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OK I gotta say it

My point is that it is one thing to hit back. To me, hitting back is refuting the media's nonsense with facts. Instead, we get "Joe and Mika are stupid ugly poopy heads that wanted to hang out with me but I said no." That isnt hitting back. That is 5th grade playground bullshit.

Now you want an example of hitting back? When Jim Acosta was trying to shout down Trump in a press conference for refusing to answer Acosta's question, and Trump tells him "No, you are fake news." That is hitting back. You wanna make **** up, I won't give you access. Simple, to the point, perfect.

This constant unprovoked barrage of buffoonery is not why I cast my vote for Donald Trump. Tax reform, immigration reform, the border wall, health care, rebuilding the military, the VA and jobs are why I voted for him. Get off Twitter and get to the work of the people. Enough is enough.
President Trump has accomplished a couple very significant non-governmental things:
1) he has clearly found a method to communicate directly, personally, without the bullshit filters and positioning.
2) he has usurped the Kardashians in the American peoples fascination of who says what on social media. ****, at least most folks are becoming re-engaged with the country's leadership, rather than some ****** up media creations.

It would be great if Trump's communications seemed less personal, but the standard for POTUS moral character has been sliding for decades. At least this guy is candid and open at times.

When will the mainstream media credit Trump for being able to defeat the entire establishment Republican presidential slate, the Uge favorite Hillary, and the media establishment?

Whether you like him or his achievements, it is very clear that he has done much, and that many folks are Ugely supportive of his efforts thus far.

What is the name for this amazing 18 month streak of success?

Stephen Colbert? FCC ***** slapped Stephen Colbert? Come on Tibs, you turn to Colbert?? I seriously don't know one person who watches him. Friends, family, co-workers. Maybe you Liberals should pull your heads out of late-night, scripted, Hollywood comedian ***** and have a look at the real America. Not their twisted, warped sense of what America is about.

Keep on banging those drums man.

LOL, didn't Colbert cry on national television when Trump won the election?
...have a look at the real America.
White, Christian, right-wing America is not real America. It's your safe space, I get that. It's your dream world, I get that. But that does not make it real America. Keep defending your big *****-in-Chief till you're blue in the face. Trump and his supporters are downright embarrasing.
I agree, the way Trump responded to the relentless personal attacks and unsubstiantiated accusations of misdeeds was, in fact, Un-Presidential.

If Trump learned anything from Barry, it should have been this...

If you do not like the Press, don't go after them in public...
Use the Department of Justice to name them as a Criminal Co-Conspiritor and try and ruin them behind the veil of beuracratic anonymity.

What a ROOKIE mistake. Amirite???

White, Christian, right-wing America is not real America. It's your safe space, I get that. It's your dream world, I get that. But that does not make it real America. Keep defending your big *****-in-Chief till you're blue in the face. Trump and his supporters are downright embarrasing.

Bingo. Thanks for exposing yourself.

How would one describe "Real" America. Is it the very limited number of Americans that live with a camera in their faces? Is it the denizens of New York, LA and San Francisco? Or is it the fly over states?

Logic dictates that the "majority" rules.

63% of Americans are White, by and large the majority of people in the USA by race.
70.6% of Americans are Christian, overwhelmingly the majority of people in the USA by religion.

Oh, that's real America - White Christians. It's the largest demographic bar none.

And the party of unethicals you worship took the strategy of attacking the largest demographic in the USA. Brilliant! No wonder you've lost 1,100 elections since Marxist Bammy took office.

Suggestion Tibs: If you want to win another election, get on board and realize - understand - the REAL AMERICA is White, Christian and middle class. It's not black, Muslim, Transgender, Gay or Hispanic.
Tibs want America to be dominated by atheist illegal immigrant terrorists.

I'm waiting for Tibs to correct me and show me the light on what real America is and how it is not White Christians.

I expect deafening crickets.
I'm waiting for Tibs to correct me and show me the light on what real America is and how it is not White Christians.

America is a nation of immigrants and has been since its founding. America is an incredibly diverse country. America has a proud heritage of religious tolerance and the seperation of church and state. America is the sum of it's parts, white, black, hispanic, asian, christian, muslim, atheist. America's strength is in its democratic values and high levels of tolerance and respect for different cultures and differing viewpoints. America is an idea, an experiment based on a rock-solid Constitution which guarantees equal rights for all. America is the greatest country on earth.
America is the greatest country on earth.

We agree on something.

Still waiting on you to justify "White, Christian, right-wing America is not real America" when in fact white Christians comprise the bulk of Americans. If the overwhelming majority of the populace is white and Christian and they aren't real America, well...let me grab my popcorn.
Still waiting on you to justify "White, Christian, right-wing America is not real America" when in fact white Christians comprise the bulk of Americans. If the overwhelming majority of the populace is white and Christian and they aren't real America, well...let me grab my popcorn.

On it's own, it's not 'real America.' It's a part of real America, just like the non-white, non-Christian, non-right wing inhabitants of the country. Show me where in the Constitution it says 'white' 'Christian' or 'right-wing.' And you can shove your popcorn up your ***.
I agree, the way Trump responded to the relentless personal attacks and unsubstiantiated accusations of misdeeds was, in fact, Un-Presidential.

If Trump learned anything from Barry, it should have been this...

If you do not like the Press, don't go after them in public...
Use the Department of Justice to name them as a Criminal Co-Conspiritor and try and ruin them behind the veil of beuracratic anonymity.

What a ROOKIE mistake. Amirite???


