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Planned Parenthood Selling Dead Babies for Parts

I will take you and Elizabeth Warren seriously on this issue when Planned Parenthood allows ultra-sounds to be given to mothers prior to an abortion. They prohibit it.

I want you to think about that. They prohibit a mother, who may be questioning aborting her baby, from having an ultrasound prior. They won't provide them in the clinics, and they've banned other organizations from building ultra sound centers next door.

Yep. They are all about womens' health and not making a profit *cough* *cough*

Great point. That's because they know that any woman with a soul who heard the baby's heartbeat would not kill it. That would be bad business for evil libtards. And the quality of ultrasounds, visually, has improved tenfold over the last decade. No way would Dems want a mother to see her baby.
Killing babies, and selling their parts, is seriously wrong, regardless of what side of the aisle you sit on.

Why do they go together? Aren't you mixing up two issues?

This whole debate is so ****** up. Abortions aren't going away... legal or not. In fact, when abortions were "illegal" it was only illegal for the poor because anyone that had money could easily ask around the country club where to get their precious teenage daughter an abortion if they wanted one.

All making abortions illegal does it bring more unwanted, poor babies into the world. And at worst it creates an entire subculture of women attempting abortions themselves that can cause serious injury or death.

Making abortion illegal is untenable. It's like making alcohol illegal. All it will do is bush it into the back alleys and more ugliness. And the truth is we are WAY past this debate. Pro-life, pro-choice.... doesn't matter. It's not going away.

If you want to debate the use of the DEAD fetus, AFTER the LEGAL abortion, we can debate that. It obviously sounds pretty gross, but so do most medical procedures for the uneducated (try listening to what exactly happens during a Cesarean section). Or opening up a skull with drills and saws to have brain surgery. And for the most part, once a fetus is dead, it makes no sense to not use it for research if it can help something out there.

What are we supposed to do with aborted fetuses exactly? What is acceptable to you? Trash can? Incinerate them?

About 65% of "abortions" happen before week 8. The fetus at week 8 is less than 1/2" long.

An additional 25% of abortions in this country are done between 8 and 12 weeks. A fetus at 12 weeks is 2" long. TWO ******* INCHES.

Remember that naturally over 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriages that happen between 6-12 weeks and HALF of those require a D&C (Dilation and Curettage), which is a extremely similar procedure to an abortion. Not sure what happens to those fetuses. I'm sure some are tested and some are used for science advancement.

This is just not that big a deal.

Look, I hate abortions. I hate the idea of abortions. But to make them illegal is wrong and will make things worse. Worse for women. Worse for unwanted children.

And I am on board with severely limiting 2nd trimester abortions except in extreme cases (health of the mother being the primary exception). Currently the % of abortions after week 13 is pretty small (less than 7%) but that is still too many. And I am completely open to that debate on how we can reduce that number (some argue having MORE abortion clinics would help this).

And it should be noted that the total number of abortions in this country is falling - steadily by a few % points a year over the past decade. That's a good thing.

We also have a lower or similar abortion rate to much of the civilized world: Canada, Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia, China and Austraila.

It just make no sense to think making abortions 100% illegal is an effective policy when it has NEVER worked in the history of mankind in any civilized society to really make things better. Women's rights are a HUGE step in a society's evolution and abortion freedoms that go with that are also a huge step.

What this issue is about it dead fetus matter and that debate is completely different than the debate on abortions.
...when Planned Parenthood allows ultra-sounds to be given to mothers prior to an abortion. They prohibit it.
You really should stop reading all the right-wing propaganda, or at least fact check some of it. It numbs the mind and is bad for the soul. Even a casual inquiry will tell you that this is simply not true. Most if not all abortions are precluded by an ultrasound, in some states mandated by law. The mother has a choice to view it or not, but the notion that PP prohibits ultrasounds is preposterous. They have it listed on their price list right on their webpage.

