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Petition to keep Vick off the team, or dump him since he's already been signed

Where do you pull this chyt from???

CCJ pulls it right out of his ***, as usual. Facts just complicate things for him.

Vick could have screwed his creditors with Chapter 7, but he didn't. From celebritynetworth.com (12/19/14):


"Vick ended up serving 548 days in jail for taking part in an illegal dogfighting ring. He even returned to the NFL, as a member of the Eagles, in 2010. He actually won Comeback Player of the Year that same season. But perhaps most shocking of all, Vick is on the verge of paying off the entire $18 million owed to his creditors. This is especially incredible because Michael easily could have simply walked away from the debt. He instead chose to honor his (literal) obligations

Since returning to the NFL in 2010, Vick has earned $49 million over five years. But before he signed that first comeback contract, Michael had a very distinct choice to make. He could file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection and walk away from all his debts, or file for Chapter 11 and honor every penny. Michael chose Chapter 11.
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Oh there are dozens of ways to think about this... like I said elsewhere there are at least 3 groups of thought here, (four if you count the psychos who don't think he did wrong, I don't count them)
The first believes what he did is irredeemable. there is nothing that would make them give him another chance. if he donated all his earnings to charity and worked for the rest of his life for good, it doesn't matter, he is always scum.
the second believes everyone should get a second chance no matter what they did. if they murdered babies while blowing up schools and churches, it doesn't matter, he paid his dues, move on...
The third is willing to give him a short leash only after he proved himself, and only as long as he stays on the straight and narrow.

I think there is a fourth, between your 1 and 2. Believe that he could be redeemable and rehabilitated but not convinced the amount of time he served is enough and/or is actually rehabilitated.

If I actually believed the dog-and-pony show, I'd be willing to watch and might actually cheer him on. Or, at the very least, not despise him so entirely.

I'd rather see Tom Brady be the first player inducted into the Hall of Fame while still an active player than see Vick standing on the sidelines in a Steelers uniform.
So 31 million left after paying back his creditors. Which he didn't have to do but did. Living off the 300,000 dollar budget how could he be broke? So besides the 18 million in creditors what other ones are you speaking of or are you doing precisely what Topseed said talking out your ***.
I think there is a fourth, between your 1 and 2. Believe that he could be redeemable and rehabilitated but not convinced the amount of time he served is enough and/or is actually rehabilitated.

If I actually believed the dog-and-pony show, I'd be willing to watch and might actually cheer him on. Or, at the very least, not despise him so entirely.

I'd rather see Tom Brady be the first player inducted into the Hall of Fame while still an active player than see Vick standing on the sidelines in a Steelers uniform.

So Ark what makes you not believe it? In this day and age where any story is spread by social media in a matter of minutes there has been nothing to suggest Vick hasn't been sincere in his efforts to fix his wrongs.
So 31 million left after paying back his creditors. Which he didn't have to do but did. Living off the 300,000 dollar budget how could he be broke? So besides the 18 million in creditors what other ones are you speaking of or are you doing precisely what Topseed said talking out your ***.

I think he is saying there isn't 31 million isn't left. If he has made 49 million, about half was paid in taxes. Leaving about 25 million. After paying the 18 million, he is left with 7 million, not 31 million.

I don't know if the 49 million is before or after paying agents, lawyers, PR firms, etc. If before, I'd bet more than half of that 7 million is gone, too.

If you were used to living on multiple millions a year, living on a million a year is broke.

As for "could have walked away from it", if you were trying to convince other people you've changed, what would you have done? Just another part of the dog and pony show, IMO.
So Ark what makes you not believe it? In this day and age where any story is spread by social media in a matter of minutes there has been nothing to suggest Vick hasn't been sincere in his efforts to fix his wrongs.

I would ask what makes you think he is sincere and it is not some big PR campaign where is legal counsel and handlers tell him exactly what to do, how to act, etc. and watch him closely to make sure he doesn't step out of line. Remember, this behavior was deeply ingrained in his culture. ...yet 18 or 21 months in prison turned all that around.

Because I have known people who have been in prison and I know how they act when they get out. They put on a big show of having been rehabilitated and can do it for years, until their parole is up. And they don't have millions of dollars to pay legal counsel and handlers and PR people, etc.
Nice guess but no one knows what he has left. He even said he learned to live less lavishly. But if him being broke somehow fits you guys agenda so be it. As far as im Concerned he did his time and paid his debts. He didn't have to do anything more but he has. In this day and age where any story of wrong doing would be national news there hasn't been one sniff of anything. My last time posting about Vick concerning this. No good can come of it
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I think he is saying there isn't 31 million isn't left. If he has made 49 million, about half was paid in taxes. Leaving about 25 million. After paying the 18 million, he is left with 7 million, not 31 million.

