a spine. Bless her.

And who do want to bless her?....now that you democRATs voted to remove God from the democrat platform.
Trump might have to deal with Kim starting WWiII, but he can't handle what Morning Joe has to say about him? Yeah, I think there's good reason to be concerned.

You seemed to have handled liberal violence, threats, and the attempted murder of a Republican congressman quite well, but are having a difficult time with a Tweet.
The Morning Ho Show and her pimp, Joe!


The autopsy of Lori Klausutis makes no reference to a time of death. That raises new questions about an investigation that started when the 28-year-old woman's body was found in the office of then U.S. Representative Joe Scarborough in summer 2001.

Accidental death was the official finding in the Klausutis case, with a cardiac arrhythmia causing her to fall and hit her head on a desk. But the recent discovery of human remains at a storage unit in Pensacola, Florida, casts doubt on that ruling. That's because the storage unit was rented by Dr. Michael Berkland, the man who conducted the Klausutis autopsy 11 years earlier.

Berkland now faces a felony charge of improper storage of hazardous waste, and the grisly nature of the discovery calls his competence--and perhaps his sanity--into question.

Was the Lori Klausutis autopsy conducted in a professional manner? Was foul play prematurely ruled out? Should the investigation be reopened, perhaps with renewed scrutiny for Scarborough and others who might have had access to his office at the time?

Meanwhile, events surrounding the Klausutis story are taking on characteristics that are disturbingly reminiscent of the Don Siegelman case. More on that in a moment.

Scarborough has become a prominent figure in cable television news, serving as co-host of MSNBC's Morning Joe. He also has strong ties to our area, as a graduate of the University of Alabama and confidant of former GOP Governor Bob Riley and his son, Homewood attorney Rob Riley.

Many Morning Joe viewers probably have forgotten, or never knew, that the body of a female aide once was found in Scarborough's Congressional office. Investigators quickly saw that a blow to the head, delivered accidentally or intentionally, was involved in Lori Klausutis' death. So it's hard to figure why the autopsy makes no reference to time of death. (See full autopsy report at the end of this post; the document originally appeared at webofdeception.com)

Why is that a key omission? Consider this from an online document titled "Determining Time of Death (TOD)":
I know I am in the bastion of all things Trump, but this guy just needs to stop. He needs his twitter account deleted, and he needs to get to the business of the people. I get that he is angry that the media keeps attacking him, but insulting people on twitter is so juvenile. It is getting embarrassing. I understand using social media to get your message directly to the American public, but insulting people and just generally being an *** is not the way to do it. He is never going to accomplish anything meaningful if he keeps taking the media's bait and throwing temper tantrums like a child.

Like President Obama, I had so much hope for President Trump. Looks like both of them are going to let the people down, albeit for far different reasons.

My take is there is a time and place to hit back, and Trump does not be the one who needs to do it all of the time.

Keep the tweets about progress, jobs and such.

Leave the personal stuff to other people.
My take is there is a time and place to hit back, and Trump does not be the one who needs to do it all of the time.
That's just not who he is but I'd be willing to bet that if the MSM would stop personally attacking and insulting him, his family, and his staff, then he'd stop doing it to them. Upside, as Limbaugh said the other day, it keeps the media focused on his tweets and not paying attention to the destruction of Bomma's legacy that's going on.
That's just not who he is but I'd be willing to bet that if the MSM would stop personally attacking and insulting him, his family, and his staff, then he'd stop doing it to them. Upside, as Limbaugh said the other day, it keeps the media focused on his tweets and not paying attention to the destruction of Bomma's legacy that's going on.

Henceforth, my post "Look, a squirrel".

President Trump, Melting Under Criticism

Maybe we should all take a moment to feel a little sorry for Donald Trump, who reacted to criticism on Thursday by tweeting a stream of coarse insults at the television journalist Mika Brzezinski.

After all, he so clearly lacks the toughness of George Washington, who once privately said that his critics’ “arrows … never can reach the most vulnerable part of me.” He lacks the confidence of Dwight Eisenhower, who said, when asked if he thought his press coverage was fair, “Well, when you come down to it, I don’t see what a reporter could do much to a president, do you?”

And — are we really about to write this sentence? — Mr. Trump lacks the grace Richard Nixon showed, at least in public. At the height of Watergate in late 1973, Mr. Nixon blurted at a news conference, “I have never heard or seen such outrageous, vicious, distorted reporting in 27 years of public life.” Yet he added, “I am not blaming anybody for that. Perhaps what happened is that what we did brought it about.”

