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Political scandals linger as Philly readies for convention


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Apr 20, 2014
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Hillary will be right at home in Philly!

Philadelphia is ready for the Democratic National Convention.

Tougher to clean up and shine, however, is the state’s political image, tarnished by recent political corruption cases that have implicated many Democrats across the state.


—In June, a longtime Philadelphia congressman, Chaka Fattah, was convicted of laundering federal grants and nonprofit funds to repay an illegal $1 million campaign loan and help family and friends.

—Last year, former state Treasurer Rob McCord left office and pleaded guilty to attempted extortion in a campaign fundraising scandal.

—Attorney General Kathleen Kane is awaiting trial on charges that she unlawfully leaked secret grand jury material to a newspaper and then lied about it under oath.

And those are just the high profile cases.

The former sheriff of Philadelphia has been charged with conspiracy; traffic judges have been convicted of ticket-fixing; state lawmakers have admitted taking bribes.

Funny thing is, the only protesters at the Dem convention will be Bernie's people because the Republicans all have jobs to go to.
RIOT! Bernie-bots RIOT!


Protesters prepare to flood Philadelphia for convention

Tens of thousands of protesters from across the country are descending on the Democratic National Convention, preparing to test months of planning by law enforcement officials.

Philadelphia Mayor James Kenney’s office estimates that up to 50,000 protesters will be in the city per day, with many in FDR Park — directly across the street from the Wells Fargo Center.

Much of the action will come from fervent supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who argue it’s not too late for the senator to grab the presidential nomination from Hillary Clinton at the 11th hour. “We can still win this,” said Billy Taylor, who is organizing pro-Sanders protests around the convention.

“We’re not going to vote for the demon named Hillary. … We stand with the honorable man. We’re not standing with the Democrats.”

According to a list of approved protest permits from the Philadelphia mayor’s office, Sanders supporters — including Occupy DNC and Black Men for Bernie — have events planned for each day of the convention.

Taylor said supporters of his organization — Philly.FYI — are planning to occupy and potentially camp in FDR Park throughout the week.

There will be no shortage of theatrics as activists, many of whom vow to never support Clinton, gather outside of the convention.

Taylor said they will deliver a coffin carrying voter “de-registration” petitions to the convention Thursday.

“It’s a sign that the party’s dead to us,” he said, noting the coffin will be at FDR Park throughout the week.

Wasserman is out a day before the start of the convention. You can't make this **** up. Freakin' hilarious!
Wasserman is out a day before the start of the convention. You can't make this **** up. Freakin' hilarious!


BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Brings Disgraced DNC Chair Onto Her Campaign

July 24, 2016

Mere hours after Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned as chair of the DNC, Hillary Clinton has already given her a high ranking position in her campaign.

Schultz resigned after Wikileaks released emails that showed her team showed a clear bias for Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primaries, with DNC CFO Brad Marshall going so far as to suggest attacking his faith in Bible belt states Kentucky and West Virginia.

In an official statement, Clinton praised Wasserman Schultz without mentioning the email scandal, commending her “hard work and leadership.” Wasserman Schultz’s new job will be to act as honorary chairman of the Clinton campaign’s “50-state” program



Nothing like a big slap in the face to Bernie Supporters right before the start


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DWS being booed at convention right now

The convention isn't going to be all bad. Have you seen the agenda?


Democrat Convention Schedule

Monday, 25 July 2016
11:30 AM
Free lunch, medical marijuana, and bus ride to the Convention.
Forms distributed for Food Stamp enrollment.

2:30 PM
Group Voter Registration for Undocumented Immigrants.