And by the way my personal belief is against abortion. I don't condone it at all. I have three children of my own, I believe in the sanctity of life. But I also believe equally that women should have a choice to do as they see fit. It is not my business, nor the government's business, to tell people what they cannot do. And the facts will show 97% of Planned Parenthood's activities have nothing to do with abortion, but provide women's health care, cancer screening and the like. The fact the right-wing religious zealots are escalating this "fight" against women and women's rights just goes to show how out of touch conservatives are. Nothing new here, of course. Same old, same old.
The democrat party stands for everything warped,perverted and ****** up. How anyone can defend the planned murderhood baby parts factory is beyond me.
Tibs ... thank you for posting that Elizabeth Warren video. Your post gave me definitive, irrefutable evidence that:

  • Elizabeth Warren is unable to muster the intellectual capacity to understand the issue.
  • That Elizabeth Warren believes that taking away taxpayer funding of a private company is "taking away a woman's right to control her body."
  • Tha Elizabeth Warren's argument is so idiotic in that regard that I am frankly shocked anyone would post it and believe it supports his position.
  • That Elizabeth Warren engages in strawman arguments because she is unable to respond to the actual issue at hand.
  • Planned Parenthood representatives are videotaped talking about selling fetal parts.
  • Planned Parenthood officials are caught on video talking about selling complete fetal cadavers.
  • Dismissing this as Warren does with a, "Pffft, who cares, I control my body" is not legitimate.
  • Let me give you an analogy. What if Planned Parenthood INSISTED on flying the Confederate flag at its facilities?
  • Would Democrats be willing to de-fund the clinic for that behavior, which has nothing to do with its actual function?
  • The undeniable facts are these: Planned Parenthood was caught doing something extremely unsettling and arguably illegal.
  • We should debate what they are doing, not devolve - as Warren does - into some idiotic rant about "controlling my body."
  • Finally, Elizabeth Warren is the least credible human being on earth. And Indian?!?!? SERIOUSLY???
And by the way my personal belief is against abortion. I don't condone it at all. I have three children of my own, I believe in the sanctity of life. But I also believe equally that women should have a choice to do as they see fit. It is not my business, nor the government's business, to tell people what they cannot do. And the facts will show 97% of Planned Parenthood's activities have nothing to do with abortion, but provide women's health care, cancer screening and the like. The fact the right-wing religious zealots are escalating this "fight" against women and women's rights just goes to show how out of touch conservatives are. Nothing new here, of course. Same old, same old.

No one is trying to outlaw abortion. They just don't want the government to pay for it.
Besides, I thought that's what we had BommaCare for anyway.
No one is trying to outlaw abortion. They just don't want the government to pay for it.

Great, then we can lock this thread, there's nothing to discuss further.

Laws prohibit federal government funds from paying for abortions.

Thirty-two states and the District of Columbia have Medicaid programs that will pay for abortions, although those health plans are barred from using federal dollars — and have to use the state's share of funding to pay for the procedure.

Title X often covers the same type of services as Medicaid, except for women who are not on the public program. One important difference: Title X funds are never available to be used for abortions, even in states where the Medicaid program covers the procedure.

Federal law expressly prohibits the use of Title X funds to pay for abortions — while abortion providers like Planned Parenthood can qualify for grants, the government requires that no federal dollars go toward the termination of pregnancies.

Planned Parenthood gets over $500 million annually in public funds. Here's where it goes.
Except you and I both know that they're working around that. Like they're not allowed to sell body parts so they "rent" space to the groups who do sell body parts.
Except you and I both know that they're working around that.
You may know that. I don't know that.

I find the reports and audits that have been published to be credible. Maybe you know of some case or have information to the contrary. I imagine if there was a misappropriation of funds at PP it would be headline news, given the organization has been under the microscope for decades.

How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

It's important to note that federal dollars are not used to provide the service at the center of the political debate around Planned Parenthood: abortions. That's been banned by law in almost all cases since 1976. (The details of the ban have shifted over time.) Instead, the organization uses money from other sources -- private donors and foundations as well as fees -- to fund its abortion services.

All told, abortions comprise about three percent of all the services Planned Parenthood provides, according to the organization's own data. (In 2011, FactCheck.org also examined this question and found the organization's reports to be accurate) The rest of the organization's revenue, including government dollars, are used to fund services in a way that breaks down like this:

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Most people here that are against Planned Parenthood have never walked into a Planned Parenthood office. They don't know what the **** they do.
Fact: Planned Parentood kills babies and harvests the bodies. You want an abortion, go see a Bommacare stooge or take the 86 pill.
Most people here that are against Planned Parenthood have never walked into a Planned Parenthood office. They don't know what the **** they do.

Have you walked into a Planned Parenthood office? Do you know what the **** they do? Were you aware of the following?

They are a not-for-profit organization...bidding baby parts to the highest bidders...to maximize profit. They've made over $700Million in profit in recent years.

After lobbying Hillary's State Department, they received $26Million in foreign aid money.

Planned Parenthood has seen an INCREASE in tax payer funding since 2007, during a time when businesses and families across the country have had to cut back spending.

