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Petition to keep Vick off the team, or dump him since he's already been signed

I agree with ark.

Vick, imo, is a piece of **** as a person. I don't know that he's done enough to make amends for what he did. Then again, I don't know that he hasn't. He's such a disgusting ******* that I immediately tune out when Vick is mentioned.

I'll probably watch games, hoping we do well and Vick doesn't see the field.
If Vick does see the field, I'll likely turn the tv off or see if he gets injured.
hey another douchebag that joined just to bash Steelers fans....

The Chief is most likely rolling over in his grave. The organization I grew up loving is no more. Has been for a while, actually. This is just the final nail in the coffin. What a disgrace.
Wow people act like Vick is the second coming of Hitler. Nobody was crying when they kept that drunk lunatic the police said that they would have had to shoot if they were not scared they would hit and innocent bystander. I hope the Steelers pick up Ray Rice just to hear the babies on here and hope a couple finally jump.
The Chief is most likely rolling over in his grave. The organization I grew up loving is no more. Has been for a while, actually. This is just the final nail in the coffin. What a disgrace.

Hollywood Bags, you were banned once. Goodbye again.
Wow people act like Vick is the second coming of Hitler. Nobody was crying when they kept that drunk lunatic the police said that they would have had to shoot if they were not scared they would hit and innocent bystander. I hope the Steelers pick up Ray Rice just to hear the babies on here and hope a couple finally jump.

For ***** sake, I'm not even sure this is worth it, but I'll try one last time.

I've gotten drunk, and I've thought about doing some pretty stupid **** when I was drunk. I think most of us have, that's what I would call an understandable thing. It's not right, but hell, I've done stupid **** plenty of times.

Have I ever looked at an animal and thought "Hmm, I'd like to hang that ****** from a tree and watch as is dies" or "I think I need to take this animal by the legs, and slam it to the ground till it's dead". No, I haven't, and I tend to think anyone who HAS is a ****** up individual that I wouldn't want to be around.

Maybe some of you guys can't see the difference, I don't know, but I sure as **** can.

Wow people act like Vick is the second coming of Hitler. Nobody was crying when they kept that drunk lunatic the police said that they would have had to shoot if they were not scared they would hit and innocent bystander. I hope the Steelers pick up Ray Rice just to hear the babies on here and hope a couple finally jump.

Are you talking about the guy who isn't actually on the team any more? I don't believe he actually hurt anyone either, although he might have gotten into a fight with the cops. Drunk and fighting with the cops, once, might be brushed off as doing something "young and stupid" and might warrant a second chance. Although I did want the Steelers to cut him then, if the allegations were true.

I'd be confused as to how a one-time incident where no one was seriously hurt could compare to the incredible abuse this PoS heaped upon animals (and I'm not a fan of pit bulls) and he helped bankroll and run a criminal gambling enterprise. But, hey, it was part of his "culture"...

You can be a little ***** and whine about the babies who don't have the same opinion or be a man and expect that people's opinions might differ.
Wow people act like Vick is the second coming of Hitler. Nobody was crying when they kept that drunk lunatic the police said that they would have had to shoot if they were not scared they would hit and innocent bystander. I hope the Steelers pick up Ray Rice just to hear the babies on here and hope a couple finally jump.


The Chief is most likely rolling over in his grave. The organization I grew up loving is no more. Has been for a while, actually. This is just the final nail in the coffin. What a disgrace.

go root for another team, then. by all means, don't register on a steelers FAN WEBSITE to air your grievances. . . oh wait. . .
The Chief is most likely rolling over in his grave. The organization I grew up loving is no more. Has been for a while, actually. This is just the final nail in the coffin. What a disgrace.

Banned before we could condem him.

Hollywood Bags, you were banned once. Goodbye again.

Thanks supe for taking care of us, all of us, everyone of us........

Salute the nation
Not to mention the guy is playing on a vet minimum contract.. The kicker we just signed is being paid millions more to just kick off and make field goals. Mike Vick's a guy who had multiple 100 million dollar contracts, while others would just cash in and retire he is back playing for vet minimum.. If anyone ever questions his love for the game that should settle it right there.
So glad we have Vick on the team. Redemption time for him, and a solid aquisition by the Steelers. It's a true win-win for everybody.
Based on the he fact he declared bankruptcy, g
He had to pay back the Falcons millions on his signing bonus and various newspaper reports.