I don't know if the 49 million is before or after paying agents, lawyers, PR firms, etc. If before, I'd bet more than half of that 7 million is gone, too.

If you were used to living on multiple millions a year, living on a million a year is broke.

As for "could have walked away from it", if you were trying to convince other people you've changed, what would you have done? Just another part of the dog and pony show, IMO.

No idea how I was able to type all that without calling Andrew a bunch of names or belittling other posters.
Simple he doesn't have too. He already is back in the NFL..Already recieved another big contract. Why does he need to continue to the charade if he doesn't have too.
Really 31 million, I guess he did not have to pay a penny in taxes or other debts,simpleton. You are nor very bright and talk out of your *** all the time, oh and a blind Steeler homer without an original thought in your brain. Please do tell how one makes 49 million dollars and pays 18 million in debts and still has 31 million dollars left , idiot.

Because I'm not counting any other imaginary debts. Every other man with that type of money doesn't manage to go broke paying lawyers and handling business. We don't know how that money was invested or anything. He was also picked back up by Nike so how much did they pay?? I don't know just like you don't know if he broke. Like I said if he was it would be a story and not just something YOU know.
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we have no idea whether he has changed

we are all guessing

it is documented that he was money strapped

and he knew it was the NFL way or the highway

it could be he is taking the right steps orrrrrr he is a desperate man doing anything to collect a few more paychecks

no way to possibly know

but the right approach for different people is different approaches

for you it might be forgive

for me who knows the man killed over and over and over again

might be not to forgive him

in theory both approaches are right for the individuals in question

now thinking what is right for you should be right for others

that is where the difference of opinion comes in

I am just not sure why some feel the need to force their opinion down others throats, as in they should change their opinion

"just because"

whatever this man does in the future at this time nobody knows

what I do know is he would still be doing it if he wasn't incarcerated and his NFL future jeopardized...

so my way of thinking is right...for me

In the end one person will pass judgement. The more I read about Vick the more I am surprised. To me he could just collect his pay checks as you say but not do all the extra things he has done. He has been walking the walk. Talking the talk. Above it said he could of went a different route in bankruptcy. He it seems took the route where he was not given a free pass. I did things when I was younger that I would never think of doing now. A couple of things caused this. My kids were born. I became more mature as I got older. While he might have continued to do what he was doing ...he might of actually stopped. YOU and I and everyone just don't know. Hell. Vick probably doesn't even know. What he did was horrible. What he does now isn't. To be honest I am still conflicted with the whole thing. I want to believe he changed. Sometimes people just do that....change. For what ever reason. While he did some horrible stuff and got caught. I will like to believe he is a better human today. AS I said in the beginning....one person will make that decision in the end. And it is certainly isn't me.
No jackass, it is in the reports you are quoting from. Making 49 million in 5 years and paying back 18 million to the Falcons and millions more to other creditors does not leave much money after taxes and other debts but then again you are too simple minded to realize what finances are. Vick is a piece of **** and his debts are all self inflicted from his thug life and dog fighting, he is a piece if **** you happen to admire, sucks to be pou. Casting dispersions on people smarter than you is not a good way for you to go through life jackass.

Obviously you didn't read the entire article. His real estate holdings are substantial enough to have most if not all of the rest of the debt covered. He's budgeted $300K a year to live on. He didn't have to pay many of his creditors back, but he chose to, even before he signed a contract with $40 million guaranteed. That's the opposite of being a piece of ****.

Maybe you can't read. That might be it.
A world known Footballer Michael Dwayne Vick born on Thursday, June 26, 1980 in a remarkable city of Newport News, Virginia, USA . Michael Vick net worth in 2014-2015 is $15,000,000 while like others Michael Vick gets also paid by sponsorship, ads, endorsement, featuring and so on. We estimated yearly income around $1,764,706 and Sponsorship/Endorsement amount is $392,157 . We also added few Awards earnings which includes 2011 Won BET Award , 2003 Won ESPY Award , 2000 Won ESPY Award , Other . All Awards earnings given below:





All have his net worth at 15 million..
No jackass, it is in the reports you are quoting from. Making 49 million in 5 years and paying back 18 million to the Falcons and millions more to other creditors does not leave much money after taxes and other debts but then again you are too simple minded to realize what finances are. Vick is a piece of **** and his debts are all self inflicted from his thug life and dog fighting, he is a piece if **** you happen to admire, sucks to be pou. Casting dispersions on people smarter than you is not a good way for you to go through life jackass.