“Under Cecile Richards’ tenure at Planned Parenthood, the number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood has gone up,” Yoest notes. “Other services like breast screenings have gone down.”

In a recent interview with Bound4LIFE, Dr. Michael New of Charlotte Lozier Institute backs up these statistics. “Most of Planned Parenthood’s revenue comes through performing abortions. Most people outside the pro-life movement don’t know that, because public campaigns by Planned Parenthood make disingenuous claims.”

To quote the AUL report: “Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers remain consistently high despite the fact that its reported overall patients substantially decreased.”

Planned Parenthood is not safe for women and young girls. Recent undercover footage released by Lila Rose’s Live Action shows Planned Parenthood employees in several states willing to aid and abet in acknowledged human s sex trafficking of girls as young as 14.

Planned Parenthood opposes commonsense measures to protect women and underage girls. Planned Parenthood fought vehemently against clinic regulations in Texas.

Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms and is not a significant primary care provider to women. Despite claims made by Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards and members of the media, Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms. They are also not a significant primary care provider in general. In recent reports, Planned Parenthood acknowledges that it provided primary care only to about 19,700 of its 3 million unduplicated clients. These services have been trending downward for years, from 21,247 in 2007 to 20,235 in 2008, to today’s 19,796.
So, 97% of what PP does can be obtained in any medical clinic in every city........except one. Let's not kid ourselves here.

I thought BommaCare was supposed to cover all that, including abortions? Especially abortions. WTF kind of Democrat would Bomma be if He wasn't paying for abortions?

Subtitled. Audio *NSFW* *NSFK*

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PP is an abortion mill. Just own it. What bothers me is people pretending like the other services they provide are not available anywhere else. Defund PP and it means women will die in the street, unable to get medical care because no other facilities offer STD or cancer screenings, or contraceptives. Nope, women are just turned away from hospitals, primary care physicians, outpatient clinics, urgent care clinics, Target, Walgreens, CVS, Walmart,

The Komen foundation cut ties with PP. I guess they hate women too now right?
And by the way my personal belief is against abortion. I don't condone it at all. I have three children of my own, I believe in the sanctity of life. But I also believe equally that women should have a choice to do as they see fit. It is not my business, nor the government's business, to tell people what they cannot do.

This is a ridiculous statement that so many pro-abortion people make. "I don't believe in killing babies, but it's none of my business if other people want to.". Face it, you either believe it's an ok thing to do or you don't. If you really believe in "the sanctity of life" you couldn't actually believe that ripping live babies into pieces without anesthesia is none of your business. Sorry, you can't have it both ways. It's a massive, hypocritical cop-out.
If you really believe in "the sanctity of life" you couldn't actually believe that ripping live babies into pieces without anesthesia is none of your business. Sorry, you can't have it both ways. It's a massive, hypocritical cop-out.

Most pro-lifers are equally hypocritical as they believe in the sanctity of life so long as the child's father wasn't a rapist or related to the mother, or the mother didn't face serious health complications related to the pregnancy.
Most pro-lifers are equally hypocritical as they believe in the sanctity of life so long as the child's father wasn't a rapist or related to the mother, or the mother didn't face serious health complications related to the pregnancy.

I don't believe in abortion then, either. The serious health complications argument is tired. It's 2015. I don't know what kinds of "serious health issues" would be associated with today's pregnancies, but I am willing to bet that it's NOT a common occurrence.
The Komen foundation cut ties with PP. I guess they hate women too now right?

The Komen Foundation has enough problems of their own without looking like they're attached to PP. I'm thinking in five years or less they're toast and the leadership is in jail.
Most pro-lifers are equally hypocritical as they believe in the sanctity of life so long as the child's father wasn't a rapist or related to the mother, or the mother didn't face serious health complications related to the pregnancy.

No, they believe in weighing the mother's life equally with the baby's. Unlike weighing the baby's life against convenience, finances or personal preference.
Most pro-lifers are equally hypocritical as they believe in the sanctity of life so long as the child's father wasn't a rapist or related to the mother, or the mother didn't face serious health complications related to the pregnancy.

So now being a Moderate is bad?
No, they believe in weighing the mother's life equally with the baby's. Unlike weighing the baby's life against convenience, finances or personal preference.

What about rape or incest? That's not the mothers life, it's her terrible inconvenience.

The sanctity of life comes with limitations and exceptions, and not just for pro-choicers.
So now being a Moderate is bad?

How does one apply moderation to the sanctity of life?

It's not the baby's fault it's dad was a rapist, and yet somehow the sanctity of its life doesn't matter?