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OK I gotta say it

I think the 3-to-1 odds are pretty spot on.

How Long Until Trump Shows His Dick?

Like defective dogs who never properly adjust to Pavlovian conditioning, we in the media continue to be shocked, shocked by the not normal behavior of our American president. This is all leading up to something quite obvious.

The dick.

We never tire of reminding everyone that Donald Trump made a direct reference to his dick size during a presidential debate. The fact that this is scarcely remembered now is a testament to the grandiosity of the president’s subsequent accomplishments. Today, Trump’s tweets about “Crazy Mika” and her bleeding facelift were the latest occasion for all of us to express our absolute shock that this man—The President of the United States—would behave in such a crude way. We thought he learned his lesson after the *****-grabbing incident. How could he do this, again?

Listen: This is the kind of guy who would show his dick. In public. You think that being President of the United States will stop him from showing his dick? Please wake up and get real. If Donald Trump remains in office for a full four years, he will at minimum grab his dick through his pants and make a crude remark about it during a public event at least once. And, given the right circumstances—lack of sleep, crabbiness, irritation at insults from D-list celebrities, improper medication—he will unzip and show that dick to the world, to make a point. That’s the kind of guy that we’re dealing with here. That’s the kind of guy he is. We must accept this before it happens.

  • “We must protest this latest unpresidential act.” -The Democrats
  • “Questionable behavior.” -CNN
  • “Yet another break with tradition.” -MSNBC

Such will be the tepid condemnation that will flow like a mighty trickle when our President shows his dick, to prove that he has a dick, and it’s not tiny, like his hands, which aren’t tiny either, and by the way, this dick is plenty big, believe me, look. Prepare yourself.

I put the current odds of Trump showing his dick by 2020 at 3-1, and falling.
Shove it down their America-hating ******* throats

Swallow, *******!

President Trump Addresses the ‘Celebrate Freedom Rally’ in Washington, DC


“I remind you we will say Merry Christmas again.”

“On our currency it says “In God We Trust””

"Since the signing of the Declaration of Independence 241 years ago, America always affirmed that liberty comes from our Creator."

“In America we do not worship government—we worship God!”

Thanks for posting that, Tibs. I could not find a better example of how insane the left has become, had I looked for it myself.

LOL, of course the left is to blame for the behavior of your lunatic, unhinged president. The fact this story - even if written in jest - is all too real and familiar is nobody's fault but Trump's, and of course, those that support him.
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The autopsy of Lori Klausutis makes no reference to a time of death.

My name is Lori Klausutis - I was an Intern for Joe Scarborough but I was found dead in his office and nobody remembers.


now for the rest of the story

What Really Happened to Lori Klausutis? (Everything Joe Scarborough Does NOT Want Viewers To Know)

This past June a Media frenzy began when it was revealed that Morning Joe had been divorced since 2013 and Mika Brzezinski was quietly divorcing her husband James Hoffer. Rumors of their romance had been floating around for some time.

Most viewers of Morning Joe’s show do not know he once served as a U.S. Congressman from Florida’s 1st District from 1995 until he suddenly resigned only 5 months into his 4th term in September 2001. His reason? The classic “In order to spend more time with his children”

Curiously, just 2 months before this occurred:


Naples Daily News July 21, 2001

"FORT WALTON BEACH, FL. - Lori Klausutis, a 28-year-old office worker for Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-Fl), was found dead in the congressman's district office. Police said preliminary findings from the medical examiner's office showed no foul play or any outward indication of suicide."

Why was there a virtual news blackout on this very mysterious death?

While Mainstream Media was hounding Democrat U.S. Congressman Gary Condit about his missing ex-intern, Chandra Levy, viewers heard next to nothing about Joe’s intern, a healthy 28 year old woman, being found dead in his Congressional District Office in Fort Walton Beach, FL.

Only days later - September 11, 2001

Naturally worldwide focus shifted for weeks and months as Americans & the world tried to comprehend and cope with the horrific loss of life and catastrophic events of that day.

However, the Media’s relentless scrutiny and insinuations cost Condit his re-election in 2002, even though Levy’s murderer was later found and convicted while Morning Joe’s mysterious case vanished into thin air.


Begin with former Medical Examiner Dr. Michael Berkland whose autopsy results help bury Lori and all legitimate questions surrounding her death.

Who is Dr. Michael Berkland?

He was a Pathologist whose medical license in the state of Missouri had been revoked in 1998 as a result of Berkland reporting false information regarding brain tissue samples in a 1996 autopsy report. Berkland never denied the charges.

