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OK I gotta say it

Hamsters on record, who else has confidence in Trump?

I have no idea how you came to that conclusion based on my post. But I will make it easy for you....I have more confidence in Trump doing what is right for this country than in all of the other Presidents since Reagan. As long as he continues to draft legislation that improves the lives of average Americans, he can tweet whatever he wants. Now I am on record.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The speed with which we're recapitulating the decline and fall of Rome is impressive. What took Rome centuries we're achieving in months. <a href="https://t.co/4TVXc4C5Ex">https://t.co/4TVXc4C5Ex</a></p>— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) <a href="https://twitter.com/BillKristol/status/881506367860813824">July 2, 2017</a></blockquote>
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How the Left Lost Its Mind

Last month, Democratic Senator Ed Markey delivered what seemed like an explosive bit of news during an interview with CNN: A grand jury had been impaneled in New York, he said, to investigate the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia.

The only problem: It wasn’t true.

The precise origins of the rumor are difficult to pin down, but it had been ricocheting around social media for days before Markey’s interview. The story had no reliable sourcing, and not a single credible news outlet touched it—but it had been fervently championed by The Palmer Report, a liberal blog known for peddling conspiracy theories, and by anti-Trump Twitter crusaders like Louise Mensch. Soon enough, prominent people with blue checkmarks by their names were amplifying it with “Big if true”-type Tweets. And by May 11, the story had migrated from the bowels of the internet to the mouth of a United States senator.

After Markey’s office apologized for spreading the unsubstantiated story, there was a mild flurry of articles warning of “fake news” aimed at the left, and then everyone moved on. But the episode jarringly illustrated an under-examined phenomenon in American politics.

Just this month, editors were forced to delete a contributor post that began, “Impeachment and removal from office are only the first steps; for America to be redeemed, Donald Trump must be prosecuted for treason and — if convicted in a court of law — executed.” And throughout last year’s primaries, Seth Abramson, a creative writing professor at the University of New Hampshire, used his HuffPost perch to churn out a procession of increasingly delusional blog posts explaining why Bernie Sanders would inevitably win the Democratic nomination.

Abramson’s arguments not only denied political realities and delegate math as the race wore on; they often denied basic human logic. But thanks to the hordes of Bernie fans desperately scouring the internet for some hope to cling to, Abramson’s posts consistently went uber-viral. (He eventually wrote a post defending this shameless play for clicks as a form of “experimental journalism” that embraced “the multi-dimensionality of metanarrative.” The Washington Post’s Matt O’Brien responded via Twitter: “Area Academic Writes Barely Comprehensible Defense of Lying.”)

Last April, when Jason Chaffetz announced he would resign his House seat, The Palmer Report published an anonymously sourced bombshell claiming the FBI had discovered the Utah congressman was being blackmailed by the Kremlin. The story was characteristic of the site’s well-worn shtick. But that didn’t stop Ned Price, a former special assistant to President Obama, from credulously passing it along on Twitter.

“Interesting, if single-sourced, article from a few days ago,” he wrote.

Eric Schultz, a senior adviser to Obama, then chimed in, “Too bad nobody flagged this earlier.”



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The speed with which we're recapitulating the decline and fall of Rome is impressive. What took Rome centuries we're achieving in months. <a href="https://t.co/4TVXc4C5Ex">https://t.co/4TVXc4C5Ex</a></p>— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) <a href="https://twitter.com/BillKristol/status/881506367860813824">July 2, 2017</a></blockquote>
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What you don't seem to get is the more simpering and whining that is done about him, the more his constituents are convinced he is on the right track. This is what people voted for. The HATE the media, they HATE established Politicians, they HATE the bullshit system. The whining is not going to sway anybody.
What you don't seem to get is the more simpering and whining that is done about him, the more his constituents are convinced he is on the right track. This is what people voted for. The HATE the media, they HATE established Politicians, they HATE the bullshit system. The whining is not going to sway anybody.

Nobody's trying to sway anyone. You guys made your bed with this guy. Clearly you accept him, his actions and his behavior. No doubt the Trump faction will hunker down and continue to defend him. But that doesn't mean the rest of the country - and the world - isn't dismayed by what a burning shipwreck he's made of the presidency. And it also doesn't mean we can't talk about this crap on this messageboard, does it?
Nobody's trying to sway anyone. You guys made your bed with this guy. Clearly you accept him, his actions and his behavior. No doubt the Trump faction will hunker down and continue to defend him. But that doesn't mean the rest of the country - and the world - isn't dismayed by what a burning shipwreck he's made of the presidency. And it also doesn't mean we can't talk about this crap on this messageboard, does it?

