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Planned Parenthood Selling Dead Babies for Parts

give them a few days to come up with another deflection. They'll probably just double down on attacking the messengers and claiming they don't profit.

This is why the release of the two videos in separate instances is so freaking brilliant. Let Planned Parenthood come up with an excuse and then shoot it down with another video. There will probably be more to come once PP excuses this one...stay tuned.
Another video that's proof of how evil that organization is.


Technician details harvesting fetal parts for Planned Parenthood in latest video
Published July 28, 2015FoxNews.com
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Holly O’Donnell says she worked for six months for a company that procured tissue and organs for Planned Parenthood, which then presumably shipped them to research labs. (Screengrab, Center for Medical Progress video)
A technician who said she worked for a company that partnered with Planned Parenthood to harvest fetal tissue said there’s “incentive to try and get the hard stuff ‘cause you’re going to get more money,” in the latest undercover video targeting Planned Parenthood.

“For whatever we could procure, they would get a certain percentage,” said Holly O’Donnell, identified as an ex-procurement technician for StemExpress, LLC. “The main nurse was always trying to make sure we got our specimens. No one else really cared, but the main nurse did because she knew that Planned Parenthood was getting compensated.”

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING: Click to see latest undercover Planned Parenthood video

The new, graphic video from the Center for Medical Progress appears to show technicians using tweezers to pick through aborted fetal tissue for baby parts. After one person in the video picks out a pair of intact kidneys someone off-camera laughs and says, “Five stars!”

O’Donnell said she fainted the first time she was part of this process and was told by someone in the room, “some of us don’t ever get over it.”

“If you can somehow procure a brain or a heart you’re going to get more money than just Chorionic villi or umbilical cord.”

- Holly O'Donnell
O'Donnell said she worked for six months identifying pregnant women at Planned Parenthood who met the standards for fetal tissue orders and then helped to harvest fetal body parts after abortions at Planned Parenthood facilities.

StemExpress, based in Placerville, Calif., “supplies human blood, tissue products, primary cells and other clinical specimens to biomedical researchers around the world,” according to its website.

O’Donnell describes the company a different way.

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In the latest video, the undercover team cites this fee schedule, which it says contains prices a lab will pay for fetal tissue and organs. (Screengrab, Center for Medical Progress)
“StemExpress is a company that hires procurement techs to draw blood and dissect dead fetuses and sell the parts to researchers,” she said. “They’ve partnered with Planned Parenthood and they get part of the money because we pay them to use their facilities. And they get paid from it. They do get some kind of benefit.”

Planned Parenthood has denied selling fetal tissue for a profit, which is against federal law.

“If you can somehow procure a brain or a heart you’re going to get more money than just Chorionic villi or umbilical cord,” O’Donnell said.

The video is the third to be released by the Center for Medical Progress. Like the first two, it contains undercover video of Planned Parenthood officials and associates, but is heavily reliant on an interview with O’Donnell.

Previous videos show Dr. Mary Gatter, a Planned Parenthood medical director in Southern California, meeting with people posing as buyers of fetal specimens. The conversation focuses on how much money the buyers should pay, although Planned Parenthood insists that it only sought to cover its expenses. The videos have brought investigations of Planned Parenthood's policies on aborted fetuses by three Republican-led congressional committees and three states.

Federal law prohibits the commercial sale of fetal tissue, but it allows the not-for-profit donation of tissue if the women who underwent abortions give their consent. Planned Parenthood says the payments discussed in the videos pertain to reimbursement for the costs of procuring the tissue -- which is legal.
If this was being done with dogs or cats would PETA or the left be outraged?


Politics. Explained.
Cecil and Cecile
Mourning over a lion, yawning over dismembered babies
by Laura Ingraham
Editor in Chief
Cecil and Cecile: Media elites mourn a lion, yawn over dismembered babies
“Growing fury over lion killing”

“Lion’s death provokes tears, anger”

“Why is hunting lions even legal?”

“Hunter regrets actions amid national outcry”

These are just some of the headlines that were catching fire on cable and social media after a Minnesota dentist, Walter Palmer, was identified as the hunter who killed Zimbabwe’s beloved 13-year-old lion named Cecil. PETA’s spokeswoman Ingrid Newkirk said she wants Palmer “extradited, charged and preferably hanged.”

I am blessed to have seen many wild lions up close in Botswana. There was a pride feeding on a young giraffe, adolescents rolling around and playfully nipping at each other in the tall grass, full-grown adults approaching our open-roofed vehicle just to check us out. They were all magnificent.