He moved to Florida in 1997 and in July 1999, Berkland was suspended from his position as Medical Examiner in the State of Florida. Yet in 2001 he was issuing reports on Klausutis’s death that were questionable if not downright false.

Berkland continued to get into trouble and in 2003 not only was he fired but had his license as Medical Examiner withdrawn.

In 2012 he was arrested & charged when this gruesome discovery was made:

It is more than fair to question the competency and accuracy of any and all Dr. Berkland’s autopsy reports especially given the inconsistent reports of Lori’s health prior to her death. Joe himself said that Lori had a "complicated medical history" including "stroke and epilepsy," though this was absolutely not true.

To this day no one truly knows how and why a healthy 28 year old woman died in her boss’s office?

These THREE questions have never been adequately answered:

From American Politics Journal August 8, 2001

1. If Lori's death was just a simple accident, then why did Rep. Scarborough and his spokesman Miguel Serrano feel the need to go to two different local TV stations within three hours of her body's being found and invent a nonexistent history of chronic medical conditions for her - in other words - why did they feel the need to lie about Lori's health?

2. Would you trust without question the word of a Medical Examiner who lost his ME license in two separate states (Missouri and Florida) because he LIED about his autopsy work and results.

3. Why should whoever wrote Ms. Klausutis's obituary feel it was appropriate to mention nearly everything about her life -- EXCEPT where she'd been working since 1999, i.e with Congressman Scarborough?

Let’s add one more-

4. Dr. Berkland and his supervisor at the time, Dr. Gary Cumberland were known to be high-giving donors to Scarborough’s Congressional campaigns. Did their relationship with Scarborough influence any and all the results issued by the M.E.’s Office?

Lori Klausutis was a smart and loving young woman whose life ended way too soon. Doesn’t she deserve justice and doesn’t her family deserve to know ALL the facts surrounding her death?

No one knows if Morning Joe had anything to do with her death, but the manner in which authorities handled the press shows one thing. Without all the facts they gave Morning Joe a FULL PARDON. It is doubtful they would do the same for an Ordinary Joe.

LOL, of course the left is to blame for the behavior of your lunatic, unhinged president. The fact this story - even if written in jest - is all too real and familiar is nobody's fault but Trump's, and of course, those that support him.

You folks are really on the verge of losing it Tibs. File the "Trump's dick" story along with the horrific scandals about how Trump likes his steaks and how many scoops of ice cream he gets. I am starting to feel a little bit sorry for ya'll when this is where you have to go to get satisfaction. It must be awful to feel that level of desperation.
Thanks for posting that, Tibs. I could not find a better example of how insane the left has become, had I looked for it myself.

Hamsters on record, who else has confidence in Trump?
I am starting to feel a little bit sorry for ya'll when this is where you have to go to get satisfaction.
Believe me, there is nothing satisfying about the tragicomedy currently unfolding in the WH. These are sad days for Americans who love their country and want a president that our children can look up to.

Fine by me that you guys support this gutless SOB. Fine by me that you guys applaud the words and deeds of this scumbag. But spare me your shock and horror that people will stand up to it, criticize it and fight back against it.
Believe me, there is nothing satisfying about the tragicomedy currently unfolding in the WH. These are sad days for Americans who love their country and want a president that our children can look up to.

Fine by me that you guys support this gutless SOB. Fine by me that you guys applaud the words and deeds of this scumbag. But spare me your shock and horror that people will stand up to it, criticize it and fight back against it, and want to see Trump's dick.

fixed it for you.

Psycho Joe and Low I.Q. Mika – The Left’s Sign of the Times

Another battle in President Trump’s Twitter War with the alt left mainstream media erupted this week. The President, defending himself from a continuous onslaught of attacks by GOP traitor Joe Scarborough and leftist sidekick, Mika Brzezinski, referred to Mika as ‘dumb as a rock’ and Joe as ‘psycho Joe.’ The President also referenced an encounter with Joe and Mika at Mar-a-Lago on New Year’s Eve, where ‘she was bleeding badly from a face-lift.’

The left erupted in a virtual online apoplexy over the President’s comments. CNN actually swayed away from their continual Russian fairy tale coverage to devote hours to pundits’ irate commentary over the President’s social media conduct.

The fact is, whether you think the President should have sent the Tweet or not, Joe and Mika had it coming.

For months, Joe and Mika have verbally carpet bombed the President of the United States for three hours every morning. They’ve called the President a liar, said he was unhinged, mentally ill, has small hands, is destroying the country and called Kellyanne Conway a car wreck, while bringing on obnoxious, know-nothing idiots like Donny Deutsch to harangue the President.

Joe and Mika are simply off the rails leftists, representing a party and an ideology that is as graveyard dead as their lousy ratings.