Actually, cretin, Vick settled with the Falcons in 2009 and owed them $6.5 million, not $18 million. Then they ****** themselves by turning around and selling that debt to Fortress Capital in 2011. Debt which Vick ended up paying in full. He owed the $17.8 million to ALL his creditors.

Again, sorry to confuse your simple mind with more facts, you finance wizard you.
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Really 31 million, I guess he did not have to pay a penny in taxes or other debts,simpleton. You are nor very bright and talk out of your *** all the time, oh and a blind Steeler homer without an original thought in your brain. Please do tell how one makes 49 million dollars and pays 18 million in debts and still has 31 million dollars left , idiot.

you should seriously consider toning down the bullshit personal attacks and stick to the facts.....
LOL, keep em coming,. He paid the money in full because it would be a criminal offense not too, not that it ever stopped him before. It was UNEARNED income the courts ruled he owed the Falcons not money he borrowed, etc, Try to keep up and quit blindly defending the thug who DOES not live on $300,000 a year like you stupidly claim.

Oh and I see you ignored the $100,000 white party he threw where he may have shot his co-defendent.

Look, stupid, YOU said he paid the Falcons $18 million (as part of your earlier fuzzy math calculations of what $49 million would and wouldn't cover before taxes) which is totally and completely false. He never paid the Falcons a cent. He paid Fortress Capital $6.5 million.

Yes, dozens of media outlets must be wrong, and you must be correct. Vick's throwing money away on lavish parties every year and getting all his money eaten up by taxes and fees, yet somehow he's still managed to pay everyone back. In full. But again, according to your cosmic wisdom, now he's only playing for the Steelers because he's broke.

Do you even have any idea what the **** you're arguing about?
LOL, keep em coming,. He paid the money in full because it would be a criminal offense not too, not that it ever stopped him before. It was UNEARNED income the courts ruled he owed the Falcons not money he borrowed, etc, Try to keep up and quit blindly defending the thug who DOES not live on $300,000 a year like you stupidly claim. Oh and I see you ignored the $100,000 white party he threw where he may have shot his co-defendent.
Geez CCJamison, I hope you spent this much time and energy - and moral fortitude - digging into the inner-workings of some of our renown backup quarterbacks over the years, including Dennis Dixon, Pete Gonzalez, Kent Graham, Byron Leftwich, Mark Malone and Brian St. Pierre.
I had to straighten out someone on Facebook tonight, Friend of a Friend sort of thing, nobody I know, who asked why nobody protested or signed petitions when Ben was accused of sexual assault. I pointed out that heck yeah they did.
I had to straighten out someone on Facebook tonight, Friend of a Friend sort of thing, nobody I know, who asked why nobody protested or signed petitions when Ben was accused of sexual assault. I pointed out that heck yeah they did.

Always keeping it real, aren't yaz Ron................................... !!!!!!!!!! :)

Salute the nation
That's what we are left with.do we believe him some do some don't.

I think we all know our stances now.

And it is ok whatever your stance is as well as mine.

Now for the ones who continue to say he served his time, that will always be debatable. from a legal standpoint yes.

From a moral standpoint many believe the severity of the crime shouldn't have even let him back in the NFL.

And for the ones who say he doesn't have to pretend anymore.

SURE he does. He is still collecting a NFL paycheck. He can be out of the NFL and the money train with a wrong blink of the eye.

Hell he might float somewhere in between eventually, maybe giving up dog fighting.

And for some maybe that is good enough.

Good for them.

For me he owes his life to helping with trying to help dogs out in some sort of way.

After the NFL if he continues helping I might be like well at least he is trying to change.

But that's for a later time. You can't prove anything to me while the microscope is on you.

And trust me it is.

I will never forget regardless what he did, that part will remain regardless what course he takes.

But at the end of the day it is a opinion and he doesn't ultimately have to answer to me.

But that won't change my stance or your stance, and that again is perfectly ok.
You are asking an idiot who thinks you can make 49 million in 5 years and pay off 18 million in debt d still have 31 million dollars left over in your pocket. This guy is a dumbass , an idiot that talks out of his *** and is too stupid to know about taxes, ;lawyers, other debts, etc. Vick is NOT Living on $300,000 a year, it is well know in Virginia Beach where the ******* has his yearly white party, where an enemy of his was shot and he is a person of interest, and all the other extravagant money the thug burns through.