Not at all, feel free! My point is that most that voted for him didn't do so with any false pretenses that he was some bastion of civility and decorum as a person. They evaluated the pros and cons and found that they were willing to live with the personal baggage. They wanted him to clean up the trash. In doing so they found that they could take the bad with the good. No surprises to be found to this point. I don't think he has done anything all that shocking and I don't see the source of all the outrage frankly. Other than the fact that he is an offensive person to many, what has he done in office that is outlandishly rage inspiring? He's done what he said he was going to do the whole time on the campaign trail. All of a sudden people are supposed to be outraged about something that they knew was coming all along if he got in. I think the problem is that they still can't believe he actually got in. Therein lies the bulk of the problem.
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I think the problem is that they still can't believe he actually got in. Therein lies the bulk of the problem.

Solid post Supersteeler, except for this last part. I think you guys overemphasize this point, that Trump's critics are simply sore losers. I think the huge backlash is very much against what he's done since he took office, particularly his childish outburts, his attacks on the press and his opponents. The election is loooong over, the reason it doesn't seem like it is due to Trump being stuck in constant campaign mode. At this stage, if he'd just put his head down and focus on work - and there's much to be done - I doubt you'd have the current political upheaval. Trump's non-stop grandstanding is making his own life - and presidency - miserable. Now his policies also merit plenty of criticism, but arguing about legislative action is something entirely different than what's happening now. Because of his massive, childish ego, he's stoking the fire and in the process, sawing through the very branch he's standing on.
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Solid post Supersteeler, except for this last part. I think you guys overemphasize this point, that Trump's critics are simply sore losers. I think the huge backlash is very much against what he's done since he took office, particularly his childish outburts, his attacks on the press and his opponents. The election is loooong over, the reason it doesn't seem like it is due to Trump being stuck in constant campaign mode. At this stage, if he'd just put his head down and focus on work - and there's much to be done - I doubt you'd have the current political upheaval. Trump's non-stop grandstanding is making his own life - and presidency - miserable. Now his policies also merit plenty of criticism, but arguing about legislative action is something entirely different than what's happening now. Because of his massive, childish ego, he's stoking the fire and in the process, sawing through the very branch he's standing on.

I wouldn't say sore losers as much as I would say it's still shock that hasn't gone away. This was a massive, massive upset that nobody saw coming except those that voted for Trump. To everyone else it was a ridiculous concept from the start. I think there are a large group of people out there, many in the media, who still cannot come to grips with it. And they probably never will until he gets voted out or they find a way to drum him out office.
I agree with Ana Navarro. This lady is a beacon of hope for the GOP.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">.<a href="https://twitter.com/ananavarro">@ananavarro</a> on Trump's CNN tweet: "It is an incitement to violence. He is going to get someone killed in the media." <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ThisWeek?src=hash">#ThisWeek</a> <a href="https://t.co/vDCs30i1LL">pic.twitter.com/vDCs30i1LL</a></p>— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) <a href="https://twitter.com/ThisWeekABC/status/881512436011982848">July 2, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Nobody's trying to sway anyone. You guys made your bed with this guy. Clearly you accept him, his actions and his behavior. No doubt the Trump faction will hunker down and continue to defend him. But that doesn't mean the rest of the country - and the world - isn't dismayed by what a burning shipwreck he's made of the presidency. And it also doesn't mean we can't talk about this crap on this messageboard, does it?

And if he keeps doing what he's doing he will win reelection in a landslide.
Notice it's only the leftist snowflakes that consider that a threat.

“This is sick. This is disturbing. This is pathological. This is violent. This is reckless. This is authoritarian,” wrote Mother Jones editor David Corn, who is also an MSNBC analyst.

ABC News’ Martha Raddatz took the fake video seriously in an interview with Homeland Security adviser Thomas Bossert. “That seems like a threat,” Raddatz asserted. “No one would perceive that as a threat,” Bossert replied.

You mean no one in their right mind that is.

Any excuse to bash Trump will do, cartoons included LOL
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I have been very critical of Trump for his tweets / insults, but I found this one humorous. Personally insulting / bullying people is one thing, but posting a pic of fake wrestling with his "fake" news gag is actually genius comedy. People are way over reacting on this one when they have much more severe things they could focus on.
I have been very critical of Trump for his tweets / insults, but I found this one humorous. Personally insulting / bullying people is one thing, but posting a pic of fake wrestling with his "fake" news gag is actually genius comedy. People are way over reacting on this one when they have much more severe things they could focus on.