In Joe and Mika’s minds, they have carte blanche to say anything about the President because they’re on TV. In the liberal world of psychotic delusion, anything goes; everything is authorized if it is part of the mission of destroying President Trump.

It’s the ends justify the means on steroids at the 30 Rock fake news factory they work at.

Joe and Mika are the left’s sign of the times. They and millions of liberals cannot come to terms with the fact that the corrupt corpse they ran on the Democratic ticket was destroyed by a Manhattan billionaire with no political experience, but with the goal of making America great again.

Much of the left’s hysteria and indeed the irrational content of Morning Joe, is based on the fact that the Democrats still have no conception why they lost the election and are continuing to lose special elections. Instead of logically solving their own problems, liberals like Joe and Mika find it easy to lash out with lunatic comments about the President and conservatives.

Making America great again means putting an end to the Euro crap socialism that Joe and Mika embrace with open arms.

Like all liberals, Joe and Mika are soft shelled wimps. They can dish it all out, but it’s more than obvious they can’t take it.

This is the President of the United States, two days before 4th of July. I have nothing more to say, Donald Trump, take it away.

Trump tweets video of him body slamming and punching 'CNN'

President Donald Trump took his attacks on the free press a step further on Sunday morning, when he tweeted out an edited version of a 2007 video of him body slamming and punching WWE CEO Vince McMahon.

In the edited video Trump tweeted, an image of the CNN logo was superimposed on McMahon's face to make it appear as though Trump was pummeling the news network.
"#FraudNewsCNN #FNN," Trump wrote, presumably shortening his moniker, "Fraud News Network."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FraudNewsCNN?src=hash">#FraudNewsCNN</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FNN?src=hash">#FNN</a> <a href="https://t.co/WYUnHjjUjg">pic.twitter.com/WYUnHjjUjg</a></p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/881503147168071680">July 2, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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Its funny. He has a sense of humor. Something never seen in obama. This is not news. Why didnt any news outlet cover the story about the Trump administration cutting red tape to make appreticeships for people much easier for employers to execute? Why didnt they cover it? Because it displays Trump making America great again.
This is the President of the United States, two days before 4th of July. I have nothing more to say, Donald Trump, take it away.

Just as it was stated in the first post, he needs to delete his Twitter.
On it's own, it's not 'real America.' It's a part of real America, just like the non-white, non-Christian, non-right wing inhabitants of the country. Show me where in the Constitution it says 'white' 'Christian' or 'right-wing.' And you can shove your popcorn up your ***.

Shaking my damned head. The post of the defeated. That was weak. I mean 2nd grade weak.

"So I posted an erroneous dumb **** statement. Instead of admitting it was stupid, I'll say the following classic, meaningless 'get out of jail' prayer - 'On it's own, it's not real America. It is a part of real America."


That justifies you saying White Christian America is NOT the real America? You and Katsung related?
I stand by what I wrote. The white, christian, right-wing population is a part of the country, as are asians, hispanics, jews, blacks, muslims, atheists et al. You argued nobody else matters, since white christians are the 'overwhelming' majority of the country, everyone else can eat ****. It doesn't work that way. You got your Orange Jesus elected president, you run the House and Senate, why not have some class for a change? The Constitution protects the rights of all, not just the majority. I know that's a troubling thought for you, but yes, that is what America stands on.
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I stand by what I wrote.

Cool. And since this is one of the more asinine things I've read on this site, it's now a part of my siggy. You'll get to stand by it for a long time.

The white, christian, right-wing population is a part of the country, as are asians, hispanics, jews, blacks, muslims, atheists et al.

Indeed it is a part of the country. The largest part as well.

You argued nobody else matters, since white christians are the 'overwhelming' majority of the country, everyone else can eat ****.

Really? LMAO. Go back, cut and paste and show me where I argued nobody else matters. Really, do this. PLEASE.

The Constituiton protects the rights of all, not just the majority.

Absolutely and beautifully it does. And I love this. And as such I won't let you try to mitigate the vast majority of America by saying they are not "Real America."
Believe me, there is nothing satisfying about the tragicomedy currently unfolding in the WH. These are sad days for Americans who love their country and want a president that our children can look up to.