Mr. Trump may be a more tender soul, or less resilient. In any case, he can’t seem to take the heat.

Probably no one in the world draws as much scrutiny and criticism — even mockery — as an American president, and each president understandably chafes. But for Mr. Trump, every barb seems to hit home, and he vengefully attacks his tormentors in full view of the world.

He does not appear to realize that he is embarrassing himself. This is what both Republicans and Democrats have been trying to tell Mr. Trump since his tweeted attacks on the MSNBC co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Ms. Brzezinski, which were capped by the claim that he refused to spend New Year’s Eve at Mar-a-Lago with Ms. Brzezinski, who was “bleeding badly from a face-lift.”

“People may say things during a campaign, but it’s different when you become a public servant,” Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine, told The Times. “I see it as embarrassing to our country.” Senator James Lankford, Republican of Oklahoma, said Mr. Trump’s tweets “do not provide a positive role model.”

Add to the nastiness of the attack its creepy misogyny. Here again was Mr. Trump, whose casual boasting of sexual assault nearly upended his candidacy, denigrating women with references to “bleeding.” “This is not okay,” Representative Lynn Jenkins, Republican of Kansas, said on Twitter. “As a female in politics I am often criticized for my looks. We should be working to empower women.”

Mr. Trump’s advocates are trying, implausibly, to present his online demonstrations of self-pity as feats of macho toughness. The spokeswoman for Melania Trump (who has named anti-cyberbullying as a potential advocacy project) said the tweets showed that “when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder.” Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the deputy White House press secretary, said Mr. Trump was “fighting fire with fire.”

Mr. Trump’s behavior sabotaged a day that included critical talks on the Senate health care bill, a speech on energy policy and the arrival of South Korean President Moon Jae-in for talks on the North Korean nuclear threat. Thursday ended with Mr. Trump awkwardly awaiting Mr. Moon’s motorcade, as reporters shouted, “Mr. President, do you regret your tweets this morning?”

The big question for all of us is whether with his foot-stamping and his vulgarity Mr. Trump, in defiance of all his predecessors, is creating a new model for future presidential behavior. Can the etiquette of professional wrestling and reality television truly pass as acceptable for the Oval Office? The breadth and depth of bipartisan repugnance for this president’s insults suggests, thankfully, that the answer may prove to be no.
Tibs. NYTimes? Really? Really?

No kidding. Would you expect anything positive? Might as well quote something from CNN......or ABC, or MSN, or choose you favorite bogus source.

The autopsy of Lori Klausutis makes no reference to a time of death. That raises new questions about an investigation that started when the 28-year-old woman's body was found in the office of then U.S. Representative Joe Scarborough in summer 2001.

Accidental death was the official finding in the Klausutis case, with a cardiac arrhythmia causing her to fall and hit her head on a desk. But the recent discovery of human remains at a storage unit in Pensacola, Florida, casts doubt on that ruling. That's because the storage unit was rented by Dr. Michael Berkland, the man who conducted the Klausutis autopsy 11 years earlier.

Berkland now faces a felony charge of improper storage of hazardous waste, and the grisly nature of the discovery calls his competence--and perhaps his sanity--into question.

Was the Lori Klausutis autopsy conducted in a professional manner? Was foul play prematurely ruled out? Should the investigation be reopened, perhaps with renewed scrutiny for Scarborough and others who might have had access to his office at the time?

Meanwhile, events surrounding the Klausutis story are taking on characteristics that are disturbingly reminiscent of the Don Siegelman case. More on that in a moment.

Scarborough has become a prominent figure in cable television news, serving as co-host of MSNBC's Morning Joe. He also has strong ties to our area, as a graduate of the University of Alabama and confidant of former GOP Governor Bob Riley and his son, Homewood attorney Rob Riley.

Many Morning Joe viewers probably have forgotten, or never knew, that the body of a female aide once was found in Scarborough's Congressional office. Investigators quickly saw that a blow to the head, delivered accidentally or intentionally, was involved in Lori Klausutis' death. So it's hard to figure why the autopsy makes no reference to time of death. (See full autopsy report at the end of this post; the document originally appeared at webofdeception.com)

Why is that a key omission? Consider this from an online document titled "Determining Time of Death (TOD)":

I blame Katsung's wife.