In more normal times, I would agree with you. Unfortunately, the current political climate is like a tinderbox. In typical fashion, Trump yet again stoops to a level so far beneath the presidency it's staggering.
In a few years, this may all that's left of this president's legacy. Unless he destroys the world in the meantime.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Remember the time the president photoshopped the logo of a news company on a person and then tweeted a vid of him fake wrestling that logo?</p>— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) <a href="https://twitter.com/Sethrogen/status/881558919734214656">July 2, 2017</a></blockquote>
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I do not like Trump, never have, I question his sanity, I question his intelligence...


in spite of himself I think he's creating ever more devoted supporters. And the media and celebrity culture are doing their damndest to fit into his narrative of being treated unfairly. I'd like to think he is crazy like a fox, I actually think he's just crazy yet it's somehow working for him in some ways.

Healthcare is a debacle no matter what and I think most people have already accepted that. If he continues on this push to reduce regulations and gets some tax reform accomplished, the economy will be booming and Democrats, whose only message is hate for Trump, are going to be in big trouble come the next election cycle.

I don't think Trump will run again but I also can't think of a Democrat who stands a chance of being president next time around. It'll probably be Pence who will stay out of the fray and just rattle off a list of accomplishments at the end of 4 years.
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In a few years, this may all that's left of this president's legacy. Unless he destroys the world in the meantime.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Remember the time the president photoshopped the logo of a news company on a person and then tweeted a vid of him fake wrestling that logo?</p>— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) <a href="https://twitter.com/Sethrogen/status/881558919734214656">July 2, 2017</a></blockquote>
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You are quoting Seth Rogen? Hollywood Actors? Yes, these people are in real touch with America.

Hollywood is one of the reasons the Real America turned out en masse to the polls. Please, keep pointing to Hollywood, that cauldron of intelligence.
The company one keeps.

Trump’s CNN Tweet Appears to Have Originated From Racist, Islamophobic, Misogynist Reddit Troll

While the world watched in shock as President Donald Trump tweeted a video of him beating up a man whose head was replaced by the CNN logo, there was at least one group of people that didn’t hide its ecstasy. Minutes after Trump sent his tweet that many immediately characterized as a greenlight for violence against the media, members of the controversial subreddit The_Donald were celebrating. Little wonder. The video that Trump tweeted on Sunday morning appears to have originated from the infamous group that has long been known as a hub for racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, and misogynist content. And Trump’s apparent endorsement showed he is “one of us,” noted a post in the group that celebrated how “Dr. President Trump uses /r/The_Donald for shitpost inspiration.”

He or she also posted a meme that identified CNN contributors as Jews using a Star of David.


Again, this is the President of the United States we're talking about. Nothing to see here.
Again, this is the President of the United States we're talking about. Nothing to see here.

So Trump is a member of this Reddit group? He made the disturbing meme you showed above?

Smells like another Russia story.
So Trump is a member of this Reddit group? He made the disturbing meme you showed above?

Who the **** posted it on their own, personal twitter feed? Good God you are precious.
Who the **** posted it on their own, personal twitter feed? Good God you are precious.

You repost, as do all of us, countless memes on this site. Do you know the origination of each one you post? If I was able to trace the origin to some AltLeft, radical Reddit calling for the assassination of a sitting President, would you denounce it?

I'm pretty damned sure that Trump wasn't trolling this Reddit. I'm pretty damned sure it was shown to him or handed to him by someone else. I'm pretty sure you realize this too. Don't let that hate cloud all of your vision Tibsy.
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Brunell Donald-Kyei: 'Morning Joe' Hosts' Comments on Trump are 'Evil' and 'Sinister'

Brunell Donald-Kyei said that the "Morning Joe" hosts' comments on President Trump are "evil " and "sinister."

"You don't make evil statements," former chair of the Trump campaign's diversity outreach told "Fox & Friends Weekend."

"The things that they're doing and saying about the president are sinister. They are beneath the dignity of our nation."

"I'm a Democrat who voted for Donald J. Trump," she reminded viewers.
<---My favorite part

President Trump tweeted personal insults last week at the co-hosts of the MSNBC show, who are his former friends but now some of his harshest critics. His comments to Mika Brzezinski in particular drew accusations of sexism.

"Honestly, I believe that he deals with the men and women with the same energy," Donald-Kyei said.
You are quoting Seth Rogen? Hollywood Actors? Yes, these people are in real touch with America.

Hollywood is one of the reasons the Real America turned out en masse to the polls. Please, keep pointing to Hollywood, that cauldron of intelligence.

And Seth Rogen is Canadian.....
I didn't like the first tweet that started all this, but the WWE wrestling meme was funny. Anyone that says that is violent hasn't watched professional wrestling. Will the left now look at the original footage and claim Trump "assaulted" Vince McMahon? Come on... this is just silliness.
. Unfortunately, the current political climate is like a tinderbox......
I agree. Any guesses as to which side will start burning ****?