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Our Young O-line

It’s offseason. We have time. I’d like to see the dozens of examples. So,that is a minimum of 24. But by saying dozens like that,it should be at least 36.

Edit……I might add,hopefully you just don’t google something like this. Seems like you could give “dozens “ just off the top of your head.

going down the rabbit hole,........... with Lloyd.! :dog: :bump2:

Salute the nation
They may not of had any choice, but it is still nice to see.

When they drafted GREEN, he was put in from day one.

Fraizer is a hellA lot more talented and yet finally gets his chance. Why the wait ???

Salute the nation
Listening to the drive today they talked about that, Green was only put in from day one because all the other guys were hurt immediately. They were not given much choice then either.
Also far be it from me to want to agree with Lloyd but sometimes no matter what you do as a parent our kids can have serious issues. no matter how hard you try some kids have to learn the hard way and some never do. Good parents can have bad kids. Bad parents can have good kids. Sometimes nature overcomes nurture. Mental illness is a very real thing and not always the result of trauma, it can be the result of physical issues. Sadly, we know this all too well dealing with a child who struggles much of the time with mental health. He is doing better but it is a daily struggle for him and for us to know what to do to help him.
Listening to the drive today they talked about that, Green was only put in from day one because all the other guys were hurt immediately. They were not given much choice then either.

I hear what you are saying, but in this case Zack is the best C on the team.

Salute the nation
I hear what you are saying, but in this case Zack is the best C on the team.

Salute the nation
I agree absolutely. But unfortunately, at the time so was Green. Frazier is miles ahead of where he was, but we were desperate after the other two went down.
Also far be it from me to want to agree with Lloyd but sometimes no matter what you do as a parent our kids can have serious issues. no matter how hard you try some kids have to learn the hard way and some never do. Good parents can have bad kids. Bad parents can have good kids. Sometimes nature overcomes nurture. Mental illness is a very real thing and not always the result of trauma, it can be the result of physical issues. Sadly, we know this all too well dealing with a child who struggles much of the time with mental health. He is doing better but it is a daily struggle for him and for us to know what to do to help him.
A child's environment shapes them, I learned that the hard way myself. So, I preached to my two kids that if you surround yourself with good people, you will have a successful and happy life. Luckily, they listened and they are both living happy lives.
A child's environment shapes them, I learned that the hard way myself. So, I preached to my two kids that if you surround yourself with good people, you will have a successful and happy life. Luckily, they listened and they are both living happy lives.
It's the oldest psychology debate there is: nature vs nurture. Both end up being a part of who a person becomes, but, unfortunately or not, nature ends up being a big part of who a person becomes. It's the case of how the DNA lands and there isn't much you can do with it. Of course, that doesn't stop most parents from trying their best, but there is only so much one can do. As an extreme example, what do you do if your child is born with mental retardation? You do your best but how much can you really do? There are, of course, more subtle examples, but the fact remains you are at the mercy of how the DNA rolls up. On the plus side, how else do you explain a child borns into the worse of circumstances - no parents, in foster homes their whole lives - turning out just grand? It's just how they were wired. Nature.
Our O-Line has not been good since Munchak left. We need him back. I say offer him whatever he wants but bring him back.
I could give dozens of examples where that is simply not true. Plenty of proven, bona fide leaders have had sons who ended up being crackheads, thieves, prisoners and other forms of known undesirables in society. Having kids is like spinning a roulette wheel; you're never sure how the spin is gonna go. I'd be careful at pointing the dirty end of the stick Andy's way without knowing more details. He could have been the "perfect leader" and his kid turned out how he did. We just don't know (unless you have some inside info. on how he was raised).
Yeah… just look at Joe and Hunter.. 🤔
It's the oldest psychology debate there is: nature vs nurture. Both end up being a part of who a person becomes, but, unfortunately or not, nature ends up being a big part of who a person becomes. It's the case of how the DNA lands and there isn't much you can do with it. Of course, that doesn't stop most parents from trying their best, but there is only so much one can do. As an extreme example, what do you do if your child is born with mental retardation? You do your best but how much can you really do? There are, of course, more subtle examples, but the fact remains you are at the mercy of how the DNA rolls up. On the plus side, how else do you explain a child borns into the worse of circumstances - no parents, in foster homes their whole lives - turning out just grand? It's just how they were wired. Nature.
Someone could have used a lot more nurturing to overcome his nature