Never happened in my lifetime and never will. I point to Politicians and teach my children to behave the direct opposite of that. The fact that you think children should strive to be what passes itself as our representation further illustrates to me how very different positions we have. I hope my kids look up to virtually any other career more than they do politicians. If they do I will assume that I have failed miserably in their moral and ethical development as a parent.
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And in the meantime, the self-appointed crusader against political violence on the board, Tim stands by silently as Trump openly threatens the media. You posts pages on pages about the slightest mention of violence coming from the left, but when Spike and others make suggestive comments, you ignore it, look the other way, or say that's 'not how you interpreted it.' Now the President tweets a suggestive tweet about a violent attack against CNN and you stay silent. It is the elephant in the room, the level of your hypocrisy. At least it's out in the open now, for all to see. I suggest you simply stop posting about left wing violence altogether, you've lost every last ounce of integrity.
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I wonder if twitter will suspend his account for violating its terms of service.

"It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters. Clearly, Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied when she said the President had never done so. Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, ‎dealing with North Korea and working on his health care bill, he is instead involved in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his." -- CNN Statement

Some media figures expressed real concern that the video could encourage violence against journalists.

"It's not just anti-CNN. It's anti-freedom of the press," CNN political analyst Carl Bernstein said on "Reliable Sources" on Sunday. "It's very disturbing. There's nothing lighthearted about it whatsoever."

Bernstein, who with Bob Woodward broke the Watergate story as a reporter for the Washington Post in the 1970s, noted that Trump praised campaign coverage that was critical of Hillary Clinton.

"When it suits him, it's great news," Bernstein said. "When it doesn't, it's fake news."

On ABC's "This Week," Ana Navarro called Trump's tweet "an incitement to violence. He is going to get someone killed in the media." Navarro, a Republican who is fiercely critical of the president, is a commentator on both CNN and ABC.
Tim stands by silently as Trump openly threatens the media.

Let me see...Trump tackling a "CNN" WWE effigy is violent, and wrong, but schools, Snoop Dogg, Kathy Griffin, Shakespeare in the Park, et al staging Trump assassinations is Free Speech.

Got it.

You posts pages on pages about the slightest mention of violence coming from the left,

Not slight. Direct calls for violence. From writers at HuffPo. From CNN. From Democratic-elected officials. They have implored their constituents and Americans to violently attack Conservatives.

But Trump tackled a human being in a fake WWE video with CNN photo-shopped on his his head.

Am I happy about his video? No. Just like I'm not happy about a lot of his Tweets. He is however getting the job done I want done. Do I wish he changed many aspects of his behavior? I do. Unlike the Messiah-worshipping Left (and you, King Obama Boot Licker) who saw NOTHING wrong with Marxist Obama, I'll call a spade a spade. Trump shouldn't have posted that video

But to argue equivalence to say Kathy Griffin and this video? Not possible.

There's no interpreting Kathy's image - a dead Trump is a good Trump. Trump's video? How do you interpret that? He kills no one. Could be interpreted many ways - we are at war with CNN. We are in a battle with CNN. I'm fighting back against the onslaught of daily attacks from the media. I won't let the media stand in my way. Did he behead the CNN effigy?

To argue that his video is the equivalent of the innumerable examples I've posted of DIRECT calls for violence is just silly. And the reason I post those videos? Because you said it was all fantasy land bullshit, that there wasn't a growing cacaphony of calls for violence from the Left. Just proving you wrong, again.

And on the level of reason, this is where we are going. The MSM has been in all out attack mode with Reagan, both of the Bush Presidents and now Trump at a disturbingly scary scale. He's fighting back. It's expected. Eventually someone swings back at the bully. Conservatives have started swinging back at AntiFa, at BLM rioters. Violence is going to become mainstream on both sides of the aisle soon.

I'm merely pointing out that Conservatives "are not currently" issuing calls for violence as the Left is. The more violent the Left becomes, expect these calls to come from the Right also. It's natural evoluton.
Todd Starnes...love the guy.


CNN fears Trump might put staffers in figure-four leg lock

President Trump dropped the Mother of All Tweets on CNN Sunday morning -- leaving shellshocked staffers drooling uncontrollably in their designated safe spaces.

The president posted video from an appearance he made in 2007 at WrestleMania. The video showed the president body slamming a person whose face was obscured with the CNN logo.

The presidential tweet included the hashtag, "FraudNewsCNN."

The Mainstream Media suffered a mental breakdown.

CNN commentator and "Faux Republican" Ana Navarro was beyond horrified -- telling ABC News the "President of the United States is inciting violence against a free press."


"It is an incitement to violence. He is going to get someone killed in the media," Ms. Navarro wailed.

CNN released the following statement:

"The network later released the following full statement: "It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters.

"Clearly, Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied when she said the President had never done so. Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladmir Putin, dealing with North Korea and working on his health care bill, he is instead involved in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his."

Apparently CNN is not aware that "professional wrasslin'" is um -- well -- let's just say it has something in common with "fake news."