That was years ago
Michael Vick has nearly paid off his bankruptcy debt
Posted by Darin Gantt on December 18, 2014, 9:53 AM EDT
Michael Vick
Jets quarterback Michael Vick paid his debt to society when he spent time in federal prison for his conviction on dog fighting charges.

Now, he’s paid back most of the rest of the debt he accumulated.

According to Darren Rovell of ESPN, Vick has paid back most of the $18 million he owed to creditors when he filed for bankruptcy in July 2008.

Vick has been able to pay them back by living on a budget of $300,000 per year, which seems luxurious except he’s made more than $49 million from the Eagles and the Jets over that span. (OK, that still sounds luxurious).

“I feel blessed because I came out and found myself in a position where I had a lot of people that really believed in me, people who gave me an opportunity,” Vick said. “At the time, it wasn’t about trying to fulfill all the bankruptcy needs. I was trying to fulfill all the needs that I had in my life because I had nothing.”

“I had never been on a budget before, so I had to pay attention to everything that I was doing. Now I realize that I don’t need certain things I bought back in the day, like a new boat.”

Vick’s financial discipline — even if a little late — should be commended, as he could have chosen a form of bankruptcy which would have allowed him to avoid most of his debts.
I think that Mr V . has taken the correct approach .. If you haven't seen his message on facebook -- here it is ..

by Chuck (aka Mr V) : To be forgiven for a wrong, I believe a person must do three things: 1) Apologize sincerely and acknowledge that what they did was wrong; 2) Atone as best they can by accepting and experiencing consequences and try to make reparations; 3) Never do it again.

We can never know for sure if #1 is sincere, but we know by #2 and 3 that the person has learned and changed.

These are my reasons for letting Mike Vick off the hook. Many disagree with me and I accept that. What he did was pretty heinous. All I know is that I am forgiven by my father in heaven and I have not always fulfilled the three criteria. By that example I am able to extend grace and mercy to Michael Vick.
I think that Mr V . has taken the correct approach .. If you haven't seen his message on facebook -- here it is ..

we have no idea whether he has changed

we are all guessing

it is documented that he was money strapped

and he knew it was the NFL way or the highway

it could be he is taking the right steps orrrrrr he is a desperate man doing anything to collect a few more paychecks

no way to possibly know

but the right approach for different people is different approaches

for you it might be forgive

for me who knows the man killed over and over and over again

might be not to forgive him

in theory both approaches are right for the individuals in question

now thinking what is right for you should be right for others

that is where the difference of opinion comes in

I am just not sure why some feel the need to force their opinion down others throats, as in they should change their opinion

"just because"

whatever this man does in the future at this time nobody knows

what I do know is he would still be doing it if he wasn't incarcerated and his NFL future jeopardized...

so my way of thinking is right...for me
we have no idea whether he has changed

we are all guessing

it is documented that he was money strapped

and he knew it was the NFL way or the highway

it could be he is taking the right steps orrrrrr he is a desperate man doing anything to collect a few more paychecks

no way to possibly know

but the right approach for different people is different approaches

for you it might be forgive

for me who knows the man killed over and over and over again

might be not to forgive him

in theory both approaches are right for the individuals in question

now thinking what is right for you should be right for others

that is where the difference of opinion comes in

I am just not sure why some feel the need to force their opinion down others throats, as in they should change their opinion

"just because"

whatever this man does in the future at this time nobody knows

what I do know is he would still be doing it if he wasn't incarcerated and his NFL future jeopardized...

so my way of thinking is right...for me

I did not post that to try to sway you .. I was posting it because I agree with him that is MY opinion .!!!
I did not post that to try to sway you .. I was posting it because I agree with him that is MY opinion .!!!

fair enough, I guess it was the
has taken the correct approach

that threw me off the beaten path thinking you meant others approaches were wrong
Oh there are dozens of ways to think about this... like I said elsewhere there are at least 3 groups of thought here, (four if you count the psychos who don't think he did wrong, I don't count them)
The first believes what he did is irredeemable. there is nothing that would make them give him another chance. if he donated all his earnings to charity and worked for the rest of his life for good, it doesn't matter, he is always scum.
the second believes everyone should get a second chance no matter what they did. if they murdered babies while blowing up schools and churches, it doesn't matter, he paid his dues, move on...
The third is willing to give him a short leash only after he proved himself, and only as long as he stays on the straight and narrow.