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Problem. *******. Solved

ark steel

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score

Want to make a wild, fantastical guess as to whether the 'solution' involves yet another tax.

I wonder if these ***** would realize that a more effective and less regulation intensive measure might be to lower corporate taxes here to a point where it won't benefit the corporation to move. Hey, maybe, it would cause companies in other countries to move HERE. I mean, the actions of the corporations should make it obvious that they are moving in order to pay lower taxes. Seeps proof positive that they would move here if our taxes were lower.

****, if they moved HERE, maybe jobs would move here too?!!! This kind of talk is crazy, I know.
she's "deeply concerned", ark, you racist womanizing hating *******!
I wonder if these ***** would realize that a more effective and less regulation intensive measure might be to lower corporate taxes here to a point where it won't benefit the corporation to move. Hey, maybe, it would cause companies in other countries to move HERE. I mean, the actions of the corporations should make it obvious that they are moving in order to pay lower taxes. Seeps proof positive that they would move here if our taxes were lower.

****, if they moved HERE, maybe jobs would move here too?!!! This kind of talk is crazy, I know.

It would be a race to the bottom, you union-busting selfish capitalist *******. Why do you hate the "working people"?
Truth is 1) it would never pass and 2) if it did it wouldn't matter because companies would find loopholes around it (I can think of one already and I didn't even go to law school) then just import their stuff anyway thanks to trade agreements signed by Slick and Bomma and the government wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
...yet another tax.

I doubt that even a few remember that it was a small tax on tea in addition to a standing tax on sugar that set off our revolution. Now we vilify those who align themselves with, oh horrors, the "Tea Party" as "tea baggers" and much worse.

Have you ever seen the things these people espouse?

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.

12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.

They're barking moonbats, I tell you. Its almost like they said 'any politician that proposes another tax needs to be shot after torture'. Which is about what would have happened at the hands of our forebears to the cabal that runs Washington today.

A gubmint that spends $4T (that's 'trillion') a year for any reason, much less lacking the receipts to cover, is a criminal enterprise.


Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy. - Winston Churchill​
I doubt that even a few remember that it was a small tax on tea in addition to a standing tax on sugar that set off our revolution. Now we vilify those who align themselves with, oh horrors, the "Tea Party" as "tea baggers" and much worse.

Have you ever seen the things these people espouse?

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.

12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.

They're barking moonbats, I tell you. Its almost like they said 'any politician that proposes another tax needs to be shot after torture'. Which is about what would have happened at the hands of our forebears to the cabal that runs Washington today.

A gubmint that spends $4T (that's 'trillion') a year for any reason, much less lacking the receipts to cover, is a criminal enterprise.


Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy. - Winston Churchill​

I have said it many times Washington would already be leading troops in the field. Basic economic knowledge is severely lacking these days. If it wasn't people would realize the folly of attempting to tax nation into prosperity.
I have said it many times Washington would already be leading troops in the field. Basic economic knowledge is severely lacking these days. If it wasn't people would realize the folly of attempting to tax nation into prosperity.

But there are people out there who have too much money and I will feel better if the government takes it from them. -- my ex-wife's mother.
But there are people out there who have too much money and I will feel better if the government takes it from them. -- my ex-wife's mother.

and from ark.
and from ark.

Funny thing was, in the next breath she'd rail about "the lazy bums on welfare". It wasn't like she was about take the rich peoples' money and give it to me, it was just about the govt should take their money because they have "too much". Envy is not a healthy attitude to go through life with.
Funny thing was, in the next breath she'd rail about "the lazy bums on welfare". It wasn't like she was about take the rich peoples' money and give it to me, it was just about the govt should take their money because they have "too much". Envy is not a healthy attitude to go through life with.

That's a true observation. I have never gotten an explaination of how giving more money to government Daleks will improve the average Joes lot in life.
My favorite part is the idea that she's going to use the money "to boost manufacturing jobs". Really? How does that work? What has the federal government done to "boost manufacturing jobs", ever?

Gotta love this little nugget:

Under current rules, U.S. companies can reincorporate abroad if they acquire a foreign company and transfer more than 20 percent of their shares to foreign owners. The Obama administration has proposed raising that threshold to more than 50 percent.

So basically , we offer a tax incentive for making sure companies are at least half foreign owned. That ought to grow the US economy! Can they really be this stupid?
My favorite part is the idea that she's going to use the money "to boost manufacturing jobs". Really? How does that work? What has the federal government done to "boost manufacturing jobs", ever?

Gotta love this little nugget:

So basically , we offer a tax incentive for making sure companies are at least half foreign owned. That ought to grow the US economy! Can they really be this stupid?

I'm amazed that people still believe that politicians can "create" jobs.
DBS is racist.

this is true. i've never seen someone hate with such recklessness. young, old, black, white, brown, yellow, male, female, shemale. ****** just hates.
The US government is the biggest jobs creator in world history. Military spending alone has created numerous commercial products: computers, microwave ovens, the internet, etc...

How large would the Pittsburgh economy be if there were no bridges. Corporations don't build bridges.
The US government is the biggest jobs creator in world history. Military spending alone has created numerous commercial products: computers, microwave ovens, the internet, etc...

How large would the Pittsburgh economy be if there were no bridges. Corporations don't build bridges.

The US government is the biggest jobs creator in world history. Military spending alone has created numerous commercial products: computers, microwave ovens, the internet, etc...

How large would the Pittsburgh economy be if there were no bridges. Corporations don't build bridges.

Corporations are not involved in building the bridges? The engineering, design and physical construction are all done by government employees? I hope the government is, instead, hiring experts in the field to do this ****.

In any event, I guess, you may not know where the government gets their money?
The US government is the biggest jobs creator in world history.

And public employees never want to leave those jobs for the private sector, lest they lose every imaginable holiday off and their unheard of benefits.
Corporations are not involved in building the bridges? The engineering, design and physical construction are all done by government employees? I hope the government is, instead, hiring experts in the field to do this ****.

In any event, I guess, you may not know where the government gets their money?