So after first reading about the crossbow hunting dentist, I thought: What kind of man sees a lion as regal and beautiful as Cecil and thinks to himself — That’s mine. I’m going to kill it. I want that head or that body in my trophy room. I can’t wait to tweet out a photo!


Palmer is now a social media pariah and receiving a stream of death threats. He has apologized to his patients “for the inconvenience” and claims he had no idea the majestic mammal was illegally lured from its National Park in Zimbabwe by the guides he hired. Right, and Hillary didn’t know she was sending classified emails on her private email account. Palmer has a prior felony conviction stemming from his killing of a black bear in Wisconsin. For that he was sentenced to a year of probation and $3,000 fine.

Media outlets mobilize to condemn the death of one lion, but they let out a collective yawn when Planned Parenthood’s caught on camera pricing out baby lungs and livers.
The media hysteria surrounding this story was aimed at one thing — bagging their villain. Zimbabwe’s tyrannical leader Robert Mugabe must be relieved.

The cognitive dissonance is stunning: Media outlets mobilize to condemn the death of one lion, but they let out a collective yawn when Planned Parenthood’s caught on camera pricing out baby lungs and livers. Celebrities also practice selective outrage expression. Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel was literally brought to tears on his show when discussing Cecil’s untimely demise.

Conservationists are right to fight against sick tribal practices that compel men to chop off the hands and feet of chimps, or the sheer greed that creates graveyards of elephants butchered for their tusks. But isn’t it even more important that we preserve human life as well? Can it be that a Minnesota dentist’s life is ruined because he killed a lion, but Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards suffers nary a rescinded cocktail invitation?

Lions can’t defend themselves against a hunter’s bow or rifle. A baby can’t defend himself or herself against an abortionist’s crushing forceps or vacuum tube. Hundreds of thousands of pre-born babies are turned into medical waste each year, many with their organs harvested for “medical research.” Yet getting the American media to look at this issue honestly is all but impossible.

The same week we see staffers at Planned Parenthood haggling over baby body parts, chit-chatting as tiny hands and hearts slosh around in specimen bowls, the elites’ outpouring of grief and anger centers on a lion two continents away.

I share their sadness for the dead lion. But I will never understand how they can feel no pain over the crushed and broken bodies of innocent children.
I just don't get it. We have reached a sad point in society when a wild animal's life is valued more than a human life.
I just don't get it. We have reached a sad point in society when a wild animal's life is valued more than a human life.

We reached that point a long time ago.
I just don't get it. We have reached a sad point in society when a wild animal's life is valued more than a human life.

Now, that's not true, not by a long shot. As a society, we produce and waste a lot of food and subject animals to all kinds of experiments in the name of serving mankind, not animals.

That being said, I do get a chuckle out of the bumper sticker "The more people I meet, the more I like my dog."
Technically, humans ARE animals...so why isn't PETA speaking out against Planned Parenthood?
The latest video to be released brought me to tears, I don't want to post a link because it's too disturbing, but you can find it anywhere. The horror of abortion on display for the world to see..."It's another boy!"....someone's baby boy. Horrifying.
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So, some judge has issued an order saying that the organization that released the video's can't release any more. What happens if they are "hacked" and someone gets the video and sends it to a news agency who then releases it?
It's the government's job to take care of everyone and every abortion means one less mouth to feed and one less person on Social Security. /Democrats
Pure evil in all of it's glory. Vote democrat and get your very own evil card today,
Don't let this get in the way of your outrage:

Republicans Were For Fetal Tissue Research Before They Were Against It

Scientists have long used human fetal tissue for research; stem cells haven't replaced it yet

The Long And Successful History Of Using Fetal Tissue In Research

McConnell helped legalize funding for fetal tissue research
Gotta love Elizabeth Warren.

"Do you have any idea what year it is?" Warren asked. "Did you fall down, hit your head, and think you woke up in the 1950's or the 1890's? Should we call for a doctor? Because I simply cannot believe that in the year 2015, the United States Senate would be spending its time trying to defund women's health care centers. You know, on second thought, maybe I shouldn't be that surprised. The Republicans have had a plan for years to strip away women's rights to make choices over our own bodies. Just look at the recent facts."

Elizabeth Warren Slams Republicans for Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood

As the Senate convened on Monday to vote on a bill seeking to defund Planned Parenthood, Sen. Elizabeth Warren took the floor to issue a fierce defense of the health organization.