Well how many relentless personal attacks has Trump made? It is so hypocritical to bash the press for insulting Trump when all Trump does is insult others. He can dish it out, but not take it. How many times did Trump bash Obama for golfing, but yet every weekend Trump is out there golfing? Also how much money do you think it cost Americans to protect Trump Tower and his various resorts? That you guys can not see and keep defending this double standard is mind blowing to me. Everything the press says bad about Clinton is the truth, but everything it says bad about Trump is fake news?? You can not have it both ways.
Trump brings on these personal attacks himself. If he acted with more class then I guarantee the press would back off and if he did not tweet out insults then the press could not talk about immature tweets. He has huge meetings coming up (Putin, G20 summit) along with trying to sort out the health care stuff. Much more important that sitting there watching TV and hurling personal insults. He is doing some good things, but he is getting in his own way. He won the election now it is time to focus on getting to work. If he wants to stop press conferences or pull press credentials then fine, but it is easy pickings for the media when he does such idiotic stuff. I honestly think he is not too mentally stable.
Everything the press says bad about Clinton is the truth, but everything it says bad about Trump is fake news?? You can not have it both ways.

Since one of those things almost never happens, that isn't really a real life scenario. If it did happen we wouldn't be having this conversation because it would mean the media wasn't crooked and was doing it's job.
Well how many relentless personal attacks has Trump made? It is so hypocritical to bash the press for insulting Trump when all Trump does is insult others. He can dish it out, but not take it. How many times did Trump bash Obama for golfing, but yet every weekend Trump is out there golfing? Also how much money do you think it cost Americans to protect Trump Tower and his various resorts? That you guys can not see and keep defending this double standard is mind blowing to me. Everything the press says bad about Clinton is the truth, but everything it says bad about Trump is fake news?? You can not have it both ways.
Trump brings on these personal attacks himself. If he acted with more class then I guarantee the press would back off and if he did not tweet out insults then the press could not talk about immature tweets. He has huge meetings coming up (Putin, G20 summit) along with trying to sort out the health care stuff. Much more important that sitting there watching TV and hurling personal insults. He is doing some good things, but he is getting in his own way. He won the election now it is time to focus on getting to work. If he wants to stop press conferences or pull press credentials then fine, but it is easy pickings for the media when he does such idiotic stuff. I honestly think he is not too mentally stable.

This may be the post of the year. Kudos jitter.
We're talking orders of magnitude with respect to bad acts by politicians generally and presidents specifically. The list of really bad **** Bill and Hillary and Obama did is incredibly uncovered by the press, while they make up **** about Trump and make front page news of his admittedly unseemly but not harmful to the republic comments. Stick that bleating about hypocrisy up your ***.
Contrary to what the left believes, tolerance is not a virtue in and of itself. This is a problem, as kids coming up in this marxist influenced school system believe that it is. What defines a society is not what it tolerates, but what it does not.
Trump brings on these personal attacks himself. If he acted with more class then I guarantee the press would back off.

I wish that were true, but it is not. The press would hound Trump relentlessly, no matter what he did or did not say about the press.

Did George W. Bush attack the press? How about Ronald Reagan? Nope, neither did or said anything that could be described as remotely hostile towards the press, and both were savaged by the press for 8 years.
The majority of our press are just a political arm of the left. That's an absolute fact. They've been that way for a very long time. NOBODY has attacked them for being biased propaganda machines until now. They're losing their minds over it. I dig it. Expose them for what they are.
Bingo. Thanks for exposing yourself.

How would one describe "Real" America. Is it the very limited number of Americans that live with a camera in their faces? Is it the denizens of New York, LA and San Francisco? Or is it the fly over states?

Logic dictates that the "majority" rules.

63% of Americans are White, by and large the majority of people in the USA by race.
70.6% of Americans are Christian, overwhelmingly the majority of people in the USA by religion.

Oh, that's real America - White Christians. It's the largest demographic bar none.

And the party of unethicals you worship took the strategy of attacking the largest demographic in the USA. Brilliant! No wonder you've lost 1,100 elections since Marxist Bammy took office.

Suggestion Tibs: If you want to win another election, get on board and realize - understand - the REAL AMERICA is White, Christian and middle class. It's not black, Muslim, Transgender, Gay or Hispanic.

He hasn't a clue. He's just some Hungarian socialist hack and has no idea what this country was founded on. That's pretty clear.
Trump should target Savannah, Matt, Chuck and all the other commies at NBC next. **** 'em.

House Passes Two Immigration Bills Ahead of July 4 Recess

President Donald Trump is applauding the House of Representatives for passing “two crucial measures to save and protect American lives.”

Kate’s Law, named for the San Francisco woman shot and killed by a Mexican man who had illegally re-entered the U.S. multiple times, increases the criminal penalties for people who come back to the country after being deported.

“Every year, countless Americans are victimized, assaulted, and killed by illegal immigrants who have been deported multiple times,” Trump said in his statement. “It is time for these tragedies to end.”

The second bill, Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Act, bars federal grants for at least one year to any state or local government that refuses to cooperate with federal immigration law by turning over illegal aliens to immigration officials.

“Sanctuary cities are releasing violent criminals, including members of the bloodthirsty MS-13 gang, back onto our streets every single day,” Trump said. “Innocent Americans are suffering unthinkable violence as a result of these cities’ reckless actions.”

sanctuary cities are just thumbing their ******* noses at the law. If you come to this country illegally it is a ******* crime....If you want to turn a blind eye to criminals, you don't ******* deserve my tax dollars...