5:00 PM

Opening Flag Burning Ceremony
Sponsored by CNN


Tuesday, 26 July 2016
9:00 AM
Address on “Being the Real You”
Rachel Dolezal, former Head of the Seattle NAACP


10:30 PM

“How to Bank $200 Million as a
public Servant and claim to be broke”
Hillary Clinton

2:00 PM
“How to have a successful career
without ever having a job, and
still avoid paying taxes!
A Seminar Moderated by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson


5:00 PM
Medals of Freedom presentation to
Army deserter Bo Berghdal
Baltimore Looters

Wednesday, 27 July 2016
8:30 AM
Invitation-only Autograph Session
Souvenir photographs of Hillary and
Chelsea dodging Sniper Fire in Bosnia


9:00 AM
Tribute to All of the 57 States
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

9:30 AM
General vote on praising Baltimore rioters,
and on using the terminology
“Alternative Shoppers” instead of “Looters”


11:00 AM
The White House “Semantics Committee” Meeting
General vote on re-branding “Muslim Terrorism” as
“Random Acts of Islamic Over-Exuberance”

1:00 PM
“Liberal Bias in Media – How we can make it work for you”
Tutorial sponsored by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, PBS,
the Washington Post and the New York Times
with Guest Speaker, Brian Williams


3:00 PM
Tribute Film to the Brave Freedom Fighters
still incarcerated at GITMO
Michael Moore

5:00 PM
Personal Finance Seminar –
“Businesses Don’t Create Jobs”
Hillary Clinton

Thursday, 28 July 2016
9:00 AM
Group Condemnation of Bitter Gun Owners.

9:30 AM
Ceremonial “We Surrender” Waving of the
White Flag to Afghanistan, Russia, and ISIS.

10:00 AM
Short film, “Setting Up Your Own Illegal
Email Server While Serving in A
Cabinet Post and How to Pretend
It’s No Big Deal”

Hosted by Hillary Clinton


11:00 AM
Announcement of VP Nominee
Chris Stevens, with a quick rebuttal and
withdrawal when Hillary realizes he’s
someone she got killed in Benghazi

11:30 AM

Official Nomination of Hillary
Bill Maher and Chris Matthews


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Sanders being disenfranchised will hurt as something like 22% of his base will NEVER vote for Hillary. Now that a scandal has broken out where the DNC is guilty to dirty tricks and foul play. The never Hillary crowd among requested Democrats can go higher than 22%. With Trump in the lead, this could be the watershed moment of the 2016 election.

The other problem is Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Most of the USA is not aware of who she is, and she isn't very impressive live.

Berning with anger, protesters take to Philly streets ahead of Dem convention



Mad at the Democratic establishment and an electoral process many protesters called "rigged," thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in support of fighting the Democratic Party's presumptive nominee.

"I am angry, I'm angry at the Democratic establishment," said Corey Collier, an organizer for activist umbrella organization Philly.FYI. The motivation for the march, he said, was "watching democracy be blatantly undermined in our faces."

They chanted: "Hell no, DNC, we won't vote for Hillary" and "This is what democracy looks like."

Sanders being disenfranchised will hurt as something like 22% of his base will NEVER vote for Hillary. Now that a scandal has broken out where the DNC is guilty to dirty tricks and foul play. The never Hillary crowd among requested Democrats can go higher than 22%. With Trump in the lead, this could be the watershed moment of the 2016 election.

The other problem is Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Most of the USA is not aware of who she is, and she isn't very impressive live.
I don't think many Bernie-bots will vote for Trump but they will stay home.
Go Bernie!




Just like Trump's been saying
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Over at huffpo many are claiming that Republican infiltraters are causing the disruption. Haha. Idiots.
20,000 people were matching in 100+ degree heat.

Boos at the convention.

The DNC true colors are revealed. Dirty tricks. Trying to use Sanders ethnicity against him. Cracking gay jokes. Rigging the game. Oh, they'll take your money than laugh at you in what they thought was a private setting.

The Bill Maher's of the media should pounce on this disgrace...but they won't.

Progressives and liberals should be outraged! Your vote doesn't count, and your party will never let a non- corrupted person with liberal views become the party nominee for President.

I suggest you form your own party, just like Canada did, which has two separate Democratic parties.
Over at huffpo many are claiming that Republican infiltraters are causing the disruption. Haha. Idiots.

We all have jobs to go to and don't have time for that stuff.