The Massachusetts senator continued her impassioned speech and listed examples of Republican-lead efforts to gut health care services to women over the years, including the recent budget proposal that includes a measure to remove federal funding for family planning providers.

The most recent call to gut federal spending on Planned Parenthood was sparked by several videos secretly recorded by a sting mission that appeared to capture top officials from the organization discussing the sale of fetal tissues. Following the public release of the videos, Planned Parenthood was hit by two cyber-attacks—one aimed at its website and another claiming to have hacked into the organization's databases and employee information.

The group, which now receives $528 million in federal funding (or 41 percent of its annual budget), also provides contraception to almost 40 percent of women who rely on public programs for family planning.

The videos have already moved Congress to launch two probes into the organization's activities. Eight Republican governors—including several who are running for president—have opened parallel investigations. Many Republican senators—including several who are running for president—have vowed to strip Planned Parenthood of its hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding.

While its opponents tried to brand Planned Parenthood as an abortion mill, the group has stressed that abortions make up only 3 percent of its services, and STI screenings, Pap tests, and pregnancy prevention comprise the vast majority of its activities.

You can watch it in all its glory:

Killing babies, and selling their parts, is seriously wrong, regardless of what side of the aisle you sit on.
Killing babies, and selling their parts, is seriously wrong, regardless of what side of the aisle you sit on.

Democrats would disagree with you. Only two Senate Dems voted to defund PP. Everybody else in lock-step.
Democrats would disagree with you. Only two Senate Dems voted to defund PP. Everybody else in lock-step.

On a windy day, I can smell the stench eminating from DC in Pittsburgh. I can't even stand to look at any career politician anymore. I guess this is what cynicism looks like.
Don't let this get in the way of your outrage:

Republicans Were For Fetal Tissue Research Before They Were Against It

Scientists have long used human fetal tissue for research; stem cells haven't replaced it yet

The Long And Successful History Of Using Fetal Tissue In Research

McConnell helped legalize funding for fetal tissue research

I have no heartburn with it being legal. I have a problem with any business that takes in a billion dollars a year in revenue getting a subsidy. The issue of weather or not Planned Partenthood may have done illegal late term abortions and not issued birth/death certificates for babies that were born live and then dispatched by Planned Parrenthood personnel is a separate criminal issue falling under local homicide statutes.
Gotta love Elizabeth Warren.

"Do you have any idea what year it is?" Warren asked. "Did you fall down, hit your head, and think you woke up in the 1950's or the 1890's? Should we call for a doctor? Because I simply cannot believe that in the year 2015, the United States Senate would be spending its time trying to defund women's health care centers. You know, on second thought, maybe I shouldn't be that surprised. The Republicans have had a plan for years to strip away women's rights to make choices over our own bodies. Just look at the recent facts."

Elizabeth Warren Slams Republicans for Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood

As the Senate convened on Monday to vote on a bill seeking to defund Planned Parenthood, Sen. Elizabeth Warren took the floor to issue a fierce defense of the health organization.

The Massachusetts senator continued her impassioned speech and listed examples of Republican-lead efforts to gut health care services to women over the years, including the recent budget proposal that includes a measure to remove federal funding for family planning providers.

The most recent call to gut federal spending on Planned Parenthood was sparked by several videos secretly recorded by a sting mission that appeared to capture top officials from the organization discussing the sale of fetal tissues. Following the public release of the videos, Planned Parenthood was hit by two cyber-attacks—one aimed at its website and another claiming to have hacked into the organization's databases and employee information.

The group, which now receives $528 million in federal funding (or 41 percent of its annual budget), also provides contraception to almost 40 percent of women who rely on public programs for family planning.

The videos have already moved Congress to launch two probes into the organization's activities. Eight Republican governors—including several who are running for president—have opened parallel investigations. Many Republican senators—including several who are running for president—have vowed to strip Planned Parenthood of its hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding.

While its opponents tried to brand Planned Parenthood as an abortion mill, the group has stressed that abortions make up only 3 percent of its services, and STI screenings, Pap tests, and pregnancy prevention comprise the vast majority of its activities.

You can watch it in all its glory:

I will take you and Elizabeth Warren seriously on this issue when Planned Parenthood allows ultra-sounds to be given to mothers prior to an abortion. They prohibit it.

I want you to think about that. They prohibit a mother, who may be questioning aborting her baby, from having an ultrasound prior. They won't provide them in the clinics, and they've banned other organizations from building ultra sound centers next door.

Yep. They are all about womens' health and not making a profit *cough* *cough*