He may have made $49M, but taxes take half. Now we're working with $24.5M which makes his net worth more in line with $15M. Declaring bankruptcy doesn't mean you are broke, it means you are protecting your assets. At the time his debt was larger than his net worth, so bankruptcy was a no brainer, to protect his assets while he was in jail. He got out and paid them back.

Many people are pointing to jail as his turing point to becoming a better man, it wasn't. The white party was his wake up call. June 25, 2010 was the day he woke up to what his decisions can cause, either directly or indirectly. That is the moment he grew up. Here's a great unbiased article about what happened leading up to, during, and after the white party. http://www.si.com/nfl/2015/06/24/michael-vick-2010-cover-story-dog-fighting-eagles

There are a lot of racial bias when arguing against Vick. I don't know of another athlete that has ever had his motives scrutinized in this way. "Sure he's paid his debt in jail, he's paid back his debtors, he's completed all of his community service and still continues to represent the Humane Society on his own dime, but I don't believe him because he's a thug, a bad teammate, and he can't get away from his culture".

Well, I've been in Philly during his entire tenure with the Eagles, and not once his teammates come out and call Vick a bad teammate. Sure Eagles fans are the worst people at demonizing people for their actions. They were all over him when he joined the team, speculating that he's a locker room cancer, and a bad person. They had a stronger argument strait out of jail, but Vick showed them otherwise. Once he was the starter, there was no dissent in the fan base or sports radio, calling out Vick's commitment to the team and his teammates. That's why the fan base rallied around him. In Philly, to be loved, you have to commit to the team and city completely. Vick did that, and was embraced.

So when I hear people throwing out words like "southern culture" or "thug" it shows me their personal biases as opposed to the actions of a man. Is Vick perfect? Far from it. But I'd bet my net worth that Vick will never be involved with dog fighting again, aside from championing its demise.
He may have made $49M, but taxes take half. Now we're working with $24.5M which makes his net worth more in line with $15M. Declaring bankruptcy doesn't mean you are broke, it means you are protecting your assets. At the time his debt was larger than his net worth, so bankruptcy was a no brainer, to protect his assets while he was in jail. He got out and paid them back.

Many people are pointing to jail as his turing point to becoming a better man, it wasn't. The white party was his wake up call. June 25, 2010 was the day he woke up to what his decisions can cause, either directly or indirectly. That is the moment he grew up. Here's a great unbiased article about what happened leading up to, during, and after the white party. http://www.si.com/nfl/2015/06/24/michael-vick-2010-cover-story-dog-fighting-eagles

There are a lot of racial bias when arguing against Vick. I don't know of another athlete that has ever had his motives scrutinized in this way. "Sure he's paid his debt in jail, he's paid back his debtors, he's completed all of his community service and still continues to represent the Humane Society on his own dime, but I don't believe him because he's a thug, a bad teammate, and he can't get away from his culture".

Well, I've been in Philly during his entire tenure with the Eagles, and not once his teammates come out and call Vick a bad teammate. Sure Eagles fans are the worst people at demonizing people for their actions. They were all over him when he joined the team, speculating that he's a locker room cancer, and a bad person. They had a stronger argument strait out of jail, but Vick showed them otherwise. Once he was the starter, there was no dissent in the fan base or sports radio, calling out Vick's commitment to the team and his teammates. That's why the fan base rallied around him. In Philly, to be loved, you have to commit to the team and city completely. Vick did that, and was embraced.

So when I hear people throwing out words like "southern culture" or "thug" it shows me their personal biases as opposed to the actions of a man. Is Vick perfect? Far from it. But I'd bet my net worth that Vick will never be involved with dog fighting again, aside from championing its demise.

I can absolutely assure you I have zero zilch nada racial bias in my attitude toward this PoS. If you think references to "thug" and his "culture " are veiled racial bias, it says more about you than us.

I used "culture " because IT WAS THE VERY GODDAMNED THING PEOPLE TRIED TO USE TO JUSTIFY WHY HE DIDN'TSEE IT AS WRONG, or whatever the **** they were trying to convince me of. We didn't bring it up, his defenders did when he got caught.

What is more racist, the belief that he was some poor rich man who didn't know better because of his up bringing or the belief that every single ******* human on earth ought to know that his behavior was beyond abysmal? You know the answer and the finger doesn't point toward the detractors of this PoS.
Oh, you know what culture is most often, in my experience, associated with dog fighting? White trash southern rednecks.
Oh, you know what culture is most often, in my experience, associated with dog fighting? White trash southern rednecks.

Up here it's almost totally a black thing.