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Petition to keep Vick off the team, or dump him since he's already been signed

cast a first stone? I would love to hit you in the head with a brick

do your agenda elsewhere


Heeey there it is. Your "hi" to end a post. Feelin little bit better today, brotha?
isn't he the guy who accidentally ran someone over?

if it was on purpose

no thank you

if it was by accident more than once

no thank you

Vick didn't brutishly kill those plethora of dogs by accident.

I believe he accidentally put a large consumption of alcoholic beverages in his belly. and accidentally ran over somebody.
Some dude that jaywalked across a 4 lane road with a speed limit of 50-55. Pretty good chance stall worth kills that guy stone sober too
I believe he accidentally put a large consumption of alcoholic beverages in his belly. and accidentally ran over somebody.

He went to court, got his punishment and served it. Therefore, no big deal....

How would people be reacting if we signed Dante Stallworth ????

How did they feel when the VPOTUS shot someone in the face and was never charged with a crime?

Oh, that's right, accidents are relevant in determining if, and what, crime took place.
IIRC Stallworth took a plea deal for 30 days in jail. The prosecution didn't think they'd win the case despite him being drunk... he played in the NFL afterwards as well... no one here boycotted the NFL then either.
Are some of you seriously comparing accidents to a lifestyle of torturing and killing animals in the cruelest way possible?
Are some of you seriously comparing accidents to a lifestyle of torturing and killing animals in the cruelest way possible?

I think the question is do players that do bad things have the right to be redeemed or is it once you screw up big enough does that mean NFL teams should not employ you...
He went to court, got his punishment and served it. Therefore, no big deal....


I agree, i don't have any problem with Vick on this team. he severed his time . And if Stallworth was on it I wouldn't have a problem either, other then he sucks. haha
IIRC Stallworth took a plea deal for 30 days in jail. The prosecution didn't think they'd win the case despite him being drunk... he played in the NFL afterwards as well... no one here boycotted the NFL then either.

I didn't boycott the NFL for Vick. I, rarely, watch any NFL other than the Steelers, anymore, because I'm not a fan of the New NFL and I despise fantasy football. You can't watch a game or listen to a sports show where someone is not talking about their ******* fantasy team.

So, I choose not to watch the team play while Vick is on the field. My $, my choice. Have been a fan of the team for over 40 years, so it's not like I'm a bandwaggoner that makes an easy choice.
How did they feel when the VPOTUS shot someone in the face and was never charged with a crime?

Oh, that's right, accidents are relevant in determining if, and what, crime took place.

If it had been an accident while Stallworth was not drunk, I'd feel way better about it. With him being drunk I wouldn't watch the team if we signed him either.
I think the question is do players that do bad things have the right to be redeemed or is it once you screw up big enough does that mean NFL teams should not employ you...

If it is bad enough, no I don't think so. What Stallworth and Vick did, IMO, is bad enough.
I agree, i don't have any problem with Vick on this team. he severed his time . And if Stallworth was on it I wouldn't have a problem either, other then he sucks. haha

Uhh, I was joking, I don't believe that. At all.
Steeler fans you guys should be ashame of ourselves regarding all of the arrogant remarks regarding Vick. Please!!!! I can go WAY back to humans that were slain and were exonerated.
If your GREAT owner has no problem with, then YOU shouldnt... He who is without SIN let him cast the first stone..

go **** yourself newbie....
Are some of you seriously comparing accidents to a lifestyle of torturing and killing animals in the cruelest way possible?

No we are comparing two individuals that committed crimes, were convicted in courts of law and served their sentences. Drunk driving is not an accident. I also consider human life of greater value than the lives of dogs. Again how many of you are vegans?
If it is bad enough, no I don't think so. What Stallworth and Vick did, IMO, is bad enough.

And you are 100% allowed to have that opinion. if the league decides that's the law of the land I would support it 100%, but as it is, they have decided there is a way for guys who did terrible things to get back into the league. I personally find it hard to blame the steelers for taking a guy who has been part of that last chance deal for six years now and kept himself on the straight and narrow... but then again I never had any false ideas about some mythical steeler way that was so different from everyone else.
Winning breeds "chemistry".
How was the Pirates lockerroom "chemistry" when they were stealing your money for twenty years? Did they hand out Chemistry Bobbleheads?
After two decades of feeding their gullible fans **** the Pirates were finally forced by MLB to run their franchise like a legitimate baseball team instead of a racket and now suddenly they are the model franchise? Give me a ******* break.

Both the Steelers and Penguins are some of the most tight knit "band of brothers" teams in their respective sports, there isn't one moody energy drainer in either group (well maybe except for Malkin when he isn't scoring).

Vick isn't going to hurt the Steelers lockerroom. If anything his veteran experience and presence will boost confidence now that the team know's he is behind Ben instead of pitiful L. Jones.

The Pens seem to be going through the motions now a days. Even when winning something does not seem right with them. I agree the steelers used to be very tight, but I do not think that has been the case for the last 3-4 years. Seems like some guys are blaming others and spouting off to the media instead of keeping stuff in house. To me this means the team is lacking in leaders and chemistry. As for the Pirates of course winning helps, but you see them in the dugout dancing / doing crazy other stuff just seems like they always have each others backs. I just do not see that with the Pens and Steelers right now.
And you are 100% allowed to have that opinion. if the league decides that's the law of the land I would support it 100%, but as it is, they have decided there is a way for guys who did terrible things to get back into the league. I personally find it hard to blame the steelers for taking a guy who has been part of that last chance deal for six years now and kept himself on the straight and narrow... but then again I never had any false ideas about some mythical steeler way that was so different from everyone else.

I don't have those false ideas, either. Not sure why there must be a correlation between that belief and not wanting a POS like Vick on the team and refusing to watch while he is.

I think it boils down, more, to 2 things. 1) Do you believe the person "served his time", i.e. served enough time based on crimes and 2) Do you believe that the person is, truly, rehabilitated and repentant.

IMO, the answer to 1, is "No". I think 2 seems like a "yes", because of a huge PR project and handlers who keep him in line and tell hI'm the right thinges to do. Maybe, after all these years, he is rehabilitated, but I'm not convinced.

We were told that the behavior was so deeply ingrained in his culture that he wasn't to blame. Yet, 21 months (or whatever it was) suddenly got all of that "deeply ingrained culture " out....
We were told that the behavior was so deeply ingrained in his culture that he wasn't to blame. Yet, 21 months (or whatever it was) suddenly got all of that "deeply ingrained culture " out....

Could happen. *NSFW* *NSFK*

Are some of you seriously comparing accidents to a lifestyle of torturing and killing animals in the cruelest way possible?

Of course they are. A repeat child molester would get support from some of these people as long as he was a Steeler.
Of course they are. A repeat child molester would get support from some of these people as long as he was a Steeler.
No. These were animals and those are humans. There is a fundamental difference there. If you eat meat, it comes from a plant where the animal has a rod driven into its skull, it is disemboweled, hung upside down bled dry and cut into pieces. I support that. I like my Ribeye. If it was humans. No. I would like to have everyone who is against Mike Vick being a Steeler, clearly make their position on Adrian Peterson known here. Please and thank you.
I didn't boycott the NFL for Vick. I, rarely, watch any NFL other than the Steelers, anymore, because I'm not a fan of the New NFL and I despise fantasy football. You can't watch a game or listen to a sports show where someone is not talking about their ******* fantasy team.

So, I choose not to watch the team play while Vick is on the field. My $, my choice. Have been a fan of the team for over 40 years, so it's not like I'm a bandwaggoner that makes an easy choice.

So basically, assuming ben doesnt miss time due to injury, you wont be missing any games??
As i said before early last week, many folks wear team jerseys that are made with slave labor...child slave labor. I don't see anyone here boycotting Reebok or the NFL over that ****.....

Some of the stories given by victims of this child slave labor kicked off names of teams they made jerseys for.Giants, Raiders, Eagles and Steelers were just a few
So basically, assuming ben doesnt miss time due to injury, you wont be missing any games??

LOL. No. You can assume that I won't see any games this season. I'm a little torn about what to do if he gets the Theisman treatment and ends up on IR for the season.